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Chapter 571 Research beyond the scope

While Xu Chuan was studying how to mathematically establish formulas and models for the dependence between gravitons and the topological contraction point of the Einstein-Rosen bridge, scholars from all over the world also arrived in St. Petersburg.

After passing through the surprisingly strict security and inspection at the door, Faltings dragged his suitcase to the front desk.

Compared with other mathematicians and mathematics professors who were in groups or with assistants or students, his figure seemed particularly lonely in the Talon Imperial Hotel where the International Congress of Mathematicians was about to be held.

It's not that he doesn't have students and assistants, it's that he's not very willing to use them.

In Faltings' view, only old people need others to take care of their lives, and he is not old yet!

"Hello, Professor Faltings, welcome to this International Congress of Mathematicians. Your room number is 1008. This is your room card. The conference procedures and reports have been prepared in your room.

,I wish you a pleasant journey."

After handing over his invitation letter, Faltings took the room card from the waiter, said a faint 'thank you' and then dragged his suitcase towards the elevator.

Just at this time, Terence Tao came out of the elevator. When he saw Faltings, his old friend, his eyes lit up. He walked up quickly and greeted with a smile: "Professor Faltings, you too


Hearing the familiar voice, Faltings stopped and nodded when he saw Terence Tao as a greeting.

Tao Zhexuan didn't care about Faltings' indifference, after all, this person has always been this character.

Smiling, he continued: "Speaking of which, you are a little late. If you had come earlier, maybe you could go with us to meet Perelman."

Faltings: "There is no big need. There is no problem with him that I need to know about."

Tao Zhexuan smiled and said: "But you can't imagine what questions Professor Xu Chuan who went with us this morning asked."

Hearing this familiar name, Faltings' calm eyes moved, and after a while he asked: "What's the problem?"

Seeing that Faltings was aroused, Tao Zhexuan laughed and said: "I know that topics about him can arouse your interest, but about this question, you have to ask him in person, maybe you can still communicate with him

one time."

Regarding the mathematical research on Einstein-Rosen Bridge, he really felt that his imagination was quite big.

Although Einstein and Nathan Rosen made mathematical equations for the gravitational field, the former was just an assumption based on the gravitational field equation.

It can be said that there is almost no theoretical basis at all. The difficulty of solving this problem from the perspective of mathematics is far beyond that of the Millennium Problem.

However, theoretically speaking, wormholes are mathematically a form of hyperbolic geometry.

What Faltings is good at is not only algebraic geometry, but also arithmetic geometry, commutative algebra and other aspects.

Maybe he has some interest in Xu Chuan's research?

Being betrayed, Faltings didn't care at all. After a faint "Oh", he stepped into the elevator.

Tao Zhexuan smiled and shook his head. This Germanic old man and Perelman were the same type of people to a certain extent. Both were extremely stubborn and extremely indifferent to things other than mathematics.

But what is better than Perelman is that Faltings is at least still active in the mathematical community.


On the other side, in the hotel room, Xu Chuan stared at the notebook in his hand, still thinking.

It is a very complicated task to mathematically complete the dependence between 'gravitons' and the Einstein-Rosen bridge topological contraction point in three-dimensional space.

Not just mathematics, he also needs to build a complete system for this in physics.

He needs to find a complete theory to complete the explanation of 'gravitons'. This is a task that he did not complete in his previous life, and it is also the most troublesome task.

After all, 'graviton' is the core contradiction of quantum mechanics and general relativity.

As we all know, Einstein's theory of relativity and quantum theory currently have many almost irreconcilable contradictions.

Such as the properties of space and time.

General relativity believes that space and time are continuous and curved, and massive objects can distort the surrounding space-time.

Just like placing a bowling ball on a spring bed will cause the spring bed to dent, causing surrounding objects to spin and fall closer to the bowling ball. This distortion and denting phenomenon is called a "gravitational field".

But quantum mechanics believes that space and time are discrete.

Because according to Planck's constant, the smallest unit of space-time can be calculated, and since there is a smallest unit, then space-time should be like the modules of a puzzle, which can be split into discrete structures, not continuous.

Or general relativity believes that the cosmological constant is constant; but quantum mechanics predicts that the cosmological constant should be very small, which is far from the prediction of general relativity.

This is also a contradiction between general relativity and quantum mechanics.

But these are all from a physical point of view. From a mathematical point of view, the mathematical tools used by general relativity and quantum mechanics are very different.

General relativity uses Einstein's field equations to describe the nature of curved space-time.

Quantum mechanics uses wave functions to describe the state of microscopic particles.

The differences between these two mathematical tools are so great that it is difficult to unify the two theories.

Of course, Xu Chuan never thought about unifying these two theories, which would be too difficult.

What he wants to do is to renormalize the graviton into the Einstein-Rosen bridge based on the 'current assumption' of the existence of graviton.

Compared with resolving the contradiction between general relativity and quantum mechanics, this problem is only a small part of the problem.

But even this trivial problem is not easy to solve.

Staring at the 'messy' thoughts on his notebook, Xu Chuan shook his head vigorously.

He considered using the 'wave-particle duality' of quantum mechanics to try to rein in the graviton, but the mathematical operations of this theory were very complex and simply not self-consistent;

The theory of loop quantum gravity has also been considered as a choice for the propagation path, but it must be said that there are still many troubles that need to be solved.

In short, almost every path he can think of currently has huge problems or even dead ends, and there is simply no solution he can think of at the moment.

"It's such a daunting problem. Not only do we know too little about dimensions, but we also know too little about gravity. Even if gravitons can really open the Einstein-Rosen bridge, I'm afraid this problem will be too little.

It’s not a problem that I can solve now.”

Sighing, Xu Chuan closed his notebook, shook his head and muttered to himself.

This issue is beyond the scope of his current research. Without enough data to support it, it is impossible for him to find the formula that leads to the space hole.

Perhaps after the Large Strong Particle Collider is completed, he can use that huge scientific research equipment to find some dimensional clues and thus find the door to this mysterious world.

Or perhaps we can explore some of the mysteries of gravity, gravitational waves, and even gravitons from certain cosmic wonders, such as supernova explosions, black hole mergers, and other events.

As for now, just relying on his brain cells may not be enough to burn them.


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