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Chapter 512: This is really a nice thing to say...

The leisurely days passed like this for more than half a month.

These days, Xu Chuan basically travels back and forth between Nanda University, Xinghai Research Institute and the villa at the foot of Purple Mountain. The scope of his activities is basically fixed.

He thought that the top management would release the news about miniaturized and controllable nuclear fusion soon, but as a result, there has been no news since the old man returned.

So much so that he was holding back the corresponding papers he had written.

Although he was not very clear about what the above thought, Xu Chuan did not pay much attention to these things. After leaving the task of keeping an eye on relevant media such as "Nuclear Industry Times" and "Hua Xin News" to his assistant, he

I no longer care about this matter.

At NTU, after finishing a mathematics class, Xu Chuan returned to the office. As soon as he took a drink of water, his assistant Tang Ran came over.

"Professor, Mr. Zeng Yuqun, the chairman of CATL, would like to meet with you."

Xu Chuan: "President of CATL?"

Tang Ran nodded and said, "Well, he arrived not long after you went to class. If it's inconvenient, I'll refuse him here."

Xu Chuan was a little curious: "What did he want from me? Did he tell me?"

The only time he interacted with CATL was the patent authorization of the artificial SEI film for lithium batteries. CATL obtained both domestic and international authorizations from him at the price of 300 million meters of gold.

Apart from that, it can be said that he has no communication with the other party.

Tang Ran: "From what Mr. Zeng Yuqun said, it should be related to the patent of Sichuan Hai Materials Research Institute under your name. He said he wanted to cooperate with you."

Xu Chuan thought for a moment and said: "Since I'm here, let's meet him."

If he remembers correctly, CATL seems to only make batteries and battery-related products, right?

Of course, it's possible that he doesn't know much about it. After all, it seems unrealistic for a Fortune 500 company to only make batteries.

However, he basically didn't care about this kind of thing. What he was curious about was what Chairman Zeng wanted to do with him.

It seems that except for the artificial SEI film, the patents of the Chuanhai Institute of Materials are not related to batteries and are worthy of a visit from the chairman of a Fortune 500 company.

Tang Ran nodded and said, "Okay, I'll invite him over right now."


At the same time, on the other side, in the reception room of Nanda University, Zeng Yuqun, who was sitting on the sofa, took a deep breath consciously and looked at the door of the reception room with nervous anticipation and apprehension.

For him, today's meeting is undoubtedly very important.

To be honest, he hasn't been in such a nervous and anxious mood for a long time. If he wanted to recall, the last time he had it was probably at the Science and Technology Conference a few years ago, where he had a few words of conversation.

His mood at that time was probably similar to what it is now, nervous yet expectant, apprehensive yet hopeful.

If we can successfully meet that scholar this time, it may completely change the fate of the Ningde era.

On the wave of the times, as long as you board the big ship that controls the direction of the wave, you will undoubtedly be able to extend your destiny to the future and see the more distant world.

You might even be able to fly into the sky with this.

At this moment, the glass door of the reception room was pushed open, and he immediately looked over, with expectation in his eyes.

Tang Ran nodded and said, "Professor, he agreed, please come with me."

Hearing this, surprise burst out in Zeng Yuqun's eyes. He quickly stood up and said, "Thank you, Assistant Tang. I'm sorry for the trouble."

Although the other party's identity is just an assistant, he is far from worthy of being so polite under normal circumstances. But the identity of the assistant is completely different from the person he is following.

Just like the young woman in front of her, her status and status have naturally improved countless times following the great scholar who is destined to be famous in textbooks all over the world.

"You're welcome, this is the job I should do." Tang Ran replied, took him to the door of the office, and knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

Soon, a young voice came from inside.

Hearing this, Zeng Yuqun stood at the door and stretched out his hand to gently adjust his tie, took a deep breath, and followed Tang Ran into the office.

"Hello, Academician Xu, it's a great honor to meet you today."

Looking at the figure sitting on the sofa waiting for him, Zeng Yuqun walked up quickly, with a hearty smile and respect on his face and said.

