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Chapter 538: The sound of stopping

Waves of applause resounded throughout the venue and lasted for a long time.

For all mankind, if there is one common interest that is shared by all, it is the progress of science.

For most scholars here, this is undoubtedly the most touching statement.

That’s right, science has no national boundaries, nor does it distinguish between race and gender.

Just like everyone can learn mathematics and look up at the universe, this is something that everyone has in common.

Looking at the young man standing on the stage, Frank Wilzek, who was sitting in the front row of the auditorium, clapped his hands excitedly and said, "Science is something that everyone can have. That's great!"

Sitting next to him, Tillman Lunt clapped his hands, with a hint of complicated emotions in his eyes, and said with some emotion: "It would be great if this was really the case."

Upon hearing this, Professor Wilzek ​​turned his head and glanced at him, and asked curiously: "What's wrong?"

Tillman shook his head slightly and said: "It's nothing, just a little emotional."

Seemingly knowing what Tillman was thinking, Wilzek ​​smiled and said: "Science and technology have never been the same thing. Science belongs to everyone, but technology based on it does not. If we talk about technology, it does not

If there were no national borders, then there wouldn’t be so many poor countries in the world.”

After a pause, he continued: "And if the technology created through hard work needs to be fully disclosed and cannot bring benefits to the creator, then no one in this world will think about creating it."

"This is undoubtedly the most terrifying thing and full of disasters for human civilization, or for any possible intelligent civilization."


At the same time, on the other side of the Science and Technology Hall, Edward Witten stopped clapping his hands, looked at the young figure standing in front of the report desk, and said with emotion: "He can really promote the development of the times."

On the side, Pierre Deligne smiled and said: "Each of us is promoting the development of the times."

Witten shook his head slightly and said, "You know what I mean."

From theory to application, from Weyl_Berry's conjecture to controllable nuclear fusion, in the young man on the stage, he saw countless miracles and a civilization that was pushed forward.

Not to mention anything else, the realization of controllable nuclear fusion technology alone is enough to bring human civilization into a new era.

When energy is liberated, human productivity will also be liberated.

In the thousands of years of development history of human civilization, controllable nuclear fusion technology is undoubtedly one of the most important technologies.

Just like fire or electricity promote the times.

Perhaps the time this technology has been around is too short and not much can be seen.

But it has been changing the world over time.

Whether it is the large and small new energy vehicles with green pictures on the street outside, or the large strong particle collider with an energy level of more than 100 Tev that is about to be built in China, or even China’s power cooperation in Southeast Asia, they are all

Enough to see the change.

Deligne squinted his eyes and looked at the young man on the stage, and after a while he said: "Although I have always believed that the development of the times is the result of everyone's hard work."

"Every civilization, every country, every organization, and every group is made up of people. Some people are good at communication, some are good at leadership, and some are good at solving problems, etc."

"However, in this process, some people's weight or contribution is indeed more important."

At this moment, G. Faltings, who was sitting next to him, suddenly interjected: "Is it heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather?"

Hearing this, Deligne was stunned for a moment. Although he didn't understand Chinese very well, this sentence didn't seem to be used in this way, right?

At least it shouldn't be used in this scenario.


Standing on the reporting stage, Xu Chuan looked at the audience with a smile on his face.

For all mankind, if there is one common interest that is shared by all, it is the progress of science.

This sentence is the truest thought in his heart, and it is also the best response to the United States joining CERN in cooperating with China to build a large strong particle collider.

In this most basic scientific frontier field, if a civilization cannot maintain cooperation and move forward together in the face of competition, then in his opinion, this civilization is destined to not go far.

Waiting for the applause from the audience to subside, Xu Chuan spoke again: "Thank you all very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to come here. According to the flow of the exchange meeting, the next first report will be 'Yang

-Report on the existence and solution of Mills' equation."

After a pause, he looked at the screen behind him. On this huge curtain, the content above had been simultaneously replaced with the PPT document of his report meeting.

