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Chapter 619 CERN Press Conference

For Xu Chuan, how to bring Professor Tillman Lunt out of retirement is indeed a headache.

This expert in the field of ion physics has little interest in working in the collider field. As for salary and benefits, there is no shortage of them for such a big boss who stands at the top of the academic pyramid.

After thinking for a long time, Xu Chuan thought of the stellarator.

If Professor Tillman has any obsession, it is Spiralite-7X.

While working at the Planck Institute for Plasma Research, this boss spent most of his life on stellarators, just to verify whether his dream could reach the other side.

In the end, the spiral stone-7X was sold, and the dream had its wings broken.

After discussing with Wen Yuanhang, Xu Chuan decided to try the stellarator again.

Although to the outside world, whether the stellarator can take the road to controllable nuclear fusion is still confidential information.

But as long as the aircraft carrier No. 03 is refitted and launched in early February next year, this intelligence information will soon be deduced by various countries.

After all, the news that they purchased Spiralite-7X from Germania could not be kept secret at all.

As for whether Professor Tillman will obtain the key technology of controllable nuclear fusion, there is no need to worry at all.

The core technologies of controllable nuclear fusion are the ‘high-temperature plasma turbulence control model’ and ‘first wall material’.

Even if Tillman was allowed to learn these two things, it would be almost impossible to learn them.

The former requires extremely deep mathematics and programming skills, and the latter is based on the two technologies of atomic circulation and radiation gaps.

It can be said that it is impossible to learn these two technologies just by looking at them in the laboratory.


And just as Xu Chuan expected, regarding the stellarator, this is a hurdle that Professor Tillman Lunt has never been able to overcome.

If he could see the success of Spiral Stone-7X with his own eyes, it would be the most fatal attraction for him.

In the reception room, listening to the conditions proposed by Xu Chuan, Tillman couldn't help but take several deep breaths of air to calm down.

"You are saying that you are willing to open up the research and experiments of the stellarator to me in exchange for my help in building the CRHPC, the ring super particle collider?"

After taking a deep breath, Tillman couldn't help but look at Xu Chuan and asked.

Xu Chuan nodded, shook his head slightly, and said: "It is impossible to be completely open. For example, we cannot disclose the manufacturing method to you on the first wall material. But at least you can fully participate in the entire experiment.

, even including understanding some not-so-confidential parts and their uses and parameters.”

After a pause, he continued: "If you want to fully understand our technology in controllable nuclear fusion, perhaps immigrating is a very good choice."

"If you are willing, the Xinghai Research Institute led by me can definitely give you an excellent salary and benefits package, including an RV and your family's green book. All these can be taken care of for you."

"If you don't want to, the limit of what we can do is what you have."

It is undeniable that Professor Tillman is a top talent, even compared with some Nobel Prize winners. However, it is unrealistic to completely open up controllable nuclear fusion technology.

Even if he could not learn these things by himself, the first wall material of the CNC model would not be open to him.

Unless, as Xu Chuan said, he would have a chance to immigrate with his family from Germany.

As for other technologies and things in controllable nuclear fusion technology, you don’t need to care so much, such as ICRF heating antenna technology, helium three particle detection technology, and radiation control systems. Although these things are important, they are not critical, and they are not in the hands of other countries.

There is no substitute.

It is enough to ensure that the first wall material technology of the high-temperature plasma CNC model does not leak.

As for whether it is worth spending such a high price to invite Professor Tillman, it is certainly worth it.

A top plasma physics engineer and a top three superconducting magnet application engineer in the world, his value cannot be described in words. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a national treasure-level scholar.

Especially in the construction of the ring super particle collider CRHPC and the application of superconducting magnets, he can help China speed up more steps and cultivate a small group of talents.

In Xu Chuan's opinion, this is completely worth it.


In the reception room, Tillman Lunt looked at the documents in his hand and fell into deep thought.

To be fair, the conditions offered to him by Xu Chuan and Hua Guo were already extremely excellent. Although the CNC model of plasma turbulence and the first wall material that he most wanted to see were impossible to open to him, he was allowed to participate on the basis of non-immigration.