Xu Chuan smiled and shook hands with the CEO of CATL: "Hello, Mr. Zeng."

After a few words of greeting, Tang Ran poured tea for the two of them, then turned and left the office, closing the door behind him.

Xu Chuan picked up the tea cup and took a sip, and then said with a smile: "Why is a big entrepreneur like Mr. Zeng free to come to my place today?"

Zeng Yuqun smiled and said: "Compared with Academician Xu's research, this work in the Ningde era is nothing. Your name is destined to shine in the long river of civilization and be praised and remembered by the world."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan smiled sheepishly, what he said... was really nice.

Smiling, he began to compliment each other on business: "If the Fortune 500 companies don't count, then there are very few companies in the world that count."

Zeng Yuqun smiled and said: "Although Ningde era's revenue is not bad, the actual profit is really not high. Making batteries is too difficult. It is caught between raw materials and application companies, and the profits are basically taken by upstream and downstream companies. If we leave, we will just earn some hard money."

After a pause, he continued: "To be honest, I came here today mainly because I wanted to expand the scope of cooperation with the Sichuan-Hai Materials Research Institute under your name, Academician Xu."

Xu Chuan: “Expand the scope of cooperation?”

Zeng Yuqun nodded and said: "I heard that the Chuanhai Institute of Materials developed a new technology for synthesizing high-quality graphene some time ago. It just so happened that CATL was also researching graphene batteries, and there was a demand for high-quality graphene. The quantity is huge…”

Xu Chuan: “So Zeng always wanted to purchase high-quality graphene from Sichuan-Hai Materials Research Institute?”

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Zeng Yuqun shook his head and smiled: "I think we can cooperate further."

Xu Chuan: “Do you want to license the patented technology?”

Zeng Yuqun said with a smile: "CATL has the production qualifications for graphene. I want to further cooperate with Academician Xu. Chuanhai Research Institute will take shares through technology and patents, and CATL will produce, sell, and pay related dividends."


To be honest, as a capitalist, if you want to obtain the maximum benefit, then buying out the patent authorization and exclusive license for patent implementation are the most cost-effective.

But Zeng Yuqun knew that judging from Academician Xu's behavior, this was almost impossible.

He probably will not allow such monopolistic patent authorization, as can be seen from the last artificial SEI film patent authorization.

Of course, rather than getting the graphene patent from Academician Xu, he hoped to take this opportunity to connect with him.

What is certain is that as the father of controllable nuclear fusion and winner of the Nobel Prize Fields Medal, the man in front of him is definitely the helmsman who controls the development of this era.

His words can create a huge market.

Compared with obtaining the patent authorization for graphene production, if it can be put online, it will definitely be the most beneficial to the development of CATL.

Therefore, he chose technology shares and dividends that ordinary companies would not choose under normal circumstances, and even gave away most of the profits and equity.

After listening to Zeng Yuqun's words, Xu Chuan thought for a while.

To be honest, he has some good impressions of CATL.

Not to mention other things, the last time the artificial SEI film patent was granted, CATL’s price was almost 15% of that of other manufacturers.

And this time, Mr. Zeng also offered a sincere price.

For a technology, using technology shares to obtain dividends, although the return obtained in the short term is small, in the long term, it is definitely more worthwhile than licensing or buyout.

In his original plan, the high-quality graphene preparation technology of the Chuanhai Institute of Materials would probably be similar to artificial SEI films, and the patent license would be sold directly.

This is convenient, and he can obtain a huge amount of liquidity without having to worry about anything.

Looking at it now, it is also a good choice to pay dividends through technology shares.

After thinking for a while, Xu Chuan said: "This kind of cooperation is also possible. If you have production qualifications, I have no objection to technical shares. Let's talk about the share. Then for the specific details, you can go to the Sichuan and Hai Materials Research Institute to find Fan Pengyue.

Just deal with it.”

Seeing that Xu Chuan agreed, Zeng Yuqun immediately nodded and said with a smile: "Let's see, Sichuan and Hai Materials Research Institute will invest in high-quality graphene technology and patents, and I will fully invest and cooperate to establish a new graphite production company."


