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Chapter 893: It would be too lonely to seek defeat alone.

The discussion at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton is just a microcosm of the mathematical world.

The secondary problem of the P=NP? conjecture, one of the seven millennium problems, is extremely attractive to scholars in the field of mathematics, especially computer mathematics, graph theory, group construction, combinatorial mathematics and other fields.

As time went by, related discussions became heated in the academic world, and even expanded into the computer field. The sales volume of "Exploration Mathematics" further broke through new highs.

Many mathematicians are lamenting that at the International Congress of Mathematicians two years later, there will be one less place to compete for the Fields Medal.

After all, in the field of mathematics, there have always been very few female mathematicians.

The Fields Medal has been awarded for so many years. From the 1930s to now, which is almost a full century, there are only three female mathematicians who have received this honor.

The first one is Professor Maryam Mirzakhani who has passed away, and the second and third ones are Professor Amelia and Marina who received the medal just over a year ago.

From 1936 to 2022, a full eighty-six years, only three female Fields Medal winners were awarded. This shows that their numbers are rare, a hundred times rarer than wild giant pandas.

After these three female Philippine Prize winners, the International Congress of Mathematicians to be held in Jinling three years later will welcome a new female Philippine Prize winner.

The positive integer factorization has the proof of polynomial algorithm, coupled with further breakthroughs in the problem of graph isomorphism, it is absolutely worthy of this honor.


The first issue of "Exploration Mathematics" was officially released. Xu Chuan paid attention to the sales volume and the evaluation of the academic community.

It has to be said that for the mathematics community, which has always had little to gain from, the first issue of "Exploration Mathematics" has indeed caused a lot of discussion.

At least its academic reputation has been opened up as a result.

Not to mention how many mathematicians will submit articles in a short period of time, at least in the minds of most mathematicians, it left a deep impression and set the grade of "Exploration Mathematics".

Using the breakthrough of the secondary conjecture, one of the seven millennium problems, as the opening paper, as long as no outrageous operations are performed in the future, its rank will be initially fixed in the mathematics world.

While Xu Chuan was paying attention to these things, on the other side, a major news came from the aerospace field.

The United States' NASA held a press conference again nearly a year and a half after the last Artemis lunar module failed to land on the moon.

Director Bill Nelson personally presided over the press conference, announcing that NASA's latest manned spacecraft code-named 'Artemis 2' will be successfully completed on the moon.

The three astronauts who landed on the moon have successfully collected a large amount of lunar soil, lunar rocks and other materials on the lunar surface. They have perfectly completed the return of this manned lunar landing to the moon and are about to return.

And at the press conference, they also connected two astronauts on the lunar surface live and conducted a two-minute short live broadcast.

Director Nielsen also said that they are ready for the next manned lunar landing and will launch the third manned lunar landing project within one month after the return of the Artemis 2 manned spacecraft.


And the landing site for the third manned lunar landing project will be chosen at the south pole of the moon where the Artemis lunar landing craft had an accident.

At the press conference, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said that neither NASA nor the United States have ever been afraid of the difficult development of the aerospace field, and have never given up on the development of the aerospace field.

Stand up wherever you fall. Aerospace is the spirit and pride of the United States. Even if you encounter setbacks, they are only temporary.

At the same time, Director Nielsen also announced at a press conference that the new generation space shuttle "Endurance" jointly developed by NASA and Sierra Nevada Corporation has officially passed the preliminary acceptance work and is undergoing unmanned test flights.

It is initially estimated that the Endurance space shuttle will be officially put into service in three months. At that time, the Artemis program will be restarted, and NASA will join forces with the European Space Agency, the Maple Leaf National Space Agency and other agencies to launch exploration of Mars.

As soon as this news came out, it once again set off a heated discussion in the aerospace field, and also set off fierce waves in the United States.

Since the last manned lunar landing of the Artemis lunar module had a major accident, resulting in the failure of the moon landing, two astronauts were trapped on the distant moon and were reduced to needing their competitors to rescue them.

