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Chapter 501 Paying for the Mistakes Made

In the office, the atmosphere became quiet.

For David Gross, although what Xu Chuan said made sense from a personal point of view, it completely failed to meet CERN's expectations.

In other words, it cannot meet the expectations of the member states behind CERN.

Especially the United States, which is more eager to achieve a breakthrough in controllable nuclear fusion technology.

After all, the emergence of controllable nuclear fusion technology has broken the fragile order that the international community has barely maintained.

You must know that energy is a prerequisite for the development of society and science and technology for human civilization, or for any civilization.

Throughout ancient and modern times, all activities in human society are inseparable from energy. From food, clothing, housing, transportation, to culture and entertainment, a certain amount of energy is consumed directly or indirectly.

It is an important material basis for human survival and development, the driving force for human social and economic development, and one of the pillars of modern human civilization.

Energy is equivalent to the blood of civilization, which drives the pace of civilization. The more modern cities are, the more dependent they are on energy.

But this prerequisite has now been broken.

For a country, or a civilization, if the energy problem is solved, it can be said that all conflicts arising from insufficient productivity will be solved.

The realization of controllable nuclear fusion is bringing about such changes.

In this field, if the United States, which has always regarded itself as the leader of the world's police force, cannot keep up in a short period of time, its status will inevitably decline.

But for the United States, this is an unacceptable change.

Therefore, compared with the EU, the United States is more eager to make breakthroughs in controllable nuclear fusion technology in order to continue to maintain its position.

This time, the CERN Council’s transaction undoubtedly had the involvement of the United States.

Of course, other CERN member states also hope to obtain high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting material technology, or a batch of materials, from China.

After thinking for a while, David Gross expressed this idea.

"Exchange a batch of high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials?" Xu Chuan asked.

President Gross nodded and said: "Yes, if we can obtain a batch of high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials, I will be more confident in convincing the council."

"Of course, apart from technology transactions, CERN can purchase this batch of superconducting materials by paying some additional funds."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan started to think.

CERN hopes to obtain a batch of high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials, which is probably the final bottom line of this exchange.

As for the purpose for which they need this batch of superconducting materials, it is naturally related to controllable nuclear fusion technology.

Both sides knew this, but they just didn't say it out loud.

After thinking for a while, he felt that this condition was not unfeasible.

For controllable nuclear fusion technology, superconductors with high critical magnetic fields are necessary materials, but there are no alternatives.

High-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials have advantages in magnetic field strength, but there are also some low-temperature superconducting materials that can achieve this level of magnetic field strength.

It's just that there are differences in thermal conductivity, critical current density, superimposed magnetic field, etc.

If we expand the core fusion reactor and control the superimposed magnetic field, it is possible to achieve subtractive plasma.

He is not worried that the EU will be able to make a breakthrough in controllable nuclear fusion technology after obtaining this batch of materials, because there are two other key factors restricting it.

One is a mathematical model of high-temperature plasma turbulence, which is the key to constraining the operation of plasma inside the fusion reactor.

The other is the first wall material, which is even more difficult to handle.

If there is hope that a mathematical model of high-temperature plasma turbulence can be achieved by combining the capabilities of the top mathematicians in the EU, the first wall material is extremely difficult and will not be possible in a short time.

You must know that the material for the first wall was just a matter of luck.

Without leaking the core material manufacturing technology, even if you get the raw materials and want to reverse engineer them, it will be difficult to do so.

Therefore, it is not impossible to trade a batch of high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite materials to CERN.

Moreover, the technology mastered by CERN is not dispensable as he said.

Among other things, he needs the high-energy and particle detector reserve technology that CERN has in hand.

Because this technology involves the observation of dark matter.

In his previous life, he observed dark matter through the high-brightness LC-LHC collider, and the construction of the high-brightness LC-LHC collider will be in 2025. This is enough to show that CERN now has the corresponding high-energy and particle detectors in hand.

Reserve technology.

There is no doubt that this is what he and China need.

It's just that when buying and selling, you can't reveal your intentions. Just like buying something on an antique street, it's best not to focus on the thing you want as the first target of your inquiry.

If CERN knew that they had something they urgently needed, they would definitely raise the price.

But now, it is worthwhile to trade a batch of high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials in exchange for the high-energy and particle detector reserve technology mastered by CERN.

After confirming that the deal could be concluded, the chairman of CERN also relaxed a lot.

Although he will step down as chairman of CERN in the second half of this year and his term of office is up, he does care about physics. During his tenure, he not only promoted China to join CERN as a member country, but also paved the way for the subsequent cooperation between CERN and China.

cooperation laid the foundation.


After initially settling the cooperation with CERN and sending David Gross and Edward Witten away, Xu Chuan returned to the office.

"Tang Ran, here is a list of books and papers, please go and buy them."

In the office, Xu Chuan called his assistant and handed over the paper torn from his notebook. On it was the list of book names and papers he had listed.

After handling the report meeting and matters at CERN, now it was time to deal with his own mistakes.

He made a mistake by introducing the undisclosed small polaron theory of strong electron-phonon interaction systems in his paper on the unified framework of strongly correlated electron systems.

Maybe to others this is nothing, but to him, this is a mistake that shouldn't be made.

Because scientific research must always be rigorous, even if the small polaron theory of the strong electron-phonon interaction system was his own work, he should not make such elementary mistakes.

And if you make a mistake, you will naturally have to accept punishment.

When he used to teach students, if the students made mistakes or failed to meet the target requirements, one of the punishment methods was to make a list of books, stipulate that they should be read within a certain time, and then be assessed again.

He himself is no exception.

Perhaps reading is not a punishment for him, but there is no doubt that reading the prescribed books within the prescribed time requires him to devote all his free time to it.

And the subsequent assessment is not so easy to pass.

Tang Ran took the paper and glanced curiously. The clean and tidy paper was densely covered with various books including "". There were two or three books per line, and this piece of paper was almost completely filled with writing.

A rough estimate suggests that the number of books may be dozens or even hundreds.

Although he was a little surprised as to why he suddenly bought so many books, Tang Ran didn't ask any more questions and just said: "Professor, after buying these books, will they be sent to the office or to your villa?"

Xu Chuan thought for a moment and said: "One third will be sent to the villa, one third will be sent to the office here, and the remaining one third will be sent to the Xinghai Research Institute."

The rest of his time will be more or less like this.

Tang Ran nodded: "Is there any plan? For example, which part will be sent to the villa and which part will be sent to the office?"

Xu Chuan: "Follow the order of the form."

After a pause, he looked at Tang Ran, and his eyes fell on her weak arms. After thinking for a while, he said: "I'm afraid you and Lu Ling can't even move so many books and papers. Find it."

Two gay men, please help move it."

It would be great if the school assigned him a male assistant, and he could just leave this matter to the male assistant.

That's the disadvantage of having all female assistants. In daily work, if you encounter such a job that requires physical labor, it will be almost difficult for lesbians to do it.

Tang Ran smiled and said, "Don't worry, Professor, I will take care of it."

Xu Chuan nodded, without thinking much, and left the office after handing over the work of purchasing books and papers to his assistant.

The report meeting on 'Unified Framework Theory of Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems' came to a successful conclusion. After solving the cooperation with CERN by the way, he finally had time to go to the Sichuan-Hai Institute of Materials Research.

Over there, the test results of improved superconducting materials are still waiting for him.


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