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Chapter 60 College Entrance Examination

Chapter 60 College Entrance Examination

Xu Chuan didn't know much about the confrontation between the two countries. At this moment, he, like other candidates, was preparing for the college entrance examination.

For a high school student, or even for a person's life, the college entrance examination is one of the key turning points that determines destiny.

Occasional cases are not worth discussing too much. For most people, if they can get a few more points in the college entrance examination, their future life and destiny will be completely different.

Thousands of troops and horses cross the single-plank bridge. If you can get more points, you will have more destiny.

On June 4th, Xingcheng No. 1 Middle School is one of the important test sites. The first and second grade students have already had a holiday, and the third grade students are facing the final mobilization.

In class 1201, Tang Gaoyuan walked into the classroom.

Some noisy classrooms soon became quiet, and all the faces that still had some immature looks raised their heads to look at the podium.

Looking at the students in the classroom, Tang Gaoyuan rarely smiled in front of the whole class.

"Classmates, this is the last class."

This is its second intention.

"There's no need to trouble you, teacher. My mother has come to Star City and has already found a hotel for me to stay in. It's near the test center." Xu Chuan declined with a smile.

[So, the big tree decided to find a way on its own. It produced sweet fruits, and the fruits contained seeds. After the fruits were eaten by animals, the seeds of the big tree spread all over the world. 】

Xunzi's "Encouragement to Learning" says: "A gentleman is born not to be different, but to be good and false to things." But why should other things be willing to be used by me? Because there is something in his belly, not empty."

Seeing Xu Chuan's serious face, Tang Gaoyuan laughed loudly: "Okay, I'll just tell you, don't be too nervous and don't leave any regrets for yourself."

After all, once is born, second is familiar. In his last life, he got a score of 708, so there is no reason that he will be worse in this life.

"There are too many words of encouragement, so I won't say more. I believe everyone here has their own goals."

"Cultivation of the Heart Like a Lotus"

Full marks depend on Chinese composition and English composition.

The first day of the college entrance examination officially began, with the first Chinese test. Xu Chuan successfully solved the previous questions and faced one of the two biggest difficulties in the college entrance examination, 'composition'.

There is a saying that ‘if you have dreams in your heart, spring will bring flowers to bloom’.

[The birds said, you have no wings, so they refused. The tree wanted to ask the animals for help. The animals said, you have no legs, and they refused.]

In addition, taking birds, animals and trees as the title actually alludes to people and things in real life.

"That's good."

A big tree is rooted in the ground, and it is obviously unrealistic to travel. It has no wings or feet, but as big as the heart is, the stage is as big as it is.

These two items are variables and depend to a certain extent on the subjective views of the marking teacher.

The two days of vacation passed quickly.

Every year's college entrance examination essays have different ideas, but when he looked at this question back then, he actually only saw the most superficial idea.

But looking back now, I see that this essay question contains a lot of ideas.

Based on the above materials, combine your own feelings and thinking, choose any angle, draft your own topic, and write a narrative or argumentative essay of no less than 800 words.

Isn’t this a great wisdom in the process of pursuing dreams? Isn’t this another kind of intention?

Then again, the big tree provided a place for birds and animals to rest, but in the end the birds and animals refused the big tree's request. The kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring. This is also an intention.

"If the past three years have been a long marathon, then today it has entered the final sprint."

In the chaotic classroom, Tang Gaoyuan said goodbye to every student and came to Xu Chuan.

Of course, for Xu Chuan, it was impossible for him to write down all the ideas he saw in his composition, as that would be nondescript.

"The arrow has been nocked and the string has been fully drawn. All that's left is to give it a try."

This is what he saw back then, and it is also the theme of his writing.

But on the other hand, from the perspective of birds and animals, the tree's initial request was undoubtedly beyond their capabilities.

Twenty years later, when Xu Chuan saw this question again, he felt a sigh in his heart.

Tang Gaoyuan nodded, patted Xu Chuan's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Come on, come back with a perfect score for me!"

Perhaps this scene will be a warm and beautiful memory for every teenager in the classroom as they grow up in the future.

Xu Chuan nodded seriously: "I will try my best."

So during the two-day holiday before the college entrance examination, he was worried that traveling back and forth would affect Xu Chuan's condition.

The tree begs for animals to carry it, but is rejected; if it waits for it to bear fruit, it will feed on each other and its seeds will be passed on.

"Although the last two days are a holiday, everyone must pay attention to your health, pay attention to review, don't catch a cold, don't get injured, and don't leave any regrets for your future self."

"Three years ago, you walked into No. 1 Middle School full of beautiful visions for the future. In these three years, you have each gained something."

[There is a big tree with lush branches and thick shade on the ground. It is a favorite resting place for birds and animals. The birds and animals share their experiences of traveling to various places. After hearing this, the big tree also wanted to travel, so he asked

Birds and beasts help.]

After pondering for a while, Xu Chuan started writing.

"Life should be self-reliant!"

The student in front of me is very special among this class of students. Most of the students in No. 1 Middle School are recruited from middle schools in Star City, but he was admitted from Yue County.

He didn't feel too nervous about the college entrance examination.

Only when people practice self-cultivation and show their value can they seek appreciation from others.

At some point in the future, when these grown-up students revisit campus or watch campus movies, when they think about it, their hearts will be filled with strength again, and tears may well up in their eyes.

"get out of class is over!"

"Xu Chuan, don't go back to your hometown these two days. I have a house near No. 1 Middle School. You can clean it up and live with me in the next two days."

In the classroom, the loudest and neatest applause sounded, and the students in Class 1201 stood up and bowed to Tang Gaoyuan on the podium.

This is his title.

"Take your hopes and efforts and move forward. In the days to come, I wish you all a bright future and sunshine all the way. I also wish you happiness!"

After being refused help by the birds and beasts, the tree did not ask for help from others. Instead, it silently figured out a way on its own and worked hard to bear fruit, thereby realizing its dream.

Although he refused, in the end he carried the seeds of the big tree within his ability and spread them all over the world. Win-win is another idea.

This is the so-called "peaches and plums do not speak, but they will form a trail by themselves". Cultivate your mind like a lotus, which has no vines or branches, and the fragrance will be clearer and clearer. A section of green waves among the lotus leaves in the field will make the fragrance of the lotus travel thousands of miles.

I feel resentful of the indifference of the world, and look coldly and helplessly. Only when I reach a state of mind can I realize that it is my own vain pursuit.

If others help me, thank them; if others help me, I will help them, and then call them with clear virtues. Cultivate your mind like a lotus, and your self will be as clear as the bright moon.

Why not benefit each other? The world kisses me with songs, I send you fragrance, and cultivate your mind like a lotus.

(End of chapter)

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