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Chapter 503: Exploration and Research on Miniaturized Fusion Reactors

With the detailed production information of the improved superconductor, Xu Chuan quickly rushed to the Xinghai Research Institute.

Wen Yuanhang, who was dealing with daily affairs in the office, was obviously stunned when he saw him appear, and his eyes revealed his confusion as to why you were here.

After all, according to his understanding, shouldn't this person be still busy at NTU reporting on conference-related matters?

But he quickly reacted, with a gentle smile on his face, put down the pen in his hand and stood up to make tea.

"Why does Academician Xu have time to come here today?"

Wen Yuanhang asked with a smile while taking out the treasured tea leaves from the drawer.

In fact, since the establishment of Xinghai Research Institute, except for the initial period when this person came over to arrange some related research work and goals, he has rarely appeared here since then.

Although it is not clear what this person is researching, given his level, no one in the entire Xinghai Research Institute dares to ask.

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "The research over there is finished, and it's time to start the development of manned spaceflight and lunar exploration projects."

Wen Yuanhang brought over a cup of tea and said with a smile: "Congratulations to Academician Xu for solving two more world-class problems."

As the administrative staff arranged by the above to assist the Xinghai Research Institute in its scientific research work, his focus is naturally on Xu Chuan, and he is naturally very clear about this person's research and trends.

Xu Chuan smiled and shook his head, saying: "Speaking of which, how is the work progressing in the various departments at Xinghai Research Institute?"

Wen Yuanhang: "Currently, all departments are conducting research step by step. The Energy Research Institute is mainly focusing on second-generation tritium-helium tritium controlled nuclear fusion and miniaturized fusion routes, as well as some battery fields."

"The main research direction of the Aerospace Research Institute is the 'aerospace engine' that you proposed when you were young, and the relevant structural diagrams are currently being designed."

"Information and materials over there..."

To make a simple report on the work of the four departments of Xinghai Research Institute, Wen Yuanhang smiled and said: "These have brief records and will be sent to you later. You can see what needs to be changed."

After a slight pause, he suddenly remembered something, and then said: "Oh, by the way, there is one more thing."

Xu Chuan: "What's wrong?"

Wen Yuanhang smiled and said: "The Energy Research Institute built a small controllable nuclear fusion reactor based on the research data you left behind. It was completed this month and is being debugged and tested. Do you want to go and take a look?

Can you give me some guidance?"

Hearing this, Xu Chuan was a little surprised and asked curiously: "Is it so fast?"

Although the construction of a miniaturized and controllable nuclear fusion device was the work he planned to do, the speed of its production was a bit beyond his expectations.

Xinghai Research Institute was established around October last year, and it has been less than five months since it was fully established. After deducting the time spent on preliminary preparations and the like, the actual work will probably only take about three months.

It took three months to build a small nuclear fusion reactor. The efficiency is quite high.

Wen Yuanhang nodded and said with a smile: "It's mainly because of the foundation you laid before. They directly scaled down and adjusted the design according to the Dawn Demonstration Reactor. And most of the related materials and spare parts have corresponding manufacturers.

It was produced at the fastest speed, so it could be completed in such a short time.”

Xu Chuan said with interest: "Let's go, take me to see it."


On the other side, in the core laboratory of the Energy Research Institute.

Liang Quzheng, the head of the Energy Research Institute, and several core researchers were squatting in the core laboratory, discussing and communicating together.

Although Xinghai Research Institute was established at Xu Chuan's suggestion, it does not mean that things cannot be done without Xu Chuan.

With the leadership of each of the four major departments and the assistance of Wen Yuanhang, the work that had been arranged earlier was still proceeding in an orderly manner even if Xu Chuan was absent in the past few months.

Including this small controllable nuclear fusion reactor in the core laboratory that is undergoing final assembly and debugging.

Wearing a safety helmet, the person in charge of the nuclear industry group held a walkie-talkie in his generous palm and was concentrating on directing the installation operation.

Liang Qu, the head of the Energy Research Institute, also wore a safety helmet and stood aside, looking up at the water-cooled divertor accessories that were being slowly lifted and transported by a crane.

This is the result of the Xinghai Research Institute in recent months. It is a scaled-down core reactor that has been optimized to the full size of the Dawn Fusion Reactor.

The fusion reactor in front of us is said to be small, but in fact it is only a relative term.

Because this miniaturized controllable nuclear fusion reactor is about five meters long, wide and high.

Although compared with the huge size of the Daybreak Demonstration Reactor, which is nearly 25 meters high, it is indeed miniaturized. However, a reactor of this size cannot be packed into a space shuttle.

