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Chapter 772: CTV’s Exclusive Interview

In three days, Xu Chuan finalized the main research and development efforts for the two major module technologies of plasma and electromagnetic deflection shield at the Energy Research Institute.

The person responsible for the research and development of the plasma wall is naturally the thin and frail man wearing glasses, Luo Ming, while the candidate responsible for the research and development of the magnetic polariton electromagnetic field is a middle-aged man named 'Li Kaichang' selected from the Aerospace Research Institute.

Year researcher.

As early as when the aerospace engine was being researched, Li Kaichang was one of the main scientific researchers at that time.

The most important components in the aerospace engine are the ionization acceleration field and the spiral magnetic field. These two are undoubtedly the core of the aerospace engine.

The strong magnetic regulator and electrode ion generator inside the engine were developed by Li Kaichang.

Xu Chuan was relieved to hand over the technology related to magnetic fields to him.

As for himself, judging from his work situation in 2024, he simply does not have time to be responsible for these things personally.

The first is the competition between CERN and CRHPC. Whether it is the verification of the unified theory of strong electricity or the detection and search of sterile neutrinos and dark matter, he needs to take the lead personally.

Compared to plasma and electromagnetic deflection shields, in terms of theoretical physics, apart from him, there is really no soul figure in China who can carry the banner.

If Mr. Yang Zhenhuan were fifty or sixty years younger, he might still be able to do it, but he is already one hundred and two years old.

If the lecture on the unified theory of strong electricity had not been a meeting that a physicist could not miss, Mr. Yang would not have traveled thousands of miles from the capital to come to Jinling.

As for the Standard Model, the Yang-Mills theory can withstand experiments and time verification, and it has groundbreaking and cross-epochal significance.

The unified theory of strong electricity has also been expanded on this. Whether it is the strong interaction or the coupling constant of symmetry breaking, the computational prediction data are completed based on this.

But time waits for no one after all, and this old gentleman is now one hundred and two years old.

It is said that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and each wave is higher than the previous wave. However, for the domestic physics community, without him, many things would really be impossible to accomplish and advance.

For example, although the construction of the CRHPC Ring Strong Particle Collider was promoted with the help of the Institute of Physics, for the top management, there was no one else with real influence who could prompt them to invest hundreds of billions of dollars in making this decision.


Including the subsequent verification of the unified theory of strong electricity and the detection of sterile neutrinos and dark matter, without his personal presence, these tasks would not be possible at all, but the speed of advancement would probably be slower by more than one level.

In today's fierce competition between CERN and CRHPC, whoever can seize the advantages of these results first will mean that whose reputation can be greatly expanded.

If CERN can make these results first, its status as a sacred place in the physics world will be maintained.

And if CRHPC can take the lead, it means that there will be an institution in the physics community that can equal CERN.

As for the lead, at present it can only be said that CRHPC still has a long way to go as long as CERN does not make a big mistake.

In other words, the CRHPC ring collider has the opportunity to make major achievements and discoveries in areas beyond the LH-LHC energy level.

After all, they have been operating for decades, and many Western countries have advantages in this field of basic science. If we want to bring those physicists over, we can only say that the road is long and long.


In addition to work in the fields of high-energy physics and particle physics, the development of the aerospace field, such as the construction of lunar outpost scientific research stations and the exploration of Mars, also requires him to take charge of the overall situation.

This is not because there is no one left in the domestic aerospace field, but because it is impossible for him to hand over the dominant position of Xinghai Research Institute in the aerospace field to others.

After all, the development of the space shuttle also involves his subsequent exploration and transformation plan for Mars.

On the basis of the possibility of transforming Mars into another living planet, it is impossible for him to give up the core space resources under any circumstances.

Only by having a say in aerospace resources can he have the opportunity to do what he wants to do.


Three days passed quickly, and the CTV interviewer arrived as scheduled.