The mood in the aerospace field has plummeted, and morale has dropped to freezing point.

Even if NASA later publicly stated that they would not give up on the aerospace field and announced that they would restart the space shuttle project, it did not inspire much morale.

After all, the failure of the Artemis lunar module to return to the moon was a huge blow to the American people.

You must know that before this, they had always regarded themselves as the world's number one aerospace power.

After the space race between red and blue in the last century, their strength in the aerospace field has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and no country can catch up with them.

This has even become the national culture of the United States. Countless science fiction movies in the space field are based on this, which is a favorite.

As a result, in the new century, they suffered a big fall in the aerospace field.

This setback was so big that the American people were extremely disappointed with NASA, and their confidence dropped to freezing point.

At that time, some people even organized a large-scale demonstration to protest against NASA's inaction with so much funding every year.

As a result, no one expected that more than a year later, NASA "secretly" carried out another manned moon landing, and it was successful.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! This news immediately boosted the American people’s morale in the aerospace field, and for a while the reputation of the ‘space power’ seemed to be completely back.


At the same time, Xinghai Research Institute.

In the office, Xu Chuan, who was dealing with the work at hand, also received the news.

The news was brought over by Weng Yunzong, the director of the Aerospace Research Institute. After taking the newspaper from the other party and flipping through it, Xu Chuan was a little surprised and spoke with interest.

"I didn't expect that the United States has not given up on the aerospace field, but it's good to have a competitor. It's interesting."

Although this competitor has already been left behind by them.

Whether it is manned landing on the moon or the construction of a lunar outpost scientific research station base, their development in the aerospace field is no longer comparable to that of the United States.

But then again, it feels a little too lonely to be alone and to be defeated, to sing a one-man show on the whole world's stage.

Xu Chuan thought it was quite interesting that the United States could come back.

Weng Yunzong said with a smile: "Even if NASA and the United States do not give up, they will never be able to catch up with us again."

After a slight pause, he continued: "Speaking of which, I think this matter may have something to do with the lunar biosphere project."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan glanced at Weng Yunzong curiously and asked, "Lunar biosphere project?"


Nodding, Weng Yunzong continued to explain with a smile: "The construction and specific quotas of the lunar biosphere project are almost finalized. According to the current progress, the project construction can be officially started around mid-March."

"But NASA and the United States have not repealed the Wolf Clause and the New Competition Act, so we are excluded this time and are not eligible to participate in the lunar biosphere project."

Hearing that it would take about a month and a half to officially launch the lunar biosphere project, Xu Chuan couldn't help but shook his head and complained: "This efficiency is simply too high."

Negotiations on the lunar biosphere project began in the second half of last year. Several months have passed and the fight for interests and voice is still ongoing.

You know, when he proposed the lunar orbital mass projector, he was ready to start construction at the beginning of 2025.

Now that the base of the lunar outpost scientific research station has been prepared, a large number of scientific researchers, engineers and construction equipment have been transported there. There are still ten days left for the formal construction of the lunar orbital mass projector.

The lunar biosphere project is still being pushed forward, and it is still unknown whether it will be finalized within a month.

This is the drawback of large-scale international collaborative scientific research projects.

All kinds of things need to be discussed in meetings. Fortunately, he didn't become the chief engineer of the lunar biosphere project.

Otherwise, having meetings all day long would bore him to death.

Weng Yunzong didn't pay much attention. He smiled and said: "In large-scale international cooperative scientific research projects, a project with an investment of more than 100 billion for more than one phase can be finalized in half a year. This progress is already very fast."

"Honestly, if we hadn't occupied an absolute dominant position in this project, I'm afraid we would still be wrangling over the issue of profit distribution."

Xu Chuan smiled and shook his head, but didn't say anything.

This kind of large-scale international cooperative scientific research project is slow to start, slow to negotiate, slow to construct... In short, it is slow in all aspects.

