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Chapter 529: The Cornerstone to the Holy Grail of Grand Unified Theory

After posting the 'Proof of the Existence and Solution of Yang-Mills Solution' on arxiv, Xu Chuan sat in front of the computer and thought for a while, then opened his mailbox, found the "Annals of Mathematics" and submitted the paper.

The last time he solved the NS equation, he couldn't stand the persuasion of Professor Camilo de Leilis, the editor-in-chief of the Annals of Mathematics, and finally agreed to submit his next mathematics-related paper to them.

Now is the time to fulfill this promise.

After submitting the paper, Xu Chuan browsed the emails in his mailbox and took care of some work.

Just when he moved the mouse and was about to close the mailbox, suddenly, the mail dinged.

When he clicked on it, he saw that the paper he had submitted to the "Annals of Mathematics" just a few minutes ago had directly passed the review of the technical editor and entered the formal review stage.

Seeing the email reply and the "Copyright Authorization Agreement" that came back, Xu Chuan was slightly stunned. Good guy, is it so fast?

It's only been a few minutes, right?

He even doubted whether the editor of the "Annals of Mathematics" had seriously read his paper.

But then again, for the Annual Journal of Mathematics, there is a high probability that the technical editor will not carefully look at what is written in an article submitted by a Fields Medal-level person like him, right?

As long as it's not a complete mess of gibberish or anything like that, you'll basically give it a quick glance (of course, it's not up to the technical editor to decide whether it can pass the subsequent peer review), not to mention the existence of the 'Yang-Mills solution'

Proof paper on properties and solutions'.

For Fields Medal-level experts like them, the name of the submitted paper is the greatest credibility.

He downloaded the copyright authorization agreement and processed it. After feeding it back, Xu Chuan stopped caring about the matter.

For him, if other proof papers may have flaws, then the proof papers on the existence and solution of the Yang-Mills solution cannot have flaws.

Because this was a paper that had passed submission and review in his previous life and helped him win the Fields Medal.

Although only half of the manuscript was submitted this time, there is no possibility of errors.

As for the peer review arranged by the Mathematics Annual, it is not something he needs to consider.


After throwing away the mailbox, Xu Chuan stood up, stretched, and walked out the door, ready to go out and walk around to stretch his muscles.

As soon as he opened the door, a figure hurried towards the door and almost bumped into him.

"Teacher? Why are you here?"

Xu Chuan stopped and took a closer look. The person who almost bumped into him was his mentor from Nanjing University, Academician Chen Zhengping.

"Did you write this paper?"

Chen Zhengping ignored him, raised the paper in his hand and asked quickly.

"The one about Yang-Mills' solution to existence?" Xu Chuan glanced at the paper in Chen Zhengping's hand and asked directly without picking it up.

Chen Zhengping nodded quickly and vigorously and said, "Yes."

Xu Chuan smiled, opened the door, invited his mentor Chen Zhengping into the office, and gave up the idea of ​​going out for a walk.

"If there is no other scholar with the same name as me on arxiv, then I should have uploaded this paper."

Hearing this, Chen Zhengping couldn't help but swallowed the air dryly.

Although I already know that this paper on the Yang-Mills existence and mass gap conjecture was written by my student, after all, there is no scholar with the same name in the mathematics world who can study this top-level conjecture.

But after receiving the news, even as Xu Chuan's mentor, he could not help but feel shocked and even doubtful.

After all, this news is really shocking.

In the office, Yin Shi, who was working on a topic, was stunned when he heard the noise here.

"Proof paper of the existence and solution of Yang-Mills solution????"

"What the hell!!"

"Is the valuable thing my mentor said before just one of the seven millennium problems?"

"It's terrible, it's terrible! What's going on in this world?"


For the seven millennium problems of Yang-Mills' existence and mass gap, its status in the world of physics far exceeds that of mathematics.

Although its status in the mathematics world is not low, no matter what, it cannot be compared with the physics world.

This can be seen from Chen Zhengping.

As a tutor at Xuchuan University, although he was not a researcher in theoretical physics, he still maintained a high degree of attention to this matter.

Of course, this level of attention is normal for any physicist. After all, this is the cornerstone of the Holy Grail of Grand Unified Theory.

In the physics community, there has always been such a popular story.

That is: whoever can solve the Yang-Mills existence and mass gap problems will be able to unify the three forces of strong and weak electricity and move towards the final grand unified theory.

For a physicist, this is undoubtedly the Holy Grail at its pinnacle.


When Chen Zhengping and Xu Chuan were learning about the proof paper of the existence and reconciliation of the Yang-Mills solution, on the other side was Beijing.

The staff villa area of ​​Shuimu University, in Shengyin Courtyard.

