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Chapter 715: Stealing people from Xu Chuan?

Overall, the morning report meeting was quite smooth.

Apart from the big names in the field of computer mathematics, there are also several big names in other fields of mathematics who have stepped forward.

For example, Terence Tao is proficient in most fields of mathematics. For example, in the field of geometry, he can calculate the number of rings of small rank and estimate the bound of the average rank of elliptic curves. Professor Manuel Bhargava, who won the 2014 Philippine Prize, and so on.

Although the P=NP? conjecture is classified in the intertwined fields of computer science and mathematics, this does not mean that it does not involve other mathematics.

For example, whether the factorization of large positive integers has a polynomial algorithm, the core of which is the factorization of large numbers, which involves polynomials, functions, algebra and many other fields.

At 11:50 noon, the morning report meeting officially ended.

Four hours in one morning was not enough to answer the questions in the minds of every scholar present.

But at least those math giants in the front row have recognized this as the biggest achievement in the field of computer mathematics in the 21st century.

As for other people, to put it less politely, it is not that important whether their doubts have been resolved and whether they recognize the results.

Overall, this report will go quite smoothly.

At the report meeting, whether it was Liu Jiaxin’s performance, the questions raised by many scholars in the field of mathematics, or Xianlin University’s management of the order on site, they were all remarkable and worthy of praise.

After the lecture, when the other scholars left and went to the hotel restaurant to eat, Xu Chuan came to the backstage and immediately saw his senior sister waiting for him in the lounge.

“Excellent report, quite exciting!”

Xu Chuan smiled and gave a thumbs up and praised.

This is indeed not a lie. Putting aside those questions that were not very good, Liu Jiaxin completely answered every question raised by scholars in this report meeting.

It was obvious that she had made countless preparations in advance for this report meeting.

Hearing Xu Chuan's praise, Liu Jiaxin also had a bright smile on her face, filled with excitement.

For her, this is not only the joy brought by the success of the report, but also the pride brought by breaking through herself.


After the first half of the report meeting, it was not just the scholars present who aroused enthusiastic responses.

Those media reporters who followed and filmed the entire conference did not even bother to eat lunch, so they quickly passed the relevant video and picture materials back to the newspaper, and then rushed to grab the attention and published the relevant news in the first place.

on the internet.

This is not only a simple report meeting, not only a proof of the core conjecture of the Millennium Problem, but also an extremely rare top female mathematician in the mathematics world, and another talented and top mathematician in China who has come to everyone.

in the field of vision.

After all, in the impression of the whole world, China's weakness in basic science fields such as mathematics can be said to be recognized by the whole world.

Even the emergence of top scholars like Qiu Chengtong and Yang Zhenhuan has not changed many people's views.

On the one hand, these top scholars were almost all in the United States or other Western countries when they made their achievements. Either they have joined the United States or other countries, or they are still non-Chinese scholars today.

On the other hand, in basic subjects such as mathematics, physics and chemistry, whether it is the Fields Medal, the Nobel Prize, the Wolf Prize and other internationally renowned top awards, they basically have nothing to do with Chinese scholars.

It wasn't until Xu Chuan's appearance that the situation was barely broken.

The proof of the three major millennium problems and the glory of the Nofi double prize have changed the impression that China is weak in the field of basic science in one fell swoop.

But no matter how high Xu Chuan stands, he is only one person. For a huge country, no matter how strong one person is, he cannot support it.

And now, another rising star has risen in the world of mathematics.

The age of twenty-six has solved the core conjecture of the Millennium Puzzle, and she is an extremely rare woman.

This means that the impact of any results she makes will be magnified.

Of course, it will also bring endless traffic to the media reporting this news. It will even create a higher popularity and wave on the Internet than Xu Chuan’s report in the afternoon!

After all, the latter has been in the news not once or twice.

He has almost solved all the millennium problems by himself. The more times he appears in front of people, the more people on the Internet will become accustomed to it.

But this time is different. A top female mathematician can say that she has a 99% or higher probability of winning the Fields Medal three years later. This is new enough.

Just as these media reporters predicted.

