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Chapter 4.46 Absolute array, peerless, peerless

Tianrouxing, Tiankexing, Suyunxing, these three planets are very rich in resources within five light years because they are the area after the explosion of a large super star and there is a lot of interstellar dust.

Between 1227 and 1230 of the Star Calendar, when the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army entered here, they quickly took control of it with a new organizational system and new production model.

This is equivalent to blocking the material acquisition channels for the old forces in the entire starry sky.

Therefore, strategically, the sword masters on the three administrative stars associated with this area are forced to come over for a decisive battle.

The sword masters on the three planets do not belong to each other, and were even hostile before. However, amid the current threat, an agreement was quickly reached.

This is the characteristic of the pyramid social structure. Benefit cooperation agreements can be quickly reached between the top layers. However, these benefit cooperation agreements can also be quickly dismantled. As for the stability of the cooperation process? How much effort will each contribute? Each will consider it.

The Nebula District where Wei Keng is located is an outpost on the outskirts of the war zone. When Wei Keng, Mi Jia, and Bai Hengqian were showing off about the plane war, the strategic decisive battle that was an important historical turning point on this timeline had already begun.

The space battleships boarded by the six sword masters came together, and the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army also quickly received the news. Along the way, mid- to low-level space warriors similar to cruisers and destroyers quickly got out of the way and sent messages to the rear.


The main decisive battle, of course, is to use the mobilization power of both sides to gather the largest stock group as a bargaining chip!

After confirming the arrival of the Sword Lords, the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army quickly blocked them in the gravitational field of the white dwarf star Bota.

The "Ten Jue Arrays" space defense system has now been extended like the Great Space Wall.

The thousands of warships of the Sword Master Alliance that had just jumped over using this white dwarf star as a coordinate point were a little surprised to encounter the main force of the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army so early.

In space, one million-ton battleships are anchored on the other side of the white dwarf. In front of these battleships are projected flickering space points, which can explore the space ahead like an avatar.

Faced with this murderous space formation that suddenly unfolded.

The sword masters are very cautious, and they can see with their eyes the danger of the rotating formation that spans multiple areas of the white dwarf star in front of them.

Wu Sword Lord: "This formation is dangerous. According to the law of its rotation, after four hours, the formation will stagger and flash, and the space covered will be greatly increased. We must break the formation in advance!"

The arrays placed in space will alternately move over time, just like the rotation of the planets in the solar system. When they rotate to a certain arrangement, there will be combination changes between the killing arrays.

Si Yao Sword Master: "But they maintained this formation, and they underestimated us after all." This sword master has some high-end treasures in his hands, so he is quite confident.

But at this moment, they suddenly observed that there were many jump holes in the direction of the Ten Jue Formation. These jump holes came from various bases around them, like capillaries, transmitting a large amount of information enthalpy.

Therefore, such a bloated and huge space array not only has the function of counteracting the space tearing of the sword masters, but also provides more precise spatial positioning, allowing support from other areas to be sent up.

All the sword masters felt that the space of this white dwarf star was shrinking, and a large number of space gates appeared in the core of the white dwarf star. The space gates funneled the material on the white dwarf star toward the ten space areas in front, possibly forming combat supplies.

The main decisive battle is about to begin, and for the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army this is an all-out war.

On the side of the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army, following the orders of the supreme command, all nearby regional bases were connected for frontline operations. After opening the jump gate, one can clearly see the situation of the white dwarf star.

As a result, the information enthalpy of our own production area was transmitted to the past. The space array over there absorbed materials and carried out pre-war construction.

Although the loss of ultra-long-distance information enthalpy transmission is huge, maybe only 20 to 30% can be transmitted, but in the forward theater, even a little more is good.

For the sword masters of Tianrou Star and other three planets, what they have to face is definitely not the ten high-level space controllers they look down on, but the combined power of all the new forces within ten light years.

The Meili Nebula, the stationed area of ​​Wei Keng and Mi Jia, is also a support point.

In the central area of ​​the nebula, a huge space gate collapsed, and geometric shapes fell into the fifth formation of the Ten Jue Array.

That is the "Golden Light Array" named by the system, and the war there will be fought at any time.

And here, on the operating platform, Wei Keng, Mi Jia, and Bai Hengqian were projected by Wei Keng according to his own space construction ability.

Mi Jia ignored Bai Hengqian who was staring at her, but looked at the battlefield being fought in the starry sky, and asked Wei Keng: "This space system is amazing."

Behind the simple evaluation is a complex evaluation: This system consumes a lot of resources and is completed with the most efficient mobilization power. Even if the sword master arrives and can destroy the formation, it will not work without paying the price! This is using basic investment.

Send technology and mobilize the system to close the gap with the highest military technology.

