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Chapter 687: Isn’t it okay as long as there are no problems?

Xinghai Research Institute, Aerospace Research Institute.

Xu Chuan, Prince Faisal, and another representative from the United Arab Emirates are receiving some simple space travel training in the space training room.

After Wu Yuankang reported the matter of space travel, the senior management's reply was quickly passed on.

To everyone's surprise, the superiors actually agreed to Xu Chuan's decision to follow the Xinghai to space, which caught the eyes of a large number of people.

Although they didn't understand it, Wu Yuankang and Weng Yunzong had no choice but to follow the instructions above to train the three people who had agreed on space travel.

If it were a traditional chemical fuel launch vehicle, it would be almost impossible to complete the training of space travel "tourists" in just three days.

Not to mention other things, just adjusting the physical condition takes a long time to complete.

Even though SpaceX's Starship series can reduce acceleration to a level that ordinary people can bear, the huge thrust of the chemical fuel launch vehicle will still cause it to accelerate by more than five G when climbing the gravity well.

For ordinary people, when the acceleration exceeds 3G, the body will feel some discomfort, and symptoms such as severe nausea, tinnitus, and dizziness may occur.

If it exceeds 5 G, it may cause life-threatening danger.

Therefore, if real space travel is based on aerospace technology based on traditional chemical fuel launch vehicles, it can be said to be difficult or even almost impossible for ordinary people to achieve.

However, the Xinghai space shuttle powered by an electric propulsion system can use a relatively long time to climb the gravity well and reduce the acceleration during launch to a level that ordinary people can bear.

This laid the core foundation for space travel and was one of the key reasons why senior officials agreed and allowed Xu Chuan to go up.

Despite this, Xu Chuan and the other two 'passengers' who took the Xinghai to outer space still need to receive a lot of training before space travel.

For example, receive training on various activities in a vacuum environment, become familiar with simple operations inside the spacecraft, and how to respond to emergencies, etc.

If you don't understand these things, you may choke to death even if you drink water in space.

This is not alarmist, but something that may actually happen.


When Xu Chuan was undergoing space training, on the other side.

After detailed improvement and inspection, the senior student Liu Jiaxin who solved this problem chose to submit the paper to the "Annals of Mathematics", one of the four major journals in the mathematics community.

After all, she is also a student who returned from further studies at Princeton, and the "Annals of Mathematics" is a mathematics journal co-founded by Princeton University and the Institute for Advanced Study.

In the courtyard of the Department of Mathematics at Princeton University, Professor Camilo de Leilis, the editor-in-chief of the Annals of Mathematics, was looking at the paper in his hand with a headache.

It’s not that I have a headache about the authenticity of the paper in my hand, but I have a headache about who to find for review.

Proof of the difficult polynomial factorization problem of large positive integer factors!

One of the core problems of the P=NP? conjecture is that it is impossible to review such a world-class paper alone.

According to the tradition in the mathematics community, "Annals of Mathematics" needs to find at least 4-6 scholars in related fields to jointly review manuscripts.

Normally, it is more reasonable to arrange for two scholars in a field to conduct review and comparison, which can prevent problems from occurring during single review.

The main core problem of his P=NP? conjecture involves many complex fields such as number theory, algebra, computers, complexity theory, algorithm design, etc. It can be said that it is difficult to find suitable candidates to review the manuscript.

"In the field of mathematics, Professor Alain Kongne and Professor Leinstra who invented the elliptic curve decomposition factor can try to invite me. Professor Xu Chuan may also try, but I don't know what he is doing recently...


In the office, Camilo de Leilis looked at the paper in his hand and muttered to himself, choosing the right person to review the paper.

The problem of polynomial decomposition of large positive integer factors is one of the cores of the P=NP? conjecture, although theoretically it is more mathematical.

But judging from the content of the paper in his hand, the core idea uses a large number of quadratic sieve factorization methods and polynomial function algorithms.

Most of the top scholars who are proficient in this field are gathered in the computer field, not the mathematics field.