At noon, when the news came out, discussions on the Internet exploded.

The hot search quickly reached the top of the list, and countless netizens talked about it.

[Holy shit, P=NP? Proof of conjecture? When did such a great person appear in China? That’s amazing!]

[It is not a proof of the P=NP conjecture, it is just a part of this difficult problem.]

[That’s it? Can you say this? What’s the academic qualifications upstairs? Take it out and let me see.]

【Nine leaky fish!】

[Oh my god, I’m still a woman! I’m so excited? Isn’t this too awesome?]

[The person upstairs looks down on women? I advise you to reorganize your language, otherwise the people from Xiaohongshu will come over after smelling it (dog head)]

[Hahahaha, the XXNs are probably going to be excited collectively. But to be honest, this is indeed worthy of praise, a real talent! Looking at the video and pictures, she looks so young, she looks about the same age as Kawakami.】

[Nantah University said that this senior is also from Nantah University, and is only one year older than Sichuan God!]

[Only one year older than Chuan Shen? If I remember correctly, Chuan Shen is only 25 this year, right? That means she is only 26 years old! Oh my god, the Philippine Prize winner in three years’ time will be less than thirty, hiss!]

[Yes, Senior Sister Jiaxin is not only Sichuan God’s senior sister, it is said that she also manages a company under Sichuan God’s name. 】

【This CP, I will first pay my respects to you!】

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! [Oh my god, if this really comes together, it will be a perfect match, a divine couple!]

[Don’t think about it, Sichuan God has not heard any news about his girlfriend for so many years. He must have abandoned the relationship between mortals long ago. Otherwise, how could he be so strong! (Squints and smiles) (This is the brain of a man who has been single for 25 years.


【???You scold again?】

[Bah! Don’t beep nonsense upstairs! I also want to see how high the IQ of the child is when Chuan Shen and Senior Jiaxin have a child after they get married!]

[Hiss~, after what the person above said, I’m also interested! 】

[Needless to say how perverted Sichuan God's IQ is, this girl can solve the core of the Millennium Problem, and her IQ is probably top-notch. The earth may not be able to accommodate the offspring of these two people! 】


It's not just netizens on the Internet who are talking about it.

The domestic mathematics community and major universities are also discussing it, especially Nanjing University.

In the background, Professor Zhou Hai, Liu Jiaxin's mentor at NTU, who had been successfully promoted to professor and director of NTU's School of Mathematics, and Rong Zhizhuan, NTU's school leader, were sitting together and communicating.

"Old Zhou, we must not let such a mathematician wander outside! The Institute of Mathematics needs such top talents!"

In the lounge, after the morning report meeting was completed, Rong Zhizhuan persuaded the middle-aged man in front of him with earnest words, hoping that he could attract Liu Jiaxin, who had given the morning report, to come to NTU as a mathematics professor.

Opposite him, Zhou Hai glanced at him and said: "You are so capable and you are the dean of our mathematics department. Shouldn't you do this job of recruiting? You are more important than me, a little director."


Rong Zhizhuan kept his smile on his face and said calmly and calmly: "What's wrong with the dean of the School of Mathematics? Liu Jiaxin is a student you have taught and you are her teacher. Isn't this more important and closer than a dean taking a false position?"


After a pause, he continued without blushing: "And you have to know that after completing the proof of "Polynomial Algorithm for Factorization of Great Positive Integers", she won the Fields Medal at the International Congress of Mathematicians three years later.

But the most powerful competitor."

"If we can get Nanda to come, we at Nanda can also help her create some momentum and increase her hopes of winning medals!"

Zhou Hai glanced at him sideways and said, "Can the influence of the School of Mathematics at Nanda be comparable to that person?"

Hearing this, Rong Zhizhuan smiled.

Indeed, compared with that person, the entire NTU mathematics department combined, even if doubled ten times, would probably have far less influence in the international mathematics community.

After all, two Fields Medals were awarded to him.

But soon, Rong Zhizhuan stopped his sneer, coughed slightly and retorted with a serious face: "Why, isn't Academician Xu a professor of our Nanjing University?"

