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Chapter 911: The beginning of a new era

Xu Chuan didn't pay much attention to the rumors, conspiracy theories and the like on the Internet, nor did he take them to heart.

Since I chose to disclose relevant information before, these things have already been prepared.

What he cares about is the change this discovery will bring to the entire society.

Human beings are not alone in the universe.

Life does not only exist on the earth. In the vast and boundless universe, space is not desolate.

These conjectures that have been debated by countless people for countless years have finally settled and come to a conclusion.

Different from ordinary people's various speculations about extraterrestrial life, Xu Chuan is more concerned about the fact that this incident can finally draw mankind's attention to the space above our heads.

The discovery of life fossils on the moon will bring a scientific revolution to the entire society.

This is the beginning of a new era, which will surely bring about earth-shaking changes to the entire human civilization.

As he said in the Nobel Lecture earlier, only civilizations that yearn for the universe and the galaxy will have sufficient potential and future.


Late March.

The enthusiasm for discovering extraterrestrial life on the moon has not yet passed, and related topics are still rising on major platforms.

In the Xiashu Space Base, the silver-white and black second-generation space shuttle Fuyao is quietly staying on the spacious runway.

Many engineers and technicians are inspecting the space shuttle in front of them, including various instruments and equipment inside the cabin.

In order to ensure that the overall condition of the space shuttle can carry out the unmanned mission, the person in charge of the space base personally led the team to conduct detailed and meticulous inspections of each component of the space shuttle.

There are hundreds of thousands of parts, and each one must be ensured to be correct and without any problems. There is no doubt that this is a very tedious and long work.

In particular, the communication system and intelligent control system are the top priority.

A voyage to Mars and a space mission to the moon are two completely different concepts.

The latter is less than 400,000 kilometers away from the earth, while the average distance of the former is much farther.

With an average distance of more than 200 million kilometers, landing on Mars will take much longer than landing on the moon.

In the era of traditional chemical fuel launch vehicle technology, it would take several months to travel from Earth to Mars.

For example, the American Mars probe Perseverance flew for 203 days and took nearly seven months to successfully reach Mars.

Although this is related to the route and window node selection of Perseverance's landing on Mars, the distance of its landing route on Mars is a full 482 million kilometers.

But this is enough to prove how long it will take to land on Mars.

However, in the era of electric propulsion engine technology based on small fusion reactors and aerospace engines, the time required to land on Mars is much shorter than that of traditional chemical fuel launch vehicles.

Based on the current various performance parameters of the second-generation Fuyao at the Xia Shu Space Base and the current distance between the Earth and Mars, it will take about fifty days for them to land on Mars this time, which is about a month and a half.

This is mainly affected by the distance between Earth and Mars.

From July to October every year, it is the time when the Earth and Mars are closest to each other, and the average distance can be reduced to less than 70 million kilometers.

Based on this distance, Fuyao can land on Mars in about a month.

But this time period is reserved for subsequent manned missions as a window period.

After all, the longer the weightless environment lasts, the greater the impact on the bodies of astronauts performing space missions. If you can reduce the time of flying in space as much as possible, shortening it as much as possible is the best choice.

On the other hand, compared to the moon, Mars has an atmosphere, and the entry and landing process of the lander is more complicated, requiring higher technical requirements and more precise control.

Especially in the absence of unmanned control, landing on Mars places higher requirements on onboard computers and related intelligent judgments and control programs.

However, this problem is easier to solve on the new space shuttle.

The core computing system that controls the operation of small fusion reactors is a specially customized small supercomputer.

Compared with traditional spacecraft and landing modules, even though it is designed to control high-temperature plasma turbulence, it also has stronger computing power than traditional computers.


On the runway of Xiashu Space Base, Xu Chuan and Academician Chang Huaxiang stood together, looking at the Fuyao space shuttle not far away.

"Unmanned missions and manned missions... it feels like we are not far away from building a scientific research base on Mars."

Standing next to Xu Chuan, Academician Chang Huaxiang said with emotion.

He never thought that he would one day see manned missions to Mars, or even build a scientific research base or even colonize Mars.