In the office of Xinghai Research Institute, Xu Chuan met the interview team of C Media. The person responsible for interviewing him was an old acquaintance.

The beautiful reporter Sun Yutong has been responsible for interviewing him since the beginning of the Crafford Award.

"Hello, Professor Xu."

CTV reporter Sun Yutong, wearing a white professional attire, walked up to say hello with a bright smile, stretched out her hand and shook Xu Chuan's hand gently: "We meet again."

After shaking hands, Xu Chuan greeted with a smile: "Long time no see, Reporter Sun."

Knowing that this person was very busy with research, Sun Yutong, who was in charge of the interview, did not waste time on small talk and quickly brought the topic into the interview.

"The interview may take a little time, sorry to trouble you."

"During the interview, we will ask some questions about physics research. If any of these questions are not convenient to answer, Academician Xu, you can just tell me the next one. All the interview videos will be released at that time.

By editing.”

Xu Chuan smiled and nodded, saying: "Then let's get started."

After sitting down on the sofa, Sun Yutong adjusted her sitting posture, showed a very friendly smile on her face, signaled the photographer next to her to get ready, then looked at Xu Chuan and said:

"I am honored to have this opportunity to interview you. I believe that not only me, but also the viewers sitting in front of the TV will be very curious about your research work."

"For example, I believe that many viewers have heard about and understood the report conference on the unified theory of strong electricity that you held at NTU a few days ago."

"But for this theory that can change the present and future of the entire physics world, I think most of the audience is like me. It is difficult to have a specific understanding of it, and it is difficult to concretely feel its significance. So can

Could you please, Academician Xu, give us a brief introduction to your work?"

Hearing this question, Xu Chuan smiled and said: "For most ordinary people, talking about mathematical formulas and complex theories on how to calculate the unification of strong electricity may make people more confused."

"If we want something like a general unified theory of strong electricity, we need to understand the background of the Standard Model and some high-energy physics theory."

After a pause, he thought for a moment and then continued: "In terms of today's physics, the origin of the universe we live in is undoubtedly the 'Big Bang Theory' that is more convincing."

"That is, the universe was originally a singularity with extremely high density and high temperature. And more than 10 billion years ago, a big bang occurred at this singularity. The big bang caused the energy and matter in the singularity to scatter out, and the universe continued to

With the expansion, the temperature also dropped accordingly, and later all the galaxies, stars, planets and even life appeared in the universe one after another.”

"Including the gravity, strong force, weak force, and electromagnetic force that we are familiar with, in today's physics, they all appeared after the Big Bang."

"To put it simply, we can think of the universe after the Big Bang as a primitive sea of ​​fire full of energy. Its temperature and energy are very high. On this basis, all the elementary particles we have discovered with the help of contemporary equipment

They can extract enough energy from the fireball to turn into real particles and wander around in the fireball."

"At that point, they are truly equivalent and all the fundamental interactions are equally strong and long-range, not just similar."

"But as the universe expanded and the temperature of this sea of ​​energy dropped, these particles began to lose the ability to obtain energy, and then gathered together, evolving into today's gravity, strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, electromagnetic force, etc.


"The unified theory of strong electricity is to find out how high the energy level we need, the three forces of the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force, and the electromagnetic force will become the same form of expression, just as I described at the beginning

The original energy is the same as the particles in the sea of ​​fire."

Sun Yutong smiled and said: "This sounds very interesting. It feels like we have reached the same destination through different paths."

After a slight pause, she then asked: "Now that you have completed the unified theory of strong electricity, what do you think of the future of physics? What will it be like?"

Hearing this question, Xu Chuan thought for a moment, shook his head and replied: "As for the future of physics, to be honest, this question is not easy to answer."

Hearing this, Sun Yutong immediately turned his gaze over, with a look in his eyes indicating whether he should cut off this section first.

Xu Chuan smiled and continued: "The question of the future of physics is too broad, and our understanding of the current universe is too little."