Unfortunately, the "Annals of Mathematics" does not have many reviewers in the field of computer mathematics. If the contributors were not also from Princeton University, this paper would actually be better submitted to the "SIAM Review of the American Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics".

Although it is not one of the four major mathematics journals, in the field of "Applied Mathematics and Computational Science", "SIAM Review" has ranked first for 10 consecutive years and is recognized as the most authoritative mathematics journal in this field.

Of course, the paper that was sent to him was still a top-notch paper, and Professor Camilo de Leilis had no reason to send it out.

Although it is difficult to find a professor to review the paper, it is not a problem compared to a paper on the Seven Millennium Problems level.

At this moment, someone knocked twice on the office door and then pushed it open.

Walking in was Charles Louis Fefferman, chairman of the Department of Mathematics at Princeton University.

Seeing his arrival, Camilo's eyes lit up, and he quickly said: "Feferman, you came just in time. I have a paper here that needs to select suitable reviewers. Please help me take a look."

After taking the paper handed over by Camilo, Fefferman glanced at it and put it back on the table without any surprise.

The most heated discussion in the mathematics community recently is related to this. He naturally knows it, and he also knows the contributors.

"The proof of the polynomial decomposition problem of large positive integer factors is an intertwined field of pure mathematics and computer mathematics. You should choose a suitable professor from these two fields."

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! After a slight pause, he continued: "But when inviting reviewers, remember to avoid Angeles Beasley from the Department of Mathematics and Professor Xu Chuan from China.

Two people.”

Hearing this, Camilo looked at Fefferman with some doubts.

Avoiding the former, he knew that Angeles Beasley was a professor of mathematics at Princeton and the mentor of the person who contributed to his paper.

According to the review principles, it was impossible for him to invite Professor Angelis Beasley to review the manuscript, even though he was also a top expert in computer mathematics.

But he didn't understand when he avoided Professor Xu Chuan from China.

Fefferman shrugged and explained: "Don't you feel that there are a lot of familiar things in this paper?"

Hearing this, Camilo was stunned for a moment, he really didn't feel it...

Well, his mathematical ability is indeed not as good as that of top experts like Fefferman, so it is normal not to feel it.

Seeing the confusion on Camilo's face, Fefferman shook his head and said: "Although this paper is single-signed, it probably has something to do with Professor Xu. You just need to avoid him. He is not suitable for this position."


After a pause, he continued: "In addition, if you have time recently, please contact Professor Xu more often. I heard that he has been studying the Riemann Hypothesis recently and may have made some progress."

Hearing this, Camilo was stunned again.

"Xu...he...he is studying...the Riemann Hypothesis?"

After swallowing dryly, Camilo asked dryly.

Fefferman nodded and said: "Yes, that's why I came to inform you that the Annual Journal of Mathematics had better not miss this opportunity."

After recovering from the shock, with residual surprise on his face, Camilo couldn't help but said: "God, isn't this too crazy?"

"He has already solved the Hodge conjecture, the NS equation and the Yang-Mills existence and mass gap, and now he is focusing on the Riemann hypothesis. Does he want to solve the seven millennium problems by himself?"

"This is incredible."

Fefferman smiled and said: "Do you know why I asked him to avoid him when I invited him to review? Because there are some solution ideas and optimizations in the paper, which are probably related to him, or simply provided by him.


Hearing this, Camilo couldn't help but swallowed his saliva and asked in surprise: "You mean? He also completed this proof of the polynomial decomposition problem of large positive integer factors?"

Fefferman shook his head and said: "That's not true. Liu Jiaxin completed the paper alone. He probably only provided some ideas or ideas, or helped to read the paper after it was completed, and solved and raised some optimization problems."

Hearing this, Camilo asked with some confusion: "Then why did he not sign the paper? This is proof of the Millennium Problem!"

"Okay, it's just a component of the P=NP? conjecture. But its importance is completely top-notch in the computer field!"

Hearing this, Fefferman spread his hands and said, "Who knows? Maybe he feels that his contribution is not much? Or maybe he doesn't want to?"