After all, according to the original development of the aerospace field, China will not launch a manned moon landing project until 2030.

And now, in 2025 alone, they have built an outpost scientific research base on the moon that can accommodate more than 300 people.

I am afraid no one is more familiar with the development of the domestic aerospace field than him.

Especially the rapid improvement after the construction of Xia Shu Space Base.

Looking at the space shuttle not far away, Xu Chuan raised the corners of his mouth, smiled and said: "Building a scientific research base on Mars is not my goal."

Hearing this, Chang Huaxiang turned his head curiously and asked, "Are you really prepared to do that?"

With a smile, Xu Chuan said: "When have I ever made a joke about academic research?"

Chang Huaxiang couldn't help but take a breath and asked: "Is this kind of thing really possible?"

He knew Xu Chuan's goals and thoughts, and it was precisely because he knew that he felt extremely surprised, surprised, and even...crazy.

It is undeniable that, stimulated by the Huami Space Race, a large amount of funds have flowed into related research fields.

Whether universities in various countries have opened relevant professional courses, or private capital has poured into aerospace enterprises and related research, even countries that have the ability to participate in aerospace development have included aerospace development into key national strategies...


Especially in China, the development of Xinghai Research Institute and Xiashu Space Base has driven industries worth hundreds of billions.

These changes are all visible.

But in any case, these developments are still too far away from completely transforming a planet and turning it into an environment suitable for human habitation.

It sounds like a fantasy.

Not to mention Mars, humans currently have no control over the ecological environment and climate on Earth.

Otherwise, there would not have been so many floods, droughts, typhoons and other disasters.

Hearing Academician Chang Huaxiang's question, Xu Chuan smiled and said, "It depends on our overall exploration of Mars next."

"If we can meet the minimum requirements for transforming Mars, I will definitely choose to carry out overall transformation."

"If it doesn't meet the standards, it will at least promote some parts of it, such as the magnetic field and oxygen, making Mars more habitable."

Chang Huaxiang asked curiously: "Is it really possible to transform the magnetic field of an entire planet?"

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Of course."

"Then what are you going to do? A hydrogen bomb explosion? A meteorite impact? Or build a large magnetic field generator in the orbit of Mars?"

Academician Chang Huaxiang looked over curiously. Based on his understanding and his ideas, there are only a few ways that he can think of to change the magnetic field of a planet. His thinking is too limited.

So he was curious about what the person in front of him would think.

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "For this kind of thing, of course we have to make different arrangements according to different situations. You will know when the time comes."

Hearing this answer, Chang Huaxiang couldn't help but complained: "Aren't you just titillating, arousing people's curiosity and not answering."

Xu Chuan burst into laughter. This was really not what he wanted to do.

All methods for transforming Mars are based on the overall situation of Mars and detection data.

The method he is currently thinking about needs to be constantly adjusted based on subsequent detection situations.

No method can be 100% adaptable to the transformation of a planet.

While the two were chatting, on the other side, a reporter from CTV walked over lightly.

"Academician Xu, Academician Chang."

After saying hello with a smile, the reporter quickly explained her purpose.

"It's like this. This unattended fire detection has attracted much attention from all walks of life. Now we have tens of millions of viewers in our live broadcast room. Can we invite two academicians to come in to say hello and talk with them?

Something related to Mars?”

After making a request, the reporter quickly added: "Of course, the camera is not pointed here, and our conversation is not recorded in the live broadcast room. If it is inconvenient for you, we can cancel this process, and there is no

Any questions."

Influenced by the first discovery of traces of extraterrestrial life on the moon, many people are now discussing and paying attention to this mission to explore Mars, whether on the Internet or in reality.

Therefore, CTV Media submitted a live broadcast of the unmanned take-off process to the Xinghai Research Institute. A camera was set up not far away to record the live broadcast of the Fuyao space shuttle.

Upon hearing this request, Academician Chang Huaxiang smiled and waved his hand, saying: "Academician Xu, go ahead. I, an old man, will not participate."

He really doesn't have much interest in this kind of thing, and he doesn't like to appear in public.

Moreover, being in the frame with the person next to him is asking for trouble. The limelight is all on him, which is boring.

