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Chapter 4.45 Towards the End

  Pandora plane, the central management department of space and time, has copied the rules on the adjacent space bubble.

In the small Pandora world of this testing site, natural forms are full of vitality, and countless vegetation and creatures grow here. Every time a supervisor touches a plant or a bug here, he can read a large amount of biological genetic information!

 This is a unique operating platform. If there is a God of Life, then this is where the God of Life works.

When Bai Hengqian's supervision team was struggling with the subtle "confrontation" between Mi Jia and Mr. Wei.

Bai Linglu and her team next door are cheering for the great results achieved by advancing the "original timeline" of the Pandora plane.

The so-called "original version" is the timeline created by Wei Keng and only influenced by Wei Keng from beginning to end.

 There were too many previous archives in the early stages of this timeline, and multiple historical flows were developed by a large number of time travellers. However, no matter which historical flow, there was no "magnificent development characteristic of Mr. Wei".

So much so that after Wei Keng reopened the original timeline, the Eastern Time and Space Administration has directly cut off the crossing branches of other timelines. Because the newly opened historical lines are meaningless compared with them! It is a waste of time and space support.


  In the plane of Pandora, the number of apostles is twenty-seven. Looking at the global map, 70% are concentrated around the 45th and 30th degrees north latitude of the World Island, and most of them are by sea and land.

 In the many timelines that were previously opened, the "apostle" level existence was a blood-locking SS that no traverser could chew. They could only instigate the "apostles" to collide and kill each other, and take the opportunity to collect precious genetic individuals.

 But now, in the original timeline of Wei Keng's restart, the three "apostles" in the East Asia region, "Celestial Dragon, Sulfur Iron, Basalt Mirage," have been forced to retreat due to Wei Keng's rise.

 The term "forced to retreat" here is an implicit one. You can refer to the victory conditions estimated by Mr. Wei in the void twisting plane.

Monsters like the Apostles, who occupy an ecological area and recover indefinitely, were directly beaten at the junction of the ecology ruled by Wei Keng, and the ecological energy chain of the genetic community to which they belonged was emptied!

Mr. Wei is playing with three apostles, not the upper limit, but the lower limit.

Similar to Qin Xiaohan’s optimistic estimate that Mr. Wei can defeat all sword masters, Bai Linglu’s team confidently predicts that all the apostles will die.

In the 157th year of Pandora, in Yichang, far away from the human ecological dominance area, a super weapon code-named "Death Wave" was born. This represents the new overlord-level branch "Human Beings" that evolved on the basis of Homo sapiens after the Pandora era.

Community" has now regained the ability to update the ecological version of the earth.

 The next step discussed by Bai Linglu’s team is “Wise People Stepping on the Stars”.


Bai Hengqian moved from the "Kong Twist Plane Supervision Area" next door to the "Pandora Plane Supervision Area"

 In a well-dressed outfit, she looks like the goddess Xihe has descended. This is casual wear.

Bai Linglu was dressed in formal attire, deliberately imitating Qin Xiaohan's serious look, and delivered his report to his boss and aunt.

Seeing this, Bai Hengqian shook her head helplessly, snapped her fingers and switched back to the white military uniform of "Senior Inspector".

 The two parties entered a space bubble with another environmental background, like the grassland in a fairy tale world.

Bai Hengqian: "The space twisting plane is coming to an end. The time and space department of the Mediterranean system is ready to negotiate peace with us."

Bai Linglu nodded: "Is the war almost over?"

 Bai Hengqian: “Yes, I have seen the light of day.”

 Two words that look similar have different meanings. "The war is about to end" means that we must accept peace talks, and "the war has seen the light of day" means that we must fight to the end to achieve complete victory.

Bai Hengqian stared at her niece and asked: "Now I need to ask you something. Are you sure that he can complete the constant structure in the Pandora plane?"

Bai Linglu's eyes flashed, he realized something was going on, and then he asked: "Is there a problem on the Kongtuan plane?"

In Bai Linglu’s view, millions of time streams have been expanded. Such a large amount of consciousness radiation should be the top level? Could it be?

  Bai Hengqian sighed: "The void twisting plane is a limited plane."

 The limited here means that consciousness cannot complete super rooting. In other words, no matter how strong it is, it is temporary and cannot last forever.

