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Chapter 757: The Neglected CERN

As soon as these two sentences came out, the conference room immediately became noisy.

Many people were whispering to their friends next to them, and the big guys sitting in the front row also frowned unconsciously.

As a theoretical physicist in the physics community and the chairman of CERN, the world's largest physics institution and the Holy Land of Physics, Professor Eliezer Rabinovich's words chilled the hearts of the scholars present.

Doesn’t he know who the real core author of the unified theory of strong electricity is?

Obviously, he knew it.

But still choosing to say this at this kind of academic conference, this kind of personal political bias is a bit too much.

For a scholar, shouldn’t the most important thing to keep true to one’s heart be awe and rigor for the academic itself?

Standing in the front row, Deligne looked at Eliezer Rabinovich on the reporting table with a little astonishment in his eyes.

On the side, Edward Witten stood up and said coldly: "I don't know what you mean. But I can tell you clearly that the unified theory of strong electricity is the research result of Professor Xu Chuan, not

Me and Deligne."

"In addition, even if Deligne and I have our names on the first author of the paper, we are not capable or qualified to replace Professor Xu Chuan in reporting on the unified theory of strong electricity. He is the core of the unified theory of strong electricity.


"Besides, it is the greatest disrespect for a scholar for you to make such a request at a conference!"

Seeing the two parties standing up and their angry expressions, Chairman Eliezer Rabinovich's face was a little stiff. He forced a smile and said: "As for the unified theory of strong electricity, the entire physics community is now waiting.

Our voice, so from the perspective of CERN, I think we should at least have a statement to the outside world."

"But since the two professors have other opinions on this matter, let's wait for verification from the physics community before discussing it."

Looking at Witten and Deligne standing in the audience, Eliezer Rabinovich cursed in his heart.

However, he was not criticizing these two big bosses, but the Israeli directors and American representatives who were behind the scenes.

As a scholar, he naturally knew that such a request would be questioned by everyone, but he had no choice.

His ability to serve as the chairman of CERN was made possible by the United States behind the scenes.

Compared with the previous chairman who was elected by a joint vote of the directors from all countries, his authority as the new chairman among the directors is much weaker.

This also means that his preference can only be closer to the United States.

Even if you get scolded, you have to do these things.

Of course, he can also choose to refuse.

But if that's the case, he can't keep his identity as a CERN director, let alone the chairman, or even as a CERN researcher.

Just like David Gross and Edward Witten, who previously rejected the American representative. The former is the chairman and director of CERN, and the latter is the American director representative of CERN.

Now, both of them have been stripped of their respective positions and identities.

If the position of chairman can be said to be rotating, then the status of director, unless there are any accidents, is generally permanent unless one gives up or retires.

And Gross and Witten are no longer serving as directors of CERN. It is obvious that something is fishy.

Rabinovich didn't want to, because his status as chairman of CRN would bring him many conveniences.

Whether it's reputation, interests, or some other resources, they were all things he couldn't have had before.


The answers given by Witten and Deligne regarding the unified theory of strong electricity have been skipped.

The discussion on this paper gradually entered the main topic.

Including Witten and Deligne, they put forward some of their own opinions at the same discussion.

For the theoretical physics community, this theory, which is about to determine the future development of physics, requires one hundred and twenty percent caution in discussing and exchanging opinions.

Even if Eliezer Rabinovich makes an 'outrageous' start, it is impossible for the scholars here to give up on this subject that they love deeply and have devoted their youth and sweat to.

Sitting in the chairman's seat, Eliezer Rabinovich recorded some of the opinions and views of the top experts.

For CERN, this will be some of the content and answers they respond to media interviews.

Looking at Witten and Deligne sitting in front, the senses in his heart were really complicated.

There is admiration, envy and respect, there are also some who feel that the two of them are ignorant, and there are some complaints.

After all, the request of the American representative is to try his best to weaken Xu Chuan's identity in the unified theory of strong electricity and to promote the reputations of Witten and Deligne.

This is in the interest of the United States.

It just so happened that Xu Chuan gave him the opportunity to put the names of Witten, Deligne and Higgs together in one work.

As long as the water is muddy, in a few years, under the guidance of the media, the author of the unified theory of strong electricity will be able to transfer key personnel in a logical manner.

