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Chapter 909: The annihilation of mankind?

With the first discovery of fossils of extraterrestrial life, Xu Chuan once again promoted the "Exploration" journal he founded in front of the world's media.

None of the many media reporters in the press room cared about this private information.

Everyone knows that once the first issue of "Exploration Biology" publishes a research paper on extraterrestrial life, this first issue will immediately sell out.

In front of it, not to mention the two sub-journals "Exploration·Physics" and "Exploration·Mathematics", even the main issue of "Exploration" which published the unified theory of strong electricity, could not stop its sales.

Because it faces far more readers than academic scholars, even many ordinary people may be interested in buying a copy after hearing the news.

Of course, the media reporters present now are not focused on the journal "Discovery".

When the CTV reporter finished asking questions, one by one her arms were raised again like crazy.

After selecting a few well-known domestic media to ask questions, the rest naturally fell to the foreign media reporters stationed in Jinling.

A beautiful blond reporter was randomly selected from the media reporters in the front row, and the staff handed over the microphone.

"Hello, Professor Xu, I am a reporter from the New York Times. I would like to ask you about the two ancient microbial fossils you discovered on the moon. How did you determine that they must be fossil structures formed by organisms?"

"What I mean is that humans have not discovered any life or signs of life on planets other than the earth so far. Are the fossils found on the moon possible to be special structures caused by some kind of geological activity?"

Xu Chuan was not too surprised when he heard this question.

Smiling, he explained: "To be honest, standing here today, I cannot guarantee to the outside world that the special structures in the rock samples collected from the moon must be fossils formed by ancient microorganisms on the moon."

"As you said, humans have not yet discovered any life or signs of life on planets other than the earth."

"So to determine the traces of extraterrestrial life, other than directly finding living alien life, other methods are very difficult to identify."

After a slight pause, he continued: "However, in these aspects, we invited top teams from three experimental institutions, the Jinling Institute of Geology and Paleontology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the University of Geosciences, and the Institute of Microbiology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, to conduct rigorous and careful observations and research.


"Through judgment, testing, comparison, simulation, analysis and other means on all aspects of the sample materials, as well as careful investigation of the cave environment where these samples were collected."

"It was finally confirmed that the sample materials collected from the lunar south pole caves are fossils formed by ancient microorganisms, with a probability of more than 99.99%."

"We have complete research theories, data and papers in our hands."

"However, because those things were too cumbersome and bulky, they could not be fully shown at today's press conference."

"If you want to know how we verify that the special structures on the lunar rock samples are fossils formed by ancient microorganisms, you can pay attention to "Exploration Biology". The first issue of the publication will fully display the relevant research theories, data and papers."

After the words fell, another reporter from the media quickly raised his hand in the audience of the lecture hall.

"Hello, Professor Xu, I am a reporter from the BBC Broadcasting Company. Does Xinghai Research Institute have any plans to share samples of ancient lunar microbial fossils with research institutions in other countries?"

"After all, whether it is research on extraterrestrial life or paleontology, quite a few authoritative research institutions around the world are interested."

"Coupled with the major achievement related to the first discovery of traces of extraterrestrial life, is it not up to the standard for China's research institutions to independently judge? Will Xinghai Research Institute open relevant samples because of this?"

Hearing this question, Xu Chuan glanced at the reporter.

BBC media reporters have a strong political bias towards him, or towards China as a whole, and they have always been.

Just like this time, he knew very well what the BBC reporter had planned.

It is nothing more than trying to occupy a high point with such a major discovery as the discovery of traces of extraterrestrial life, trying to force the Xinghai Research Institute to share fossil sample materials.

In other words, you can induce him to say something like "not sharing" and then take the moral high ground to criticize.

No matter which direction he answers, there is something for this reporter to write about.

Although it is difficult to answer this question, it does not mean that he has no options for answering.

Smiling, he looked at the reporter from the BBC Broadcasting Company and said, "I know what you are planning. We have already made relevant arrangements regarding whether to share lunar fossil sample materials."

After a slight pause, he looked at the other media reporters in the audience and continued: "Starting today, the Xinghai Research Institute will open applications for research on lunar fossil sample materials."

"Paleontological institutes, geological laboratories, and universities with related majors in various countries can submit relevant applications to Xinghai Research Institute."

"However, due to the limited number of fossil samples currently available, only ten research institutions or universities will be considered for the first batch of applications."

"The application announcement has been published on the official website of Xinghai Research Institute. Everyone can pay attention to it."

The opening up of lunar rock samples to the public for research is not because of the pressure of BBC media reporters, but it has been decided for a long time.

Although there is something wrong with this reporter's stance, there is indeed nothing wrong with what he said.

From an academic point of view, it is not so easy to convince people that the sample materials are simply verified by China's internal research institutes and universities.

Especially in the face of such a major discovery as the first discovery of traces of extraterrestrial life.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Just like mathematics papers need to be peer-reviewed, fossils of extraterrestrial life also need to be recognized by research institutions in other countries before they can be turned into real results.

Enclosing land for self-interest is not advisable in academia.


When the press conference ended, less than an hour later, the news that humans had discovered extraterrestrial life for the first time was like a rocket, flying around the world.

Perhaps because it is late at night in places such as North America, it has not caused much response, but in China, as soon as the relevant news was announced, it directly shot to the top of the hot searches on major platforms at an unparalleled speed.

The discovery of ancient microbial fossil samples from 1.8 billion years ago on the moon immediately aroused netizens' endless fantasies about the vast universe and extraterrestrial life.

[Selling newspapers and selling treasures! Latest news, God of Sichuan discovered two kinds of alien life on the moon!]

【????Alien life???Damn it!】

[To be precise, they are fossils of ancient microorganisms from 1.8 billion years ago, not living alien life. 】

[I watched the press conference, and Sichuan God didn’t seem to say that it must be a fossil of extraterrestrial life. He just said that the possibility is extremely high.]

[The probability of more than 99.99% can no longer be said to be extremely high. If he were not extremely confident, I am afraid that Mr. Sichuan God would not disclose the relevant information, right? 】

[If someone else disclosed this news, I would probably watch it for fun, but if it was Academician Xu, I would choose to believe it (??w??)?)]

[Oh my god, if traces of life can be found in an environment like the moon that is extremely unsuitable for the evolution of life, and life has evolved in the past, then how many alien lives are there in the vast universe? As advanced as human beings

The probability of the existence of intelligent life may be truly infinite this time.】

[I heard that the two microbial fossil samples discovered this time may also be sulfur-based life.]

[The universe is really too big. Carbon-based life is only suitable for the earth's environment. Compared with the various harsh conditions of the universe, perhaps sulfur-based life and silicon-based life are far more suitable than carbon-based life. 】

[I don’t know why you are so excited, I just feel lucky. Fortunately, what was discovered this time is only the fossil of ancient microorganisms. If living extraterrestrial microorganisms were really discovered, it would most likely be the end of the world for the earth and mankind.


[Are you saying that cold spirits produced on Earth cannot kill cold bacteria on the moon? (Dog Head)]

[It’s really possible (squints and smiles)]



Ps: Please give me a monthly ticket for the third update

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