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Chapter 665 Rescue successful!

Moon surface, Antarctica.

In the Aitken Basin, a "massive" lunar rescue operation is underway.

With the efforts of Zhai Zhigang and Chen Dong, through excavation and lunar rock cutting equipment, the two finally dug out some of the surface rock of the lunar gap at the foot of the Artemis lunar module, and expanded it a lot.

When the last piece of moon rock was pried, the tilted module slowly fell down under the counterweight balance of the lunar module itself, kicking up moon dust all over the sky.


On the moon, Chen Dong fanned the moondust floating in front of him, and looked with joy at the lunar module that had regained its balance and had four landing gears on the ground.

This time the lunar rescue operation was not as sci-fi as imagined, but it was already half successful.

They relied on a shovel and a piece of lunar rock cutting equipment to dig out lunar rocks on the moon for half a day like rock miners.

It can only be said that the most sci-fi things are often the most unpretentious. Those highlight moments in science fiction movies or novels often do not exist in reality.

Looking at the lunar module that had regained its balance, Zhai Zhigang also had a smile on his face. He pressed the button on his space suit, switched the communication channel to the Artemis, and said:

"My two friends in the lunar module, are you okay?"

In the lunar module, Smedley Moore, who grabbed the railing to steady himself, responded quickly: "Thank you, we have felt that the lunar module has returned to its normal angle. Thank you, thank you very much."


When the lunar module tilted, there was a bit of noise, but fortunately, the Chinese rescue team had already warned them, and they were able to hold their own and carry it over without any danger.

After all, there is only one extravehicular spacesuit. It would be too bad if the spacesuit was damaged due to a collision.

Outside the cabin, Zhai Zhigang continued: "Next, please balance the air pressure inside the lunar module and keep the oxygen in the space suit sufficient. We will board the gangway to cut off the damaged connector between the lander and the ascender, and be ready to open the module at any time.


"Received, we have fully replenished the oxygen for the space suit, but please act quickly, it only has a four-hour supply."

"Okay, please keep the contact open."

Zhai Zhigang responded, glanced at the twisted connection device between the ascender and the lander of the Artemis lunar module, and took the moon rock cutting equipment from Chen Dong's hand.

This cutting equipment is different from ordinary cutters in that it is not saw blade-shaped, but is similar to a core drilling tool used to detect oil.

When mining lunar rock, it can rotate the cylinder at high speed, and the saw teeth on the outer edge will cut open the lunar rock, and after reaching the target depth, it will automatically cut off the core and bring it up.

Just this small set of equipment cost millions from research and development to manufacturing.

Theoretically, it can mine rocks with a Mohs hardness of 8. Common steels such as carbon steel and tool steel have a Mohs hardness of about 5.5-6. Even the steel used on the lunar module may have a higher hardness.

, it should also have the ability to cut.

However, I hope it can be completed before the cutter's power runs out.

Otherwise, they would have to return to Lanyue 2 to recharge the cutter, which would take a long time.

Or, they will rescue the two trapped astronauts by breaking down the lunar module barrier.

But there is no doubt that the latter also poses certain risks to the astronauts trapped in the cabin.


With the cutting device in hand, Zhai Zhigang climbed up the gangway of the lunar module. After using the safety buckle to connect himself to the lunar module, he carefully walked around to the damaged connection.

The cutting device in his hand was activated, and a subtle buzzing sound reached his ears through the spacesuit, and bits of silvery-white steel debris spilled out under the high-speed rotation of the cutting machine.

In fact, many people have misunderstandings about whether astronauts can hear sounds on the lunar surface.

Physics in middle school and high school teaches us that there is a vacuum on the moon, and vacuum cannot transmit sound.

This theory is generally correct, but it does not mean that astronauts on the moon cannot hear any sounds.

It's very simple. Air is a medium, and so are the lunar soil and spacesuits on the ground.

Through their spacesuits, astronauts can actually feel the sounds on the moon.

Of course, this feeling is much weaker than on earth.

In addition, the moon is not as silent as imagined.

On the moon, there is a special source of sound almost most of the time, and that is the solar wind.

When the solar wind hits the surface of the moon, it will produce a weak noise. This noise is somewhat similar to the sound of wind and rain on the earth. Although it is small, it is not silent.

And it can also be transmitted through the ground to the ears of astronauts.