But Witten and Deligne were not cooperative, and their choice was to refuse such an unconscionable matter.

Even if this is a result that can win them a Nobel Prize.

To be honest, Eliezer Rabinovich tortured his heart and felt that he could not do this.

It would be fine if there was no contribution, but both of them had obviously made huge contributions to the unified theory of strong electricity, yet they were willing to give up.


At the end of the discussion, sitting in the front row, in the semicircular staircase conference room, was François En, another proposer of the Higgs particle and the Higgs mechanism and the only living proposer.

Professor Geller stood up tremblingly and said:

"We have been discussing the unified theory of strong electricity for some time, but this is far from enough for the understanding of this paper."

"Especially as the proposer of this theory, Professor Xu Chuan has the responsibility and obligation to answer the theory he proposed, explain his views to us more clearly, and answer the questions of the doubters."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "However, I am currently paying attention to his news. Whether it is his alma mater NTU or the research institute where he works, there is currently no news about relevant report meetings.


After a slight pause, the now 92-year-old man looked at Witten and Deligne diagonally opposite, and then said:

"Professor Witten, Professor Deligne, I would like to ask you two to serve as intermediaries and contact Professor Xu Chuan, hoping that he can hold a report meeting on the unified theory of strong electricity."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the circular staircase conference room immediately echoed with approval.

It can be said that almost everyone agrees with this old man's statement.

The only person who felt embarrassed was Professor Eliezer Rabinovich, Chairman of CERN, sitting in the middle.

Originally, he should have been the middleman.

After all, as the chairman of CERN, the largest physics organization in the world, his opinions are more representative of the entire physics community.

But now, it is obvious that Professor François Engler directly bypassed him.

No one in the whole conference room even thought it was inappropriate.

In the front row, Professor Witten nodded and replied seriously: "I will convey your opinions to Professor Xu Chuan."

Professor Francois Engler nodded with satisfaction: "Thank you."

Regardless of the process, today's meeting still achieved its due essence.

Whether it is the preliminary demonstration and discussion exchange on the unified theory of strong electricity, or the maintenance of the quality that the academic community should have, it is successful.

As for the twists and turns in the process, it is not important to academia.

What is important is everyone’s views, exchanges, and individual opinions and questions on this paper that may change the future of theoretical physics.

It will promote the development of physics and will also greatly promote the improvement of the Standard Model.


The CERN meeting has come to an end.

At the same time, Xu Chuan also received a video call from Edward Witten.

"Well, I understand, tutor, I will arrange a report meeting on the unified theory of strong electricity in the next two days."

In the office, Xu Chuan nodded and agreed without hesitation to Witten's request to hold a report meeting.

A report meeting on the unified theory of strong electricity definitely needs to be held.

As Professor Francois Engler said, as the proposer of this theory, he has the responsibility and obligation to answer the theory he proposed, to explain his views more clearly to us, and to answer questions from doubters.

This is what a scholar should do.

As for the turmoil caused by Eliezer Rabinovich, the new director of CERN, he did not pay too much attention.

This kind of thing is not the first time for the academic community.

It's just that the people involved and the results this time are relatively important. The story between the three top scholars and the unified theory of strong electricity are indeed attractive enough.

On the other side of the phone, Witten nodded and continued: "In addition, there is one more thing I need to communicate with you."

"Teacher, please tell me."

Witten: "Deligne and I have already communicated. Regarding the signature of the paper Unified Theory of Strong Electricity, we suggest that you remove it or put it as the second author instead of being the first author."

After a slight pause, he continued: "Thank you very much for remembering us, but we know very well how much contribution we have made in the unification of strong electricity."

"Although those results and theories are indeed worthy of signature, being tied for first place lacks qualifications. You and I both know this."

"So in order to avoid this kind of thing happening again in the future, both Deligne and I suggest that you change the signatures of the authors of the paper, or at least mine and Deligne's signatures."

"As for Professor Higgs' name, it's up to you to think about it."

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "No, no need."

"These things you mentioned are not unsolvable. The names of you and Professor Deligne are completely worthy of being the first authors. Believe me, these bad things will be solved, and I also believe that such problems will not occur in academia.


After a slight pause, he continued: "I understand your thoughts, but to me, the fact that you gave me your research results without hesitation is more important than this!"


PS: Second update, please give me monthly tickets.

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