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Chapter 731: The craze for studying the ‘Riemann Hypothesis’

Auspicious snow heralds a good year, and on the day of the Spring Festival, a heavy snowfall in late winter covered the entire earth.

The mountains and rivers are connected, a vast expanse of silver.

For Xujiacun, a village nestled in a ravine, not many people would have welcomed the heavy snow in the past.

Because New Year greetings are celebrated on the first day of the Lunar New Year, and in the past, once it rained or snowed, the roads in the village would become muddy, making traveling extremely difficult.

But now, no one cares about the sudden heavy snow, and everyone's face is covered with a festive smile.

Neat cement roads lead to the door of every house, and snow plows, which are extremely rare in rural areas, remove the snow covering the roads early in the morning.

For people living here, snow is no longer a disaster that makes it inconvenient for them to travel, but a beautiful scenery that can be enjoyed.

Staying at home, Xu Chuan did not go out to pay New Year greetings. Instead, he sat by the electric heater and prepared red envelopes, snacks and cigarettes to distribute to every child and neighbor who came to pay New Year greetings.

For him who has not yet married, not going out to pay New Year greetings is actually somewhat inappropriate according to traditional customs.

But with his current situation, it is really not suitable for him to run around in the village anymore.

Therefore, instead of adding troublesome security work to Zheng Hai and the village during the New Year, it is better to sit at home and receive the folks who come to pay New Year greetings, and spare some time and energy to receive and reply some calls and messages to him.



After the New Year, the atmosphere of the New Year has gradually dissipated, and the lively village has gradually become deserted.

Young people say goodbye to their parents and go out to work, while middle-aged men also have their own things to get busy with.

Because there weren’t many things to do during the New Year this year, Xu Chuan only took the bacon, native chicken, native duck, dried mushrooms and other home-made agricultural products that his mother had stuffed into the trunk after staying in his hometown for twelve days.

Returned to Jinling.

This is the 'love' from parents. They will always keep all the things they think are good and wait until their children come home before letting them take them away.

Looking at the piles of various agricultural products piled in the villa, as well as the struggling local chickens and ducks that kept chirping, Xu Chuan puffed up his cheeks and shook his head helplessly.

With so much food, he might not be able to finish it in half a year.

More importantly, he was not very interested in things like bacon, fish, wax, etc. Every time he brought them over, he could only throw them in the refrigerator to freeze.


After handing over the New Year cured meats brought over to Aunt Liang Xian, who was in charge of housekeeping, Xu Chuan came to the study, turned on the computer, and began to sort out and arrange the work and research for 2024.

Compared with 2023, when his main energy was focused on the aerospace field, in 2024, his energy will probably return to mathematics and physics.

The first is the CRHPC, the circular super particle collider in Star City. With countless manpower and material resources, as well as the support and construction of more than double-digit shield machines and various large-scale equipment, the construction progress of CRHPC can be said to be one day at a time.


With less than two years of construction time, the construction work of CRHPC has gradually entered the advanced stage.

According to the current progress estimate, it will be officially completed in the second half of this year.

For China, this large strong particle collider with an energy level of over 100 Tev will bear the heavy responsibility of changing the development trajectory of the entire country's physics and the world's physics.

It also represents that high-energy physics in China and even the world will enter a new development.

Dark matter, dark energy, gravitons, space-time...theories that go beyond the standard model are very likely to reveal their true form to them in this development.

As for mathematics, needless to say, the goal is naturally the Riemann Hypothesis!

The staged results for the Riemann Hypothesis, the Mount Everest that stands in the mathematical world, are at most a base camp set up at about five thousand meters.

If you want to climb to its peak and take off this noble crown, no one knows how long there is to go and how many difficulties there are to overcome.

However, for him, the Riemann Hypothesis is a difficulty that must be solved, not only because of its own significance, but also because of the mysteries of space and time that may be hidden behind it.

That is not only a technology that may lead to the rapid development of human civilization, but also the secret of his rebirth.

After all, if the time and space traveling through the universe really exists, then parallel universes may also exist, and a bridge between the two universes may also be possible.

While I was thinking about these things, an email popped up in front of my computer.

It was a reply to him from Professor Camilo de Leilis, the editor-in-chief of "Annals of Mathematics".

After nearly three months of review, the proof of the Weak Riemann Hypothesis has officially passed the review of the "Annals of Mathematics" and will be published in the "Annals of Mathematics" three days later as proof for it and another paper "Taisho"

"Special Journal" prepared for "Proof of Solving Polynomial Algorithm for Integer Factorization".

