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Chapter 848: Research on room temperature superconducting materials

Control the atmosphere and temperature to create a super city most suitable for human habitation.

When the thoughts came to his mind, Director Han of the Industrial Information Bureau could no longer suppress his thoughts.

In fact, this is not a very distant word, but the work they are doing.

Starting from the controllable nuclear fusion technology, electricity energy, material prices, real estate travel, etc., for the city of Jinling, these have been steadily and orderly declining under the regulation of the government.

Of course, the pace in other places may be slower, but these attributes that can be controlled artificially are all in China's plan.

Striving to create an environment suitable for ordinary people to live is the simplest and greatest dream of most people living in this red land.

However, for people living on this planet, the internal conditions can be controlled, but the external environment is difficult to change.

For example, the greenhouse effect, which has become more and more serious with human activities, or extreme weather conditions, floods and droughts, earthquakes and tsunamis, etc., are severe challenges to human survival.

If faced with these disasters, the first choice of Western culture is to escape, then since the birth of the descendants of Yan and Huang, the belief that man can conquer nature has been a legacy engraved in our bones.

From Nuwa patching up the sky, to Yu Gong moving mountains, to Dayu controlling floods... almost every chapter of the story can reflect a Chinese-style, persistent and indomitable spirit.

Perhaps, from now on, the opportunity to change the environment has arrived.

Not all, at least part of it, right?

Unable to help but swallow the air, he looked at Xu Chuan, took a deep breath and asked: "Academician Xu, regarding this project, I would like to ask if you have an urban transformation plan in your mind, and this carbon dioxide recovery system

, is it part of it?”

Xu Chuan glanced at him in surprise and said with a smile: "Why do you say that?"

It has to be said that the director of the Industrial Information Bureau was a little surprised by his sensitivity to the development of technology. He just made a beginning, and the other party thought of the follow-up possibilities.

That's right.

In his vision, the porous liquefied DAC carbon dioxide trap is indeed only part of the transformation of Jinling City.

Of course, this is not the first step.

As for the first step, there is no doubt that it is controllable nuclear fusion technology.

But he hadn't thought about it that much at that time.

The emergence of atmospheric carbon dioxide capture technology gave him the idea of ​​building a technological city as a whole.

Starting from electricity, we will use energy as the core foundation, artificial intelligence, carbon-based chips, and quantum computing as the skeleton, superconducting magnetic levitation, and driverless driving as the flesh and blood, and environmental control technology as the skin to create an ideal living city.

It's very challenging, but with current technology, it's really not impossible.

After all, he has already taken care of the core energy source.

Opposite the sofa, Director Han Zizhen thought for a while, smiled and said, "Let's feel it."

After a slight pause, he looked at Xu Chuan and continued: "I think your goal, Academician Xu, may not be just to use this technology to solve the carbon dioxide and greenhouse effect in the city."

"Maybe this is just part of it?"

Xu Chuan glanced at Director Han with some surprise, smiled, stood up, walked to his desk, and took out a draft from the drawer.

This is a simple plan he made during his lunch break.

Smiling and handing over the manuscript paper in his hand, he continued: "I don't know if some small ideas for future development will be useful to you, but the technologies in them are indeed under research or future directions."

Han Zizhen curiously took the draft from Xu Chuan with some doubts and interest.

He really wants to see what this person thinks about future development.

Maybe a few thin sheets of straw paper can't represent everything, but a glimpse of the whole picture can at least tell something.

"...Based on controllable nuclear fusion technology, artificial intelligence serves as...an ecological control system...to create a highly intelligent living city..."

Looking at the plans and goals on the draft, Han Zizhen took a breath.

Although this plan is simple, if he were asked to give an evaluation.

So this is an 'outline' that points out the direction of urban development in the next twenty, thirty or even fifty years, and even longer.

Not to mention other things, the simple plan in this outline shocked him just in terms of transportation.

For example, by deploying a large number of driverless cars to replace the current public transportation resources such as taxis, buses, buses, etc.

Use supercomputing centers composed of carbon-based chips or quantum computers to plan transportation throughout the city.

To put it simply, you can sit at home and place an order for a travel route on your mobile phone. The supercomputing center will calculate the best route and arrange the nearest driverless vehicle to go to your neighborhood or even pick you up downstairs.

In the concept, there is also a wireless charging array laid on the road surface, combined with the new energy battery on the car, to achieve "unlimited battery life" driving.

There is even a fast road consisting of a 'maglev train' and a 'ground effect aircraft' based on superconducting materials.

That is, referring to the current elevated highway, laying a magnetic levitation base on the ground, changing the structure of the car, realizing "high-speed transportation" and so on.

Just for the transportation aspect, if Jinling City develops according to these concepts, it will not be possible within 40 to 50 years.

If deploying the so-called carbon dioxide collectors to improve the environmental climate is a big project, then realizing changes in the transportation field is a proper super project.

Although this was just a draft, Han Zizhen had to admit that the 'future' depicted in it was extremely tempting.

This can be described as a proper ‘city of the future’.

Of course, the difficulties faced in building this future city are undoubtedly huge.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The so-called transportation alone, whether it is a carbon-based chip or a quantum computer, is now an illusory thing.

If you want to arrange the transportation planning of an entire city through artificial intelligence, it is undoubtedly nonsense now.

No matter how fast supercomputing develops at this stage, it will be difficult to support such an exaggerated demand for computing power. I am afraid that only commercial quantum computers will be possible.

