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Chapter 679: Inspiration from Senior Sister

"Isn't it a little too hasty to carry people to the fire?"

In the hall, the old man listened to Xu Chuan's suggestion, thought for a while and asked.

Now the manned moon landing project has just been completed, and the "large-scale lunar comprehensive base project" has just been confirmed. There are still many things on the moon worthy of their exploration and development. Is it too fast to set their sights on Mars?

Moreover, the difficulty of manned landing on the moon and manned landing on the moon are not the same concepts.

The former is a satellite of the earth, and its orbit and distance can be said to be relatively fixed. The maximum distance between the earth and the moon is only 400,000 kilometers.

But the shortest distance between the Earth and Mars is as high as 55 million kilometers; and the longest distance is more than 400 million kilometers.

Moreover, compared to landing on the moon, they have little experience in landing on the moon.

Except for Tianwen-1 and Zhurong, which were successfully launched in 2021, their understanding of Mars is far less comprehensive than that of the moon.

If the difficulty of manned landing on the moon is 10, then the difficulty of manned landing on the moon is at least 100, or even higher.

After all, with current aerospace technology, a trip to Mars would take at least several months.

How to ensure the safety of astronauts sailing in space for several months and their work after landing on Mars is a huge trouble.

Hearing the old man's concerns, Xu Chuan smiled and said, "It's not early, and I won't be in a hurry."

After a slight pause, he continued: "The moon is currently the focus of our development, there is no doubt about it."

"It is our bridgehead to the universe. The special environment of low gravity and no air is extremely suitable for use as a transfer station and supply station. Its strategic position goes without saying."

"But overall, because of the unique environment of the moon, it is not suitable for large-scale immigration. The human body structure is currently not adapted to living in a low-gravity environment for a long time, and various kinds of consequences may occur in the future.

Such physical problems and illnesses.”

"Therefore, it is inevitable to turn our attention to more distant deep space."

"In the solar system, most of the planets or satellites have basic conditions that are very different from those of the Earth. Only Mars has similar parameters and has the conditions for large-scale colonization."

"So, whoever can occupy Mars first in the future will undoubtedly have greater potential for the universe."

"As for the manned landing project, it does not conflict with the development of the lunar surface. Relatively speaking, the manned landing project does not cost much money. The main purpose of this plan is to examine the environment of Mars and investigate whether it can be used

Potential for transformation into a second home.”

Xu Chuan has never forgotten his Mars transformation plan. Judging from the Mars data and related information obtained in the past, the potential of Mars is undoubtedly considerable.

It has a young and incompletely cooled core, and even detectors in recent years have observed that volcanoes on Mars have lost traces of eruptions in the last century or so.

This means that it is not impossible to restore its magnetic field and resist solar wind and cosmic radiation, although it is indeed difficult.

Listening to Xu Chuan's words, the old man's face moved slightly. After thinking about it, he said, "Is this being prepared for the plan you mentioned before?"

He naturally understood the difference between Mars and the moon, but what concerned him more was the grand dream that the young man in front of him once described here after developing controllable nuclear fusion engineering technology.

Xu Chuan nodded and said with a smile: "On the one hand."

"The development of Mars is indeed more valuable than the moon. From all aspects, it is the most habitable planet in the solar system besides the Earth."

"Even without the transformation plan I mentioned before, establishing an immigration base or even an immigration city on Mars is something that needs to be considered."

After a pause, he continued: "Perhaps many people will think that it is still early. After all, our aerospace industry has just begun, and there is no need to rush to promote these tasks."

"But in my opinion, aerospace work should be done sooner rather than later. No one knows what the future will look like if it continues to be delayed. It is better to take advantage of the fact that we have already occupied a certain advantage in the aerospace field and further expand this


Hearing this, the old man nodded slightly and agreed with Xu Chuan's statement.

As a country that has experienced a slumber in modern history, from the industrial revolution to the present, they are basically lagging behind in many fields, especially in modern high-tech fields.

In the past few decades, only they themselves know how much they have suffered, how much hardship they have endured, and how much blood and tears they have shed.

Now that we have finally achieved some leading areas, there is no reason not to continue to expand our advantages in these areas.