Bai Linglu, Emei Chengchuan, asked in disbelief: "Can't the scale of king-level consciousness stop there?!" There was a question in his tone, obviously he was dissatisfied with "Wei Keng spent too much consciousness here to expand."

 In the space bubble with the background of the blue sea of ​​flowers, Bai Hengqian spoke with a heavy tone: "Qin Tianfang (the king of the Great River System) has proposed a compensation plan. Take a look."


On the timeline of the empty torsion plane axis.

Since he and the time traveler from the Mediterranean system went on a journey together in the ocean of stars between friends, Wei Keng felt as if he had offended the upper body.

 The frequency of urging oneself to completely end this plane is getting higher and higher.

Wei Keng looked at the coordinates he had set in the sea of ​​​​stars. He was indeed about to finish, but he had to do it step by step and finish all the things that should be done.

 Eighteen administrative planets, which are carbon-based life forms with powerful space-distorting abilities, have all been locked.

 A total of twenty-one sword masters are on the list.


In the year 1233 of the Star Calendar, it has been seven years since the two old forces went to war. Among them, the old forces on the two stars have been fighting for two years, and the situation has tended to be confrontational.

 The reason for not fighting is: they found that fighting created a brand new opponent.

 In the early two years of the war, the two old forces, in large-scale battles, tended to use junior space warriors who were easier to grow to replace the sword soldier regiments in the competition for resource points.

That's right, when a group of people with a lower status than themselves can just take over their own dirty work, people in the old forces will follow the people at the top and emphasize change and innovation, but as individuals who hold power, they will

Invariably, the pressure is transferred to this group of emerging interests.

Powerful new legions have been formed on administrative planets such as Yungang Planet and Purple Jupiter.

The space fleets of both sides fought with tens of thousands of space warriors, and for a time they conquered cities and territories in a majestic manner.

 However, as these tens of thousands of soldiers suffered 10% damage in the battle, a large number of deserters began to appear in the legion, and the old forces' available soldiers were getting less and less like their wages at the end of the month.

Each major planet has discovered that the power of the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army is getting stronger and stronger.


In the third year of the war, the ranks of the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army expanded hundreds of times, occupying thousands of secondary planets and controlling major waterways.

Such a surge in power simply goes against common sense. But it is also in line with Wei Keng’s common sense.

The space warriors of the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army come from new armies trained on major planets.

After being endowed with organizational power and discipline, the new army actually wanted more. Each war was devoted to areas with huge battle losses. After victory, the old forces were unwilling to give "inheritance" and the upward path was blocked.


 Who will fight such a battle? The weak are just weak, but they are definitely not stupid.

In fact, in the second year of the war, due to the loss of too many troops, the swordsmen began to "reflect". The swordsman commanders of the major planets classified the reasons for the loss of troops as the "Bingyouzi" belt.

A group of "simple" new troops were destroyed.

Therefore, we have adopted the habit of recruiting "poor and good family members" for space training and putting them into the battlefield, and no longer reorganize old soldiers.

 But in fact! The simple recruits they maintained could not resist the influence of the world of mortals and quickly became "bad".

After repelling the third and fourth campaigns of the old forces, the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army gained strategic mobility and began to attack the entire interstellar territory. After defeating the new recruits stationed at the mineral bases of major planets, they quickly began ideological work.


  The honest space warriors of the old forces began to transform into the honest warriors of the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army after it was determined that there were better training benefits, fairer distribution, and a more advanced space calculation and teaching system here.

No matter which planet they were born on, or even if they speak different languages, space warriors from the middle and lower classes are integrated together.

These legions of low-level space warriors may not attack the Sword Lord-level forces, but the planet where the Swordsman is stationed must be attacked.

And the swordsmen of the old sect stationed on various edge planets are now facing tens of times and hundreds of times more power.

In the territory of 18 planets, a large number of resource stars were all taken away, and the energy and precious minerals for manufacturing space treasures were suddenly cut off. This seriously violated the interests of the upper class. These sword sects who were originally fighting each other finally turned their attention to the star sea.

The group of lower-level soldiers in the organization.


Of course, these upper echelons of the Sword Sect, before attacking the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army, also focused on the "source of chaos" in their eyes.