Seeing Academician Chang Lao walking away quickly, the corners of Xu Chuan's mouth moved but he hesitated to speak.

After thinking about it, he smiled and nodded and agreed: "Okay, then let's chat with the netizens in the live broadcast room for a few minutes."

On the one hand, Yang Ma's face still needs to be given. Academician Chang Lao has run away, so he has to deal with it.

On the other hand, it is also good to use this live broadcast to systematically popularize various conspiracy theories and rumors about extraterrestrial life that have been circulating on the Internet during this period.

In short, he has absolutely no intention of going to the live broadcast room to pretend to be beta.

Hearing Xu Chuan's agreement, the CTV reporter also breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly with a smile: "Then wait a moment, I'll have someone come over right now."

After that, he trotted over and called the camera guy.

After a while, the guy with the camera on his shoulder trotted over.

"Hello everyone, before the Fuyao space shuttle begins its journey to Mars, we are honored to invite Academician Xu Chuan to the live broadcast room as a guest."

Standing next to Xu Chuan, the reporter greeted the audience in the live broadcast room and quickly moved away from the C seat, allowing Xu Chuan to stand in the center.

Looking at the camera, Xu Chuan smiled and said hello to the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Hello everyone."

As he entered the country, CTV's live broadcast room instantly became crazy. In the live broadcast room where gifts cannot be exchanged, what can be exchanged is barrage.

【Fuck! Sichuan God!】

【Male God! My male god!】

[Oh my god, God of Sichuan actually appeared! Still so handsome! I love it! 】

[Kawashin, I really want to travel to the moon. Please get a ticket! When will the moon tourism business be opened to the outside world? 】

[Isn’t it always there? I remember that the business recruitment information on Chuanshen’s scarf was still hanging there. 】

[Not 65 million, not 55 million, but only 1,998 (ten thousand), you can experience a ‘space travel’ that is no different from an ordinary airplane!”]

【Poor~, no money, damn it!】

[Kawashen, is it true that I heard that microorganisms were found on the moon? Do aliens really exist? 】

[Hurry up aerospace technology! Let me fight aliens while I’m still alive!]

【Two-way foil!】

[The charm of a single page of genealogy! Who can not be crazy? 】


The barrages in the live broadcast room are crazy, and thousands of them can scroll through in almost the blink of an eye.

However, most netizens focus on several aspects, such as when they can travel to the moon and Mars; whether there are aliens; whether extraterrestrial microorganisms will cause serious damage to the earth's ecological environment.

After selecting a few targeted questions from the live broadcast room and giving scientific explanations, Xu Chuan smiled and said while looking at the barrages that were still flooding the screen like crazy:

"I see that many people are very concerned about when they can travel to the moon or Mars."

"Well, for this live broadcast, I will randomly select three places in the live broadcast room and provide a free travel flight ticket from the earth to the moon. The travel time is three days. I will bear all the expenses. You only need to spare time and luck.


Upon hearing the news, the entire live broadcast room immediately became completely crazy.



【Choose me!】

[Sacrificing ten years of life, you must win the lottery!]

[Sacrifice all my ex-boyfriends and bless me to win!]

[Sacrifice my friend’s thirty years of single life! Bless me to win!]


For a moment, the entire live broadcast room went completely crazy.

On the side, the CTV reporter was stunned for a moment, then quickly came over and asked quickly and nervously in a low voice: "Academician Xu, is this...is this appropriate?"

She really didn't expect that this person would come out in the live broadcast room and draw a quota to travel to the moon in the live broadcast room? This is really something that comes up all at once.

Xu Chuan smiled and explained: "It's okay. The technology for manned moon landing is now quite mature. As long as ordinary people go through a period of training, there is no problem in taking a space shuttle to the moon."

After explaining casually, he looked at the camera with a smile and continued: "There is no need to rush to refresh the screen. The quota is subject to conditions. The selected person must be over 18 years old and under 50 years old, and be in good health and have no hidden diseases."


"I will post the relevant rules on the official website of Xinghai Research Institute, and everyone can take a closer look at that time."


This chapter has been completed!
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