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Chapter 805 Professor Fox’s Choice

"September 5th, 11 a.m. Beijing time."

"Professor Xu Chuan, a physicist from China, announced the latest findings of the Ring Super Particle Collider in high-energy physics experiments at a report meeting at the CRHPC institution."

"It is reported that the re-verification experiment of the coupling prediction constant of strong electric symmetry breaking has been completed. Professor Xu Chuan's results have been jointly recognized by the CRHPC institutional acceptance team and many top physicists who participated in the field acceptance report."

"Currently, we have interviewed Professor Sheldon Glashow, who is known as the father of the "Standard Model of Particle Physics." Professor Glashow said that this re-verification of the coupling prediction constant for strong electric symmetry breaking is very important.


"Judging from the current collision data of both parties, it is obvious that Professor Fox's data is not perfect, and there are problems. It lacks the most critical quark clusters, gluons and the void field's decay decay traces."


In the morning, the revalidation data of coupling constants for strong electric symmetry breaking passed the review of the CRHPC institutional acceptance team and the physics community.

In the afternoon, overwhelming news spread throughout the world along the Internet and major media.

"The experimental work to re-verify the important prediction data in the unified theory of strong electricity was completed today, and the result turned out to be this!"

"Shocked! A professor at Stanford University would do such a thing for profit!"

"The competition between CERN and CRHPC, the dispute over the unified theory of strong power, who is right and who is wrong?"


All kinds of exaggerated and eye-catching headlines spread throughout the Internet immediately, directly pushing this matter that was originally an internal matter within the academic community to a hot search on major platforms, and out of the circle into the eyes of all ordinary people.

A lively discussion quickly arose, and no matter how the general public outside viewed this matter, it was something worth celebrating for the entire physics community.

Because this solves a very close crisis.

And there are still loopholes that can endanger the entire physics building.

As Professor Sheldon Glashow said,

If Xu Chuan had not been keenly aware of the problems in Fox's experimental data, I am afraid that the future of the physics community would have been shrouded in a heavy cloud, and there would even be no future at all.


At the same time, on the other side of Eurasia.

Geneva, CERN headquarters.

The acceptance report on coupling constants for strong electric symmetry breaking had just ended in the morning. In the afternoon, media reporters rushed over, looking for Professor Fox Hale of Stanford University and trying to interview him.

After all, he led the team to complete the first verification of coupling constants for strong electric symmetry breaking.

Now that it has been verified that there are errors in the analysis data, the media naturally wants to interview this person for his opinions and views.

However, due to the time difference, it is still early in the morning in Switzerland and it is not yet time to go to work.

On the bed in the hotel, Fox Hale, who had not yet gotten up, was suddenly awakened by the harsh sound of an incoming phone call.

I touched the phone in a daze, and answered the call out of habit, when the anxious and panicked voice of the assistant on the other end came over.

"Professor, something bad has happened. CRHPC has passed the re-acceptance of Professor Xu Chuan!"

Drowsily, Fox Haier subconsciously asked: "What are the re-acceptance results?"

"Coupling constants for strong electric symmetry breaking!"

"Did you forget? Today is the time for CRHPC to hold a re-verification data acceptance report meeting!"

The assistant's voice sounded urgent and somewhat panicked. Hearing these words, Fox Haier suddenly woke up.

"Revalidation of coupling constants for strong electric symmetry breaking...."

"Damn it! How could he forget this?"

With a trace of panic in his eyes, Fox suddenly sat up from the bed and asked quickly: "How is the situation?"

"It's not good. The CRHPC agency and the top experts who attended the acceptance meeting unanimously passed the acceptance of the re-validated data."


"And what?"

Taking a deep breath, the assistant quickly said: "And from the reports, Professor Xu Chuan discovered some data that we have not explored when re-verifying the coupling constant prediction data for strong electric symmetry breaking.


Fox's eyes suddenly condensed, and he asked quickly: "Is it the breaking effect of quarks, gluons and void fields that he previously posted on the arxiv preprint website?"

The assistant nodded and said: "Yes, that's it. I have sent the link to the relevant report to your mobile phone. Professor, please take a look first."

After hanging up the phone, Fox Haier clicked on the link sent by his assistant with his arms trembling slightly.


The re-acceptance report of the coupling constant prediction data for strong electric symmetry breaking will be today!

While it was still late at night on the European side, a formal report meeting was held on the Chinese side.

As expected, the report meeting has ended, and the relevant videos have been uploaded to the server simultaneously.

And when he clicked on the video and watched it for less than three minutes, his pupils suddenly shrank, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes as he stared at the video on his phone.

At the beginning of the meeting, before the acceptance report meeting even started, the person standing on the stage had already publicly criticized his results.

He even metaphorically announced to the outside world that the coupling constant acceptance data for the strong electric symmetry breaking he completed was fraudulent.

For Fox Hale, this is unacceptable under any circumstances.

Once he is really found guilty of fraud, his academic career will be completely over.

No university or physics institution will hire him again because the stain is too great.

The core cornerstone of the unified theory of strong electricity, which is related to the fate of the entire physics, can be falsified, but what about other research?

Whether from an academic perspective or a scientific research perspective, its purpose is to discover new knowledge, solve practical problems and promote social progress.

In other words, fame or fortune, there must be one.

Once academic misconduct occurs, it will be a major blow to the person involved and the institution at that time.

When the video was over, Professor Sheldon Glashow stood on the stage and announced that the re-verification data of coupling constants for strong electric symmetry breaking had passed the acceptance.

Fox Hale's heart contracted to the extreme at this moment and almost failed to beat again.

Although he already knew the result from his assistant, when this moment appeared in front of him, he still felt that his eyesight went dark, and he felt like he would faint in the next second.

He didn't know what kind of mood this was.

But it is certain that what he was most worried about finally happened.

That person's re-verification results have passed the acceptance of the physics community, which must mean that his previous results were wrong.

And that's not what worries him the most.

What he was worried about was whether the other party had the evidence in hand.

Although judging from this acceptance report meeting, there is probably no such thing. If there is, the other party will most likely come forward and announce the evidence.

Staring coldly at the video being played on his mobile phone, Fox Haier's pupils were dilated. His attention was no longer on the acceptance report meeting, but he was quickly thinking about how to solve this matter.

After a while, he came back to his senses, casually put down the video on his phone, and quickly got up from the bed.

Get dressed, wash up, and go to CERN headquarters.

He was going to discuss it with Chairman Eliezer Rabinovich.

After all, this is no longer his alone.


PS: There will be another chapter later, please vote for me.

This chapter has been completed!
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