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Chapter 794: If you have the ability, build one yourself!

Europe, Geneva.

In an office at CERN headquarters.

Professor Fox Hale from the School of Physics at Stanford University is being interviewed by media reporters.

The hot discussion hot spots of PhysicsForums International Physics Forum have naturally been noticed by many media organizations.

What's more, this involves the verification of one of the most important theories in contemporary physics, the unification of strong electricity.

This is not only something that the physics community is paying attention to, but also a cutting-edge theory that all civilized countries are focusing on.

No matter which country, if the unified theory of strong electricity is really confirmed, it is destined to be included in the textbooks and will be remembered forever as an epic.

Therefore, as soon as it was revealed that there might be a huge error in the "verification work of coupling constants for strong electric symmetry breaking", media personnel who were concerned about this aspect came to the door.

"Hello Professor Fox, I am a media reporter from the British Broadcasting Corporation BBC. It is a great honor to interview you. Congratulations to you for leading the team to complete the 'Verification of Coupling Constants for Strong Electric Symmetry Breaking' and successfully passed the CERN and physics community


"For academic circles, this may be an achievement that can win the Nobel Prize. I hope you can be selected."


Professor Fox Hale responded with a smile on his face. Obviously, he still enjoyed the compliments from the BBC media reporters.

"That's right, Professor Fox."

The BBC media reporter changed his mind and then asked: "I wonder if you have paid attention to news from the International Physics Forum, Facebook, blogs and other websites recently."

"Regarding the 'verification work of coupling constants for strong electric symmetry breaking' that you have completed, some bad information has been circulated recently. Some people have questioned your results and think that it may have major flaws. What do you think of this?

Woolen cloth?"

Hearing this question, the smile on Fox Haier's face faded a little, and he said:

"I have paid attention to the discussion on the PhysicsForums International Physics Forum, but it is obvious that the person who raised this issue did not come up with substantive evidence and questions."

BBC media reporter: "You mean, the person who raised this question didn't really find the flaw or problem?"

Fox nodded and said: "Yes, I have read every word of that post, but it was just a question, but it did not raise any questions."

“So in my opinion, it’s more likely to be sensationalizing and using current hot topics to attract attention and traffic.”

BBC media reporter: "I heard that the person who questioned this result was Professor Xu Chuan from China?"

Fox: "I don't know if he wrote this post on the forum. But the 'Verification of Coupling Constants for Strong Electric Symmetry Breaking' has passed the acceptance review of CERN and many top physicists.


"I don't think there is any problem with a result that has been approved by almost all scholars in the physics community."

There was a slight pause, with a hint of sarcasm on his face, and he continued: "If Professor Xu has questions about the verification of the coupling constant for strong electric symmetry breaking, I think he can raise it publicly, and I can

Answer his questions and provide any data or experimental information he needs."

The BBC media reporter asked in surprise: "Do you think Professor Xu Chuan may have written this questioning post on the forum?"

Fox: "No, I never said that."

"However, it is stated in the relevant posts that the person who raised this question is Professor Xu Chuan. Unless it is a complete rumor, I still hope that Professor Xu can stand up and explain."

"After all, from an academic perspective, no one, not even Einstein or Newton, can accuse another scholar of work that has been verified by the academic community without any substantive evidence and questions.


BBC media reporter: "At the press conference, Chairman Eliezer Rabinovich said that this is a Nobel Prize-level achievement. Do you think you have hope of winning this year's Nobel Prize?"

Hearing this question, Fox Hale smiled and replied: "Whether I can win the Nobel Prize is not something I can decide, but the decision of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. I can only wait."

"Of course, if I can win the Nobel Prize, I will donate half of the Nobel Prize money to help the development of physics."


On the other side of Eurasia at the time of Professor Fox Hale's interview.

Star City, in the headquarters building of CRHPC.

The working meeting on the arrangements for the CRHPC Ring Super Particle Collider in the next six months is being intensively discussed.

For the high-energy physics community, scientific research equipment such as the Large Strong Particle Collider is like a ‘wishing machine’.

It uses various means to verify physical theories, confirm the views of physicists, and push them to the top of academic circles.

It is precisely because of this that CERN's status as the world's holy land of physics has never wavered in the past ten years.

In the conference hall, representatives from various countries have already arrived.

