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Chapter 627: The Concept of Strong Magnetic Deflection Field

(It’s the last day of 2023. I wish you all a Happy New Year in advance and may you be rich and wealthy in 2024!)

On the deck of the Haixi aircraft carrier's take-off area, Xu Chuan saw two electromagnetic catapults installed on the deck that had been opened, or in other words, they were called electromagnetic ejection tracks.

As we all know, whether it is an ordinary civil aviation aircraft or a fighter jet, apart from the very few helicopters and vertical take-off and landing fighter aircraft that can take off and land vertically, the vast majority of aircraft require the help of a long and narrow runway to complete their takeoff.


The core principle depends on the difference in air flow speed above and below the wings of the aircraft, which is quite basic knowledge in junior high school physics.

To put it simply, when an airplane is taxiing on the runway, the wings will split the air and divide it into upper and lower parts. Because of the shape, in the same period of time, the distance the air flows from the wing will be greater than that from the wing.

The distance traveled under the wing. Therefore, the flow speed of the air above the wing is greater than the flow speed of the air below the wing.

According to Bernoulli's principle, the pressure of a fluid is small where the flow velocity is high, and the pressure is strong where the flow velocity is low.

The air pressure under the wing is stronger than the air pressure above the wing, creating a pressure difference above and below the wing. The pressure difference creates an upward pressure difference. This pressure difference is the lift of the aircraft. When the lift is greater than the gravity of the aircraft, the aircraft can take off.

This is also the reason why airplanes need to reach a certain speed before they can take off.

On land, this acceleration step can be accomplished by building thousands of meters of runway.

But on a ship like an aircraft carrier, where land is at a premium and the area is not very large, how to allow fighter jets to take off at a speed sufficient to take off without falling into the sea is a key indicator.

For this reason, early engineers designed catapults to help carrier-based aircraft take off.

The original catapult was somewhat similar to the 'slingshot' that was circulated in the hands of rural children in the early years. It used ejection springs, tractors, ejection cylinders and other equipment to form a flight-assisted catapult.

When the flight-assisting catapult is stretched to the maximum, it is full of power like a 'slingshot'. After returning to its position, the carrier-based aircraft will be accelerated to an extremely high speed like a stone in the slingshot. 'Whoosh'

'Fly out at once.

Later, in the history of the development of aircraft carriers, as the weight and take-off speed of carrier-based aircraft increased dramatically, in addition to this mechanical flight-assisted catapult, many other types of catapults also appeared.

For example, compressed air type, gunpowder type, rocket type, electric type, hydraulic type, steam type, etc.

However, except for steam catapults, other forms of catapults have been gradually eliminated due to limitations in safety or ejection energy, which have restricted the development and use of carrier-based aircraft.

In the 21st century, the shortcomings of steam catapults have gradually been exposed with the development of carrier-based aircraft and aircraft carriers.

For example, it has high requirements on the structure and weight of aircraft carriers, requires large steam generators and complex piping systems, and the take-off speed and acceleration are difficult to accurately control... which will cause the aircraft to suffer excessive stress during take-off.

Problems such as increased wear and tear on the airframe and risks to pilots have limited its development.

As an electromagnetic catapult born in the new era, it has the advantages of precise control, high take-off efficiency and capability, making up for the shortcomings and shortcomings of steam catapults.

In fact, electromagnetic catapults are not a new concept. As early as the 1940s, the U.S. Navy used induction motor design technology to build linear motors and conduct ejection tests on aircraft.

However, due to difficult research and development issues such as R&D costs, energy supply, and power storage, electromagnetic catapults are still not a very mature technology.

In this regard, China is at the forefront of the world and can even be said to be number one in the world.

Although the Haixi is the first aircraft carrier to use electromagnetic catapult technology, the related technology is already mature enough.

The reason lies naturally in the earliest mature controllable nuclear fusion technology.

Its ultra-high temperature plasma turbulence control technology not only involves cutting-edge mathematical models, but also the development and application of superconducting materials.

Whether it is high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials or improved superconductors, they have greatly enhanced and made up for China's shortcomings in this field.