There are also laying wireless charging arrays under roads to achieve unlimited battery life, as well as magnetic levitation bases and high-speed transportation. Which of these is not a hugely expensive and time-consuming project?

With current technology, whether it can support these is another matter.

Swallowing again, Han Zizhen gently put the draft in her hand on the table, and said with emotion: "This idea is really magnificent!"

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "It's just something I described based on the current trends in technological development and my conception of the future city."

"Whether we can achieve these envisioned things still requires hard work."

On the sofa, Han Zizhen, director of the Industrial Information Bureau, took a deep breath and said: "I don't know if I can convince others, but I will do my best to support related work in internal meetings."

After a pause, he looked at Xu Chuan and said seriously: "Not only the experiments and projects related to the porous liquefied DAC carbon dioxide trap, but also the future you describe."

"Jinling, I am willing to be the pilot for this."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan was slightly stunned.

No, he had a sudden idea and a few sketches, and he fooled the leaders of Jinling City until they couldn't find the answer?

Cough~, he coughed slightly in embarrassment, Xu Chuan smiled and said: "Director Han is interested, but the development of science and technology is unknown, and the shape of the future city is also unknown. Whether it can make it move away from the dream

To enter reality, it still needs to pass the test of time.”

"As for now, let's talk more about things related to the porous liquefied DAC carbon dioxide trap project."



After seeing off the two bureau chiefs of Jinling City, Xu Chuan picked up the pieces of draft paper from the coffee table, looked at them, and fell into thinking.

Urbanization is the development trend of the times. Even now that controllable nuclear fusion technology has been realized, the rural population is still continuing to flow to the city.

There is even a faint feeling of acceleration, especially in big cities.

Quite simply, there is a huge difference between rural and urban areas in terms of production value and various infrastructure and public services.

Of course, these are not actually things he needs to consider.

There are a lot of experts in the country in terms of administrative work. When it comes to building a country, the vision of those leaders is undoubtedly better than that of him who is engaged in academic research.

He was thinking about the technologies on these manuscripts, which ones needed to be focused on and which would have a huge impact on social development and technological development.

Holding a few drafts, Xu Chuan sat back at his desk and studied them carefully.

Thoughts flashed through my mind quickly. If electricity is the core energy source of the entire plan, then AI intelligence, quantum computers, and superconducting materials are undoubtedly the brain, skeleton, and flesh and blood.

The next focus of research is undoubtedly AI intelligence, quantum computing, and room temperature superconducting materials.

After thinking for a while, he set his sights on superconducting materials.

Among the three technologies, this should be the most likely area for him to make a quick breakthrough.

The technology related to room-temperature superconducting materials is still imprinted in his mind. This is one of the most important achievements he developed in his previous life.

But the main reason why he has never replicated this technology is because, on the one hand, this technology is a huge killer for him and for China.

It's just that there has never been much opportunity to use this trump card.

Whether it is controllable nuclear fusion technology or the research and development of aerospace engines, high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials have perfectly supported the development.

On the other hand, it is because the room-temperature superconducting materials he developed have huge flaws.

This is one of the reasons why he has never thought about developing this technology quickly.

Although room-temperature superconducting materials, which were born based on the localized structure theory of condensed matter electrons, have achieved superconductivity in a room-temperature environment, they are extremely difficult to mass-produce industrially and process into specified shapes.

In addition, the environment in which it works requires a certain pressure, and it is easily damaged and loses its superconducting properties when encountering vibration, collision, etc.

Although it has greater potential than high-temperature copper-carbon-silver superconducting materials, compared with the application value of the two, at least in Xu Chuan's view, it is currently not as good as high-temperature copper-carbon-silver superconducting materials.

Although the latter has certain requirements for working temperature, it is simple for industrial production, can be processed into various shapes, and can be applied to various equipment. In addition to temperature, it does not have strict requirements on other environmental conditions and its properties are stable.

After all, for today's technological system, it does not mean that room-temperature superconductors will be able to kill everyone once they are developed.

A technology is very powerful, but if it is difficult to achieve industrial production and has a relatively narrow scope of use, it will also be difficult to be accepted by the social system.

There are actually quite a few materials and technologies that are accidentally discovered in the laboratory that are excellent in 'certain properties', but not many of them can really be popularized.

Because a useful material must not only have excellent physical and chemical properties, including high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, high strength, high hardness, etc.

At the same time, a fundamental condition that determines whether it can be widely used is that it is easy to prepare and process.

Plastic, for example, is an excellent material.

Its various properties determine that it will be a material widely used in society.

The room-temperature superconducting materials he developed in his previous life were obviously not of this type.

However, the direction of research has been pointed out. If we continue to study along the condensed matter oxidation symmetry breaking theory, improving this ultra-temperature superconducting technology will undoubtedly be simpler than completely new research and development.

This technology can also be rolled out.


He took out a new stack of A4 paper from the drawer. After recalling it in his mind for a while, Xu Chuan picked up the ballpoint pen on the table and quickly wrote a title on the manuscript paper.

"Complete the study of superconducting systems based on the localized structure theory of condensed matter electrons"

Looking at the title on the manuscript paper, he put his hands together and held his chin, lost in thought.

It is not difficult for him to copy the theory in his memory.

But that doesn't mean much.

The room-temperature superconducting materials developed in his previous life had great flaws, and what he wanted to do now was not just a replica.

Instead, on the basis of the original localized structure theory of condensed matter electrons, we will explore a path that can be optimized by integrating the theory in the grand unified framework of strongly correlated electronic systems.

That's the hard part of the job.


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