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Chapter 768: Jinling·Photo of the Era!

Mass originates from the void, and gravity does not originate from mass, nor does it originate from the curvature of space and time, but originates from the energy fluctuations generated when particles break through the void field, which affects other particles and matter through gravitons as a medium.

This concept shocked all the scholars present.

The Standard Model is one of the most magnificent and successful physical theories in modern physics. It helps people understand the nature of the world.

The source of mass and the Higgs breach mechanism established based on the Standard Model are theories that have already been verified by CERN through a large number of experiments.

It can use spontaneous symmetry breaking to give mass to elementary particles without violating gauge field theory. It is known as the "God Particle" of particle physics.

But now, this perfect mechanism is just a ‘secondary mechanism’ in the theory of another scholar who is also at the pinnacle of physics.

The real mass comes from the void at a higher level. Dark matter, gravity, and the origin of the mass of neutrinos that are not included in the standard model are all included in a brand new theory.

For physicists pursuing the truth of the universe, this is undoubtedly a theory with fatal attraction and temptation.

Looking at Xu Chuan, Professor Hoft, who had previously raised the issue of the source of gravity, finally couldn't help but speak.

"The void field theory and the source of gravity are all your speculations. Do you have evidence to confirm your theory?"

This question has been asked by many physicists here. Although void field theory is indeed very attractive to them, logically speaking, it seems to be self-consistent.

But a theory is just a theory after all, not to mention a theory that has just been proposed and has not been confirmed by experiments and mathematics.

No one present would blindly believe this theory because it was proposed by a scholar who solved the Yang-Mills existence and mass gap problems and perfected the unified theory of strong electricity.

Scientific rigor and demonstration are the most basic things that a scholar must not forget.

Even Einstein had his moments when he was questioned.

For the people sitting here at this moment, even if God stands in front of them and declares that the void field theory is the only arrangement in this world, they will not hesitate to raise their questions.

In front of the screen, Xu Chuan gently shook his head and replied: "Unfortunately, I currently don't have any evidence to prove that my theory is correct. Gravity is too mysterious, and we still don't know its true source.


"Maybe it's the curvature of space and time, maybe it originates from mass, or maybe it comes from void or other places."

"Our physical theoretical foundation inevitably has loopholes in it. What I can do is to try my best to improve and supplement the current basic theory."

After a slight pause, he looked at Professor Gerald T. Hoft, with a smile on his face and said confidently.

"Although I am currently unable to provide evidence to confirm the correctness of the nature of gravity, I have a plan to verify the void field theory, at least part of it."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the conference room almost stopped breathing and looked over with disbelief, their eyes full of suspicion.

Xu Chuan smiled and continued: "The void field theory still needs to be improved, but based on the unified theory of strong electricity, the void field theory predicts the quark confinement effect in protons and the chiral symmetry breaking of front and back quarks.


"If my theory is correct, then theoretically speaking, in high-energy level collisions above 10 Tev, we should be able to observe the energy response produced by the gluons produced during the quark pairing process and the breaching effect of the void field.


"Being able to observe this is enough to verify my theory."

"Of course, I have not yet completed the calculation of the specific energy level reaction zone, but I will work hard to improve and detail the energy level prediction of quark breaking in the following time, to find this one that can confirm the existence of 'void'

Key phenomenon!”


As soon as the experimental demonstration plan came out, many participants in the conference room suddenly took a breath.

Although the central air conditioner with excellent performance controlled the temperature in the conference room within the most comfortable area for the human body, everyone present was feeling hot at the moment.

If the breaching effect of the void field can be confirmed, then the era of physics will not only enter a new era.

You must know that a plan for a collision experiment is not so easy to complete.

If this were not the case, Professors Carlo Rubbia and Simon van der Meer, who made decisive contributions to the large-scale project of discovering the weak interaction transmitters, field particles W and Z, would not have received the Nobel Prize for this.

