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Chapter 766 It turns out that the answer is already there...

The report meeting on the unified theory of strong electricity has begun.

But the audience who attended the report session were a little unable to sit still.

Doesn't the origin of mass necessarily come from the Higgs mechanism?

What are the interaction factors between photons and gravity?

Could the condensation of energy form mass?

Xu Chuan's digressions and question after question before the official start of the report aroused the curiosity of countless physicists at this moment.

It seemed that the man standing on the stage already knew something.

Everyone's hearts were itching at this moment, and they wanted to rush to the stage and pull his collar to demand the answer.

But soon, the talk related to the unified theory of strong electricity attracted all their attention.

"...The current interaction unification is based on the Yang·M ills field and its generalized gauge theory. The Lagrangian quantity of the SU (2) gauge group Yang Mills field is L =-1/4Fμv·F


"Based on supersymmetry transformation, the mass of scalar particles does not destroy gauge symmetry, and their values ​​cannot be determined by symmetry..."

“As the baryon number density decreases, the attractive interaction of quark pairs in the color antitriplet state increases, and the quark pairs will gradually form a true bound state, and there is also an attractive interaction between the quark pairs and quarks with opposite colors.

, forming baryons..."

On the lecture table, Xu Chuan explained the unified theory of strong electricity with reference to PPT, while writing formulas one after another with a marker on the blackboard projected through the projection equipment.

[F^i(μv)≡δμ·Av^i-δv·Aμ^i g(f^ijk)·(Aμ^j)·(Av^k...]


【H(Γ?)dΓ?y?f(z )dz......】

Report to the audience.

The first row of the auditorium.

Looking at what Xu Chuan wrote on the blackboard, David Gross, the former chairman of CERN, looked at the company on the blackboard and suddenly frowned, and the pupils in his eyes unnaturally expanded a little, which was originally focused on

The light on the blackboard seemed to recall a few years ago at this moment.

After a while, Gross finally came back to his senses and spoke with some emotion.

"I see, I finally understand how he bypassed the problems of quark's free asymptotic behavior to complete this work."

Sitting next to him, Witten, who was staring intently at the calculations on the blackboard and listening to Xu Chuan's explanation, looked over and asked with some confusion: "What?"

Professor David Gross did not answer the question directly, but instead said: "Do you still remember the proton radius mystery he solved at CERN seven or eight years ago and the mathematical tool he created to calculate the channel of high-energy particles?"

Hearing this question, Witten finally turned around, looked at Gross curiously, and asked: "Of course, what's the matter?"

"No, the answer you want is right there."

Gross smiled, pointed at the reporting table, looked at the mathematical formulas written by Xu Chuan on the blackboard, and then said:

"At the beginning, I was still wondering how this calculation was completed."

"Only now do I know that the answer was almost already in our hands a few years ago."

Witten was stunned for a moment, glanced at Gross, and then at the blackboard on the reporting table, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

"You mean..."

Gross smiled and nodded, saying: "Following the clue of 'the asymptotic freedom phenomenon of quarks', we successfully found the breakthrough of the soft gluon resummation effect of transverse momentum distribution. He expanded and reversed it and applied it to

On the calculation of coupling energy levels and energy eigenvalues ​​of the strong nuclear force."

"I am more familiar with this road than you are, because I have been studying it for at least four or five years."


After a slight pause, he sighed softly, and then added: "Compared with him, it seems that I am still far behind..."

He was the one who originally advocated exchanging methods of mathematically calculating energy level channels of physical particles with Xu Chuan as a condition for China's entry into CERN as a member state.

As for this theory, he has never stopped researching it, and he even thought that he had surpassed the original author in this regard.

Because he has been able to skillfully use this tool to find what he needs from the vast sea of ​​particles.

But now it seems that he is arrogant.

While he was still obsessed with how to use this mathematical tool to explore more particles in the field of high-energy physics, that person had already applied it to a higher level.

If it weren't for this report meeting, the person standing on the stage had just given a comprehensive explanation on this aspect, and he wouldn't even have noticed these details.


David Gross is not the only one who has gained something.

Along with Xu Chuan's explanation, scholars who had questions about the unified theory of strong electricity began to clarify their doubts. Those unparalleled details are what every scholar cares about.

On the report stage, Xu Chuan gradually accelerated the pace of the report meeting.

The report on the unified theory of strong electricity will be more than a hundred pages long. Even if you put aside those irrelevant things, its core proof ideas and calculation processes, as well as the solutions to those branch problems, will still be at least forty or fifty pages long.