Holding a paper in his hand, Qiu Chengtong pressed and pressed the doorbell of the villa in front of him with his fingers.

The sound of ding-dong-ding-dong kept ringing rapidly inside the villa. After a while, a middle-aged woman rushed out and opened the courtyard door of the villa.

"Academician Qiu."

"Is Lao Yang at home?" Qiu Chengtong asked casually, and without waiting for the other party to respond, he crossed the gate and walked directly into the villa.

He knew that Ms. Weng was here, and Old Man Yang must be too.

Ms. Weng nodded and closed the door of the villa. She didn't care. The person in front of her was also an old acquaintance.

In the living room, Yang Zhenhuan was watching current affairs news on the sofa. After hearing the movement at the door, he turned his head and glanced. When he saw the person, he smiled and asked, "Why are you running here."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Have you read arxiv?" Qiu Chengtong did not answer and asked quickly.

Mr. Yang shook his head and said with a smile: "At my age, I still read things like arxiv. I rarely read journal articles."

"Then look at this."

Upon hearing this, Qiu Chengtong quickly handed over the paper he had brought over.

Mr. Yang glanced at him curiously, reached out to take the paper, opened it, and froze when the title of the paper came into view.

"The Existence and Proof of Solutions to the Yang-Mills Equation"

Looking at the title of the paper, he froze, and his breathing became a little heavier involuntarily.

The hand holding the paper was shaking slightly. He raised his head and looked at Qiu Chengtong, took a deep breath and asked slowly: "Who wrote this paper...?"

He knew very well that if it were ordinary scholars, or those people in the field of science on arxiv, Qiu Chengtong would definitely not be able to come to him with a paper.

Since he brought it here, the publisher of this paper must be famous in the academic world.

Qiu Chengtong smiled mysteriously and said, "Read the paper first, and then make a guess."

After hearing this, Mr. Yang didn't ask any more questions. After taking a deep breath, he lowered his head and focused on the paper in his hand.

For a centenarian like him, it is undoubtedly quite difficult to maintain concentration and study an academic paper in his later years.

But for him, the importance of the paper in his hand does not need to be discussed at all.

The Yang-Mills equation was proposed by him and his student Mills, and the Yang-Mills existence and mass gap conjectures are based on the Yang-Mills equation.

In early 1954, he and his student Robert Mills proposed the Young Mills theory.

On this basis, the physics community has achieved a "conceptual" unification of strong and weak interactions and electromagnetic interactions, that is, a complete set of theories has been found to unify strong and weak interactions and electromagnetic interactions in one theory.

After decades of development, it is certain that the Yang-Mills equation in Yang-Mills theory has achieved great success and is well-known in today's mathematics and physics circles.

But this theory is not without flaws.

In particular, its corresponding mathematical theory has not been established.

In the Yang-Mills theory, their equations that both describe heavy particles and are mathematically rigorous have no known solutions.

In particular, the "mass gap" hypothesis, confirmed by most physicists and used in their explanation of the invisibility of "quarks", has never been confirmed to a mathematically satisfactory degree.

For the physics community, the pursuit of the unity of the strong and weak electric forces is far from a conceptual theoretical unity, but a true mathematical unity.

Therefore, under the premise that the final solution to the Young-Els equation cannot be found, or even the existence of the solution cannot be determined, this great achievement always leaves a huge regret.

At the same time, this unresolved problem also haunted him like a curse. Even though he was nearly a hundred years old, he could not stop thinking about this problem.

However, as time went by, he felt more and more that he could no longer see the answer to this question.

But today, he may be able to see an answer.


With excitement in my heart, I also felt uneasy.

Yang Zhenhuan's eyes fell on the paper.

In fact, even if Qiu Chengtong did not say, he already had an answer to who wrote the paper in his hand.

After all, in today's academic world, there are only two top and most famous people who have the habit of leaving such an important proof process on a preprint website like arxiv.

One is Professor Perleman from Tsarist Russia, and the other is Professor Xu Chuan from China.

There is no doubt who wrote this paper.

However, it is precisely because of this that the closer he is to the answer to this question and the closer he is to the end, the more afraid and cautious he becomes.

He was afraid that after crossing this long river of time, what awaited him was not the light of hope but the dark clouds in the sky; he was afraid that in the last days of his life, he would still leave with regrets.

Although based on that person's habits, this possibility is slim...

Time passed by, and when the sun outside the window gradually faded into the horizon, the paper he held tightly in his hand finally turned to the last page.

The pursuit of answers throughout my life found my greatest satisfaction at this moment.

When he saw the solution obtained by that familiar formula, two turbid tears streaked down his old face full of wrinkles and spots.


PS: Second update, please vote for me!

This chapter has been completed!
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