Although the scale of today's meeting is hundreds or thousands of times smaller than yesterday's kick-off meeting, the people sitting here are all the elites of the elites from all over the world.

Perhaps these people do not necessarily understand high-energy physics, but at least they certainly know how to fight for the interests of their country through various means and diplomatic methods.

After all, this is an honor related to the distribution of future Nobel Prizes. Faced with an award of this level, it is not possible for those in the academic community to be tempted.

There are no less intrigues in the academic world than in other circles. If it were really so pure, there wouldn't be so many dirty things like exploiting students and cheating that come out every year.

It has to be said that people are all realistic.

At the first symposium on the Circular Super Particle Collider three years ago, many high-energy physics institutions closely related to CERN, the United States and other countries refused to attend the meeting.

However, after the construction of CRHPC was completed and the collision experiment with an energy level exceeding 130 Tev was successfully demonstrated, those physics institutions that had refused to come to participate in the meeting are now sitting here again.

Faced with a collider that is likely to produce at least a dozen Nobel Prizes in the future, no matter who it is, no matter which country it is, they probably want a piece of the CRHPC pie.


At nine o'clock in the morning, Xu Chuan appeared in the conference hall on time.

As the first chairman of the CRHPC organization, Xu Chuan walked straight to the reporting table in the conference hall, and Lin Feng followed him and found his position according to the instructions on the sign in the conference hall.

The meeting started soon.

After adjusting the microphone on the conference table in front of him and pointing it toward himself, Xu Chuan glanced around the entire conference hall and said:

"First of all, welcome to everyone who came to participate in this meeting. I am very happy to see you at today's seminar."

"I believe everyone knows the content of today's meeting, so I won't waste my time."

"I announce that the first CRHPC Circular Super Particle Collider work arrangement meeting will now begin."

After a simple opening remarks, Xu Chuan opened the discussion document in front of him and said: "According to the decision of the First Circular Super Particle Collider Seminar, the CRHPC collider will be open to the world. From now on.

Countries, universities, physics institutions, and even individuals can apply for permission to use the collider."

"The CRHPC Experiment Committee has also received numerous application documents for the use of collider. Now, I will directly arrange the relevant collider experiment work."

In the conference hall, as soon as Xu Chuan finished speaking, the representatives from various countries were stunned.

A representative from the country where the sun never sets raised his hand, looked at Xu Chuan and asked: "Shouldn't we discuss the applications for these collision experiments first, and then sort the experiments according to their importance?"

Xu Chuan glanced at him and said, "Are you a physicist?"

The representative of The Sun Never Sets shook his head in confusion: "Does this have anything to do with being a physicist?"

He is really not a physicist, or in other words, most of the people sitting here today are not physicists, but representatives of various countries or physics institutions.

Most of these people are administrative staff with certain negotiation and negotiation skills, and they come to fight for opportunities for their respective countries or the universities or physics institutions behind them.

After all, how do physicists know how to negotiate?

Xu Chuan: "If you are not a physicist, then you can sit down."

After a slight pause, he continued: "I think no one knows better than a physicist whether experiments in the field of high-energy physics are important and how the priorities should be arranged."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the entire conference hall became strangely quiet, and then the sound of commotion spread.

Although it is said that the representatives who can be assigned to today's meeting know more or less some physics knowledge, the fact is that most of the people sitting here today are not physicists.

Is this going to exclude non-physicists from this conference?

Xu Chuan paid no attention to the commotion, and continued: "I carefully studied the experimental data at CERN that verified the coupling constant for strong electric symmetry breaking, and the analytical data and data produced by Professor Fox Haier of Stanford University.

There may be bigger problems with the Ritz diagram."

"From the perspective of a physicist, I have every reason to believe that there are errors or omissions in the 5sigma confidence data he has perfected. CRHPC will next launch the 'Large Conventional Superconducting Ring Field Detector' and 'Kinetic Energy Trajectory'

Tracking detectors' re-verification of coupling constants for strong electric symmetry breaking..."

Upon hearing the first arrangement, everyone in the conference hall looked over at once.

Everyone present knows that the experimental data for the verification work of the coupling constant of strong electric symmetry breaking has been accepted by CERN and the physics community.

And now, Professor Xu actually wants to re-verify it?

