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Chapter 751: Unification of Strong Electricity!

In the study room, Xu Chuan moved the mouse lightly and opened his mailbox.

An email sent from the other side of the Atlantic was lying quietly inside.

It was sent by Edward Witten, and it is also the result of the joint research between him and Deligne in the past three years on the unification of the strong nuclear force and weak electricity theory.

Although Witten stated that they are still quite far away from the theory of unification of strong electricity, they have almost reached the end on this road, and it is difficult to deduce further.

But the theory jointly studied by two Fields Medal winners and two tenured professors at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton is a priceless treasure for any scholar who is researching the same problem.

After taking a deep breath and expelling the turbid air from his chest, Xu Chuan downloaded the paper in the email.

"Research on the Unified Field Theory of Strong Electricity Based on the Principle of Scale and Gauge Invariance"

"Improvement of the Standard Model—the derivation of the grand unified node, the normalization of the mass coupling constant and the treatment of the magnetic moment anomalies of simple particles."

Clicking on the paper, the title and description came into view.

Xu Chuan did not miss a word and carefully read this 'inherited' paper.

As for how to mathematically unify the strong nuclear force with the electroweak theory, the current main research direction is the one studied by Witten and Deligne, which is derived based on scaling theory and gauge theory.

Take the expression of electromagnetic interaction in the electroweak unified theory as an example.

Through a generation of fermions, the electroweak unified theory of the lepton part is established, and it is deduced that after the electromagnetic interaction, the pull-type quantity of the free field is transformed.

Subsequently, the global symmetry was localized, ordinary partial derivatives were replaced with covariant derivatives, four gauge fields were introduced, and the interaction terms between the fermion field and the gauge field were given...

Simply put, the whole process can be divided into three steps.

The first step is to write down the pull-type quantity of the free field and find the global symmetry it has.

The second step is to localize the global symmetry and introduce the gauge field;

The third step is to write out the complete localized pull-type quantity and separate out the kinetic energy term and interaction term.

This way all possible interaction forms can be obtained.

These three steps of derivation are relatively easy for scholars who have done some research in particle physics.

Whether it is extended to quark parts and complete third-generation fermions, it is relatively easy to do.


This is only half of the electroweak unified theory.

Because all the above generalizations are based on the situation that particles have no mass.

Experiments have proven that, except for a very small number of particles such as photons, most particles themselves have mass.

Therefore, after completing this half of the electroweak unified theory, it is necessary to introduce the Higgs mechanism and spontaneous symmetry breaking to give mass to elementary particles.

This is the complete unified theory of weak electricity.

Sound simple?

However, it took more than half a century of theoretical physics to convert these theories into formulas.

In particular, its verification was not confirmed experimentally until 1983, at the end of the twentieth century.

It is so difficult to unify the electromagnetic force and the weak interaction force alone, let alone the subsequent strong interaction and gravity.

On the unification of the strong and weak electric forces, countless physicists and mathematicians have been accumulating bit by bit, confirming the forms of various interactions bit by bit, perfecting the Higgs mechanism bit by bit, and spontaneously

The symmetry is broken, the particles are coupled...this is what leads to the current situation.


Looking through the research of the two mentors, Xu Chuan absorbed the knowledge and theories he needed.

"...use EW theory to deduce the three most important parameters of the grand unified node, the weak electric coupling strength, the mass of high-quality particles and the strength of weak electric-strong coupling, and then prove that the three microscopic forces are unified under the mass of high-quality particles

, realizing the standard model closed loop."

"This is a very good idea, but how to construct the Lagrangian after unification is the first problem that must be solved."

Looking at the paper, Xu Chuan whispered to himself.

Regarding the theories and ideas in the paper, with his current vision, it is obvious that he can hit the nail on the head and find the core problem.

As for the joint achievements of the two mentors, he does not believe that the two will get stuck in the first step. If that were the case, Witten would probably not send this paper to him.

Soon, the continuation of the paper confirmed his judgment.

