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Chapter 774: Research on Polarized Electromagnetic Fields

Compared with the daily routine of protestors being "infiltrated" into the CERN underground collider pipeline, Xu Chuan is more concerned about the experimental data of the high-luminosity LH-LHC collider that "flexed its muscles" for the first time.

The collision experiment at the 35Tev energy level was the first time in the current world of physics, and he was very interested in this data.

But it is a pity that since they had a stalemate with CERN and with the support of Lao Mi, the membership status they originally won has been revoked.

In addition, the Chinese Physical Society and Chinese scholars have completely withdrawn from CERN, and even the restart after the LHC upgrade has not included Chinese scholars, it is almost impossible to obtain this experimental data.

The only thing we can do now is to wait for the CRHPC to be completed and start the experiment ourselves.

Fortunately, the time is coming soon.

Thinking of this, a confident smile appeared on Xu Chuan's lips.

The Ring Super Particle Collider CRHPC, which was established and built under his own leadership, has an energy level much higher than that of the upgraded LH-LHC.

Judging from the theoretical data of the current design, the maximum collision energy level of CRHPC can reach 125Tev, and its powerful performance is fully 10 times that of LHC. Even the upgraded LH-LHC is fully 3.5 times that of LHC.


Although the performance of traditional detectors is weaker than that of the old LHC, when it comes to dark matter detectors, the 'low light' detector designed by him who wrote the theory himself is no weaker than the 1LHC detector.

In two months at most, this important weapon in the physics world should be introduced to the world.


The first round of collision test experiments at the 35 Tev energy level ended. CERN attracted a large number of physicists, and it was at this time that the verification of the unified theory of strong electricity and the exploration of dark matter began.

On the other hand, after maintaining the first phase of attention to the restart of CERN's work, Xu Chuan did not focus on this anymore, but shifted to the research of plasma and electromagnetic deflection shields.

Taking advantage of the last more than a month that could be spent on this, he planned to concentrate his energy on leading a team to conduct research on the magnetic polaron electromagnetic shield, one of the plasma and electromagnetic deflection shields.

Let's see if we can make a breakthrough in this area.

As for CERN's collision experiment arrangements, after the first round of tests, the verification of the unified theory of strong electricity will be carried out, there is actually nothing to say, and he doesn't care too much.

Although there are many controversial voices on the Internet, some people feel that this is competing for glory with the CRHPC, which is about to be completed.

After all, CRHPC is about to be completed. In theory, China has the independent ability to verify the unified theory of strong power and gain this honor.

However, for the academic community, especially the theoretical physics community, it is not unusual for other colleagues to use such public papers for verification, and it can even be said that the permission of the original author is not required.

On the one hand, verifying papers in theoretical physics often requires the use of various large-scale scientific research equipment, which is extremely difficult.

For example, Mr. Higgs's Higgs boson and Higgs mechanism were discovered only after the first upgrade of the LHC was completed in 2008.

And that upgrade cost more than one billion meters of gold. The value of one billion meters of gold in 2008 is not comparable to that of today's one billion meters of gold.

It can be said that the difficulty of verifying this kind of cutting-edge physics theory is far beyond what a physicist can solve. The only place one can place hope on is the entire physics community.

Even if the entire physics community works together, there may not be hope.

For example, Edward Witten's string theory.

I am afraid that there is no hope of seeing it in another two centuries.

On the other hand, for academia.

The proposer of a theory is more important than the discoverer and research institution.

Take the Nobel Prize for example. According to convention, the Nobel Prize does not award medals to the discoverers of particles, nor to researchers and institutions that operate the hadron collider.

The Nobel Prize "tends" to be awarded to the proposer or perfecter of this theory.

Because in the general view of the academic community, although the work of the first two is important, it is not that decisively important.

Of course, this is not an absolute situation, and sometimes there are exceptions.

The Nobel Prize may be awarded to others when the person who proposed the theory has passed away or has won the award, or has designed groundbreaking experiments or made outstanding contributions.