The original International Thermonuclear Controlled Nuclear Fusion Project ITER was initiated in 1985. However, it took three years from its establishment to distribution of benefits and the start of construction. It was not until 1988 that the design, construction, etc. were officially completed.

After thirteen years of hard work, ITER was completed.

After the construction was completed, the controllable nuclear fusion experiment was supposed to be officially launched. When researching controllable nuclear fusion technology, the parties involved quarreled again over the distribution of experimental resources and benefits.

After five more years of negotiations, the seven ITER projects finally formally signed a joint implementation agreement in 2006 and launched the implementation of the ITER project.

If it hadn't been for such a delay, China at that time might not have had the chance to participate in this large-scale scientific research project.

After all, when they first entered the new century, they were still very poor. Not to mention scientific research and technology, they didn't even have much money.

From the ITER project, it is enough to see how slow this kind of large-scale international scientific research project is.


After chatting about aerospace work for a while, Weng Yunzong was about to leave when he suddenly remembered something, slapped his head and said quickly.

"By the way, there's one more thing I almost forgot, about the Aitken Basin at the South Pole of the Moon."

Xu Chuan looked over and asked subconsciously: "What happened to the Aitken Basin?"

Weng Yunzong smiled bitterly and said, "Have you forgotten? During the competition for manned landing on the moon two years ago, NASA launched a life support unit above."

"Now they are returning to the Aitken Basin in Antarctica."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan was also stunned. The two looked at each other, a little embarrassed.

After a while, Xu Chuan asked: "Is that thing still there?"

Weng Yunzong smiled sheepishly and said, "I'm still here, but..."

"It's fine, but what?"

Weng Yunzong said weakly: "It's just that we have dismantled that thing... Now there are a bunch of parts lying in the Yuehuatai Outpost Scientific Research Station..."

Xu Chuan: "..."

Sighing, he said: "Let me study it. Your research is too thorough, right? Just dismantle it into parts?"

Of course, after NASA failed in the competition for manned lunar landing, they arranged for Xinghai to go to the rescue. While rescuing the other party's astronauts, they also naturally recorded the locations of the other party's lunar module and life support units.

In the spirit of the United States or NASA not being able to monitor the moon... Well, in the spirit of helping others to prevent the thing from being damaged by wind and sun on the lunar surface, they dragged the life support unit to the Moon Tower.

The base of the outpost scientific research station is being kept for the United States.

I didn't expect that the people over there would dismantle the things on their own initiative...

Weng Yunzong scratched his head, smiled shyly, and said, "Isn't this because I want to study it more thoroughly?"

"If we hadn't learned a lot of technology from above, the construction of our lunar outpost scientific research station wouldn't have been so smooth, right?"

It has to be said that the United States has been developing in the aerospace field for decades and has been the largest country in aerospace for decades. There are still a lot of good things.

From that life support unit, they did develop a lot of technologies, such as circulatory systems, life support systems, communication systems, etc.

These technologies were later used by them in the construction of the Yuehuatai Outpost Scientific Research Station base, and the results were quite good.

Xu Chuan let out a breath, shook his head and said, "Can it still be assembled?"

Weng Yunzong quickly replied: "Yes, when we first dismantled it, we fully recorded the dismantling process."

NASA probably never thought that this thing would fall into the hands of others. Although it has a locking system, it does not have a self-destruct module, so they can easily take it apart.

Xu Chuan waved his hand and said: "Assemble it and put it back in place, lest they find trouble."

He didn't pay much attention to this matter, as long as the things were still there.

It doesn't matter if it turns into parts, just assemble it and send it back.

As long as the other party doesn't know that they have dismantled the life support unit.

Research, everyone is doing this kind of thing behind each other's back, it's not a big deal.


PS: It’s the end of the month, please vote for me. Guys, vote with your monthly votes. There will be more updates tomorrow!

This chapter has been completed!
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