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Chapter 76 The Praise of Professor Gowers

Chapter 76 Professor Gowers’ Praise

The sun never sets in the country, Cambridge City, Cambridge University, in a villa with a quiet environment.

A middle-aged man in a suit rang the doorbell of the villa respectfully.

Even though he is already the editor-in-chief of "New Advances in Mathematics" and a professor of mathematics at the University of Cambridge, in front of the man in the villa, he looks so small like other peaks at the foot of Mount Everest.

The doorbell of the villa rang, and after a while, a middle-aged and elderly man with gray hair came out and opened the courtyard door.

"What's the matter, Robert?"

The middle-aged and elderly man was wearing gray casual clothes and looked like an elegant aristocrat.

In fact, this is exactly the case. The middle-aged and elderly man in front of him is called William Timothy Gowers. He is a knight of the country where the sun never sets, and a true nobleman.

Not only that, he is also one of the ten most influential mathematicians in the world today, a Royal Society Research Professor at the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics at the University of Cambridge, and a member of the Royal Society.

He has won various top mathematics awards in the world, such as the Fields Medal, the European Mathematical Society Award, and the Euler Prize for Mathematics.

His main contributions are in the fields of functional analysis and combinatorial mathematics. He pioneered the Banach space symmetry structure theory.

Robert Morey Dean breathed a sigh of relief and left quickly.

"In the field of functional analysis and Banach spaces, you are the real king, so we hope you can take over the final review of this paper."

One minute

Two minutes.

five minutes.

Professor Gowers stood at his door like this for nearly half an hour. The more he looked down, the more solemn his face became.

As the founder of Banach space symmetry structure theory and a mathematician who connected the fields of functional analysis and combinatorics, he naturally also studied the ancient Weyl_Berry conjecture.

However, "New Advances in Mathematics" will probably not fool him with parallel imports, unless it will never ask him to review manuscripts again.

"Weakened proof of Weyl_Berry conjecture? Just send the paper to my email, you should know."

He cleverly used the method of combinatorial mathematics to create a series of structures in Banach space that lacked symmetry at all.

Holding the paper, he walked towards the house while reading. However, as he read, his pace became slower and slower, and finally he stood directly in front of the steps at the door of the villa, motionless.

In his opinion, the author named Xu Chuan used a rather novel proof method.

Sitting in front of a desk made of mahogany, Gowers pulled out a stack of printing paper from a paper box nearby and began to use a pen to verify the mathematical formulas and calculation processes in the paper.

Perhaps it was because connecting the fields of functional analysis and combinatorics that he spent too much inspiration and energy, or perhaps it was the creation of a series of structures that had no symmetry at all in Banach space that fixed his thoughts and ideas.

Inspiration, in short, Weyl_Berry guessed that he didn't make much progress on this topic.

Robert Murray Dean, editor of "New Advances in Mathematics," said respectfully.

Hearing Weyl_Berry's conjecture, William Timothy Gowers' eyes flashed with interest.

Robert left, and Gowers closed the courtyard door with one hand, holding the paper in the other hand, and his eyes fell on the paper.

[Certificate: Xu Chuan.]

"Sir Gowers, we have received a submission for a proof of a weakened form of Weyl_Berry's conjecture. We have preliminarily reviewed this paper and think it may be able to solve this ancient conjecture."

But his Fields Medal award was for another, even more remarkable achievement: "Connecting the fields of functional analysis and combinatorics and opening up new mathematics."

[Proof of spectral asymptotic and weak Weyl_Berry conjecture on connected regions with fractal boundaries.]

Moreover, with the shift of popular fields in mathematics today, there are fewer and fewer mathematicians studying this area. He has not seen any outstanding papers in this area for a long time.

In this way, the examples of non-connected regions discussed by previous people are turned into regional situations. Under such construction methods, it is proved that the weak Weyl_Berry conjecture is true.

Xu Chuan?

Professor Gowers was slightly stunned when he saw the name.

Suddenly, he suddenly opened the door and quickly walked to the study.

But today was smooth and lucky. Sir Gowers has always retained interest in Weyl_Berry's conjecture.

The name he had never heard of made Gowers frown slightly. Could it be some parallel import paper?

Let him take a look at the quality of this paper.

After all, no one likes others to disturb them frequently.

Gowers took the information, flipped through it and said, "Well, I will give you feedback."

For this work, the 35-year-old Gowers won the Fields Medal, the crown in mathematics.

It is very difficult and troublesome to ask a top mathematician to do the review work. Unless the paper manuscript can arouse the interest of these experts, it is easy to be rejected, or even get scolded.

Normal things.

He first made a fairly accurate upper and lower bound calculation for the counting function N(λ) associated with the fractal drum, and then opened a 'small opening' between the non-connected branches of the area to connect the non-connected areas.

It can be said that he completely changed the geometry of Banach space.

Are you Chinese? Or Chinese?

There are indeed many outstanding mathematicians from that country, such as Qiu Chengtong and Tao Zhexuan, but he seems to have no memory of the name Xu Chuan.

The whole process was quite smooth and concise, without a trace of nonsense. It was so streamlined that it was unbelievable that he couldn't even find any place where he could optimize it.

With that said, Robert Morey Dean handed over the printed manuscript of the paper in his hand.

"It has been sent to your email, and here are the printed thesis materials."

Thinking of this, Gowers continued to look down.

He also studied the Weyl_Berry conjecture for a period of time, but did not gain much.

More than an hour later, Gowers finally put down the writing pen in his hand, stared at the paper on the table and spoke in a standard London accent: "What an outstanding proof!"

Even at the University of Cambridge, a university with mathematics as its top major, no one can block his light.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that his main research direction is not in this area.

"Then I won't disturb you Sir."

Not only that, the author's English is also quite excellent, with fluent writing and correct interpretations, as if he had grown up in English. It is completely unlike the papers of some Chinese mathematicians that he has reviewed before, and occasionally he can see some crappy ones.


More importantly, the author didn't feel like a newcomer at all when it came to writing papers. He was as skilled as a veteran who had published countless papers and been involved in journals all year round.

It can even be said that even if he writes it himself, he may not be able to achieve this level. It is simply incredible.

But what Gowers is sure of is that he has indeed never heard of this name in the past.

(End of chapter)

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