So the moon is not as silent as imagined.


Outside the lunar module, Zhai Zhigang controlled the cutting equipment in his hand to cut bit by bit the connecting device of the main hatch of the Artemis damaged twist card.

In the lunar module, the two NASA astronauts also felt the movement coming from outside and waited nervously.

The cutting vibrations and sounds were intermittent, and no one knew how much time had passed. In the lunar module, a new sound suddenly came to the ears of Smedley Moore and McAdam Julia, who were suffering.

"The cutting work has been completed. Please prepare to open the hatch."

Hearing this beautiful voice, Smedley Moore's excited voice was trembling, and he quickly replied: "Roger, we are ready."

In response, Smedley Moore took a deep breath, quickly moved to the door of the lunar module, held the door handle tightly with both hands, and turned it hard to push it out.

As if he could hear the sound of the hatch opening, a gap slowly opened in front of him.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Outside the lunar module, the not-so-bright light shone through the helmet into Smedley Moore’s eyes. At this moment, the corners of his eyes became wet.


After escaping from death and miraculously escaping the clutches of death, he realized how precious life is.

Seeing the deep space and the silver-gray ground appear before his eyes, Smedley Moore took a deep breath of oxygen again, and his violently beating heart gradually calmed down.

Through the spiral staircase, he quickly left the lunar module and walked not far away.

Looking at the two Chinese astronauts standing not far away waiting for them, he was so excited that he was a little incoherent:

"Thank you, thank you so much. Really."

Zhai Zhigang smiled and hugged him politely, and said: "When we leave the earth and set foot on this starry sky, we are already a human community. Saving our compatriots is what everyone will do.


Although the lunar rescue operation can be said to be a transaction, even without this transaction, as they are already qualified to go to space and develop extraterrestrial civilization, rescuing NASA astronauts is still a choice they will make.

Just as rescuing people in distress at sea is an unavoidable humanitarian obligation for every navigator and those involved in maritime activities, it is also a responsibility stipulated by law.

In space beyond the earth, they all come from the same home star and are of the same race.

As a big country, and as a country that started the age of space navigation, they have the ability and obligation to erect the glory of their humanity. They also hope to lead other countries and create a good start for the future of mankind.


At the same time, the Earth is hundreds of thousands of kilometers away.

At the same time, warm applause broke out at this moment, whether it was the Xia Shu Space Center in Jinling City or the live broadcast room where hundreds of millions of viewers gathered.

[Beautiful! Huaguo is awesome! Xinghaihao is awesome! Sichuan God is awesome!]

[Moon rescue operation, this could be made into a movie!]

[I remember that Hollywood made a movie called "The Martian" before. How about calling it "Moon Rescue" this time? Huami and Mi co-starred...(??????)]

[I don’t understand, why should we save those Americans and let them die on the moon? If I were the person in charge, I would never save them!]

【This is why you cannot be the person in charge.】

[By the way, the American Artemis lunar module seems to have reached the moon before our Lunar Lander, but their astronauts have only just set foot on the moon, so who is the first to land on the moon this time?]

[They were the first to land on the moon, but the first woman to set foot on the moon was ours (dog-headed laugh)]

[The manned moon landing must be considered as astronauts stepping onto the moon. NASA’s move is considered a failure, right?]

[It doesn’t make any sense to decide who will go first. Don’t forget, the Artemis departs a full three days earlier than our Xinghai. The last-come-first-served is truly awesome!]

[Let’s develop quickly. I’m really looking forward to it. It would be great if I could land on the moon someday! (Look forward to it) (Look forward to it)]


At the same time, on the other side, tens of millions of kilometers away, is the NASA headquarters in Washington.

Through the live broadcast, when their two astronauts successfully walked out of the Artemis lunar module, applause also sounded in the control room.

Even Bill Nelson, who had previously preferred astronauts to die on the moon, applauded at this moment.

It has to be said that even if there are transactions and interests involved, Xinghai is still taking great risks by going to the lunar Antarctic to rescue their astronauts.

After all, humans have never conducted such an operation before. If the rescue operation fails, especially if they have already set foot on the moon, it can be said that the astronauts are destined to die on another planet.

Moon rescue requires not only superb aerospace technology, but also spiritual strength such as courage, belief, will, and perseverance.


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