If he didn't waste some time, he might not be able to finish speaking in two hours.

After all, there are many problems in this theory, whether it is the calculation of the three most important parameters, namely weak electric coupling strength, mass of high-quality particles and weak electric-strong coupling strength.

Or the impact of a single weak interaction and the combined impact of weak interaction and electromagnetic interaction, how to provide a plan for finding lepton magnetic moment anomalies, etc. These are all areas that require his focus to explain.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! I believe there are many people with different issues regarding these different priorities.

If he doesn't explain these points in detail, I'm afraid the question-and-answer session will continue until tomorrow and may not even be completed.

As Xu Chuan's pace gradually accelerated, the scholars in the venue stared intently at every line of calculations he wrote, and even every letter, for fear of missing any detail.

For those experts sitting in the front row, there is no problem that they cannot understand these theories and explanations because of the speed.

At most, I just don’t have the time to listen to the report and exchange opinions with my colleagues sitting next to me.

Just like Gross and Witten, there is no time at the moment to exchange mathematical tools for calculating high-energy particle channels.

As for the scholars in the middle and back rows, as well as those master's or doctoral students who came with their tutors to see the world, they were already confused anyway, and they didn't care about this speed increase.

The pictures on the PPT were scrolled, and there were more and more calculations on the blackboard.

Completely forgetting the auditorium he was in and the audience behind him, Xu Chuan, who was completely in the state, focused all his attention on the unfilled blackboard in front of him.

While writing and explaining on the blackboard, he was also sorting out ideas about the grand unified theory, or void field theory, in his mind.

Dark matter, gravitons, the unified theory of strong electricity, the standard model... one theory and one idea are constantly harmonious.

When the PPT turned to more than sixty pages, the report meeting came to an end.

Finally he could breathe a sigh of relief. Professor Sheldon Glashow, who had grasped the entire proof idea, closed the notebook in his hand, looked at Professor Carlo Rubbia sitting next to him, smiled and said:

"What a brilliant theory.... What do you think?"

Sheldon Glashow, the 1979 Nobel Prize winner, completed the 'Electroweak Unified Theory' together with another famous Professor Steven Weinberg and another Professor Abdul Salam


It is a pity that he is the only one who is still alive today.

Professor Salam passed away in the last century, and Professor Weinberg, the most famous of the three, also passed away three years ago.

Sitting next to Professor Sheldon, Professor Carlo Rubbia, who was being questioned, was also a Nobel Prize winner.

If Professor Sheldon and his colleagues proposed the 'unified theory of weak electricity', then the person who has made the greatest contribution to confirming this theory must have his place.

The discovery of W and Z field particles was inseparable from the large-scale experimental plan of him and another professor.

Upon hearing Professor Sheldon's question, Carlo Rubbia fixed his eyes on the lines of calculations on the blackboard, as if he had not heard the question, and did not answer for a long time.

After a while, he replied: "It is indeed a very good theory, but... I may still have some questions."

Xu Chuan's explanation did answer most of his questions, but as he was not very proficient in mathematics, he still had a lot of doubts about some of the calculations.

Carlo hopes this will be addressed in the following Q&A session.

Of course, regarding these mathematical problems, he was quite confident in the young scholar standing on the stage.


On the reporting table, Xu Chuan, who had already pulled down the last two pages of PPT, began to put the final touches on the entire report.

"...The first term corresponds to the weak interaction of the Yang·Mills field with SU (2) symmetry, the second term corresponds to the electromagnetic field, and the third and fourth terms correspond to leptons and their weak electric fields

The 5th and 6th terms correspond to the interaction of the scalar field with other fields and leptons, and the 7th term is the self-interaction of the scalar field."

"On the basis of symmetry breaking, the three coupling constants of strong, weak and electromagnetic are unified at the 10^15GeV energy level at the Higgs mass, while the electroweak unified coupling constant is 10^12GeV and the strong coupling constant is...


"To sum up, the unification of the strong nuclear force and the electroweak theory has been mathematically completed!"

On the podium, Xu Chuan completed his final report in a steady voice.

The sound was not loud, but it reached everyone's ears clearly.

The moment the words fell.

In the lecture hall, everyone couldn't help but stand up. Thunderous applause sounded instantly in the wide and crowded auditorium.

Just like the opening of the report meeting.

This is not only the answer to the unified theory of strong electricity, but also a new starting point for physics, the cornerstone of the future, and the pinnacle wisdom of human civilization!


PS: Second update, please give me monthly tickets.

This chapter has been completed!
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