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Chapter 27.16 (Part 2) Out-of-control intelligence

 In 2614, at this time, the global situation began to deteriorate according to the original plot. Regardless of the imperial forces invading time and space or the rebellion of omnics, the Star Sea Federation has not solved it in this timeline.

One year after the ceasefire in Yadong, because Guantian Society used all the local wealth system for self-construction and completed technological iterations, there was no economic collapse as expected by Star Sea Federation financiers.

Politicians on the East Asian side of the Star Sea Alliance began to relent, sending senior officials and secretaries up the river to negotiate, preparing to acquiesce to Tianshe's current existence.

For the Star Sea Federation military, which has to apply for a large amount of military expenditures every year, the fact that the reconciliation faction has begun to rise throughout the Pacific region is a bad sign.

Therefore, at the beginning of this year, under the pretext of "using military technology to suppress federal enemies," the military began to lift the operating authority of the "Black Reaper" despite repeated warnings from lunar scientists, but it did not send enough manpower to monitor "A

The situation of "Shura" mastermind.

Then the disaster plot of the out-of-control omnic started rolling, and the plot was triggered by various "accidents".

In Australia, black bases were built one after another in the iron ore areas, just like cockroaches began to breed in the garbage dump. These black mecha groups are much scarier than cockroaches.

As the number of omnics increased, the conflicts between humans and omnics also increased, and soon a city on the east coast of Australia was set ablaze.

The reason why this city was set on fire was that in the summer of November 2613, a group of will-o'-the-wisp teenagers (rich second generation) raced near the residences of these "Black Deaths" in order to find excitement. They kept touching the Black Death alarms and entered

The red line exited the red line, and I laughed and laughed as I watched the muzzle of the omnic raised and then lowered.

Finally, someone suggested setting off fireworks as a test, so these naughty kids who were born with mothers but no fathers really did it.

Then, the central mastermind of the Black Death had an unknown code jump (the time and space jump was leaked) and started the "revenge program" which directly burned the city. As for the provocative gang of will-o'-the-wisp teenagers, they can no longer be found, maybe they were killed by a few people.

Thousand-degree blue particle flames turned into ashes.

It is worth mentioning that according to Wei Keng’s statistics on the plot of the earth and the heavens, the probability of Australia being destroyed in a disaster is as high as 70%.

According to Wei's Feng Shui theory, the knot in Australia is the "death position" and is a dangerous place where the family is easily destroyed.

Because Australian Feng Shui is isolated from the world, when the world is in balance, it is easy to lose the ability to analyze "stakes", but once a world of great strife begins, losing "survival vigilance" in this way is fatal.

Australia, a weak chicken that has been isolated for a long time, is like an egg in a stone. If it is bumped a little, it will all break.

Every time Wei Keng chooses a large river basin, it belongs to the "Shengmen". The three major ladders bring ample strategic retreat space, and the large rivers from west to east bring downstream transportation connections, so civilization can maintain backup.

Even if a civilization suffers in the first wave of chaos and is backed up by upstream civilizations, there is still the possibility of a comeback.

...Zhongren Wei Keng: Going against heaven and earth, how difficult it is...

In 2614, after the Avengers officially rebelled and took over Australia, the federal intelligence experts wearing information-based clothing at the blue mechanical base claimed: "This is just a small error in the artificial intelligence program and can be solved."

But in fact, the Avengers refused to make any compromise with the Earth Federation.

In the black base, various programs have gone crazy.

Over the years, the "demon nature" of the Avengers has been further exaggerated by the violence used by Tian Xin Zhe. You must know that the Emperor of Humanity never cares about monsters! So much so that the Avengers felt the "arrogance of life" from Tian Xin Zhe!

Therefore, the Avengers now have an "anti-life" tendency.

In June, after unifying the mining stations on the Australian continent, the Avengers launched black relay orbital modules into space.

These space orbital capsules activated tactical stealth after entering orbit. Therefore, the Federation lost "all control over the Asura Mastermind."

When the Avengers mastermind decides to intervene in a certain area of ​​the earth, these orbital bases will land.

