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Chapter 27.16 (Part 1) Shen in the brief 'peace'

 In April 2614, one year after the armistice between the Guantian Society and the Xinghai Federation, in the open area of ​​Mobei, the Xinhuo Army was conducting actual combat exercises on the new combat equipment system.

Xinhuo's various tanks, "Black Reaper" series of intelligent weapons and other main battle equipment have not changed yet, but the newly added "Pioneer Cruiser", "Zhurong Tank", "Suzaku Fighter" and other equipment, these "officer's cars"

The addition of manned equipment to the intelligent weapons system is not a metaphysical indicator weapon developed to "improve the intensity of human arms control", but it also updates informatization, allowing non-commissioned officers to better exert their subjective initiative at all levels of the battle.

Improve tactical maneuverability!

Wei Keng: The supreme commander’s micro-management is a joke, but improving the combat operation space of every soldier in the entire army is the king of military development. The problem with the Star Sea Federation is not that it does not give equal treatment to omnics, but that it does not give equality to most people.


As for the warning from the doctor on the moon, Wei Keng is not a diode, and he does not mean "whenever you stand to the left, you will always face the right." Well, it seems that Wei Keng is like this sometimes.

Currently, the "Tian Xin Zhe" of the Xinhuo Group has been competing with them regarding the origin consciousness in the Avengers Base.

Wei Keng chose the aspect of "Heaven's Heart", and his intelligence and consciousness will never make a comeback.

The single "timing system" of a silicon-based chip cannot define "living" in a richer way. Only life has a variety of naturally occurring "biological clocks".

The sun, moon, magnetic field, daily temperature differences, and every periodic change in the environment, organisms will adapt during evolution!

For example, "The duck prophet in the warm water of the spring river" and "The little lotus has just revealed its sharp horns, and a dragonfly has already stood on its head". These are all manifestations of "Heaven's heart obeys the destiny". Life will start and terminate its own behavior appropriately according to "Heaven's heart".

The powerful computing power of artificial intelligence cannot define "start execution" and "terminate execution" by itself, and thus it goes to extremes.

This has become the Achilles' heel of artificial intelligence. When the "Medium Man" clicked on this Achilles' heel, it began to work hard.

The updated Tianxin Intelligent Base now has thousands of timing systems on its system.

Human commanders change the timing system at will. This has eliminated the ability of "omnics" to take the lead in real plans.

In the "Heaven's Heart", the gap between artificial intelligence and humans is too big. It is not even the gap between ants and elephants, but the gap between single-celled organisms and mammals.

Because even for single-celled organisms, the timing complexity behind protein molecule replication is stronger than that of artificial intelligence. Different factors such as sunlight, temperature, and oxygen lead to different replication efficiencies.

Unless artificial intelligence changes the silicon-based computing carrier from a single crystal to an organic carrier of millions of different silicon compounds, and then comprehensively deploys it into a system that perfectly corresponds to the natural environment.

Of course, those are no longer omnics, they are silicon-based life forms.

Wei Keng from "Zhongrenzi": "Only fools compete with silicon-based chips for computing power, and with robotic arms for power. This is the equivalent of Homo sapiens competing with hyenas for bite force, and bears competing for muscles. I am the supreme being of all things.

, let’s play a high-end game.”

Every forty days or so, the Avenger's consciousness would not give up and try to hack into the Xinhuo Group's omnics again.

But once it comes, it will be hammered by these "Heavenly Hearts".

Note that it is not Wei Keng who is "hanging the hammer", but Tianxin, those students taught by Wei Keng.

Wei Keng: If you can give new people a chance to practice, you can’t give it up.

"Heavenly Heart" allows the Avengers to perform massive calculations in virtual time, and then when the time is over, 999999 will return to 0.

All operations were invalid, and as the data reached dozens of zeros, the overly upright Avenger's consciousness collapsed.

…The dividing line between “Heaven’s Heart” and “Lack of Heart Eyes”…

Understand that "living" is a kind of nature, and nature is the footprint left in carbon-based evolution. Life has accepted all periodic changes in the earth's environment since the beginning of a single cell. The earliest animal coral polyps, the skeleton left hundreds of millions of years ago, became

Fossils, the lines on the fossils record the cycle of more than 400 days in a year.