 Purple Jupiter is providing the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army with jump ships and various industrial equipment for developing planets. Even high-level space controllers who can compete with Sword Lord are also trained on Purple Jupiter.

The Sword Lord on Purple Jupiter often sees some classmates whom he did not know before. After staying for a period of time, he takes a set of spiritual weapons from the space center and leaves Purple Jupiter.

This is a sure way to support the enemy, and it is not covered up at all.

These sword masters who are preparing to surrender to the bandits directly publicly claim that they have mutually beneficial cooperation projects with the spacers in the stars.

 This made the entire star region, including several former allies of Purple Jupiter, extremely angry. They sent Sword Lord over and asked: "Why betray?"


In the Nausicaa of the Wind, the spiritual formation system hanging high gave these guests who came from afar a stunned answer!

As the "first disciple" of the Spiritual Formation Sword Lord, Wei Keng: "What kind of betrayal or alliance? I've never heard of it. The actions of the sect cannot represent the overall interests of the planet."

Of course the sword master who came here did not give up: "Your Excellency is the sword master of the Tianze Sword Sect."

Mr. Wei responded boredly: "I'm not, I just got the jurisdiction from the Tianze Sect. Turn left when you go out, please go to the north, look for the main peak of the Tianze Sect, and ask for permission."

 However, among the ranks of these many sword masters, the old force sword masters of the Tianze sect are also present.

Youhuang Sword Lord stood out from the crowd and saluted the core of the Valley of the Wind: "Your Majesty, the Tianze Sect has indeed signed a contract with them."

Wei Keng glanced at him. This was another timeline. The younger brother belonged to the Jinhuang Sword Sect, but he still showed no mercy.

 The sword light in the axis area responded: "It's none of my business?"

 You Huangjianjun: "If you insist on having your own way"

Wei Keng: "Then we might as well let the dissatisfied people stand up." "Oh, right?"

 The last half of the sentence resounded throughout the southern hemisphere. This sentence was addressed to the Cihong Sect.

This overlord of the southern hemisphere of Purple Jupiter is silent now and seems to be neutral, but has not stood up. It is obviously their fault.

  The Sword Lords representing each administrative star visited in three waves, and then all left. They all felt that the Spiritual Array Sword Lord was not giving him face.

Wei Keng was indeed not prepared to give face. Before making the decision to "offend everyone", he predicted that the opponent was preparing to retaliate, and also prepared the final plan of "a wave of death". On each timeline, it can be triggered

There is currently no information on the final plan.


 Two days later,

As for the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army, twenty-three high-level space jumpers rushed to the vicinity of Tianrou with their fleets.

The Central Space Corps, headed by Ji Guang and Zheng Feng, is preparing to directly attack the "Tianling" space city, that is, the space city that Wei Keng arrived at with his landing gear lying down.

This is the earliest space fortress, which came with the eighteen administrative planets in the early days of the Star Calendar. Once this space fortress is captured, all the surrounding space warships will lose their lighthouses, and the nearby sword masters will also be mobilized.

We lead troops to support and take the initiative.

Ji Guang: "The enemy wants to kill us. Two days ago, they have put pressure on Purple Jupiter, the only one that exchanges materials, personnel, and information with us. It is true that Purple Jupiter is very stable, but there is one person

Tell me, it’s better to ask for yourself than to ask for help from others. You can only rely on yourself if you rely on a wall or a mountain. We have accumulated enough material resources, and it’s time to fight."

 Other high-level controllers participated in the discussion and reported their locations and combat difficulties.

 In their reports, a lot of professional terms appeared,

These terms represent the need to operate a large amount of equipment, which is space equipment that is far more complex than the systems of sword masters.


 In general, so far, the Sword Lord has recognized high-level space controllers as being of the same level, but still has a little disdain for them.

 Because, in terms of traditional single-target combat effectiveness, Sword Lord is still stronger.

But now times have changed. In the age of revolvers, who still fights with swords?

Sword Lord seems to have ignored the superior capabilities of high-level space controllers. At this time, in the airspace where each starry sky revolutionary army team commander is located, there are dozens of transport ships, all of which are expendable equipment.