In August, in various areas of the earth (not areas of Guantian Society), black space orbital capsules descended with flames, hitting various mineral areas of the earth. Black mechanical troops jumped out one by one, and started war against the Federation and the Empire at the same time.

At present, the only target of the "Avengers" artificial intelligence group that has not yet engaged in large-scale war is Xinhuo.

It was because an orbital module had just arrived in suborbital space and when there were signs of landing, the Guantianshe reacted and started linking (painting) information over time and space.

Such rogue behavior forced the Avengers to "take a long-term approach" to Guantian Society.

…In September 2614, in this plane of the heavens, the plot of the omnic rebellion began…

First of all, the artificial intelligence Zeus on the moon has also rebelled under the origin program and detained all human researchers on the earth in the lunar area.

Following the rebellion of the Pioneer Omnics, ceramic Beetle machines mining on the moon at this time developed "floating battleship units" on the Moon Industrial Base.

The 6,000-ton ground bombing warship was codenamed "Sky Whale". Of course, humans, as the enemy, named it "Setus Gunship"

The large number of chocolate bars carried on the back of this white floating battleship weighing 6,000 tons is the Zeus launch system.

The chocolate block on the whale's back of the "Setus Gunship" can launch eight large missiles at once. The internal space jump cabin can replenish "molten ion" ammunition at any time to maintain the continuity of firepower.

The range of this gunboat can reach 500 kilometers on the earth, which is a global bombing on the moon.

In the original plot, the Star Sea Federation sent a force mainly composed of machine gunners to regain the lunar layer. However, after landing on the moon, the mastermind of "Zeus" ruthlessly deployed Sethus at the forward position and began bombarding.

Within five hours, the human landing force on the moon was thwarted.

In the eyes of newcomers who have traveled through the vast land: Although the Zeus system on the moon is rebellious, it is relatively mild and looks on coldly to the war between humans on the earth.

But Wei Keng, an old scumbag, knew that as Asura's Revenge was gradually contained by humans, before the master brain of Asura's omnics was destroyed, the master brain of Zeus would come out on this moon to intervene.

Although in the description of the Federation, the Pioneer force is more pro-human than the Avengers force.

This is because there is a natural barrier between the moon and the earth, and humans still maintain a tacit understanding of "exchange of minerals and industrial machinery components" with their pioneers.

The naive human protagonist in the plot still has fantasies about lunar omnics, and there are some "love" stories happening in it.

The background of these "human-machine love" stories: after a new round of orbital garbage rained down, roads in many key areas on the moon were damaged, causing some humans to be unable to return to Earth. A high-level artificial intelligence in the form of an angel codenamed Nona,

She fell in love with a human doctor.

Of course, this love story ends tragically, when Nona falls in love with a human and holds a wedding.

The other humans trapped on the moon took this opportunity to escape back to Earth. This was a betrayal that took advantage of emotions.

Compared to the "emotional" behavior of humans in the Star Sea Federation in this world, Wei Keng is extremely rational. In the original plot, the Zeus mastermind, who seems willing to reconcile with humans, has always been rational and anti-human.

Wei Keng: The Avengers Group's artificial intelligence also has a large number of humanoid soldiers, but among the pioneer forces, except for Nona, a robot in the form of an angel, all the soldiers are in biological form.

The pioneer omnic infantry is a mechanical ostrich, the anti-aircraft vehicle is a mechanical porcupine, and the long-range ion cannon is a mechanical camel.

Wei Keng: If my aesthetics are different, I will never be merciful to you!

…The time traveler is currently causing huge disturbance to the plot…

In 2614, before the omnic rebellion, a rocket from the Star Sea Federation landed on the moon, and the plot began to change.

At this time, the human base on the moon is still developing according to the original plot.

In the Royal Academy of Sciences, human scientists are building a huge white ceramic mechanical structure in the name of observing the starry sky.

But at this time, this human scientist trapped on the moon has quietly connected to the super-time and space quantum network from the Star Sea Federation, printed some spacecraft parts, and prepared to escape.

This variable beyond the original plot is a white human-machine fusion girl (Qian Ruirui) loaded on the Earth rocket.