After chatting with the old man about the development and future deployment of aerospace and other fields, and declining the old man's invitation to have a casual meal at home, Xu Chuan left the Beihai island and returned to the Beihai Hotel.

"Zheng Hai, help me book a high-speed rail ticket back to Jinling this afternoon."

In the hotel, Xu Chuan explained to Zheng Hai while packing his things.

"Aren't you going to Shuimu University tomorrow?" Zheng Hai asked subconsciously after hearing the instructions to buy tickets.

Xu Chuan's itinerary is all arranged by him. After all, at his level, although it is impossible to restrict activities, travel safety is not a trivial matter. Basically, normal travel is arranged and handled in advance.

For example, when he came to Beijing this time, he and the security team prepared a week in advance.

Not only did I learn about the travel arrangements with Xu Chuan, but I also made pre-investigations and preparations for some of the places I frequented, such as Shuimu University where Xu Xiao was at, and the Academy of Sciences.

Including high-speed trains, nowadays, when he travels, he basically books the business class of that high-speed train directly, which means that there is no one else in the entire carriage except him and the members of the security team.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Xu Chuan packed his luggage and casually replied: "Let's go next time. I'll go back to Jinling first."

Nodding, Zheng Hai didn't ask any more questions and asked: "How long does it take? Or is it faster?"

"The sooner the better."


In response, Zheng Hai walked out quickly.

If you want the fastest speed, just go directly to the people at the railway gate.

Although all the tickets for this afternoon have probably been sold, it is not difficult for them to clear out a car.

Although they usually don't look very impressive as security guards, their level is quite high. Not to mention the railway guard, if they need it, they can directly draw personnel from the local police station or even the army.


Zheng Hai was very reliable, and soon Xu Chuan was on the high-speed train from the capital to Jinling.

In the business class, he originally planned to take a nap on the way to catch up on sleep, but he finally canceled it.

He is not sleepy now. Instead of catching up on sleep, he would rather use the few hours on the high-speed train to reorganize his thoughts from last night.

Although it is certain that it will not be completed, even if it is just the improvement of the tools to solve the Riemann Hypothesis, it will not be completed in a day or two, but it can be continued.


A few hours' journey was not a long journey. At Zheng Hai's reminder, Xu Chuan sorted out the papers on the small table and frowned.

The thick calculation manuscript paper is already full of calculation formulas, and there are also a lot of waste papers piled in the trash basket next to it.

However, the improvement of the tools at hand was not as smooth as he imagined, especially when it came to referencing multiple complex variable functions. He always felt that something was strange.

It wasn't that he hadn't sorted out his ideas, but that he felt that the path he had sorted out seemed to be blocked by some abyss that he hadn't yet understood.

Shaking his head, Xu Chuan stuffed the manuscript paper on the table into his backpack. Although he was a little tangled, for now, this idea can continue to go down. Let's talk about it when it stops working.

The Riemann Hypothesis, a top-level mathematical problem, would be incredible if no problems were encountered in the process of solving it.


It was already evening when the high-speed train stopped. Xu Chuan did not go home and rushed directly from Jinling South Station to Chuanhai Network Technology Co., Ltd.

The early autumn sunset turned the headquarters building of Chuanhai Network Technology Company into a golden place. Taking the elevator, he found his senior sister who was still busy working in the office.

Knocking on the door, Liu Jiaxin, who was studying something in the office, was awakened by the knock on the door. She looked up and was obviously stunned for a moment when she saw him, and then a smile appeared on her face.

"Why are you here? Weren't you still in the capital this morning?"

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "I just came back."

Liu Jiaxin stood up, walked to the desk, poured a glass of water and asked, "I didn't delay your business, did I?"

Xu Chuan shook his head and said, "No, I originally planned to come back tomorrow, just a little earlier."

While talking, he took out a stack of manuscript paper from his backpack. This was part of what he had sorted out on the high-speed rail last night and this afternoon.

"I have read your paper. Overall, I have not found any flaws or problems. According to my intuition, you have already solved the problem of polynomial decomposition of large positive integer factors."

Passing the manuscript paper in his hand, Xu Chuan continued: "But there are some places where I still have some doubts, and some places that should be optimized, so I sorted them out."