 In the Mee Nebula, a region near the front,

The logistics formation belonging to the Revolutionary Army is approaching the area, and Wei Keng, an intermediate space controller, has arrived with the team.

  The nebula has a diameter of 3454 astronomical units.

 Cohesion state of the kernel: development stage


component ratio

 Hydrogen 93.443543%, helium 5.83334%, carbon 0.63434…

The data are listed on the three-dimensional map, divided into multiple areas, and data is ejected from each area.

As a star quality inspector, Wei Keng skillfully operates the working platform. On the other working platform is Mi Jia, who is measuring the halo.

 Because he stretched his waist, he couldn't help but lengthen the hem of his clothes. The space between his pants and clothes was no longer tight, revealing his white, slender waist and button-shaped navel.

 The two have been working together for seven years since developing the red dwarf star.

Of course, except for the relatively recent relationship after they traveled to Red Dwarf together, everything else was very ordinary. Wei Keng had been busy with his own affairs, and she was also busy with hers. The two parties met occasionally, that is, to say hello to acquaintances.

To the extent of looking at each other and smiling.

Of course, Qin Xiaohan reminded: "She and you are very plain? That's because you haven't seen her look bad in front of other people (her face is as frosty). You two talk the most."

Wei Keng couldn't refute Qin Xiaohan's words. Maybe this person really recognized him. However, as long as he didn't admit it, Wei Keng felt that she wouldn't be able to point him out.

“Conservation?” After adjusting the telescope, Mi Jia turned to Wei Keng and asked, “If we lose this war, shall we withdraw together?”

Wei Keng raised his head: "Why do you say you lost?"

Mi Jia heard this and smiled slightly: "So after winning this war, what are your plans?"

Wei Keng paused and thought: "Victory? I want to have a good meal."

Mi Jia: "You are perfunctory with me and don't want to say anything."

Wei Keng: "You can't say what's on your mind," Mr. Wei tried his best to avoid it, but in the end he couldn't help but look at Mijia a lot.

Wei Keng forcibly removed his dishonest gaze from her belly button and three inches below her armpit, and said haha: "Ah, how wonderful the starlight is, Mi Jia, after the war, you should be planning to advance to the high level.


Mi Jia slowly walked in a circle, and after looking around for a week, she smiled and said: "Higher-level spacers are meaningless to us. The winner has been decided, so this game is over, okay?

Do you want to tell me the truth?"

Wei Keng paused and felt that she was deceiving him. She was at most 70% sure.

 However, before Wei Keng could continue his performance.

Mi Jia: "I am 100% sure that you are a traveler of this time stream. Well, you are not the kind who picked up the system on this plane. You and I are from the same plane."

 Everything is inevitable.

Wei Keng thought about it, and there was no need to be so stubborn: "I think I'm just ordinary."

Mi Jia smiled: "You are very ordinary. No one can tell you apart from ordinary people in a short period of time. But if I get to know you for a longer time, probably about ten years, I can tell.

If it were an empty twisting plane, it would be difficult for ordinary people to stay quietly. In a stable situation without hope, the energy would dissipate more and more.

If so, ordinary time-travelers have confidence. Although they can be patient and dormant for a while, the vigor buried in their hearts will always be exposed over time ~ the so-called low-key. But you are different. For decades, you have been

Progress is being made in all ordinary directions, as if by digging enough depressions, rainwater will naturally collect and turn into a lake, and of course there will be fish.”

Wei Keng stared at the blond girl who was walking towards him slowly, calmly and confidently, even with a hint of pride in her eyes. He exhaled and asked slowly: "Do you understand me? Ha"

"Yes," Mi Jia walked past Wei Keng, patted Wei Keng's shoulder, and sat on Wei Keng's floating observation seat for observing nebulae. She conveniently completed the subsequent measurement work of the nebulae in the studio. She was wearing shorts.

She had her legs folded, and she didn't look exposed at all.

Mi Jia didn't seem to notice that Wei Keng was taking aim at Bai Si. She looked intently at the nebula outside the window, showed a smile appreciating gems, and said to Wei Keng: "(You) can put full interest in everything, I

I like you very much."

At this time, the system's red box pop-up window popped up. Bai Hengqian (in a hurry) said: "Wei Keng, let me talk to her!"

This chapter has been completed!
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