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Chapter 864: It has no value, so it was sold for 2 billion?

After New Year's Day, time has officially entered 2025.

For Xu Chuan, his life has not been greatly affected.

The daily work and research are still the same, optimizing the performance of room temperature superconducting materials, advancing work in the aerospace field, mathematical research, etc.

On the third day after Gu Bing’s wedding, Jinling finally received its first snow in 25 years in the depth of winter.

After getting off the Hongqi car, Xu Chuan patted the falling snowflakes on his shoulders and walked into the Sichuan-Hai Materials Research Institute.

At this moment, in the core laboratory, Academician Zhang Pingxiang, wearing a white coat, frowned and stared at the experimental data in his hands.

This veteran academician who had previously participated in the optimization of high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials once again joined the optimization work of room-temperature superconducting, and there was not much trouble for the institute.

After Fan Pengyue arranged for some researchers to assist him, he quickly entered the research state. He was thinking about how to solve the problem of excessive brittleness of copper oxide-based chromium-silver system room-temperature superconducting materials.


Xu Chuan opened the door and came in. Zhang Pingxiang, who heard the movement, turned his head, glanced at it, and said hello.

"Is this experimental data after whiskers (fibers) are toughened?"

Xu Chuan walked over, curiously picked up a piece of inspection data from the laboratory table, looked at it, and asked with a smile.

Academician Zhang Pingxiang nodded and said: "Although you told me before, copper oxide-based chromium-silver superconducting materials are different from previous high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite materials. The previous whisker (fiber) toughening technology will most likely not work.

, but I still gave it a try.”

"After all, this is a method that has been successful before."

Sighing, he continued: "The result is very unsatisfactory. Not only does it not increase much toughness and strength, it also destroys the local electron delocalization structure to a certain extent, resulting in a reduction in superconducting performance."

Room-temperature superconducting materials actually face the same problems as previous high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials. The properties of both are biased toward ceramics, and their physical properties are relatively fragile.

So even though Xu Chuan told him that this toughening method would most likely not work on room temperature superconducting materials, he still tried it through experiments.

The results confirmed that Xu Chuan was right, and the whisker (fiber) toughening technology is indeed not feasible for room temperature superconductivity.

Xu Chuan smiled without any surprise and explained: "This is normal."

"The preparation method of room-temperature superconducting materials is completely different from the preparation method of high-temperature superconducting materials. Its superconducting properties depend on the electron localization structure on the surface of the base material."

"This is the core of room temperature superconducting materials, which not only gives the material the superconducting ability at room temperature, but also solidifies the physical properties of the material to a certain extent."

"The method of toughening the whisker fibers will destroy the fixed electronic localization structure of the material itself. If this structure fails, the superconducting performance will also fail."

"So for bulk ceramic materials, phase change, micro-cracks, dispersion, whisker (fiber) toughening and other methods are most likely not feasible."

If the shortcomings of copper oxide-based chromium-silver room temperature superconducting materials were so easy to solve, he wouldn't say it was a huge problem.

The characteristics of the electron localization structure enrich its room temperature superconducting properties, but it also greatly locks the physical properties of the material.

Superconductivity relies on the structure of the surface of the substrate. External interference will directly destroy its superconductivity, and internal changes will also affect electron localization.

In other words, it is extremely difficult to solve the problems of its brittleness and vulnerability, whether starting from the outside or from the inside.

Academician Zhang Pingxiang nodded. Xu Chuan had told him these things a few days ago, but people always have some luck.

There's nothing wrong with giving it a try, it doesn't cost much, and it doesn't take long.

After thinking for a while, he asked: "Do you have any good research directions?"

Xu Chuan shook his head and said: "I don't have any good research directions at the moment, but essentially, the electron delocalization effect is the reorganization of chemical bonds in chemical reactions. This process is often accompanied by electron transfer. Maybe we can consider this direction.


"Physical chemistry?"

Academician Zhang Pingxiang thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "I'm not familiar with this aspect."

"However, I have a student whose research direction is in the field of physical chemistry. If you allow me, can I ask him to come over and study together?"

Perhaps because he thought this was a bit presumptuous, since it was a strictly confidential technology, he added: "His name is Zhong An, and he currently works at Huazhong University of Science and Technology. You can ask someone to check his situation first."

Xu Chuan thought for a moment and said, "Okay, I'll find someone to ask."

Although it was recommended by Zhang Pingxiang, he did not agree immediately. After all, it involved room temperature superconducting materials, so he asked Zheng Hai to help him check the basics first.


After chatting with Academician Zhang Pingxiang for a while about the optimization of copper oxide-based chromium-silver room temperature superconducting materials, Xu Chuan got up and left the laboratory and walked towards Fan Pengyue's office.