"....Interesting, here they are citing a more fundamental symmetry in supersymmetry theory, mixing fermions and bosons together, and combining Klein-Gordon and Dirac Lagrange is not

Change it to deal with it.”

"If this is the case, by extending it, we can construct uniform Klein-Gordon Lagrangian characteristics to a large extent. However, it is only useful for massless particles and will need to be processed later.


The lights in the study were warm and the moonlight outside the window was bright. Xu Chuan was flipping through the papers given to him by his two tutors, muttering to himself unconsciously and deducing.

From his perspective, although Witten and Deligne have not yet completed the work of unifying strong electricity, there is no doubt that they have gone a long way on this road.

They constructed a unified Lagrangian containing all elementary particles, used the Klein-Gordon Lagrangian - the final vacuum expectation value to obtain the mass conservation equation between elementary particles, and introduced the mass coupling constant and determination

The effect of effective mass on magnetic moment anomalies.

Although there are still many problems in this paper.

For example, how to calculate and confirm proton magnetic moment anomalies accurately based on isospin conservation;

For example, how to explain the deuterium magnetic moment anomaly caused by the combination of strong interaction and weak interaction;

Or regarding the impact of a single weak interaction and the combined impact of weak interaction and electromagnetic interaction, how to provide a plan for finding lepton magnetic moment anomalies, etc...

These are all issues that need to be resolved later.

But it is no exaggeration to say that if these theories and concepts were compiled into papers and published, it would undoubtedly be a major earthquake for the theoretical physics community.

If after the upgrade or construction of CERN or CPRHC is completed, the collider can be used to confirm the work that has been done in these theories, it may not be hopeless that the two of them can win a Nobel Prize in their lifetime.

After all, the unified theory of strong electricity is the biggest crown in the world of physics today.

However, just a few hours ago, Witten and Deligne chose to give this result to him to help him complete the unification of the strong nuclear force and the electroweak theory.


In front of the desk, the posthumous manuscripts from Professor Higgs and the research from the two mentors Witten and Deligne are like fragments that constitute the key to the door to the unification of strong electricity.

Although both are imperfect and many parts are just theories or speculations, for Xu Chuan, this is enough.

It was enough to help him save countless time on the road to unifying strong electricity.

In the study, Xu Chuan focused all his energy on the white manuscript paper in front of him.

The ballpoint pen in his hand glides smoothly across the paper, leaving wonderful characters one after another, as if every stroke is a poem, and every word is a bright star, lighting up the whole world.

During the days when he was studying the unification of the strong nuclear force and the electroweak theory, all that was left in his world was this small villa and the countless formulas and theories displayed on the manuscript paper.

Xu Chuan was immersed in the research on the unification of strong electricity, and more than a month passed like this day by day.

Although for him, spending a month, two months, or even half a year or more on studying a certain problem is nothing.

But for people outside, being ‘missing’ for such a long time inevitably makes people a little worried and anxious.

At the foot of Purple Mountain, the weather in mid-May is unpredictable. It was sunny in the morning, but it was already raining heavily at noon.

In another small villa in the villa group close to Xuchuan Villa.

Zheng Hai walked out of the room with a towel on his shoulders, his hair half dry and half wet, and a cigarette in his mouth.

Tang Sijia, who was sitting on the verandah and reading a book, frowned, sniffed, and couldn't help but said: "Why did you come out without taking a shower after training?"

Zheng Hai shrugged, consciously stayed away from her, sat down on the verandah, and casually replied: "I'll go after smoking this one."

Xu Chuan studied in seclusion and stayed in his villa without going out. For him, it can be said that he was almost completely free from his daily work of security and driver.

In addition to daily inspections, I sweat profusely in the exercise room every day to hone my "strength" and maintain physical condition.

Tang Sijia glanced at him, saw the cigarette in his hand, and complained: "If you smoke after strenuous exercise, you are not afraid of exploding your lungs."

Zheng Hai smiled, talked about cigarette ashes casually, and said, "This is just a hobby in life, so you can't just smoke all the cigarettes, right?"