For journals such as the Annals of Mathematics, which is already at the pinnacle of the mathematics community, opening a special issue for a paper is the greatest sincerity they can give.

In history, only a handful of papers have received this treatment, such as the proof papers of the three millennium problems that Xu Chuan previously submitted, such as Fermat's Last Theorem proved by Professor Wiles, etc.

It can be said that papers that can enter special journals are the greatest achievements in mathematics.

Generally speaking, it is difficult for phased results to be published in such special journals.

But for the mathematical community, whether it is the proof of the weak Riemann hypothesis or the proof of the factorization of large positive integers with polynomial algorithms, it has a great impact.

Needless to say about the former, the latter's status in the field of computer mathematics is comparable to Goldbach's conjecture in number theory, and its influence is huge.

Considering that the two papers will be published at the same time, the editors of the Annual Journal of Mathematics, after careful discussion, unanimously decided to create a "special issue" for these two papers and publish them as quickly as possible.

As soon as this news came out, the mathematics community suddenly became lively.

Especially in the field of Riemann Hypothesis, Xu Chuan only compressed the offset of the Jensen polynomial to the point where 0 N≤δ(X)≤1-1/2·N, replaced it with the critical band, that is, advanced to No(


By contracting the Riemann function ζ back to the Jensen inequality, the offset of the Jensen polynomial can be further reduced.

Theoretically, as long as your ability is sufficient, it is no problem to push it to 0.9 or even above 0.99.

For the mathematical community, this is a huge gold mine.

Xu Chuan has excavated the mine head and taken away the most valuable natural nugget gold, but the small particles of gold contained in the gold mine still exist in large quantities.

As long as you continue to dig along the mine head, even if you advance the offset of the Jensen polynomial by 0.1 or even 0.01, for ordinary mathematicians, the harvest will be extremely rich.

After all, this is an interim result linked to the Riemann Hypothesis.

I am afraid that no one except Professor Xu would not care how small the offset of the Jensen polynomial can continue to be compressed.

Of course, there are risks associated with this kind of repetitive research.

For the mathematical community, when conducting coverage research on the same problem, to put it simply, advancing from 0 to 1, large numbers can cover small numbers.

For example, if one scholar advances the offset of the Jensen polynomial to 0.6, and another scholar advances it to 0.61, then when both parties submit manuscripts at the same time, the journal will only include the one with 0.61, and the one with 0.6 will be directly rejected.


It's very simple, because in the academic community's default view, if the same problem is advanced through the same method, after the "strong results" come out, the value of the "weak results" will be infinitely weakened.

Unless someone can make improvements in the original research methods, proof of weak results will not even have the value of being published in a journal.

After three months of fermentation, the proof of the weak Riemann hypothesis, that is, the offset of the Jensen polynomial, has been continuously compressed by many mathematicians.

However, the weak Riemann hypothesis paper proved by Xu Chuan has not been officially published in the journal. All the numerous offset propulsion papers can only be published on preprint websites such as arxiv. Everyone is waiting for the weak Riemann hypothesis.

The official publication of

After the date for the official release of the special journal prepared by the "Annals of Mathematics" was set, countless mathematics students who had been studying the Riemann Hypothesis and wanted to take this opportunity to graduate, or many little-known mathematicians, were all gearing up.

Be prepared.

As soon as the journal of the Annual Mathematics is officially released, they will submit the offset research paper in their hands and strive to publish it as quickly as possible.

After all, the report meeting on the proof of the Weak Riemann Hypothesis has been held, and Professor Xu has passed everyone's question-and-answer session at the meeting. It can be said that his proof is absolutely certain and there will be no problems.

In this case, the most important thing is to push the offset in hand and publish the paper first, so as to get a hole in the millennium problem of Riemann Hypothesis.

For this reason, many "mathematicians" have chosen to submit papers to some water journals that can quickly pass the review and be published for a fee, in order to publish their results as quickly as possible.

There are even some "not so serious" scholars who have contacted the editors of the journals to which they submitted their papers in advance and agreed to review them in advance. They only wait for the proof of the weak Riemann hypothesis to be published, and then quickly go through the process to pass the review.

Publish papers.

This kind of black-box operation is nothing new in the mathematics world in the past two or three months.

Even Professor Camilo de Leilis made fun of him in a "humorous" way in his reply.

It is said that the Riemann Hypothesis has set off a "fanatical" storm in the recent mathematics community, and even many mathematicians who were not originally studying analytic number theory have squeezed in to try to get a piece of the pie.


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