"I am responsible for all the company's related affairs. Of course, you have the right to review and can ask about the company's operations at any time."

"As for the proportion, how about seven or three? You seven and I three."

Hearing this ratio, Xu Chuan glanced at the chairman of CATL with some surprise.

It has to be said that pure technology investment accounts for 70% of the shares, which is already the best.

Under normal circumstances, pure technology shares generally only account for 10%-20% of the total share. If the technology content is high, it can reach more than 30%, and for top-level companies, it can exceed 50%.

But no matter what, according to Article 27, paragraph 3, of the "Company Law", the monetary contribution amount of all shareholders shall not be less than 30% of the registered capital of the limited liability company.

Therefore, technical shares can only be up to 70% of the total registered capital.

Therefore, the ratio given by Boss Zeng is already the highest allowed by Chinese law.

Of course, high-quality graphene production technology is enough to deserve this share.

Nodding, Xu Chuan said with a smile: "Okay, let's do that. You can discuss the relevant details with the Sichuan-Hai Materials Research Institute when the time comes."

If someone gives him money, he will definitely not refuse it.

After all, scientific research requires a lot of money. Whether it is Chuanhai Materials Research Institute or Chuanhai Network Technology Co., Ltd., they both need a large amount of funds to invest in support.

Zeng Yuqun smiled and nodded, stood up and said, "That's for sure. I won't disturb Academician Xu's research work today."

Xu Chuan stood up and walked to the door: "Go slowly."


After seeing off Zeng Yuqun, Xu Chuan returned to his office and sat at his desk. He picked up the mathematics journal and continued to read it. From time to time, he thought about it and checked the calculations on the manuscript paper with a pen.

At this time, an email suddenly popped up in the lower right corner of the computer.

"Ding, there is an email you are interested in."

The clear voice interrupted Xu Chuan's reading. He put down the journal article in his hand and reached out to click the mouse.

There are only a few people who can be followed by his star email, and he doesn't know who sent the email.

When you enter the email, the title and sender of the email appear in your eyes.

"Brother! Praise me!"

Seeing the title and sender of the email, Xu Chuan couldn't help but put a smile on his face.

I haven't received the email from that girl Xu Xiao for a long time.

And this title...

Thinking about it, Xu Chuan clicked on the email. There was nothing in the email, only a link.

He clicked in, and the link pointed to a report.

"Recently, a team from the Institute of Neurology of Suimu University published a paper in the journal Science, reporting a method of implanting electrodes in monkey brains to form a certain vision without passing through the retina."

"Although this may not be the first use of similar technology, this time researchers have made unprecedented progress in several key parameters. The sensor implanted in the monkey's brain has 1,024 electrodes, and the simulated visual signal it generates has very high

The high resolution can reach a level that allows monkeys to recognize English letters on the screen."

"This technology brings great hope to people who have lost vision. As long as special sensors are implanted in the brain, it may be possible to sense visual signals without relying on the eyes."

"There is no doubt that this research has laid the foundation for the application of neuroprosthetic devices. In the future, this type of technology may be able to help completely blind people regain functional vision, perform object recognition, navigate unfamiliar environments and other applications, and improve their

autonomy in life.”


"In addition, according to an interview with our reporter, Professor Fu Wei, the leader of the project, said that the person who made the greatest contribution in this research was not himself, but his student Xu Xiao."

"The student made a huge contribution in the project and redesigned a complete mathematical model for the multi-electrode array, which can greatly stabilize the stability of the EEG signal and the resolution of the artificial image."

"It is understood that Xu Xiao, who is studying at Shuimu University, is only 22 years old. For a student, this should be the stage of study, but she has already gone a long way on the road to scientific research."

"Of course, this is inseparable from her family education. According to our understanding, Xu Xiao, who made a major contribution to the project this time, is the sister of the famous Chinese scientist Academician Xu Chuan."

"Both people from the same discipline have embarked on the research path of scientists. I have to say that the power of role models is infinite!"


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