Seeing that the relevant preparations had been made, Xu Chuan stopped wasting time and turned to look at the audience.

"Before coming here, I believe that everyone here has read my paper and verified the proof ideas in the paper."

"Of course, there is also the verification of the general solution of the Yang-Mills equation."

"Whether it's the announcement from the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, or the announcement from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and my alma mater, Nanjing University, the general solution has been verified through supercomputers. I believe you already know the final result without further explanation."

"Then next, I will give a focused report on the proof process in the paper and my ideas when studying the Yang-Mills existence and mass gaps."

"I believe this is what you are looking forward to, and I hope it can answer some of your confusions."

"If you still have any questions after the report meeting, you can point them out in the final question and answer session, and I will do my best to answer them."

"OK, now we will officially enter the reporting phase."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! As he finished speaking, Xu Chuan took a deep breath, pressed the remote control pen in his hand lightly, and the screen behind him also jumped.


【L =1/4g2∫Tr(F′.? F),】

【L0 =Zd4x FμνFμν......】

[Where F = d∧ A (1/2)A∧ A, given by the theory L=∫d?x(BμνFμν-1/2Bμν....]

"Based on the "odd time" formula, we have obtained a method to systematically express the Batalin-Vilkovisky quantization method. In this type of gauge theory, it is possible to find an "odd time Lagrangian" through a Le

The earth-der transformation produces an "odd-time Hamiltonian", which is the minimal solution to the master equation."

"This constitutes a very simple way to find the minimal solution to the master equation. However this is often a tedious task, so to clarify the general process we discuss its mass in the Yang-Mills theory, as well as the Stueckelberg form (

Abelian theory..."

"An invariant coupler with a differentiable structure is set up on a high-dimensional manifold..."

On the lecture table, Xu Chuan looked at the PPT behind him and explained the proof of the existence of solutions to the Yang-Mills equation.

Although this is something that is extremely familiar to him, considering the understanding ability of the audience, he still chose to slow down his explanation speed as much as possible so that the scholars who came to the conference could hear more.

s things.

In the front row of the report meeting, Mr. Yang, who proposed the Yang-Mills theory, opened his somewhat cloudy eyes and stared unblinkingly at the explanation on the stage.

Although for him, the things in the paper have been thoroughly researched for a long time, but sitting here today listening to the report, the complex emotions in his heart are undoubtedly the most difficult to describe.

Sitting next to Mr. Yang, Qiu Chengtong read the report for a while, turned his body slightly, looked at his old friend next to him with a smile, and asked in a low voice with a smile: "Speaking of which, you probably never thought about what you proposed.

The problem will be solved while you are still alive, right?"

Hearing this, Yang Zhenhuan slowly shook his head and said, "I never thought about it."

Qiu Chengtong smiled and asked: "How do you feel?"

Faced with this question, he thought for a while before answering: "It is a wonderful feeling to be able to see the theory I proposed solved by later generations in my lifetime. Of course, this is also the luckiest thing."

"It's amazing and satisfying. It's like seeing a shining lighthouse while groping forward in the vast darkness."

"If in the next few years that I can survive, I can see the remaining problems solved, or even see the three forces of strong and weak electricity being unified, then I will really die without regrets.


As he said this, Mr. Yang suddenly came back to his senses, and his old face smiled, a little expectant and a little helpless.

God has been kind to him. How many scholars who asked questions failed to get the answers they dreamed of throughout their lives?

Just like the thin eight-page paper sent from the small town of Breslenz to the Berlin Academy of Sciences in the 18th century, it ruined Riemann's life.

In order to find whether there is a non-trivial zero point outside the straight line Re(s)=1/2 on the complex plane, Riemann troubled him for the entire second half of his life.

And he is lucky to be able to see the answer to the Yang-Mills equation in his lifetime. How can he pray to God and hope to see more things?