In the office, Brother Fan hung up the phone in his hand. When he saw Xu Chuan coming, he quickly said: "I came just in time. I was just going to find you."

"What's wrong?" Xu Chuan asked.

"I still want to ask you."

As he said that, he looked over with a strange expression and asked, "Have you sold the copper oxide-based chromium-silver room temperature superconducting material?"

"Huh? No, why do you say that?" Xu Chuan looked over in surprise, a little confused.

How could he sell room temperature superconducting materials so easily that could affect the pattern and development of the entire world?

Hearing this, the expression on Fan Pengyue's face became even weirder: "Then what's going on with these two billion?"

"I just received news from the finance department that the institute has just received a sum of funds, and the fee is written as the licensing fee for the use of copper oxide-based chromium-silver room temperature superconducting materials."

"Two billion?" Xu Chuan was a little confused. He was stunned for a moment before he realized what it might be.

He smiled and explained: "I roughly know what it is. It should be related to what I agreed with Yuan Geng, a man of science and technology, a few days ago."

After a pause, he continued: "Didn't I ask you to prepare a detailed preparation method for room temperature superconducting materials and the required instruments and equipment? This is it."

"There is a need for room-temperature superconducting materials for military and cutting-edge technology research, but the industrialization of room-temperature superconducting materials is still facing difficulties. So Yuan Yun took away the authorization for the laboratory preparation method, which lasted until industrialization was completed."

"This should be the authorization fee. I forgot to tell you."

He has been busy with other things these days, and he forgot to tell Fan Pengyue about the authorization that Yuan Zhouli had mentioned before.

He didn't expect that the above action would be so fast. In just a few days, the authorization fee was already paid.

While we were chatting, the landline phone in the office suddenly rang.

Fan Pengyue walked back behind the desk and answered the phone.

"Yes, I am."

"Okay, okay, I understand, please."

"Well, the finance department has received it."

"Okay, I will look at the documents later. If there are any problems, I will communicate with you in time..."

After a brief chat, Fan Pengyue hung up the phone, breathed a long sigh of relief, relaxed, and said: "I called from above and told you what you just said. An authorization email was sent to my mailbox.

I’ll take a look later.”

After a pause, he looked at Xu Chuan and said with a smile: "I thought you had sold the license for room temperature superconducting materials. It almost scared me to death."

He had just received the news, and before he had time to learn more about what was going on, he was almost frightened to death when he heard from the finance department that there was a licensing deal with room-temperature superconducting materials.

To be honest, it is not impossible for Xu Chuan to sell the license for room temperature superconducting materials, especially if the transaction object is the country.

This was a bit of a scam. Xu Chuan didn't say anything, so let's leave it at that. What the boss did was a bit unclear. They had already called him the money, but they didn't inform him of the specific situation. They just called him now, which made him worry in vain.

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "How is it possible? If I really want to sell the license, I will definitely tell you. This license is nothing. I originally planned to give it to the Science and Technology Group for use."

"After all, industrial mass production is the real way to make money. This kind of laboratory preparation requires too much investment, and the production quantity is relatively small, so it doesn't have much value."

Hearing this, Fan Pengyue twitched the corners of his mouth, opened his mouth and hesitated to speak, but finally couldn't help but vomit.

"It's not of much value? And then you sold it for two billion?"

Xu Chuan shook his head and said: "I just told Yuan Qi to give him some licensing fees. I didn't expect him to get so much."

The authorized method for preparing room-temperature superconducting materials in the laboratory is not worth that much money. The initial investment is large, requires a variety of top-notch equipment, and the production scale is also small.

And more importantly, this is only a phased authorization, not permanent.

The agreement lasts until room temperature superconducting materials complete industrial production and are automatically scrapped. Although it is difficult to find an industrial method, Xu Chuan estimates that it may take about four or five years, and the domestic industry should have a solution.

If it's short, maybe two or three years or one or two years, they can find a way to mass-produce it.

After all, the current development of domestic industry is not comparable to that of the United States.

It may not be feasible to engage in research and development, but finding a method to replicate production when the laboratory preparation process is complete is the country's strength. No country can compare, not even the United States.

Two billion is to buy a relatively short-term laboratory preparation method license, which is not industrialized. Xu Chuan really did not expect this price.

He thought it would be great to have a goal of tens of millions or a small goal, but it turned out to be dozens of times higher.


PS: Second update, please give me a monthly pass. It’s the beginning of the month. Please give me the guaranteed monthly pass in the hands of the big guys. I’ll continue to add more updates tomorrow!

This chapter has been completed!
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