"It's just that time is tight, and I haven't done much here. You take a look first, and I will improve it later."

For a world-class problem such as polynomial decomposition of large positive integer factors, even he couldn't fully understand all the details in one day.

After all, this is not his area of ​​expertise.

Liu Jiaxin nodded, took the manuscript paper from his hand, and began to read it carefully, with a bright light and thoughtful look in her eyes.

Putting aside other things, the help and inspiration given by a top math expert is beyond words.

Although Xu Chuan said it was just done in a hurry, she still saw many areas that she had not considered.

For example, when quoting and judging Hilbert's zero-point theorem, the strong-form expression requires defining an algebraic set, which is the most common application method.

But on the manuscript paper in her hand, he made an automorphic L function for the elliptic curve Hasswell function, and then used this automorphic function to correspond to the GLn function in the algebraic number field, and these automorphic L functions

Functions can all be uniquely decomposed into products of "standard" L functions.

There is no doubt that these things are things that she has not considered before, which is enough to show the vast knowledge of the person in front of her in the field of mathematics.


After quickly flipping through the contents of the manuscript paper in her hand, Liu Jiaxin raised her head and looked at Xu Chuan, with a glint in her eyes, pursed her lips, and said, "I may need some time to process these things."

Although it was just something Xu Chuan had sorted out, she needed more time to understand and process it.

Xu Chuan didn't pay attention, waved his hand and said: "It's okay, just keep these things. They were originally prepared for you."

"in addition....."

After a pause, he handed over another piece of manuscript paper in his hand, and then said: "Look at this."

This is another thing he compiled. He always felt that the idea in his hand had some unexplainable problems, but for a while, he couldn't find where the problem was.

Show it to her, maybe it will help.

After all, this idea was extended from her solution to the problem of polynomial decomposition of large positive integer factors.

With a somewhat puzzled expression, Liu Jiaxin took the manuscript paper and looked at it. The calculations and formulas on the A4 paper attracted her.

"This is......"

From the manuscript paper in her hand, she saw many familiar things, which were the methods she had used before to study the problem of polynomial decomposition of large positive integer factors.

But more importantly, it is the twist, deformation, and integration of the methods she uses with other mathematical tools.

Xu Chuan held the water glass, took a sip of water to moisten his throat and said, "A little expansion of the method you used in previous research, I think it may help us make a breakthrough on the Riemann Hypothesis?"

"Riemann Hypothesis?" Liu Jiaxin was stunned for a moment and looked over.

Xu Chuan nodded and said: "Well, it's just a feeling. I don't know whether it will work or not, and this tool hasn't been finished yet. I only have a rough idea at the moment. What do you think?"

Liu Jiaxin glanced at the manuscript paper in her hand, then looked at Xu Chuan, shook her head gently, and said: "I have not studied the Riemann Hypothesis. But..."

After a slight pause, she turned over the manuscript paper in her hand and continued: "But regarding the reference of polynomial functions on the yoke matrix, the idea you wrote is different from the multi-complex variable function theory idea I quoted."

"I don't quite understand your application and understanding of this aspect. Can you explain it a little bit more?"

Hearing this, Xu Chuan put down the water glass in his hand, leaned over and saw where she was pointing.

"Here is the algebraic definition of Zμ through the spherical polar function of the symmetry group S2n and the superoctahedral group {±1}n·Sn..."

Looking at the place pointed out by Liu Jiaxin, Xu Chuan opened his mouth to explain.

Listening to Xu Chuan's explanation, Liu Jiaxin frowned slightly and said: "But if this is the case, its inner product will be determined by =maδmn. In this way, for the special case of a=1, the expansion coefficient will be

It’s impossible to determine.”

Although she doesn't know much about the Riemann function, she is still very clear about the tools she has used.

In her opinion, there are some problems with this reference to multiple complex variable functions.

Listening to Liu Jiaxin's words, Xu Chuan was stunned for a moment.

He stared blankly at the manuscript paper in front of him, his whole body froze there.

No wonder, no wonder, when he was calculating these things last night and this afternoon, he always felt like there was something wrong somewhere.

A word that wakes up the dreamer!

The expansion of coefficient a... He actually ignored this key point.


This chapter has been completed!
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