On the side, Qiu Chengtong smiled and joked: "Work hard and live for two more years. Maybe within these two years, the person on the stage will fulfill your wish?"

Looking at the man on the stage, Yang Zhenhuan smiled and said, "I hope so, but I'm lucky enough."


"...it follows from the corresponding Lagrangian that under q-simulations of infinitesimal gauge transformations the values ​​are invariant. And I explicitly give $SU(2)\x U

The Lagrangian sum transformation rule of the bivariable q-deformation of (1)$.”

"The gauge potential satisfies q-exchange, as one would expect from the differential geometry of quantum groups..."

On the reporting table, Xu Chuan's explanation continued, with the chalk in his hand matching the calculations on the blackboard.

The explanation and report on the Yang-Mills equation were not only done to the audience in the audience, but also in his own heart.

The theory proven over the long period of time came back to mind at this moment, and there is no possibility of it being erased.

While sorting out and reporting on this past idea, a new idea was vaguely brewing in his mind.

It seems that this equation that has astonished the world, astounded the world of mathematics and physics, has another way to the answer.

Under the lecture table, sitting next to Gerd Faltings, an old Germanic man with a bit of a venomous tongue and a bit of a stubbornness, Edward Witten wrote down the last part of the idea about the proof in the notebook in his hand, and looked at it with a smile.

He turned to Faltings and said:

"Do you think he did it?"

This question can be said to be asked knowingly. After all, the Supercomputing Center of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton has verified the general solution and the result is correct.

He just wanted to show off to this stubborn old German man. After all, Xu Chuan was his student.

Faltings turned to look at him and said calmly: "Very good mathematical skills, but I don't think it comes from you."

Upon hearing this, Witten was immediately choked up.

He is really a bitch, why would he want to be criticized by someone with such a vicious tongue?

Faltings ignored him and looked at Xu Chuan who was finishing his paper on the stage. After thinking for a while, he seemed to be talking to himself or communicating with Witten and said:

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "His mathematical skills are far better than I imagined. However, when it comes to solving the problem of 'Yang-Mills Equation', his past problem-solving skills are amazing.

It seems to have disappeared.”

Hearing this, Edward Witten frowned slightly and looked at Faltings in surprise: "Do you think he has regressed?"

After staring at the calculations on the blackboard and thinking for a while, Faltings said: "If we talk about the application of various mathematical methods, especially the research and understanding of calculus and Abelian symmetry groups, this part

It can indeed be said to be very mature, so mature that these formulas seem to be born this way.”

"This shows that his understanding of mathematics is getting deeper and deeper, doesn't it? Isn't this a good thing?" Witten asked curiously.

"It's a good thing, but not necessarily."

Faltings nodded and shook his head slightly, and continued: "I have read all his papers, starting from the initial weak Weyl_Berry conjecture to the proof of the NS equation, every problem is solved in every paper.

Full of the wonder and spirituality of a mathematician."

"Especially on the last step of the NS equation a few years ago, that paper was just like when I solved the Model's conjecture, as if it came from the void."

"But in this paper, this feeling has disappeared a lot in my mind. His use of mathematical skills has become more mature, but if this amazingness and spirituality are lost, this may not be a good thing."

For a mathematician, the application of various mathematical formulas and techniques is a very important thing, but the most important thing is not this, but a kind of spirituality.

At least according to Faltings, so.

Only when you are full of spirituality can you advance in the field of mathematics and explore and solve unknown problems.

Upon hearing this, Witten shrugged and said, "Is your request too exaggerated? In my opinion, the method that can solve the problem is already excellent."

After a pause, he continued with a smile: "And, if the proof of solving the Yang-Mills equation is not amazing enough, then what else is worthy of being amazing?"

Faltings ignored him and continued to focus on the reporting table. Witten, an impure mathematician, could not understand this feeling.

At this moment, the voice that had been narrating on the reporting platform suddenly stopped.


PS: Asking for a monthly ticket

This chapter has been completed!
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