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Chapter 522: The U.S. is a troublemaker

While CERN was discussing the cooperation plan for the Large Strong Particle Collider with China, on the other side, the United States.

In the Washington Energy Center, a targeted meeting is being held.

"Everyone, regarding the Large Strong Particle Collider built by China and CERN's cooperation with it, today is the time for the final decision."

"Whether to participate together with CERN member states or to block this cooperation, please give your opinion after careful consideration."

In the conference room, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes, a representative of the Office of Planning, Policy and International Affairs under the U.S. Energy Bureau, spoke in a deep voice.

Today's meeting is to discuss whether to join the cooperation between CERN and China, or to find a way to terminate this cooperation.

The role of the Large Strong Particle Collider needs no introduction to those of you here today.

It is the core equipment of high-energy physics and particle physics. At least half of the achievements in theoretical physics are related to the collider.

And a large strong particle collider means a sacred place to the current physics community.

It was with the help of the LHC strong collider that CERN suddenly became the world's mecca of physics.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the world's holy land of physics was Berlin, a German country. Especially at that time, the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute was a sanctuary that scientists from all over the world rushed to enter.

Whenever physicists want to make some achievements in the industry, they will try their best to go to Berlin for gold plating.

Of course, the end of the Holy Land of Germanic Physics was inseparable from the impact of that war, and was even the main reason.

But it is undeniable that CERN's Hadron Collider has reunited top physics talents from all over the world, especially theoretical physicists, and brought them together to form a new holy place.

For some time in the past, it could even be said that a theoretical physicist who has not been to CERN is not a qualified theoretical physicist.

Nowadays, China is building a new large-scale strong particle collider. If CERN cooperates with it, there is no doubt that the holy land of physics in the world will change.

This is not good news for them.


In the conference room, listening to the report of the person in charge of the energy department, the representative of NASA aerospace industry looked through the documents in his hand and said casually:

"What does this have to do with it? Research in the field of high-energy physics is fully open to the public. And most of the results produced by the Large Strong Particle Collider will be of little use within a few decades."

"Just like the Higgs particle discovered by CERN, is it possible that we can still use it in the next few decades?"

"Instead of investing money in this field, I suggest developing controllable nuclear fusion and miniaturization technology. Don't forget that Huaguo showed us the miniaturization device of the Xinghai Research Institute a few days ago."

"If we can't keep up in this field, where can we develop in the future when they occupy all the territories in the entire solar system?"

The representative of NASA said nonchalantly that it was not that he did not understand the importance of basic science, but that it was a matter of stance.

For NASA, if Congress invests more funds in the field of large strong particle collider, then the aerospace field will naturally receive less funding.

Because of his butt, he had to stand up and oppose it.

On the other side, the representative of the National Natural Science Foundation of the United States said solemnly: "I object. We must try our best to prevent this cooperation."

"First of all, judging from the report, this is already the deadline. If we do it now, it should be too late. If we wait until CERN completes cooperation with them and then stop it, the cost will be much higher."

"Although the results in the field of theoretical physics are basically fully open to the public, if the world's holy land of physics is transferred to China, it will bring them flourishing basic science, at least in the field of physics."

"Perhaps there won't be much change for us in a short period of time, but everyone knows the importance of basic science."

"We also rely on recruiting scientists from all over the world in basic fields to achieve our current status."

"Especially, who can guarantee that there will not be another Professor Xu in the field of physics?"

"It was the biggest mistake to let him go in the first place. If they are allowed to continue to make scientific breakthroughs in basic fields, this will undoubtedly be a huge threat to us."

"If we want to maintain our position in the future, we must not relax our development in the field of basic science."

It is normal for the National Natural Science Foundation to oppose this cooperation plan. Although there is no secret in research in the field of theoretical physics, in many cases the data produced by the collider will be processed together with physicists around the world and research institutions in other countries.


But the transfer of the world's holy land of physics will undoubtedly promote the development of China's basic science field.

In recent years, the United States has been taking measures to block the development of basic science in developing and third countries.

Especially for the country on the other side of the Taiwan Strait, they have always been doing it to keep their overseas students in the United States under favorable conditions.

Although it is difficult for the development of basic science to see technological returns in a short period of time, for science and technology, basic science will always be the foundation of the building.

Because only when the foundation is solid can upper-level science and technology flourish.


In the conference room, representatives from various sects were arguing noisily.

Standing on the stage, Jonathan Sylvester, director of the U.S. Office of Energy Policy and International Affairs, couldn't help but rub his temples, feeling a little dizzy.

For China to build a large strong particle collider, for the United States, if it were before the realization of controllable nuclear fusion technology, this would not be a good thing, and there would not be the quarrel like today.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! After all, if someone is willing to take over the research burden in the field of high-energy physics, this is definitely a good thing for them who are in a declining cycle.

After all, research in the field of high-energy physics itself is a very expensive matter, and scientific research results are almost always fully public.

But on the basis that controllable nuclear fusion technology has been realized by China, this matter is quite controversial.

Especially the transfer of the international holy land of physics, this can be said to be a difficult or unacceptable thing for them.

After thinking for a moment, Jonathan knocked on the solid wood desk to quiet the quarreling crowd and said, "Let's vote."

Upon hearing this, the assistant standing aside quickly handed the voting books to everyone at the desk.