It is extremely rewarding to go into the stellarator project and understand the whole process.

After thinking for a while, he looked up at Xu Chuan, took a deep breath and replied, "I agree."

As Xu Chuan expected, the stellarator and Helix-7X were obstacles that he couldn't overcome. At this point in time, the only country that could provide him with the stellarator to continue his research was China.

Even if you can't see the plasma turbulence CNC model and first wall material technology you most want to see, if there is hope that you can realize your dream, it is still worth it.

Of course, what Tillman doesn't know yet is that the Xinghai Research Institute, that is, Xu Chuan, has completed the ignition and power generation of the stellarator and successfully followed this path. He can be considered to have been deceived.

Hearing Professor Tillman's answer, Xu Chuan showed a joyful smile on his face, stood up, shook hands with him formally, and said: "Welcome to join!"

Tillman straightened his suit and said, "Thank you, I will go all out to build the CRHPC, a circular super particle collider."


On the other side, after the launch of the first International Large Strong Particle Collider and the official conclusion of the symposium.

European, Center for Atomic Energy Research.

A public press conference was held simultaneously.

Nominally it is in response to the LHC upgrade to the construction progress of the LH-LHC High-Brightness Intense Particle Collider, but in fact it is in response to what people with a discerning eye will naturally know.

"Gentlemen and ladies. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend our press conference. Just three days ago, CERN has completed the overall upgrade design work of LH-LHCb. The upgraded LHCb detector is 32 meters long.

, 15 meters high and weighing 8,800 tons.”

"After the upgrade is completed, the LHCb experiment can use two ultra-high-energy proton beams to collide more than 60 million times per second at a speed close to the speed of light, and detect and record various particles produced by each collision. Comparative comparison

The performance of the previous LHCb has been improved by a full 60%!"

"With these huge collision data, after analyzing the big data, we can study the statistical differences between matter particles and dark matter particles, thereby achieving various physical goals such as studying matter and dark matter."

"It will be a great new journey for mankind in physics!"


After introducing the situation of the LH-LHC high-brightness particle collider, the newly appointed CERN chairman smiled and reported to the media reporters in the audience, and entered the on-site question session.

Many media reporters raised their hands, eager to pass the microphone to the mouth of the new CERN board of directors.

After all, watching the excitement is not too big a deal. When China held the launch and seminar of the first International Large Strong Particle Collider, CERN held a press conference related to the collider. No matter how you look at it, it is causing trouble.

For media reporters, their favorite thing is undoubtedly making trouble.

This kind of thing involving the competition between CERN and CRHPC in the field of high-energy physics will undoubtedly detonate traffic and create huge discussions.

Professor Gwendolyn Casey, the new chairman of the CERN Board of Governors, looked around the press hall and gave the first opportunity to ask questions to the Washington Post from the United States.

As a newspaper with a long history, some of the political stances and positions of the "Washington Post" are not that obvious. Under normal circumstances, it will not take the initiative to cause trouble, at least it will not ask an unanswerable question at the beginning.

Make things difficult for her.

Although the competition between CERN and CRHPC's circular super particle collider is open, at least the superficial appearance of both parties still needs to be maintained.

Moreover, the large-scale controllable nuclear fusion reactor in Ohio is currently under construction with the support of China. If it goes too far, there may be another commotion there.

Although matters in the field of controllable nuclear fusion have nothing to do with her, they still need to be considered to some extent.

At Gwendolyn's gesture, reporters from the Washington Post got the first opportunity to ask questions.

He stood up, spent two or three seconds to consider his words, and then asked: "Dear Chairman Gwendolyn, according to CERN's plan, what is the LH-LHC high-luminosity particle collider?"

How long will the upgrade work take? What kind of overall performance can the LH-LHC achieve after the upgrade is completed?"

Hearing this question, Gwendolyn Casey smiled and replied: "According to expectations, the LH-LHC upgrade will be completed around the end of 2023 to early 2024, which means it will only take more than a year. The physics community

A new Large Strong Particle Collider will be ushered in!"