For example, the unified theory of weak electricity was awarded to Weinberg, Glashow and others in 1979, and was also awarded to Carlo Rubbia and Simon van der Meer in 1984.

The reason is that the latter two made decisive contributions in the large-scale project of discovering W and Z field particles that are transmitters of weak interactions.

From these aspects, Xu Chuan is not worried that CERN will verify the unified theory of strong electricity before CRHPC and take away the honor that belongs to him.

On the other hand, CRHPC really doesn’t have many options.

After all, CERN really did a great job this time, completing the LHC upgrade ahead of CRHPC.

However, you don’t need to pay too much attention to these things. Even if CERN completes the verification of the unified theory of strong electricity first, what is left to CRHPC will only be more important in a certain sense.


Energy Research Institute.

At this time when most people are preparing to go home from work, several laboratories in a corner of the Institute of Physics are still brightly lit.

Especially in the laboratory at the far end, in a room of nearly 100 square meters, about six or seven researchers were surrounding the instruments on the white plastic table in the center of the empty laboratory.

You can see obvious haggardness on everyone's face, even dark circles and bloodshot eyes, but everyone's eyes have some expectations, but most of them are disappointment.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! In the plasma electromagnetic deflection shield technology, the plasma wall Xu Chuan was handed over to the researcher named Luo Ming, and the more difficult magnetic polaron electromagnetic shield was handed over to

He himself took advantage of the fact that more than a month before the official launch of CRHPC, he led the team to conduct research.

On the white plastic table in front of me, the 'rudimentary' device that looks like a 'router' is their latest experimental product.

What is a magnetic field?

To put it simply, this is a question that even a junior high school student can answer.

It is a special substance that is invisible and intangible. It is not composed of atoms or molecules, but it exists objectively. The magnetic field has the radiation characteristics of wave particles. It exists around the space around the magnet or current, making the space between the magnets

The interaction can occur through the medium of a magnetic field, even if the two are not in direct contact.

The basic characteristic of a magnetic field is that it can exert a force on the moving charges in it. This force or torque originates from the influence of the magnetic field on the current and the magnet.

The electromagnetic shield in science fiction novels is based on this principle.

But science fiction is science fiction after all. To create this kind of shield, it mainly depends on two conditions.

The first one must have enough energy to supply devices such as electromagnetic shields and plasma shields to continue to work. Because the energy shield needs to ensure that there are enough particles to continue to flow in a fixed area.

This point is easy to solve for Xinghai Research Institute.

You can choose between alternating current and direct current. The former can be directly supplied by a controllable nuclear fusion reactor, while the latter can be supplied by a large-scale lithium-sulfur battery field.

But the second point is difficult.

Putting aside energy, the core point of various shields is to have the corresponding technical ability to control the shield device. It is necessary to ensure that the particles in the plasma shield, electromagnetic pulse and other energy will not scatter, and it can be used against external attacks.

Control the particle flow direction of the energy shield in real time.

This cannot be accomplished before the unified theory of strong electricity is perfected.

It's very simple, the theory doesn't support it.

That is to say, before the unified theory of strong electricity is perfected, the monopolarization of plasma fields and magnetic fields is still just a speculation. The physics community does not know whether it really exists, nor does it know how to achieve it.

After the unified theory of strong electricity is perfected, the monopolarization of the magnetic field and plasma field can be completed by the polaron system of the strong electric-phonon interaction system.

But theory is theory, and it is still a difficult problem to transform this theory into applied technology.

The research team led by Xu Chuan needs to solve this problem.

According to the strong electron-phonon interaction system in the unified theory of strong electricity, these days, they have manufactured a batch of magnetic monopole materials by controlling the reaction conditions and molecular structure, and created a test product through these magnetic monopole materials.

, conducted the first experiment.

The detailed experimental data are still being processed, but judging from the preliminary information and data fed back from the computer, the expectations for this experiment are probably not very good. The generated magnetic monopole field is not only not the magnetic field they want, but also

It may be extremely chaotic and difficult to stabilize.