Zhou Hai glanced at him and said nothing.

It would probably be difficult to invite her to come to NTU as a full professor, but there would definitely be no problem in being an honorary professor.

After all, Nanda probably doesn't have the ability to compete with that person.

Even if they graduated from Nanjing University, even if they were his students, he was not sure that he could do it. It was not like he had never tried it before.

When Jiaxin returned from Princeton a few years ago, he personally invited him as a student to serve as a mathematics professor at NTU.

But in the end it was too late, and Xu Chuan took him away early.

He had some regrets before that he had not spoken out earlier and failed to bring Liu Jiaxin back to Nanjing University as a professor to increase the strength of the mathematics department.

But now, Zhou Hai is very happy that he, a student, was not attracted by him to come to Nanjing University.

Not only does Nanda offer the same salary conditions as Chuanhai Network Technology Co., Ltd., but also because Nanda cannot provide the same environment as that person.

If she had come to Nanda, it would probably be difficult for her to achieve what she has achieved today, right?


After enjoying lunch in the hotel restaurant, a group of mathematicians and computer scientists returned to their rooms, or took a short break at noon, or looked for their friends to exchange their findings in the morning.

Liu Jiaxin’s lecture has been completed, but none of the more than 4,000 scholars left early.

Because in the afternoon, there was a more important report meeting waiting for them.

After a short break, at two o'clock in the afternoon, the report on the proof of the weak Riemann hypothesis was launched on time in the Xianlin Auditorium.

He walked out from behind the scenes steadily, stood on the reporting stage, looked at the countless audience members in the audience, and felt the eyes focused on him, Xu Chuan slowly spoke.

"I'm very grateful to everyone here for taking time out of your busy schedule to come here. According to the process of the exchange meeting, the next report will be the proof report of the 'Weak Riemann Hypothesis'."

After a pause, he looked at the screen behind him. On this huge curtain, the content above had been simultaneously replaced with the PPT document of his report meeting.

Seeing that the relevant preparations had been made, Xu Chuan stopped wasting time and turned to look at the audience.

"Before coming here, I believe that everyone here has read my paper and verified the proof ideas in the paper."

"Of course, there is also the advancement and verification of the boundary of the weak Riemann hypothesis in the paper. Since I published the paper, I have seen many papers that continue along this line of thinking, and I have also seen the application of Jensen polynomials.

The offset is constantly moving toward the borderline outlook."

"I am very happy and gratified that my research can be accepted and studied by the mathematics community."

"So, in the following report meetings, I will try my best to leave as much time as possible to the question-and-answer session, and I will do my best to answer your doubts."

After a pause, Xu Chuan turned to look at the screen behind him and said with a smile: "Of course, according to the normal process of the report meeting, I will briefly go through the proof paper of the weak Riemann hypothesis before the question and answer session."

"OK, now we will officially enter the reporting phase."

As he finished speaking, Xu Chuan lightly pressed the remote control pen in his hand, and the picture on the screen behind him also jumped.


[When Re(s)≤0,ζ(s)=2?π^8-1·sinπ8/2Г(1-s)ζ(1-s)】

"...The zero points of Reimann ζ are inseparably related to prime numbers. The most direct one is that the prime number counting function π(x) can be represented by the zero points of ζ. The prime number counting function gives prime numbers less than or equal to x.


On the report stage, Xu Chuan explained very quickly.

Putting aside those inconsequential quotes and formulas, he spent most of his relatively brief narration time on the regression of the Riemann ζ(s) function to the π(x) function, the eigenvalues ​​of the stochastic Hermitian matrix, subsigma algebra, etc.

The realm of weak Riemann hypothesis.

This is the core of regressing the π(x) prime number counting function and inversely compressing non-trivial zero points. It is also the proof that each set of Jensen polynomials with the same "degree", except for the offset 0 N≤δ(X)≤1-1/

Except for 2·N, the rest all satisfy the core steps of the Riemann Hypothesis.

Once you understand this, it will not be difficult to understand his published papers.


This chapter has been completed!
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