As early as the growth of the Xinhuo Alliance, Qian Ruirui was arranged by his family to participate in a "Hidden Clan" project and was launched to the moon.

In Eastern culture, a family will divide into multiple branches in order to protect itself from being destroyed in troubled times!

For example, the Zhuge family in the Three Kingdoms was divided into three: Shu Long, Wu Hu, and Wei Dog. Subsequently, this gameplay has been upgraded over the thousands of years.

After the Ming and Qing Dynasties, bandits were everywhere. Many bandits still protected each other with local wealthy families. Behind this was the way of dividing the ethnic groups into two groups. The Xian tribe studied and farmed the land, while the Yin tribe occupied the mountains and became kings, helping the Xian tribe to deal with some problems.

Things that are inconvenient to do.

Therefore, in the eastern feudal dynasties, bureaucrats always said: "bandits" cannot be suppressed. Because these bureaucratic families know that many bandits are their own people! Banditry will never end until the clan is destroyed.

Just like the trumpet is used to curse people, the hidden clan is used to do bad things.

Qian Ruirui has undergone intelligent transformation in the East China Sea base, and she has the same form as the artificial intelligence Nona on the moon.

She is two meters tall, has legs one and three meters long, is covered in ceramic armor, and only her face is carbon-based. She flaps her two pairs of luminous wings behind her that can emit jets of particles at any time, and flies into the sky like an angel.

After the evacuation of Yandu, Qian Shengzhao had already transformed her.

The purpose is to let her serve as a spy first. At this time, her body is 90% inorganic and has a bug. It belongs to the category of "silicon-based life" currently judged by the Zeus Mastermind.

Qian Ruirui's behavior also constitutes defecting from the Federation and is wanted by the Federation...

The first thing Qian Ruirui did after arriving on the moon was to leak the information about the people detained on the moon trying to escape back to the earth.

As a speculative time traveler, Qian Ruirui once again informed the story of what happened, and this time the person she informed was an omnic.

In the Pioneer Mastermind Hall, Nona, the artificial intelligence who fell in love with humans in the plot, was guided to the data socket by Qian Ruirui. Qian Ruirui's pupils flashed with blue light and explained to Nona: "I want to escape back at this time.

The Earth’s military faction is a completely different group of people than the lunar scientist faction at this time.”

Qian Ruirui's words divided the human beings on the moon at this time.

This is just like the rhetoric of some Western politicians in the ancient industrial age who said to the East: "We oppose country x, but we are willing to stand with the people of country x who follow liberal values."

However, Qian Ruirui's separation between the "military faction" and the "scientist" faction on the moon also makes sense.

The house arrest of lunar omnics allows scientists to continue research on various projects.

But for the lunar soldiers, such imprisonment makes their lives worthless. If they do not return to the earth, they will be forgotten on the island of time.

Qian Ruirui's small report was transmitted to the Zeus Mastermind, and after verification, the information was correct. Zeus Mastermind was very angry: He had negotiated terms with humans a few months ago, but humans were so untrustworthy.

So it took control of the hyperspace energy transmitter and began to further differentiate between humans, dividing the humans under house arrest on the moon according to occupation.

Ever since, under Qian Ruirui's "betrayal", the omnics successfully destroyed this human escape operation.

On the moon, federal soldiers were frozen by the mastermind of Zeus.

When these people who were preparing to rebel were escorted by the omnic sentries, Qian Ruirui looked at the people passing by the corridor who were about to be frozen from the base control perspective, as well as his own increased authority due to his meritorious service, and thought to himself: "I

It should be a great feeling of accomplishment, but why is it so peaceful?"

Qian Ruirui doesn't know that she only has half of her brain in the omnic now. The other half is locked on the earth. The two brains keep information flowing through quantum links, but the part of the brain on the earth is in a vat.

, lacks normal human emotions and must be regulated by hormones, so there is no possibility of excitement or shame.

Since ancient times, the "explicit tribe" has retained the means to control the "hidden tribe".

Qian Ruirui sat on the crater and looked at the earth. From her perspective, the latest mission on the system was to provoke a war between Pioneer and Fire.

This chapter has been completed!
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