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Chapter 600 The second good news in the golden autumn of October

Standing in the control room, looking at the aerospace engine that had stopped not far away through the surveillance screen, Chang Huaxiang felt the shock in his heart that could not subside for a long time.

As a scholar who has worked in the aerospace field for decades, he knows better than anyone else how this huge engine has changed the development of aerospace.

To a certain extent, it will open a new era, an era of electric propulsion!

On the side, Wen Yuanhang, who is responsible for managing the daily affairs of the institute, has a look of shock on his face.

Compared to the scholars present, he could think of more than what this electric propulsion aerospace engine meant.

The powerful endurance brought by electric propulsion and small fusion reactors, especially in the atmosphere, this kind of engine system that uses air as the working fluid will be unimaginable for the changes in the aerospace field.

Especially in the military field, an aerospace aircraft equipped with a supporting power system will have the ability to cruise around the world.

In the past, the traditional military deployment method of war based on aircraft carriers and overseas bases will undergo earth-shaking changes in the near future.

It can be said that this will be an artifact destined to change future air combat, and even the entire war pattern!

After coming back from his endless reverie, Wen Yuanhang, who was always good at controlling his emotions, couldn't help but take several deep breaths to force himself to calm down.

After taking a long breath, he looked up at Xu Chuan and Weng Yunzong who were standing aside, and asked: "Academician Xu, Professor Weng, I want to ask, what is this aerospace engine...

When can it be officially applied?"

Hearing this question, Xu Chuan did not answer. He also raised his head and glanced at Weng Yunzong, who was in charge of the aerospace engine project.

Although the assembly work and the first test experiment have been completed so far, he does not know how many subsequent tests will be conducted and how long it will take.

On the opposite side, Weng Yunzong thought carefully and replied: "I can't give a specific time or guarantee for this, but judging from some general data from the preliminary test just now, the performance parameters of this aerospace engine are very good.

, the whole thing has been completed.”

"However, what is important for aerospace engines is not only the preliminary design and assembly work, but also the subsequent testing of all aspects."

"After all, engines are assembled on aircraft such as the space shuttle, and various tests take a lot of time. Before all the work is completed, no one can guarantee that its performance on the spacecraft will be the same as on the ground.


"As for the general time and planning, judging from the current arrangements, if everything goes well, all tests that can be done on the ground can be completed within 60 days."

"In addition, after it is assembled on the space shuttle, the relevant testing will take about forty days."

Wen Yuanhang nodded. Sixty days plus forty days equals one hundred days, which is close to three and a half months.

It sounds long, but in fact this test time is quite short.

You must know that traditional turbojet aero engines must undergo a wide variety of tests, large and small, from the ground to the air, before they are officially finalized. The cumulative test time is tens of thousands of hours.

When he was working at the Institute of Science and Technology, he once heard something like this said by an academician in the field of aerospace engines.

It takes at least twenty years to develop a completely new engine design, which is at least twice as long as developing a new generation of aircraft.

It takes at least a year to test a brand new engine, and being able to complete it in 365 days is considered relatively fast in the industry.

The main factor that determines the official operation time of the designed and manufactured engine is the need to ensure that the engine can work normally under various complex conditions.

For an aero engine, the design phase may not take a long time, but how to verify it under complex conditions is the reason why the engine operation period is long.

Although the computer age has been able to increase the speed of data calculations and use strong algorithmic foundations to simulate various data test sites, one thing cannot be ignored: how to transform these complex scenarios into computational data simulations.

That's the core.

This transformation process is equivalent to building an industrial system, and it takes a very long time.

In terms of traditional aero engines, the reason why the United States can relatively quickly complete the replacement of new fighter aircraft is that they have successfully built a complete set of tool systems.

In China, this system is not yet perfect, and it has always been imitated and advanced by the United States.

But judging from the current situation, they may no longer need to build a traditional engine system in the future. The emergence of aerospace engines and the mission of electric propulsion may completely end the era of traditional fossil fuel engines.