The purpose of creating it is just to conduct research in the laboratory, hoping to find a way to continue to shrink it.

After all, there are no pioneers to guide them on the road to miniaturization of controllable nuclear fusion reactors.

Everything requires their own efforts and exploration.

"Speaking of which, I remember that there seems to be a fusion reactor over there in the United States that is smaller than yours, right?"

Looking at the equipment that was assembling the water-cooled divertor, Professor Wang Xinghuai, the general manager of the Nuclear Industry Group, glanced at Liang Qu, the general manager of the Energy Research Institute, and asked curiously.

Liang Qu thought for a moment and replied: "Are you talking about the Alcatel C-Mod compact fusion reactor? That one is indeed smaller than this one, with a height of only 3.2 meters and a length and width of only about four meters."

Hearing this, Wang Xinghuai became even more curious: "Then why is this thing you designed so big? The height is more than five meters, can't it be made smaller?"

Liang Qu shook his head and said, "It's difficult."

"Although it can be done in theory, it is basically impossible in practice. The fusion power density per unit volume of the Tokamak fusion reactor is proportional to the fourth power of the magnetic field strength. Although the fusion reactor of this volume is not the limit, you have to consider

Other questions."

"As for the Alcatel C-Mod compact fusion reactor, to be honest, it's not that I look down on it now. The biggest achievement it has achieved so far is just a plasma intensity record of two atmospheres."

"And it was run using helium-3 and hydrogen as simulation materials."

"In the process of fusion of real raw materials of deuterium and tritium, we encounter many more problems than helium-3 and hydrogen. The strong energy generated by the fusion of deuterium and tritium alone is a huge pressure for control."

"So currently we can only build a smaller one to conduct experiments and collect relevant data."

When he said this, Liang Qu's tone was full of pride and pride.

After all, China was the first to achieve controllable nuclear fusion.

They have all completed commercial use, while the United States, which was originally leading, is still conducting simulation experiments on hydrogen and helium three.

The gap between them is not that big.

They have achieved overtaking, leaving their originally leading competitors far behind.

Wang Xinghuai nodded, seeming to understand but not quite. After all, he was not a professional in the field of controlled nuclear fusion.

However, he could still hear the pride in Liang Qu's words.

Of course, no matter who comes, there will be this pride.

"Speaking of which, it seems like Academician Xu hasn't been here for a while, right?"

When talking about controllable nuclear fusion, Wang Xinghuai naturally thought of the scholar who led them to realize this great technology, or it would be more appropriate to call him a 'great man'.

Liang Qu nodded: "Well, it has indeed been a few months, but he is also busy with his own research. He even held a report two days ago and solved a top problem in the physics world."

Speaking of which, he felt a little nostalgic for those days when he was busy day and night.

During that time, although it was very tiring and hard, it was also extremely fulfilling.

At this moment, a smiling voice sounded in their ears.

"What are you talking about?"

Hearing the sound, Liang Qu and Wang Xinghuai woke up one after another. They looked up and said that Cao Cao was about to arrive. The figure walking over was the person they were talking about just now.

"Academician Xu."

"Academician Xu, when did you come?"

Seeing the visitor, Liang Qu, Wang Xinghuai, and several other core researchers standing nearby said hello.

Xu Chuan smiled and nodded, greeted these people, and looked at the small controllable nuclear fusion reactor behind them.

After sizing up this small controllable nuclear fusion reactor, he smiled and said, "It seems that you have made quite a breakthrough during my absence."

In his original expectation, this miniaturized fusion device might not be completed until April. Unexpectedly, it was only the end of February and it was already close to completion.

Although this is only a preliminary experimental reactor, it is enough to show that Xinghai Research Institute did not slow down or relax during his absence.

Liang Qu said with a smile: "It's just a scaled down version of the Daybreak Fusion Reactor. It's an experimental reactor, so it's not a breakthrough."

Xu Chuan smiled and asked: "When can the preliminary test be started?"

Wang Xinghuai, who was in charge of the construction, did some calculations and said: "According to the current progress, it will take four days to start the first round of testing."

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "Thank you for your hard work. I will celebrate your success after the completion."

Hearing this, a trace of joy flashed across the faces of everyone present.

With this big boss asking for credit for their application, this year's bonuses and performance will definitely be in order.

Although many scientific researchers still have dreams in their hearts, why do they work overtime?

Isn't it just for those few taels of silver to make myself and my family live a better life?


PS: To make up for yesterday’s second chapter, there will be more tonight, please vote for me

This chapter has been completed!
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