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Chapter 661: Disgraced to the whole world

After determining the rescue plan, the ground command center immediately contacted the Xinghai space shuttle in lunar orbit and conveyed relevant work adjustment instructions.

On the lunar surface, in the crater of Rainbow Bay of the Moon.

Chen Dong, who has been mining moon rock cores for a long time, paused what he was doing, and the voice of Zhai Zhigang, the leader of the moon landing team, came from the headset.

"Chen Dong, has the mining of the moon rock core been completed?"

Hearing the sound, he quickly reported: "There are still two mining and sample collection left."

"Well, that's enough. Now stop the mining work, pack up the scientific research equipment and cores and return to the lunar module. We have a new mission." Zhai Zhigang gave the new order with a hint of joy in his tone.

"team leader?"

In the headset, doubtful inquiries came from both Chen Dong and Liu Yang, who was working on the other side.

"The Artemis lunar module of NANS failed to land on the moon. Two astronauts were trapped inside the lunar module. There was an order from the ground command center that we must prepare to rescue them."

After a slight pause, Zhai Zhigang continued: "Liu Yang, the first woman to land on the moon, is yours."


Hearing this sentence, Liu Yang couldn't help but scream in surprise, and a look of surprise burst out in his eyes, and he quickly asked: "Captain, are you telling the truth?"

She originally thought that the United States had succeeded first and had given up on this idea for a long time. However, she did not expect that there would be such a change in a sudden turn of events.

Zhai Zhigang smiled and said: "Theoretically speaking, if you can be considered a moon landing only by standing on the moon's surface, you are indeed the first woman to set foot on the moon."

"Although the Artemis lunar module successfully landed on the moon, the astronauts did not set foot on the moon. Their spacecraft malfunctioned."

After a slight pause, he gave the order: "Get ready, store the relevant scientific research equipment in the lunar base, collect the mined materials into the lunar module, and the Xinghai will arrive over Hongwan in forty minutes."



Chen Dong and Liu Yang quickly reported and quickly returned to the lunar module carrying the supplies and equipment around them.

Although their scientific research work was temporarily interrupted, the two of them did not complain at all.

For them, as soldiers, executing orders is the only purpose.

What's more, this time we are going to 'rescue' that old rival?

Just thinking about it is enough to make people happy.


The half-hour preparation time passed quickly. Under the control of Chen Dong, the lunar module abandoned the lander. The ascender carried the two people and the lunar rock, lunar soil and other materials mined on the lunar surface and completed the ignition.

Flying along the orbit of the moon.

In the distance, a silver-white space shuttle was slowly approaching them.

Accompanied by the sound of "Docking successful!", the door of the lunar module slowly opened. Chen Dong and Liu Yang took off their spacesuits and stored the collected materials in the corresponding placement in the Xinghai cabin.

Floating and paddling towards the cab.

"team leader."

In the cockpit, after Zhai Zhigang heard the sound, he looked up and down at his two teammates with a smile on his face, and asked with a relieved smile: "Is the work on the lunar surface going well?"

"Yes." Nodding, Chen Dong grinned and replied: "I have collected three units of moon rock core here. According to the plan, it should be about 6 kilograms."

For this lunar landing, due to the performance of the Xinghai space shuttle, they brought a lot of equipment and tools, including a device for mining cores from the bottom of lunar craters.

In the original plan, they would take away at least ten kilograms of lunar rock core and 20 kilograms of lunar dust from the Hongwan Crater, but there is definitely not that much now.

On the side, Liu Yang also reported with a smile: "I have completed the collection of all the punctuation points on the lunar soil. However, due to time constraints, only preliminary element detection, radar underground structure detection, etc. have been completed in the remaining scientific research work.


Zhai Zhigang nodded and said with a smile: "It's okay. We will have a chance to return to the moon later. We can just do these unfinished tasks later."

After a pause, he continued: "Chen Dong is here to assist me in driving. Let's go to the moon and Antarctica to rescue our 'friends'."


Chen Dong nodded, quickly walked to the co-pilot's seat, and began to assist Zhai Zhigang in controlling the Xinghai.


On the moon, a silver-white space shuttle pierced the lunar sky, changed its flight path and flew towards deep space.

On the other side, in the live broadcast room, the audience who saw this scene started talking about it.

Because according to the earlier live broadcast plan, Xinghai will stay in the lunar orbit for at least forty-eight hours, and the lunar surface activities will last for two days before ending.

But now, before twenty-four hours have passed, the two astronauts have ended their lunar operations ahead of schedule and returned to the space shuttle.