Taking a deep breath, Wen Yuanhang looked at Weng Yunzong and said seriously: "Professor Weng, I'm sorry to trouble you about the research and testing of aerospace engines. On behalf of the Department of Science and Technology and the National Defense Strategic Planning Department, I am requesting you that I hope that

This aerospace propulsion system can be completed as soon as possible!"

Stunned by Wen Yuanhang's sudden solemnity, Weng Yunzong came to his senses, nodded seriously, and replied: "I will try my best."


The aerospace engine breakthrough is the first good news of October.

With a thrust of nearly 500 kilonewtons, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is an epic leap forward in the development of electric propulsion systems.

Not two days after the breakthrough of the aerospace engine, the 2022 Nobel Prize list was also completed and announced over time.

Compared with the Literature Prize and the Peace Prize, Xu Chuan still pays attention to the Physics Prize, Chemistry Prize and Biomedicine Prize.

This year's Physics Prize was awarded to three physics professors: John Krauser of the United States, Alain Aspe of France, and Anton Zeilinger of Austria, in recognition of their "entangled photon experiments, verifying the violation of Bell's inequality and

For his contributions to pioneering quantum information science.

As soon as this news came out, "quantum entanglement" became a hot search topic on major platforms.

Relevant physics topics have triggered heated discussions, and the phrase "quantum mechanics cannot be decided" has become popular again; major technology UP owners or media have come up with all kinds of strange metaphors to popularize how wonderful quantum entanglement is, and experts from all walks of life lamented.

The end of science is metaphysics, and he expresses a long sigh about life, the universe and the future.

For ordinary people, after reading too much of these contents, it seems that we will have the feeling that the Nobel Prize in Physics is awarded to a particularly mysterious, magnificent, and incredible discovery.

The next step for quantum entanglement may be time travel, telepathy, four-dimensional space and so on.

For Xu Chuan, this year's physics prize is well-deserved for these three scholars.

The controversy over the concept of quantum entanglement began as early as the beginning of the 20th century. At that time, with the great development of classical physics, both academic circles and public opinion began to look at microscopic systems.

Quantum mechanics is undoubtedly the most important theory to explain microscopic systems, and quantum entanglement was also one of the core points of debate between Einstein, Bohr and others, and was also one of the differences between classical physics and quantum systems.

In the following decades, physicists in the field of quantum mechanics conducted a large number of experiments on quantum entanglement.

From the light quantum entanglement experiment proposed by John Wheeler at the beginning to the Bell inequality distance theory proposed by John Bell, the path of quantum entanglement experiments has been quite difficult.

It took fifty years, until 1998, when Anton Zeilinger and others completed the Bell theorem experiment at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. Through the experiment of multi-particle entangled states, the locality loophole was completely eliminated, and decisive experimental results were obtained.

Proved that quantum entanglement really exists.

This debate that has lasted for more than a century has finally come to an end.

In Xu Chuan's view, it was actually a bit late for the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to wait until this year to award the physics prize to quantum entanglement.

After all, the confirmation of quantum entanglement not only means a major breakthrough in physics, but also has an extremely far-reaching impact and significance on the application of the quantum field itself.

Although "true quantum communication" that uses quantum entanglement to transmit information regardless of distance boundaries is still far away, there are still many applications that have begun to be explored. Many scientific technologies and theories have applied the concurrent characteristics of quantum entanglement itself to achieve their goals.

For example, quantum communication mainly uses quantum encryption to improve information security.

In addition, there are optical quantum computers, which also make full use of the experimental phenomenon of laser-induced photon deflection.

The universal quantum computers currently being explored by IBM, Google and other companies are also closely related to discoveries such as superconducting transmission and absolute low-temperature environments in quantum entanglement experiments.

In fact, as early as a few years ago, people in major physics forums continued to predict that quantum entanglement experiments would win awards.

It's just a pity that more than 20 years have passed since the experiment was completed in 1998, and this honor has only been awarded to the person it deserves.

It is also worth mentioning that after the completion of controllable nuclear fusion technology in 2020, the name "Xuchuan" has been the most popular in the predictions of the Nobel Prize on major websites and forums.