As for the complex life system of human beings, its self-cycle has been determined based on various phenomena, and it is a highly stable body.

Even humans are not completely immune to the influence of timing chaos. For example, during abnormal sunspot periods, many humans are in bad moods. Physiological fluctuations cause most people to no longer think in the long term, but focus on narrow interests, so

lead to crisis.

The existence of "saints" means that in chaotic times, they can still stay on target and straighten out the order of importance of each goal.

Small aspects: If you want to lose weight, exercise, and determine long-term goals for this year, you will not stay up late playing with your phone and trying to continue watching the next content (short-term goals).

The big aspect: If a country wants to develop its national strength, it should have steady people who keep a low profile and keep a low profile on long-term goals, instead of choosing clowns to show off its national strength on short-term goals and pursue temporary pleasure.

"Saints" sometimes do not have the intelligence to be able to "calculate like a god" in various small circles, but rather do not lose determination in these useless aspects.

For example, Qian Ruimu and Li Mengtong, the two time travellers, are not fools. They also have systems.

But we just can't distinguish the priorities, and then the planning becomes chaotic during the time, and we can't follow the steps, which leads to useless conflicts.

Wei Keng: Governance by doing nothing does not mean occupying the manhole and not shitting, but rather "sequentially calibrating" all links without disturbing the sequence.

…Keep the middle and make the dividing line of the “axis”…

In this military exercise, Wei Keng personally served as the blue army to temper the red army of the Fire Alliance.

Speaking of which, after defeating the novice opponent of the Star Sea Federation, these troops were somewhat complacent, and quite arrogantly said, "With xxx as my backing, I can be invincible even with 30% of my strength."

Wei Keng, who has extraordinary rehearsal ability, taught them a lesson on what it means to fight.

One of Yang Wanwan's synthetic brigade was unable to react due to strong information interference. In just five minutes, the high-altitude observation post in the mountainous area 16 kilometers near its command base was exposed. Then a strike fell from the sky.

Yang Wanwan's original "good tricks" had no effect at all in front of Wei Keng.

He wanted to actively look for opportunities to penetrate and destroy key warehouses and parts, but his reconnaissance team searched for several days and failed to touch Wei Keng's hidden sabotage group.

In the end, the underground factory in the mountain that he thought was absolutely hidden was also hit by pulse weapons, and the production efficiency was judged to be less than 10%.

After these famous generals of the Fire Army were beaten in turn by Wei Keng, the young people of the Fire Army were somewhat dissatisfied.

Then, Wei Keng said: "If you don't accept it, continue."

Yang Wanwan was tortured three times, and each time he suffered "miserable failure".

Next, the direction that everyone is dissatisfied with is "How can the enemy be so strong?"

Wei Keng pinched the ears of this unenterprising guy and retorted to his face: The target is the sea of ​​stars, so you must always be prepared to fight with the Zentraedi people. You must always face war with a "life or death" attitude.

Wei Keng asked himself: If he faced a life-and-death battle, the opponent who would end him should be at the level of the Holy Great Wall, so he had to always be prepared.

As the future storm develops to a later stage, as one of the poles becomes stronger and stronger, the cause and effect wrinkles brought about by consciousness will definitely usher in greater cause and effect, and stronger enemies will appear.

This future enemy may be alien Zerg, or it may be a super interstellar civilization.

Wei Keng's attitude is: "You can never avoid it now. Fight! Fight until the space collapses, jump to the big plane territory (omnic), and keep fighting!"

…Thousands of troops are easy to get, but one general is hard to find. The base vehicle can explode millions of soldiers, but what is missing is a commander!…

Under Wei Keng's careful supervision, the students of the "Tianxin" route in this plane began to continue practicing hard.

The development of informatization must always be paid attention to, and new wartime communication satellites have begun to be produced and launched.

What kind of vehicle will these satellites use, when will they be launched, and how many minutes will it take to relocate after completing the mission? These all require patience and time to solve.

Wei Keng admired Zhao She's words very much: Soldiers are dead, and those who are in charge of the army should not speak easily.

This chapter has been completed!
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