[What's going on? Didn't the lunar operation say it lasted for two days and ended before the day even came? 】

[Maybe returning to the space shuttle to replenish supplies? 】

[Impossible, the lunar module is generally disposable. It carries limited fuel, and is divided into two parts: the landing device and the ascending device. The landing device is responsible for landing, and the ascending device is responsible for returning. And when returning, the landing device will be

Abandoned, that is to say, once it returns to the space shuttle, the lunar module cannot land again.】

[Then what is going on? Is this the end of the moon landing and getting ready to return to the earth? 】

[Maybe there was some accident or malfunction during the moon landing? It would be safer to come back early. 】

[I have a guess. I heard that something happened to the American lunar module. Could it be that the Xinghai went there to rescue it? 】

[Did something happen to the U.S. moon landing? What happened? Please tell me carefully! 】

[It seems that the moon landing failed, the specific situation is unclear.]


Seeing the lunar module that had returned, countless viewers were surprised and discussed in the live broadcast room.

Most of the viewers were quite confused about the early return, and a small number of viewers guessed the truth of the matter.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Although more than ten hours have passed since NASA's Artemis lunar module accident, it has not yet spread on a large scale in China.

Considering that their moon landing project is still in progress, they have not fully publicized it in the country for the time being. Only a small number of viewers who know how to circumvent the firewall know about it, and most people are still kept in the dark.

At this moment, the live broadcast in the live broadcast room was suddenly split into two.

Sun Yutong, the host who had hosted the Xinghai moon landing launch earlier, re-entered the screen. She explained with a standard smile on her face:

"Good afternoon, viewers. This is CTV Radio and Television Station. I am our reporter Sun Yutong. I am temporarily inserting a news message."

"Yesterday, the manned lunar landing spacecraft 'Artemis' launched by NASA encountered an unexpected situation when it landed on the moon. The lunar module was damaged and two astronauts were trapped in the module."

"Now that the space agency has received a request for help from NASA, Xinghai and the three Chinese astronauts will suspend their moon landing work and go to the Aitken Basin in the south pole of the moon to launch a rescue operation."

"This operation was launched unexpectedly, with great difficulty and high risks. I hope that the 'lunar rescue' operation will go well. Let us keep paying attention to the lunar rescue operation and pray for the astronauts who landed on the moon."

A piece of news was briefly interrupted, and the picture in the live broadcast room returned to the perspective of the Xinghai. The brilliant sea of ​​​​stars appeared in front of everyone, but few people paid attention to it. Everyone was talking about the news.


【What the fuck??The Americans failed to land on the moon???】

[Ah? (Pig Man Expression Pack)]

[When I heard the news, I was stunned for a moment at first, and then I couldn’t close my mouth. Good guy, I called him good guy!]

[No, the world’s largest aerospace power, which has been boasted for decades, failed to even land on the moon.]

[Where are the shepherd dogs? Why are they all gone now? Your foreign father is waiting for someone to rescue him now.]

[You can shut up if you are laughing. Spaceflight itself is a high-risk thing, and spaceflight accidents are a disaster for the whole world. No matter which country they come from, as long as they are aerospace workers, they are worthy of the admiration of all mankind and are heroes of mankind.

[Tsk, tsk, now you are pretending to be a lucky customer again, right? If something happens to our Xinghai, you will probably criticize it to the point where all the people in the country will die, right? 】

【I just laughed, why? 】

[The Xinghai went to the rescue, which means that the astronauts are still safe, they are just trapped. There is still a difference between an accident and a disaster.]

[Indeed, I hope we will never see our country’s astronauts sacrifice their lives.]


At the same time, on the other side.

In the main control room of the Artemis lunar landing project at NASA's headquarters in Washington, Director Bill Nelson, who was paying attention to the rescue progress and the live broadcast of China's lunar landing, almost spat out a mouthful of blood.


They actually put the lunar rescue operation directly into the live broadcast room for the whole world, and called it "lunar rescue operation"?

Damn it!

I'm just asking you to save two people. Do you want to be so public?

Watching the space shuttle in the live broadcast room rushing to the south pole of the moon to launch a rescue operation, Director Bill Nelson, who was standing in front of the command podium, was almost so angry that he suffered internal injuries.

If there was no way out, if he had a choice, he would rather sacrifice those two astronauts on the moon than shame NASA and even the entire United States on the ground.

This time, I really am embarrassed and have been disgraced to the whole world.


PS: Please vote for the second update. It’s the last day at the end of the month. Big guys, please vote with your monthly votes. We will continue to update twice tomorrow!

This chapter has been completed!
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