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Chapter 526 Let me tell you what is valuable!

The suspension of CERN cooperation has come to an end, although the official statement is that technical assistance has been suspended because some conditions are still being communicated and no agreement has been reached.

But anyone who knows some inside information can almost tell that the cooperation between the two parties has been terminated due to the intervention of the United States.

However, judging from news reports and media sources, China has not given up on the construction of the Large Strong Particle Collider and is still advancing steadily and orderly.

At the same time, the Chinese Physical Society, under the name of the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, announced to the world that it will hold an international academic conference in the field of high energy physics on May 25th, one month later.

Physicists from all over the world and relevant physics institutions from various countries are invited to attend academic conferences.

However, at this critical juncture, I am afraid that not many scholars and world physics institutions will choose to attend the lecture.

After all, with the suspension of CERN cooperation, there have been some very subtle changes in the relationship between the international physics community.

Anyone with a little bit of brainpower can probably see that CERN will start a new competition with China in the field of high-energy physics.

Leaving aside those physicists, the top physics institutions and academic institutions are almost all concentrated in Western countries.

Although academics have no borders, from their own standpoint, I am afraid that very few academic institutions will choose to accept the invitation to attend this conference.

Many people and the media are even preparing to see the joke.

The first to react to this incident was the BBC, a well-known crooked media outlet where the sun never sets.

After understanding the ins and outs of this matter, the BBC arranged for media reporters to come to Oxford University and find the "famous" theoretical physics professor Brian Howard.

This professor is quite famous in the physics community, but what he is famous for is not his academic achievements, but his 'academic reputation'.

Of course, this famous 'academic reputation' is not brought about by research, but by bad mouth or bad mouth.

He has publicly criticized string theory, criticizing it as useless and believing that string theory is "dramatic physics" or "interesting mathematics" and is rubbish that can never be proven.

On the day Edward Witten won the Fields Medal, he was interviewed by a BBC media reporter.

In the interview, he compared the currently popular idea of ​​string theory to HIV, which is hopeless, and even compared string theory to former U.S. President Ronald Reagan's "Planet Plan."

And said with a mocking tone: "There are two designs that are very complex. They may require decades or even longer research and development time. Maybe they are simply impossible to realize in the real world - the "Star Wars Project" and the "String Theory"

', Investing time in this is simply the most hopeless stupidity.

He is such a clown, but he is quite popular with BBC reporters.

After all, the words coming out of his mouth can often bring huge traffic to the BBC.

And this time, it's no exception.


On the campus of Oxford University, BBC media reporters found Brian Howard who had just finished his class.

BBC reporter: "Hello, Professor Howard, I would like to ask, do you know about the recent cooperation between CERN and China on the Large Strong Particle Collider? What do you think of this matter?"

Brian Howard pushed up his glasses on the bridge of his nose: "I heard that CERN canceled its cooperation with China. I have to say that this is a pity."

"But after CERN canceled the cooperation, China still insisted on building a large strong particle collider. I can only say that this is a very stupid decision."

Hearing Brian Howard's answer, the BBC media reporter's eyes flashed with excitement.

Sure enough, Professor Howard is still the same person who likes to cause trouble as usual.

He quickly asked: "What should I say? Professor."

Howard chuckled and said, "As we all know, the world's physics center and the holy land of physics is in Europe. The LHC strong collider led by CERN has created countless achievements and accumulated countless technologies related to the collider."

"For a large strong particle collider, this is crucial, whether it's a detector"

"As for China, do they have anything? Nothing!"

"Even for the superconducting materials developed by Professor Xu, CERN now has alternatives that can achieve the same level."

"After losing the various technologies provided by CERN, the collider built by China can be said to have no advantages."

"If China really wants to develop physics, I suggest they invest their funds in CERN's upcoming LHC upgrade. Not only will it require less funding, but it will also maximize the improvement of the Large Hadron Collider."

The BBC reporter smiled and said: "What you said makes sense. Then how do you see the International High Energy Physics Conference announced by the Chinese Society of Physics in one month? Will you choose to participate?"

Hearing this question, Brian Howard shook his head decisively and said: "Sorry, I have no interest in the physics conference held in China, let alone participate."

"As I just said, the holy land of world physics is in Europe, and China's development in the field of basic science is far behind Europe. So I don't think there will be anything in the physics exchange meeting held by China that is worthy of my flying ten

It’s worth a few hours of driving.”

Upon hearing this, the BBC reporter quickly asked: "You mean, maybe there will be no physicists attending this International High Energy Physics Conference hosted by China?"

Howard shrugged, shook his head and said, "I didn't say that, but it's hard for me to understand why China is keen on doing such worthless things."

"Or? Do they think there is anything at their conference that is worthy of a trip by physicists from all over the world?"

"I think that's impossible."


The relevant interviews were quickly compiled into news interviews and published by the BBC.

With the BBC broadcasting company's deliberate promotion, this interview report was spread all over the country and caused a lot of heated discussion on the Internet.

【Gan! What does this foreign devil mean? 】

[Same as the one with the surname Yang, right? Prevent us from building our own collider? 】

[We spend our own money to build our own collider. What the hell are you doing? Why don’t you come to the physics conference? Who cares about you? Are you a Nobel Prize winner? Or a Fields Medal winner?]

[I checked online and found that this guy named Brian is just a university professor. He also likes to criticize string theory and is famously bad-mouthed in the physics community.]

[Honestly, I think what he said makes sense. Cooperation with CERN has been broken. Without advanced detection technology, why would we spend hundreds of billions to repair the collider? Spend one billion and save a hundred times to support CERN.

If we can get the same use opportunities, wouldn’t it be better to use the remaining 99 billion to improve people’s livelihood?】

[Bah! Have you upstairs forgotten how we were expelled from ITER? If Academician Xu hadn’t been here, do you expect others to research controllable nuclear fusion technology for you? 】

[Just have a clear mind! This kind of basic scientific equipment is not in your own hands. If others say they will drive you away, they will drive you away. 】

[Identification completed, she is purely mentally retarded!]


On the Internet, with the help of concerned people, the relevant interviews have caused quite a discussion.

When Xu Chuan saw this report, it was after he returned to NTU that his students told him.

"Professor, this Brian is so irritating!"

In the office, the only female student, Yin Shi, held her cell phone in her hand and complained to Xu Chuan with bulging cheeks.

"Huh?" Xu Chuan turned to look at her and asked in surprise: "What's wrong?"

"Look, he made a lot of nonsense in the interview! He said that the physics exchange meeting we held was totally worth the trip!" Yin Shi handed the phone directly to Xu Chuan and said through gritted teeth.

Taking the phone from the student, Xu Chuan briefly flipped through it, shook his head with a smile, and handed the phone back to her.

"Aren't you angry? Professor." Looking at the instructor's reaction, Yin Shi asked in a daze.

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "He's just a clown. If I remember correctly, this Brian is famous for slandering string theory. There is no need to pay attention to such a person."

"As for the value of the physics conference, I will let him know what is valuable."

Upon hearing this, Yin Shi asked blankly: "What is something valuable?"

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "You will know when the time comes. I will send him an invitation letter and let him see with his own eyes what valuable research is!"

After a slight pause, he added: "It will also let him know what it means that physicists from all over the world will come!"


PS: Please give me a monthly ticket! There are still tickets available in the afternoon!

This chapter has been completed!
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