The improved superconducting coil energy storage core used in the Haixi electromagnetic catapult has a rated power of more than 50 megawatts, which is more than 200-300 times that of the most advanced electromagnetic catapult energy storage equipment currently on the market.


Its powerful output function, combined with high-power power control equipment, microcomputer industrial control systems, linear induction motors and other technologies, can eject the carrier-based aircraft at a shorter acceleration distance and faster acceleration in a shorter time.

Coupled with the Huaxing fusion reactor deployed on the Haixi, under extreme load conditions, it can complete a cycle of charging within 20 seconds and launch a carrier-based aircraft into the sky.

Of course, this is only a theoretical speed. In fact, you also need to consider various aspects of work such as carrier-based aircraft moving on the aircraft carrier, preparation, etc., which is far from such a high efficiency.

But there is no doubt that it has surpassed the current most advanced electromagnetic ejection technology on the Ford, and is truly a powerful weapon of a great power.


On the deck of the Haixi, Xu Chuan listened to Ouyang Zhen's introduction and looked thoughtfully at the electromagnetic ejection track in front of him.

The use of electromagnetic catapults is actually the same as that of electromagnetic guns. Its core is the use of electromagnetic fields. The principle is based on the action of electromagnetic induction and Lorentz force.

From a combat perspective, this is considered part of the 'attack'.

But where there is attack, there must be defense, and the use of electromagnetic fields in defense is not unimaginable.

Such as electromagnetic deflection shield.

Theoretically speaking, building an electromagnetic shield can be introduced in one sentence: "That is: through high-power capacitors, a strong magnetic field is formed on the armor, thereby interfering, deflecting or even paralyzing high-speed flying objects."

But actually forming a set of electromagnetic deflection shields that can interfere with high-speed flying objects is more difficult than controlling the ultra-high temperature plasma in the chamber of a controllable nuclear fusion reactor.

This device in science fiction works uses high-power capacitors to form a strong magnetic field on the armor, thereby interfering, deflecting and even spreading incoming artillery shells and missiles. Its core is also the use of electromagnetic fields.

But in terms of difficulty, the latter is much greater than the former two.

So far, there is no detailed and complete theory.

Of course, this is talking about the perfect and powerful electromagnetic deflection shield in science fiction novels. As for the use of weaker electromagnetic field shields, it is not uncommon now.

For example, the president of a certain country's motorcade has a special electronic jamming vehicle.

Netizens like to call it a ‘watchtower’. In addition to being equipped with a huge vertical antenna and satellite receiver, the vehicle also has various radars and jammers.

The former can detect distant projectiles, smoke, gas and sound waves, etc., while the latter can create a powerful interference magnetic field that can cover the frequency range from 0.01 to 20000MHz, thereby preventing illegal people from placing arrangements on the way of the convoy.

Remote control bombs, etc.

From a physical point of view, this is actually an electromagnetic shield.

It's just that its functionality is not as powerful as in science fiction.

For Xu Chuan, when he first completed the mathematical model and control system of high-temperature plasma turbulence, he once thought about forming a structure similar to a 'magnetic shield' by controlling 'ultra-high temperature plasma', but later studied

After a while I gave up.

First, his focus at that time was on controllable nuclear fusion technology, and second, it was too difficult to realize such a shield.

But now seeing the electromagnetic acceleration track on the Haixi aircraft carrier, Xu Chuan couldn't help but think about the use of electromagnetic fields.

It is impossible to achieve the kind of "bright and gorgeous" shield in science fiction movies with the current human technology. Even if he has reached the highest peak in the current physics world, he cannot imagine that there is any possibility to achieve that.

Kind of shield.

Unless the big technological explosion comes again two or three times.

But this does not mean that it is not possible to use electromagnetic fields and high-density plasma to create a layer of 'field' on the surface of an object to offset some interstellar dust, space radiation, tiny meteorites and the like.

Plasma does not necessarily need to be realized and controlled in a controllable nuclear fusion reactor.

If he really wants to do it, he still has a way.

For example, a plasma generator is used to generate plasma. At low temperatures, high energy is provided in the form of high frequency and high voltage through a power supply, and then the gas medium is activated through gap discharge or surface discharge to ionize it to form a plasma field.