This happened so suddenly that none of the representatives and scholars participating in the seminar in the conference hall expected that the first task would be this.

"If I remember correctly, the verification work of the coupling constant of strong electric symmetry breaking has been accepted by CERN. This is already an achievement, not an experimental data. Is this clear to Professor Xu?"

In the conference hall, the representative from the United States raised his hands and said seriously.

Xu Chuan nodded and said calmly: "I understand very well. Is there any problem?"

The American representative frowned and said quickly: "I think it is a serious waste of the collider's performance to conduct repetitive exploration and verification work on work that has been accepted and approved by the physics community."

"We should spend more of our experiments on collisions with other key properties, rather than repeating useless work."

Xu Chuan: "Are you a physicist?"

Representative of the United States: “……..”


This lunatic is a paranoid!

He can't even listen to a word other people say!

While everyone was looking at each other in disbelief at the somewhat 'unreasonable' Xu Chuan, Professor Andrei Caffrari, the representative of the Max Planck Institute of Physics, raised his hand and asked hesitantly:

"Did you upload that post on the International Physics Forum?"

Xu Chuan shook his head and said, "No, but it does have something to do with me."

Hearing this, Professor Andrei Caffrari's eyes suddenly shrank and he asked quickly: "Does this mean the rumors are true?"

Xu Chuan glanced at him and said calmly: "I don't know what the rumors you are talking about are, but in the research on Professor Fox's analysis data and Dalitz diagram, I did find some possible problems.


"This not only requires CERN to provide complete and detailed experimental analysis data, but also requires an explanation from Professor Fox."

"Of course, this is not the content of today's meeting. After the meeting, I will upload a report on the problems to the CERN Council."

"To be on the safe side, it seems to me that it is necessary to use the CRHPC collider to repeatedly verify the analytical data of the coupling constants of strong electric symmetry breaking."

"Do you have any other comments?"

Professor Andrei Caffrari took a deep breath, nodded, and said: "No more. I support CRHPC's repeated verification of the analytical data of coupling constants for strong electric symmetry breaking."

If this person personally admits that there is a problem with Professor Fox’s analysis data and Darize diagram, maybe there really is a problem.

After all, he is the proposer of the unified theory of strong electricity. There is probably no one more familiar with this field than him.

And judging from his academic reputation and all his past remarks and opinions, he probably would not have done this if he was not completely sure.

The world of physics may really be facing another storm!


Professor Andre suddenly changed his attitude to support the collision experiment, and many people in the conference hall immediately looked over in surprise.

You know, the Max Planck Institute is known as the "Forging Field of Nobel Prizes", and the Institute of Physics is one of the key research institutions.

In addition, Professor Andrei Caffrari’s status and influence in the physics community are not low. He is one of the deputy directors of the Musk Planck Institute of Physics and a strong contender for the Nobel Prize.


He has conducted profound research in the field of neutrinos, and his published research on neutrino mass limits has been widely accepted by the contemporary physics community.

If his theory is verified, then the Nobel Prize will also be stable.

Such a top scholar's defection did cause quite a commotion in the conference hall.

But even so, there are still many representatives who refute it from various angles and try to 'cancel' or 'postpone' repeated verification experiments of coupling constants for strong electric symmetry breaking.

After all, in addition to the coupling constant for strong electric symmetry breaking having indeed passed the acceptance test, there are also interests involved.

Xu Chuan had a panoramic view of the performance of these people and didn't say much.

If it weren't for the presence of a few physicists such as Professor Andrei Caffrari, he wouldn't even bother to explain to these representatives present.

If it weren't for attracting physicists from other countries, the goal of moving the Holy Land of Physics is still there, and they need to do some superficial work, he would not even want to hold this so-called seminar.

A group of people who only compete for profit, but understand p physics!

Moreover, this is a collider wholly owned by China. It prioritizes its own experiments and theories. Is there any problem?

completely fine!

If you have the ability, you can build one yourself.

CERN squeezes applications from various countries much more seriously than he does, and I don't see these people having any negative opinions.

Why, do you think they are easy to bully?


PS: More updates will be added tomorrow, it’s the last day of the month, please give me a monthly ticket, there are still a few hundred chapters left to reach 5,000 votes, please!

This chapter has been completed!
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