After a pause, he continued: "Even the seven major millennium problems are nothing to him."

Hearing this, Camilo couldn't help but move the corners of his mouth, but stopped talking.

The millennium problem is nothing?

Well, maybe to that person, it may not really be anything.

After all, he has already killed three of them by himself, and is now heading towards the fourth.


Three days is not a long time.

After receiving careful training from Zhai Zhigang and Liu Yang at the Aerospace Research Institute, Xu Chuan has mastered daily skills such as how to move in a low-gravity environment, drinking and eating, as well as wearing a space suit, outer space survival and life-saving.

, large-scale joint exercises and other aerospace training.

Although this trip to outer space was to replenish supplies for the Tiangong Space Station, the altitude was only over 400 kilometers and the stay was only about six hours.

Even Xu Chuan, Prince Faisal and others will not leave the space shuttle during the whole process, but the Aerospace Research Institute still provides them with a full set of training in case of an accident.

"Professor, if that doesn't work, let's wait. The current aerospace technology is not fully mature yet. How about you wait until it matures in a few years before going up there?"

In the training room of the Aerospace Research Institute, watching Xu Chuan take off his space suit and walk out, Tang Sijia stepped forward and couldn't help but persuade him again.

After learning about this person who wanted to go up, she immediately rushed over to persuade him.

But it was of no use, Xu Chuan didn't listen to her at all.

Sure enough, after hearing her persuasion, Xu Chuan waved his hand without looking back and said, "Okay, don't say it again, it will get annoying if you say it again."

In the past few days, the similar words he heard almost made his ears tingle.

Almost everyone was trying to persuade him not to go up, or to wait until aerospace technology matured in a few years before going up. He was almost tired of hearing this.

It's not a big deal. The astronauts have gone up there so many times without any problems, which is enough to test the performance of Xinghai.


At the same time, the Space Launch Center of Xia Shu Space Base.

On the eve of the launch, ground crews were busy shuttling on the take-off runway. Under the command of engineers, they were making final inspections of the launch site and the hardware facilities on the Xinghai space shuttle.

On the other side, in the main control room of the launch center, Academician Chang Huaxiang presided over the final launch work with a serious face, confirming every link over and over again.

Not only him, but all the staff of the launch center received the notice three days ago and adjusted their status to ensure that they can work in their respective positions in the best condition.

Of course, not many people know that Xu Chuan is going to outer space.

This matter is currently kept strictly confidential, and only a handful of Xinghai researchers know about it.

Nominally speaking, this space flight is to replenish supplies for the Tiangong Space Station.

After all, if the news is leaked, some unexpected situations may occur.

At this moment, the door to the main control room was pushed open.

Xu Chuan, who was wearing casual clothes as usual, walked in and walked towards Academician Chang Huaxiang who was presiding over the work.

Looking at Xu Chuan standing in front of him, Academician Chang Huaxiang was stunned for a moment, then pulled him into the lounge next to him, and then lowered his voice and criticized.

"You're crazy, you're risking your own life, do you know that?"

When he first learned about this, he was completely confused and almost thought he had heard wrongly.

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, we've made all the preparations. Nothing will happen."

Chang Huaxiang sighed and said: "Is this a matter of preparation? It's hundreds of kilometers in outer space. If something goes wrong, the consequences will be disastrous."

Xu Chuan glanced at him and asked with a strange expression: "Isn't it okay if there are no problems?"

Why, why is everyone thinking about having an accident?

Chang Huaxiang: "..."

What he said made sense, and he couldn't refute it.

"Okay, okay, I'll leave the launch work to you. I'm still waiting to go up. I'll come over and say hello to you."

With a slightly excited voice, Xu Chuan turned around and left the main control room, preparing to change clothes and land on the space shuttle.

He has been dreaming about traveling to space and alien planets for two lifetimes, and today he is finally going to realize one of them.

He has decided to enter this space today, and even Jesus can’t stop it!

He said it!


This chapter has been completed!
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