Theoretically, this is also a way to form a plasma field outside an object.

However, the plasma field formed in this way is difficult to sustain for a long time. In addition, how it forms a covering field is also a key issue.

It is like another route of controllable nuclear fusion technology, 'Inertial Magnetic Covenant', which achieves intermittent creation of high-temperature plasma through continuous laser ignition.

"But overall, is it really possible to achieve this plasma field?"

Thinking about it, Xu Chuan couldn't help but murmured something. The voice was not loud, but Ouyang Zhen's ears were very sensitive. He quickly turned his head and looked over, and asked curiously: "Plasma field? What does it mean?"

Hearing the sound, Xu Chuan came back to his senses, smiled sheepishly, and said, "Sorry, I was just thinking about other things."

Ouyang Zhen's eyes were filled with curiosity, and he laughed and said: "It's okay, it's okay. I'm more curious about the plasma field you just mentioned, Academician Xu. What is it and what new technology is it? Can you introduce it?"

As the leader of the Naval Equipment Department, he is naturally very sensitive to this type of terminology.

If he understood correctly, the plasma field might have something to do with the things that were being circulated. Especially when it came from the mouth of the person in front of him, he couldn't help but become more interested.

He took the other party around on the Haixi and introduced him everywhere. On the one hand, it was a greeting from his superiors. On the other hand, after knowing that the other party was interested in aircraft carriers, he wanted to see if the other party could help improve and upgrade some aircraft carriers.

Technology in related fields?

For example, the two cores of the electromagnetic catapult were improved and optimized after breakthroughs in this person's research results.

Compared with their own expert professors, this person obviously knows the performance and data of these things better. Just mentioning it may save a lot of time and energy for their subsequent optimization and improvement.

Shaking his head gently, Xu Chuan smiled and said: "It's not a very mature idea at all. If it can be done in the future, you will definitely know about it."

For him, having reached the height and status he has today, it is necessary to be cautious in his words and deeds, at least in science-related fields.

For those immature ideas and ideas, you only need to know them yourself. Speaking out may interfere with other people's research work.

Just like the Naval Equipment Department, they are obviously interested in the technology and ideas in his hands, and this is almost reflected on Ouyang Zhen's face.

If it could be done, he wouldn't mind cooperating on research and development.

But now we can't even determine the feasibility and theoretical basis, so don't mess around and do your own research first.

And more importantly, judging from the current level of human science and technology, even if this technology can be achieved, its prospects are probably not for military use, but for the exploration and development of outer space.

On the side, a trace of regret flashed across Ouou Zhen's face, and then he said with a smile: "The Naval Equipment Department's research and development capabilities are still very strong. Academician Xu can also cooperate if necessary."

Xu Chuan smiled and nodded, saying: "If necessary."


After briefly going through the relevant thoughts and ideas in his mind, Xu Chuan recorded these things and then followed Ouyang Zhen to browse them on the aircraft carrier to satisfy his curiosity.

Of course, he also gave Ouyang Zhen unreserved pointers on areas that could help optimize certain equipment or materials, although they may not necessarily have much effect.

After spending a day at Jiangnan Shipyard, apart from attending the naming ceremony and sightseeing tour of Haixi in the morning, Xu Chuan had a long chat with Academician Zheng Yuanhang, the chief designer of Jiangnan Shipyard, in the afternoon.

Mainly for some developments and futures in intelligent industrial projects, he has a relatively detailed understanding.

It is not shameful to learn from old factories with mature technologies, especially in industrial development. In the future, Xinghai Research Institute will take this route and learn from its experience this time, which may save a lot of time and money.

In the evening, after declining the dinner invitation from Jiangnan Shipyard, Xu Chuan took the high-speed train back to Jinling from Chongming Island, the magical capital.

The manufacturing and assembly of the space shuttle has entered the final stage. According to estimates, this spacecraft, which costs more than 1.5 billion RMB, will be officially completed in about a week.

At such a critical juncture, he naturally has to return to Xinghai Research Institute to take charge of the overall situation.


PS: It’s the last day of 2023, I wish you all a Happy New Year! I’ll give you an update tomorrow, New Year’s Day!


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