Now it is a sure win when used against Sword Master, and the margin design is really sufficient.

Wei Keng said slowly: "Sooner or later I have to leave, and I need to leave behind something that people in this world are willing to keep."

Mi Jia: "But your name is not spread in this world?"

Wei Keng smiled and did not answer.

Bai Hengqian said coldly: "Mi Jia, what do you want to leave in this world?"

Mi Jia responded with the pure smile of an angel: "Hengqian, this plane was discovered by you and I together. Why did you and I have to use different thinking to look at this plane later?"

Bai Hengqian: "You and I have civilized minds, and our respective systems cannot absorb the other's strengths and avoid the weaknesses without side effects, so they must be separated. If you want to explore the origin of war, don't just find a certain point on this plane.

Let’s analyze it.”

Mi Jia: "Well, then don't chase me all the time now, okay?"

Bai Hengqian: "You~(trying to take a breath)~very good, please explain your intention first."

Over the years, she has rarely become deficient. But she doesn't want her subordinates and niece to see it, so she must maintain self-restraint now.

Mi Jia turned to Wei Keng: "Conservation, the space twist plane has an origin. This was discovered by Bai Hengqian and I during our initial exploration. It seems that she did not report to the space and time department above. Of course, you don't have to worry, this is not

It cannot be used to change the inevitable trump card in the history of the current empty plane."

Wei Keng looked at Bai Hengqian. Compared with outsiders, he still had to trust his own people.

Hengqian was silent for a few seconds: "This plane is connected to another cosmic civilization, and she has the coordinates to connect to it. But at that time, due to the lack of technology on the earth, she and I decided to wait for the next technological era before opening it.

Exploration of this plane. She is here now to make this deal with you."

Mi Jia: "It's not a business deal, it's a gift to him. Well, of course he belongs to you, so it can be said to be a gift to you."

Wei Keng: "Well, then, you explain to her that I am a time traveler and I am not good at bargaining."

Bai Hengqian smiled slightly at Mi Jia, meaning: "Look, that's what he looks like."

Mi Jia was stunned for a moment, but then she smiled. Wei Keng's reaction was a little beyond her surprise, but it was also expected.

Having worked together for ten years, Mi Jia also knows Wei Keng’s nature. Compared with most people who pursue novelty, they will be more interested in new things from the beginning. Wei Keng is just the opposite. He has no interest at first, but as time goes by,

As time goes by, you will gradually start to invest.

Then, she stopped talking about this big world connected by planes, and turned to the topic at hand.

At this time, the Shijue Formation had begun to activate. She and Wei Keng were sitting on the platform together, watching this historical battle.

When the sword masters mobilized their strength to try to attack the space position in front of them.

The second array "Wind Roar Array" began to approach actively. As for this array, the densely packed space threads within the interference range of several light seconds flow like "airflow". When the peripheral area enters the flowing space, there is no problem.

But once it is involved inside, and the two flow spaces intersect, a large number of tears will occur.

The 16,784 'formation eyes' are like a big net approaching Sword Lord Siyuan's fleet. In a vast area of ​​several hundred light seconds, they sweep through a space that flows like a stellar wind.

, one-third of the entire fleet was included in the periphery of this huge sword formation. The warships in this space were slowly drifting towards the center like ice floes falling into the river and being washed away.

Of course, it was only on the periphery. Siyao stared at the formation and said to the female disciple Mingya beside him: "This battle is dangerous, so you can watch from the sidelines."

After that, he opened the space door and teleported her to the six-kilometer-long silver-white battleship on the left. Then he tore open the flowing space with a sword, allowing the silver-white battleship to jump out.

And she herself ordered the main ship to move closer to the center of the space array. As a sword master, how could she retreat easily.

Sword Master Siyao followed the flowing space and broke into the central area of ​​the Wind Roar Formation.

And in space, the other five sword masters would not stand aside and watch. They led their battleships and rushed into the Central Formation No. 1, the space area dotted with stars in the space, trying to break through the center and defeat several

Great connections.

The No. 1 formation is codenamed Tianjue.

Swordsmen fight on the ground with leaps and swords, but in space battles it is a different scene. The mechanical cabins of battleships open one after another, and then real swords dissipate from the battleships like a tide. These swords follow the instructions of the battleships.

The swordsmen above, the wisdom of the swordsmen, carry out strikes and destruction.

These hundreds of thousands of swords flashed and flowed, and at the same time they resonated in space, producing hundreds of kilometers of spatial empty needle sword light. Such resonance made the metal structure of its own battleship shell

They all made a rustling sound (the rustling sound when breaking off the aluminum bars is the sound of the crystal structure being destroyed).