"As for the performance of the LH-LHC, after the United States generously provided a batch of high-temperature superconducting materials with high critical magnetic fields and billions of meters of gold funding, the collision performance of this high-brightness strong particle collider can at least reach

More than 50Tev, and currently our engineers are thinking of ways to continue to improve it, and it is expected to reach about 70-80Tev in the future!"

"Compared with the original LHC, which had a maximum energy level of 13 Tev, this is undoubtedly a huge improvement!"

As soon as he finished speaking, other arms were raised in the audience.

"Chairman Gwendolyn, how do you see the launch and seminar of the Circular Super Particle Collider held in China Star City today?"

Gwendolyn smiled and replied: "As a physicist, I am very happy, and I believe that the entire physics community is very happy with the construction of CRHPC. This will allow us to have two strong particle colliders, explore and discover

More unknown phenomena.”

Hearing this answer, some media reporters in the audience were immediately dissatisfied. They raised their hands and asked: "Hello, Chairman, everyone knows that the discovery of the collider is related to its collision energy level, and it is rumored that the discovery of the collider is related to its collision energy level.

The collision energy level of CRHPC will be as high as over 100 Tev. Will it have a better chance of discovering more unknown particles than LH-LHC?"

Hearing this, Gwendolyn laughed and replied: "What I don't deny is that increasing the collision energy level will indeed have the opportunity to collide particles into smaller pieces, and it is also possible to discover more things."

After a pause, she changed her words and continued: "However, it is the detectors deployed on the collider orbit that determine whether we can see these particles and unknown phenomena."

"Only advanced, high-brightness, high-sensitivity detectors can have more hope and a greater possibility of using our eyes to see through the unknown world."

"In this regard, I'm not bragging, but in comparison, CERN's reserves are almost the best of physicists from all over the world. We have detectors that are more powerful and more sensitive than CRHPC, and are destined to be able to detect

More particles and phenomena."

"I think that in the ten years since CRHPC was built, CERN will definitely be able to discover dark matter and dark energy, and maybe even the legendary supersymmetric particles."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! After a pause, she continued: "And whether CRHPC can achieve the rumored energy level of 100 Tev is still unknown. This needs to wait for the collider.

We won’t know until the construction is completed.”

After Gwendolyn finished speaking, deafening applause immediately filled the venue.

There is no doubt that this is a beautiful answer. It perfectly complements the shortcomings of the upgraded LH-LHC high-luminosity collider in terms of collision energy level. It also tells the world that it is not the physical particles that determine whether they can see them.

The collision energy level, but the detector.

As for how many people in the outside world will believe this, there is no doubt that the official announcement of CERN, the current holy land of physics, is still convincing.

After a round of warm applause, the BBC reporter from The Sun Never Sets was given the opportunity to ask questions.

"Hello, Chairman, I heard that China has invested more than 120 billion RMB in CPHPC. Will it replace CERN as a new physics center in the future?"

Hearing this question, Gwendolyn smiled and replied "kindly": "Whether CRHPC will replace CERN as the new physics center, my opinion is to wait until they build it first."

"After all, it takes a long time to build a large strong particle collider from start to finish. The LHC took a full seven years, but what about CRHPC? I heard that they are going to build a circular tunnel with a length of more than 100 kilometers. I thought

, it will take at least ten years to complete this project.”

"As for the transfer of the physics center, perhaps in the future, if the United States and Europe no longer invest in the Large Strong Particle Collider, CRHPC may indeed become a new physics center."

As soon as these words came out, the lecture hall suddenly became noisy. Some people clapped, some smiled, and some even whistled.

No matter how you interpret it, the information revealed in Chairman Gwendolyn’s speech is not very friendly to CRHPC.

Only when the United States no longer invests in the collider will CRHPC replace CERN as the new physics center!

What this means is tantamount to telling everyone that only you can pick up the things we don’t want.

And until then, don’t even think about it!


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