This is also the reason why the disappointment on the faces of a group of people is greater than their expectations.

Including Xu Chuan, he frowned and looked through the feedback data on the computer.

"Academician Xu, the complete and detailed experimental data has been printed out."

The door to the laboratory was pushed open in a hurry, and a researcher wearing a white coat walked in quickly, holding a thick stack of paper documents in his hand.

This is the researcher ‘Li Kaichang’ who was previously assigned to be responsible for the magnetic polaron electromagnetic field. After completing the experiment, he couldn’t wait and ran to the printer room in person.

A group of people quickly gathered around. Xu Chuan took the lead in taking away a pile of divided experimental materials. Others swarmed in and divided up several copies of the materials printed simultaneously with different printers.

"The situation is not optimistic..."

After flipping through the experimental data in his hand, Xu Chuan sighed.

Li Kaichang, who had already read the detailed experimental data in the printing room, nodded and said with a wry smile: "It's really not good."

What he didn't say was that this wasn't just bad, it was downright terrible.

They used RbCI crystals to conduct strong-coupled polaron experiments, but judging from the data, the magnetic field strength is still qualified, but the magnetic flux, magnetic saturation, hysteresis, and magnetic polarons are difficult to describe.

Among them, the hw(Mev) value related to the magnetic polaron intensity is only 10.2718, and the a(A°) value is only 1.92.

According to theory, the two data they designed should reach at least 30, and above 5 is considered to meet the basic requirements.

If we want to adapt to the application of this technology and achieve plasma electromagnetic deflection shield, then the hw (Mev) of the magnetic polaron strength must reach 100, and a (A°) should be worth 10.

In other words, judging from the current experimental data, they are ten times worse than real applications.

Looking through the detailed experimental data in his hand, Xu Chuan looked at it and asked Li Kaichang, who was in charge of the research and development of magnetic polariton electromagnetic fields: "Do you have any ideas about these data?"

Li Kaichang frowned and thought for a while, then said with some hesitation: "Theoretically, the most direct correlation between the various indicators of the strong magnetic polariton electromagnetic field lies in the crystal material used to make it, whether it is an RbCI crystal.


Xu Chuan nodded and said: "There may indeed be some problems in materials, but RbCI crystal is almost the most suitable material choice we can find at present. We don't have many suitable choices among low-dimensional polarons."

After thinking for a moment, he continued: "Contact the Information Research Institute to model low-dimensional polaron materials through the strong electron-phonon interaction system and related experimental data to see if we can use supercomputing

Let’s look for suitable materials.”

Li Kaichang nodded and said, "Okay, Academician Xu."

Xu Chuan thought for a while and said: "How is the situation of borrowing the large-scale SQUID superconducting quantum interference magnetometer from the Chinese Academy of Sciences?"

The SQUID superconducting quantum interference magnetometer is mainly used to detect DC magnetic susceptibility signals. There are many types of equipment of this type. Xinghai Research Institute has them, but there are no large ones.

It is probably too late to temporarily purchase and build such an experimental environment, so we can only borrow the laboratory space from the Chinese Academy of Sciences to make a more detailed judgment on the magnetic polariton field.

Li Kaichang: "The relevant application work is being carried out by Dean Wen Yuanhang. Dean Wen has given feedback before and has contacted the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The problem should not be big."

Just as he was talking, the door to the laboratory was pushed open, and Wen Yuanhang walked in while the two were chatting.

"Academician Xu, Team Leader Li."

After saying hello with a smile, he quickly said: "As for the application to borrow the large-scale SQUID superconducting quantum interference magnetometer test site from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, I have received a reply from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the other party has agreed.


After hearing these words, the frown on Xu Chuan's face finally relaxed a bit, and a smile appeared on his face.

Throwing the experimental data report in his hand on the table, he said: "That's it for today's experiment. Prepare the materials and equipment. Next, we will go to the Chinese Academy of Sciences to continue the experiment."

Li Kaichang nodded with a serious expression.



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