After all, when it comes to the Nobel Prize, controllable nuclear fusion definitely deserves it.

It can even be said that it is not a matter of whether controllable nuclear fusion technology is worthy of the Nobel Prize, but whether the Nobel Prize can have this honor.

After all, Nobel Prizes are awarded every year, but controllable nuclear fusion is a once-in-a-million technological breakthrough.

However, the final result was unsatisfactory. Whether it was the Nobel Prize last year or this year, the jury selected achievements other than controllable nuclear fusion technology.

Of course, Xu Chuan didn't pay much attention.

On the one hand, he no longer needs the Nobel Prize to honor himself. His name is the greatest honor.

On the other hand, controllable nuclear fusion is not the result of his research alone, but a research project involving more than a hundred companies and thousands of people.

No matter how excellent the research results of such groups are, the Nobel Prize review committee will not consider them.

Otherwise, at least one-third of the results in the physics community will be captured by CERN.

After all, the field of high-energy physics is almost the focus of the current physics world, and it is also the only field that can continuously produce various results.

The physics prize was awarded to achievements in the field of quantum entanglement, while the chemistry prize and biology prize were awarded to the fields of 'click chemistry, orthogonal chemistry' and 'discovery of the genome and human evolution of extinct species' respectively.

If Xu Chuan knew a little bit about chemistry, then it can be said that he didn't understand it at all about biology.

After briefly reading the relevant introduction, I skipped the relevant news.


In mid-October, after all the Nobel prizes were awarded, Xu Chuan, who was dealing with his work in the office, received another good news!

Senior Brother Lin Fenglin, who followed Academician Tai Xuewen, a leader in China's high-energy physics community, to inspect the Large Strong Particle Collider base in southern Hunan and handle project development, is back.

Seeing Senior Brother Lin Feng appearing in his office after a long journey, Xu Chuan looked him up and down before recognizing him, and said blankly: "Why do you have such a tan?"

Compared to Senior Brother Lin, who was fair and fair before, this one who is coming back now almost looks like an African. His skin is tanned all over his body, and his face and hands still have some cracks caused by lack of water.


Lin Feng shook his head and sighed, saying: "Hey! Forget it, I'm meowing. Before I went to southern Hunan, I didn't expect the sun there to be so hot. After following Director Tai around for a while, it became

That’s it.”

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "Although the sun over there in August and September is indeed very scorching, I have lived in southern Hunan for more than ten or twenty years and I have never sunburned like you. With your appearance, I almost thought you were sold.

He's gone to Africa."

Lin Feng's face fell, and he said gloomily: "I don't know, I am the only one in the group with such a tan. Maybe my skin is more sensitive."

"Forget it, let's not talk about it anymore. I came here today to bring you good news."

"As for the initial preparations for the construction of the collider, it has been initially completed with the support of the provincial and municipal governments in southern Hunan."

Hearing the news, Xu Chuan glanced at him in surprise and said, "So fast?"

You must know that the Large Strong Particle Collider Project is a large-scale project worth hundreds of billions. It has only been three months since the site selection was officially decided in July.

It took three months to complete the preliminary preparations. This speed is indeed a bit exaggerated.

Lin Feng nodded and said with a smile: "I even doubt whether you bribed the government over there. They are too dedicated. Including demolition compensation, deployment and deployment of TBMs, and project deployment planning, these things have saved us a lot.


After a pause, he continued: "Next, we have to find a time to officially launch the project. Director Tai asked me to ask for your views and opinions. Should our launch be bigger, or should we keep it low-key first?

Just click to invite domestic scholar institutions."

After hearing this question, Xu Chuan thought for a moment and said, "What does Director Tai mean?"

Lin Feng: "What Director Tai means is that you are the chief designer of the Large Collider project. Such important events must be decided by you, and he will assist you."

Xu Chuan thought for a moment and said, "Let's do this. I'll take time to go to southern Hunan in the next two days, and I'll make a decision then."


This chapter has been completed!
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