The battleships of the Sword Lords were only affected by the wave, and the Starry Sky Legion was the first to bear the brunt.

It has to be said that in space, this kind of chant of thousands of swords is very magnificent. This kind of sword flow can split asteroids like mountains.

However, the top of the Ten Jue Formations, the Tian Jue Formation responded to such sword sounds with a twinkling star. Oh, this was indeed the light of fire.

In this vast space, strong lights that could only be seen directly in front began to flicker. Therefore, the sword masters were actually hitting the muzzle of their guns.

A highly concentrated space solidified substance hit the condensed sword light on the 254 battleships commanded by Qirui Sword Lord.

As this high-concentration space compression body entered the sword light, the resonance of the entire sword light was broken on the spot, just like a colored glass product that was shattered by bullets.

And this "bullet" continued unabated and shot towards a large ship in the core area.

After this battleship was hit, the middle section of the battleship disappeared directly. There was no light and no scene of fragments being ejected, but an area of ​​tearing and spreading was left.

Two seconds later, other battleships within a range of four light seconds collided with a large number of fragments. These fragments were caused by the explosion of the space warhead just now, which fragmented the mass of the battleship into nearby space.

In the heavenly formation,

The six-meter-long, two-hundred-ton Tianjue warhead made of enriched uranium and plutonium has a sufficient amount of lithium deuteride in its central cavity. The energy is completely consumed, and finally a space warhead is formed, which can be directly ejected to a height of 150 meters.

Ten light seconds away. The range and power are thousands of times greater than the treasure sword.

In terms of range and power, this one-time weapon has formed a gap with the performance of all treasure weapons in the past.

In the No. 1 formation, the grassroots participants in this war saw the effect of the hit.

A tsunami of cheers erupted over the comms.


"Long live!"

The cheers did not last long, and the steady voice from the central commander of the formation, Ji Guang, stopped everyone.

He ordered: "This is just the beginning. Next, the formation will be destroyed and someone will be injured. Everyone must be alert to me. Letting down your guard now is murdering yourself and the people around you."

The public communication was quiet for a while, and then the groups with different tasks quickly began to chat in work groups based on tasks.

Group: Formation Eye No. 4453, encountered beam lock. Coordinates are being detected.

Team leader group: Section 5 of the east line, the acceptance rate is 12%, and section 12 of the west line, the acceptance rate is 11.3%.

Department group: coordinates 3434:2455:4546, coordinates 9454:6564:3455, coordinates 5644:1123:3924. It is a suspicious area.

Throughout the entire formation, the militarized system was dividing labor efficiently to complete the attack on the invading enemy.

And it is one of the base points of the space jump gate link.

After Wei Keng and Mi Jia finished transmitting the next batch of strategic materials, the conversation started again like a casual chat between friends.

Wei Keng asked Mi Jia: "Are any of you on the opposite side?"

Mi Jia shook her head in an Indian style and said indifferently: "I don't have this timeline, and the others, well, I don't dare to move. Under the impact of this super era, what else do you have in mind? I want to talk to you earlier.

Those who oppose it are now trembling in every time stream."

In the process of these words, as history is currently ongoing, the brilliance of hedging continues.

In the center of the Tianjue Formation, the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army fired 16 more warheads. In an instant, another 16 giant ships were destroyed. There was no explosion, but after the warship was hit, the surrounding space formed a sphere like "fog"

cloud of debris.

For the space controllers of the Starry Sky Revolutionary Army, these shattering fragments are a symbol of the entire old era being smashed.

Wei Keng stared at the war zone. As the strongest space controller, Wei Keng, the strongest space controller, could see the miserable situation of the swordsmen and swordsmen there being turbulently flown by countless spaces without high temperature.

In this battle, the losers experienced joys and sorrows. So Mi Jia's words of "trembling" seemed to have touched his guard.

As if defeated, Wei Keng said to himself: "Soldiers are dangerous, and a gentleman has to use them as a last resort. I am not a gentleman. I am always a small citizen, savoring the tastes of the world, the warmth and warmth of human beings, and enduring all kinds of troubles!"

However, when the war started, I no longer tolerated it. I looked back and settled the old scores again. The world's ethics ignored me, so why should I be bound by the old world's ethics?

Smash the respect, destroy the prestige, destroy the world.

But after the madness is gone, I still hope to recast the righteous Dharma in a fair way, so as to provide the foundation for my return to humanity, so that I will not completely fall into the devil's trap."

Speaking of this, a tear appeared in the corner of Wei Keng's eyes, but it was quickly wiped away by the power of his own space. Only today did Wei Keng confirm that his own nature cannot be safe when walking in the world, and he will inevitably stab and hurt the world.

This chapter has been completed!
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