"Even if my unified theory of strong electricity is verified to be correct through experiments, we still have a series of unsolved mysteries such as gravity, possible dark matter, dark energy, the origin of the mass of neutrinos, etc. Even in future exploration

It is not impossible for us to discover other energy or matter in the universe."

"While talking about this, I'm afraid I can't give an answer."

After a pause, he continued with a smile: "But in the short term, we must first verify the unified theory of strong electricity, and then explore possible substances such as dark matter and dark energy, and finally gravity.

The source is judged and integrated into the strong electricity theory."

Sun Yutong: "This sounds very exciting indeed, but for most ordinary people, these things seem to be very far away. Can you explain to us in some concrete terms how the development of theoretical physics affects the development of our civilization and society?

What’s the meaning of it?”

Hearing this question, Xu Chuan smiled and said, "In fact, this is not the first time I have heard and seen this question."

"For many people, the meaning of theoretical physics research is a difficult thing to figure out."

"Because in the eyes of many people, whether it is the research on the unified theory of strong electricity or the construction of large strong particle colliders such as CRHPC and LHC, it is difficult to bring direct development to today's society."

"And a group of the most intelligent scholars of our time have invested huge social resources in undertakings just to satisfy their "desire for knowledge"?"

Speaking of this, Xu Chuan glanced at Sun Yutong with a smile, then at the camera, and continued: "In 1854, Riemann proposed the preliminary idea of ​​Riemannian geometry. In 1905, Einstein published the special theory of relativity. In 1916,

Einstein published his general theory of relativity, which used Riemannian geometry as a core mathematical tool."

"This is the theory."

"In 1957, the first artificial satellite Sputnik 1 was successfully launched; in 1959, the first satellite positioning system Transit began to be developed; in 1978, the first GPS satellite was successfully launched."

"This is the application."

"When developing GPS satellites, researchers and scholars discovered that according to the special theory of relativity published by Einstein in 1905, due to the speed of movement, the atomic clock on the satellite will be 7 microseconds slower than the atomic clock on the ground every day."

"According to the general theory of relativity published in 1916, due to different positions in the gravitational field, the atomic clock on the satellite will be 45 microseconds faster per day than the atomic clock on the ground."

"In other words, if the GPS positioning system does not rely on clock pulse signals with an interval of 20-30 nanoseconds for calculation and positioning, and does not calibrate the time, then its positioning position will drift. The drift distance is about 10 kilometers per day.


"Without Riemannian geometry and the theory of relativity, there would be no global satellite positioning system."

Smiling, he looked at the camera and asked: "So, standing in 1854, 1905, or 1916, could people imagine that Riemannian geometry and relativity were of any use?"

"Every theory, when it was born, probably could not have imagined its impact on today's daily life."

"For subjects such as theoretical physics and theoretical mathematics, what they study is not science as people imagine, but a kind of 'feasibility'."

"Theories allow us to understand the nature of how the world works, and tell people what is feasible and what is not feasible; then engineers in the engineering field use these theories to efficiently build our living environment."

"They complement each other, and many things move from theory to practice."

"Of course, compared to applications, theoretical physics has indeed gone further, and it will be practiced for decades or even further in the future."

"And currently we can't see its use, it doesn't mean it has no value, it just means that we can't realize its value now."

"So, if applied technology is now, then theory is the future."

"It guides us in which direction we are headed in the future!"


PS: I originally agreed to do double updates today, but when I woke up early this morning, I found that I seemed to have a cold or something. My tonsils were inflamed and red, my nose was blocked, my brain was even more foggy, and my whole body was sore and backache.

I asked for leave and stayed at home for a day without going to work. I went to bed in the morning and got up in the afternoon to grind out four thousand words. I'm sorry, I broke my promise. I promised to make up for it later. I went to bed first. I hope

It'll be fine tomorrow.

This chapter has been completed!
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