After receiving the voting note, the representative of NASA did not hesitate to support it, and sitting across from him, the representative of the National Natural Science Foundation did not hesitate to fill in the note on the note to oppose.

The short vote was quickly tallied.

10 votes were in favor, 19 were against, and 3 abstained.

At this moment, scientific research institutions and relevant universities that were able to participate in this decisive meeting all made their choices.

It has to be said that most research institutions believe that the transfer of the world's holy land of physics is a threat to the United States.

Looking at the statistical results, Jonathan Sylvester breathed a sigh of relief.

If more than half of the people object, then the energy industry will take action to prevent CERN from providing technical support and related cooperation.

Of course, if just doing this is not enough, they also need to resume and support the LHC upgrade work so that CERN can confront and compete with the collider built by that country, avoid the transfer of the world's physical holy land, and bring huge consequences to the other party.

Basic scientific knowledge.

As for what the United States has to pay to prevent cooperation this time, that is not something he needs to consider.

I just hope that the result this time will not be like ITER in previous years.


On the other side, China, the capital.

In the conference room of the Yihe Hotel, CERN directors and relevant staff from China, who had just finished a detailed discussion, left the venue to rest.

As of today, the final details of the cooperation between CERN and China are almost completed.

After clearing away the documents on the table, David Gross, chairman of the CERN Board of Directors, stood up with a smile, walked to Xu Chuan, and said with a smile on his face:

"Xu, the future path of high-energy physics depends on China."

Xu Chuan smiled and nodded, saying: "Don't worry, China is an open country. Even without this cooperation, we welcome physicists from all over the world to come here to do experiments and research."

Gross smiled, and just as he was about to say something, the phone in his pocket vibrated.

Casting a look at Xu Chuan, he walked aside and answered the phone.

And as the call was connected, the smile on his face suddenly froze.

After a long pause, Gross took a deep breath and asked seriously: "Why, I need a reason!"

On the other side of the phone, a voice came: "The United States rejected this cooperation and lobbied the governments of various countries at CERN, agreeing to continue investing money in CERN and restarting the LHC's high-brightness upgrade plan to avoid the world's holy land of physics.


"I think you should be very clear that if there are sufficient funds, CERN member states may not agree to continue this cooperation."

"As for the reason, I think you should know it very well."

"So, bring the people back first, at least pause and continue the negotiation."

Hearing this, David Gross fell silent.

To be honest, he cannot accept the suspension of cooperation at this juncture, whether it is from the perspective of a physicist or as the chairman of the CERN Council.

Large strong particle colliders with energy levels above 100 Tev are undoubtedly very important to the development of the physics community.

After being silent for a while, he said: "Even if the LHC is upgraded to the high-brightness LH-LHC, the collision energy level will not reach 100 Tev. We still cannot compare with the collider built by China."

Hearing this, the voice from the other side also came over: "I know, but the United States has promised to provide a batch of new copper oxide-based superconductor materials within three months, and the magnetic field strength can be close to high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconductors."

"Use this batch of materials to upgrade the high-brightness LH-LHC. Even if the upgraded high-brightness LHC collision energy level does not reach 100 Tev, it will not be too small and is enough for you to complete the experiment."

After hearing this, David Gross fell silent again. After the standing directors of the CERN Council unanimously decided on this matter, he had no power as an academic chairman to continue to insist on it.

After hanging up the phone, Gross looked out the hotel window in silence.

Xu Chuan walked over curiously and asked with a smile: "What's wrong?"

After a long silence, Gross said with difficulty: "The CERN Council... may want to cancel this cooperation."

Hearing this, the smile on Xu Chuan's face froze, and he asked in surprise: "Why? Haven't we already negotiated? We just need to sign the final signature."

Gross took a deep breath, sighed again, and said slowly: "The United States has intervened. They don't want the world's holy land of physics to move here, and decided to restart the LHC's high-brightness LH-LHC upgrade plan to communicate with you.

Do competition.”

Hearing this, Xu Chuan couldn't help but frown.

It's the United States again.

It was the same when I was at ITER before, and they were forced to leave the International Thermonuclear Fusion Experimental Reactor project, and now they are here again.

At this critical juncture, should CERN and their cooperation be dismantled again?

What a shit stick.

Standing next to him, David Gross opened his mouth, but stopped talking.

He didn't know what to say. He just needed to sign the final contract and this large-scale international cooperation project would be launched smoothly in the past two days. However, the United States suddenly intervened and ruined the cooperation.

Although this is not the first time they have done this, even if there is a lesson learned from ITER.

The two of them were silent for a while, and then Chief Gross took a deep breath and said, "I will go back and figure it out. At least, I can give you an answer."

Xu Chuan smiled reluctantly and said nothing.

This change in the international situation is really not something that David Gross, the chairman of the CERN Council, can decide.

Let alone Gross, even he can't interfere with too many things.

After all, in the face of such a confrontation between big powers, the power of an individual is too weak.

Taking a deep breath, Xu Chuan calmed himself down, patted Gross on the back, and said, "It's okay. No one knows about this kind of accident."

"Even if this cooperation is cancelled, we still welcome scholars from all over the world to come here to do research."


PS: Please vote for me, there will be another chapter later!

This chapter has been completed!
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