It was precisely because the two made decisive contributions to the detection of W and Z field particles that they were awarded the Nobel Prize.

If Professor Xu has a complete and detailed design for the void field breach theory, and can really confirm this deed in the future, this success alone will be enough for him to win two Nobel Prizes.

Of course, if one day comes, I believe that establishing a brand new award in his name may be more worthy of his research.


The conference room was filled with excitement.

Void, the origin of mass, the nature of gravity, verification of the CRHPC collider...

One novel theory after another continues to impact the minds of this group of scholars who stand at the pinnacle of contemporary physics.

Everyone was communicating with great interest, whether it was about the void field theory, the unified theory of strong electricity, or the soon-to-be-completed ring super particle collider CRHPC.

Until the time reached noon, the staff waiting outside knocked on the door and walked in to remind them that it was time for lunch. Everyone was reluctant to leave.

"It's been a long time since we met and chatted with so many old friends. Today is really a day worth remembering."

In the conference room, Professor Sheldon Glashow couldn't help feeling a little emotional when he saw the familiar old friends sitting together drinking tea and chatting.

Sitting next to him, Professor G. Hoft sighed softly and said: "It's a pity that there are many old friends who will never be seen again."

"Yes, time waits for no one the least."

Professor Sheldon Glashow sighed softly, and his eyes fell on Xu Chuan who was discussing with Professor Claus von Klitzing on the other side. Looking at that unimaginably young face, he couldn't help but feel...

There was a strong sense of envy and even a hint of jealousy.

He is really too young, so young that the whole future belongs to him.

On the side, Professor G. Hoft took a sip of the coffee in his cup and glanced around the conference room with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes.

Looking at the many old friends, he couldn't help but said: "It's rare for so many old friends to get together, why not take a photo together?"

Hearing this, Sheldon Glashow was stunned for a moment, then smiled and echoed: "I agree, maybe we won't have another chance like this."

The two hit it off immediately, and then clapped their hands, attracting the attention of other people in the conference room, and expressed their thoughts.

This proposal immediately gained support from others.

Today's conference can be said to have brought together the most stalwart scholars in modern physics, with signs of the Solvay Conference at the beginning of the last century.

The only regret is that Higgs, Weinberg, Yukawa, Nanbu... those people who have made great contributions to modern physics have left one after another over the years.

It’s hard to appear in today’s group photo.


In the square where the ‘Western Zhou Xiao Keding’ is located, NTU, Xianlin Campus.

After hearing this, the leaders of Nanjing University rushed over and quickly organized the teachers and staff of the administrative office to clear out the place for the group photo and moved in stools and chairs.

More than thirty scholars who stand at the pinnacle of contemporary physics smiled and took a great photo together on June 9, 2024, a day that will be remembered by everyone in the future.

If we were to choose the greatest photo in the world of physics, I believe that more than 90% of people would choose the "Photograph of the Solvay Conference".

It was the pinnacle of theoretical physics, an era of bright stars.

Einstein, Planck, Lorentz, Bonn, Bohr, Heisenberg, Schrödinger, de Broglie, Dirac, Compton, Marie Curie...

One familiar name after another confirms the glory of that era.

As a successor to that era, modern physics, although it is difficult to compare with that glorious and abnormal era, has also produced a large number of great scholars.

Hoft, Feynman, Higgs, Weinberg, Yang Zhenning, Witten, Yukawa, Nanbu, Gell-Mann....

From the Standard Model to the Higgs mechanism, to electroweak unification, and the renormalizability of quantum field theory...a large number of physicists worked hard to finally establish the Standard Model.

To this day, the completion of the unified theory of strong electricity, the proposal of the void field theory, and the gathering of many top physicists... Ninety-seven years apart, spanning an entire century, this photo was taken at the end of the Jinling era.

Photos seem to mean the end of an era and the beginning of a new era.


PS: There will be another chapter later, please vote for me.

This chapter has been completed!
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