Ignoring Zheng Hai, Tang Sijia closed the books in her hands, looked at the raindrops outside with some worry, and said, "It's been more than a month, why hasn't the professor come out yet?"

"After the problem is solved, he will naturally come out. If he hasn't come out yet, then it must be that the problem has not been solved." Zheng Hai said in a accustomed manner.

"But he has missed the physical examination in the first quarter of this year for more than half a month."

Tang Sijia frowned and said, "Besides, he stays in the villa without going out. Whether he is sitting for a long time or thinking for a long time, it is a lot of pressure on the body."

"What if something happens... Why don't we go in and take a look? We must at least understand his physical condition first, right?"

Zheng Hai glanced at her and said: "I advise you not to do such things while he is concentrating on research. If you interrupt his research, you will probably...be able to leave your name in history."

"And there won't be any big problem if we delay the physical examination for a month or two."

Hearing this, Tang Sijia opened her lips and glanced at Xu Chuan's villa but hesitated to speak.

Although I am worried about the master's physical condition, if he really interrupts his research or thinking as Zheng Hai said, he will probably be able to "leave his name in history".


While Zheng Hai and Tang Sijia were chatting, in the study room of the villa, Xu Chuan's work on the unification of the strong nuclear force and weak electricity theories also came to its final moments.

Although the research process was not as smooth as he expected, he was still full of confidence in the final result.

If the unified theory of strong electricity is compared to a maze, then there are only one or two final turns left before the exit of the maze. It is only a matter of time that the correct way out is found.

"...Applying the Calabi angle tool to the change in the quark effective mass, we can get the result of anomalies in the magnetic moments of the octet state. This allows us to refine the CKM matrix by using different experimental data from hadron decays

Physical meaning, the unity of MNS matrix and CKM matrix is ​​obtained."

That is: [COS2θc=2m^mag-P_d-M^mag-N_d/M^mag-P_d 1/4∑jk(Mm^mag-J_d-M^mag·K_d)...]

"From the perspective of the decay state, the two have the same structure and follow the same weak isospin conservation. The difference before and after is the difference between quarks and neutrinos..."

In the study, Xu Chuan, whose hair and beard were messy, stared at the manuscript paper on the desk with a bright light in his eyes, and murmured softly.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Based on supersymmetry transformation, the mass of scalar particles does not destroy gauge symmetry, and their numerical values ​​cannot be determined by symmetry."

“In the color superconducting state, the quarks in the color antitriplet state will form Cooper pairs in the momentum space, and the Cooper pairs will

Coordinate space is a loosely bound state of long-range correlations.”

“Moreover, as the baryon number density decreases, the attractive interaction between quark pairs in the color antitriplet state increases, and the quark pairs will gradually form a true bound state, and there is also attraction between the quark pairs and quarks with opposite colors.

Interact to form baryons..."

"...Based on symmetry breaking, the strong, weak, and electromagnetic coupling constants are unified at the 10^15GeV energy level at the Higgs mass, while the electroweak unified coupling constant is 10^12GeV, and the strong

The coupling constant is..."

"To sum up: the unification of the strong nuclear force and the electroweak theory has been mathematically completed!"

The ballpoint pen in his hand stopped, and Xu Chuan gently picked up the thick stack of draft paper on the table.

After two lifetimes of hard work, and based on the foundation laid for him by countless predecessors such as Higgs, Witten, Deligne, Schwinger, Nan..., his unified theory of strong electricity...

..Finally done!

This is not his achievement alone, but the brilliance achieved through the joint efforts of countless people.

Looking at the paper in his hand, a satisfied smile gradually appeared on Xu Chuan's lips.

He thought of Professor Higgs's posthumous manuscript, and of Witten's unwavering determination to leave the paper to him, just so that he could see the more distant world.

Perhaps, this is the meaning of civilization.

Everyone is working hard to live out their short life and leave all the achievements they have made to future generations to inherit and learn from. And future generations will also grow on the basis of their predecessors and look up to the mysterious and unknown world.

Human beings grow slowly and repeatedly like this.

It’s really amazing!


This chapter has been completed!
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