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Chapter 9.45 The Unbalanced World

 In the eyes of the European Union, the world is now unbalanced. Since China has never been tied up in the quagmire of war, this makes Shengyang and the Eastern Federation's rear areas unrestricted.

Therefore, Europeans who have long been accustomed to "balancing and restricting" strategic situations are not adaptable to such a one-sided world.


Of course, for those opponents who bully the Europa League, such a world is too much.

February 2290. While China was intensively observing the space-time vortex phenomenon, the European Union paid a heavy price for its series of mistakes in the past two years.

During the uprising planned by the Food Alliance in North Africa, it did not have much combat effectiveness, but it severely restricted the European Union's stretched strength in Africa.

[Wei Keng complained: The Dashi Alliance really has no decision. Since it is best to bet on the fate of the country, you have to know the right time, and then invest all your strength. Now you still want to support the agent, you are so shabby. Trousers can also support fart agents. Do you think the slipper rebels can really bring down the Euroleague? The Euroleague has taken a breather, and your best chance is gone.]

Dashi has mastered this "wedding dress magic skill" so skillfully!

The Sun Fleet took advantage of the European Union's lack of time to take care of it and completed the assembly of the land and sea forces. The land wave energy cannon and the General battleship began to move north along the West African coastline. They encountered the European Union's North Atlantic Fleet on the sea west of Spain.

The current firestorm stirred up within the European Union only smashed up China's headquarters and burned China's products. Afterwards, they were sanctioned by the Big Food Alliance and lost even more face.

The gentlemen of the European Union Council needed an external victory now. When they learned that the United Fleet of the Sun was dispatched, they did not act cautiously, but instead became excited.

Amidst the communication and urging within the parliament, the Europa Maritime Commander had to hurriedly assemble the Atlantic Fleet and start heading south to fight.


In this Atlantic naval battle, Commander Sun faced the European Union with almost 1.5 times the number of its own battleships. The Royal Navy of the British Empire even drew valuable fleet forces from the Baltic Sea blockade.

When the British destroyer HMS Courage discovered the Sun Fleet, it hoisted the Z-flag on the bow and used a long-wave radio to send intelligence. After the Sun confirmed that it had discovered the North Fleet, it once hoisted the red cross flag as if to give in, but then After the rear battle formation was completed, the red sun-red radial striped flag was immediately painted.

Just as the European Union Atlantic Fleet opened up its fleet posture on the sea and was bombarding the battleships from the Sun, its reconnaissance plane discovered a horrifying scene fifty kilometers behind its own battleship group.

A large area of ​​sea water boiled up, and the surging water flow was like a big bag of one kilometer bulging on the sea surface. This big water bag was at its highest 50 meters above the sea level, and a large number of fish were lifted up by the rising sea water. Up in the air. When they jumped out of the water, they suddenly found themselves looking at the sea for tens of kilometers.

When the upwelling seawater layer became thinner and thinner, a thousand-meter-level super battleship that emitted electromagnetic light and erupted with hot steam like a volcano emerged from the water. And there was a force field on its surface. The five-meter-thick water layer restrained made the entire battleship look like jade soaked in water, looking very moist.

This is a battleship with a displacement of 400,000 tons, and its structural density is 1.5 times that of water.

During its ascent, the battleship's outer shell force field facility adjusted the flow coefficient of the water layer on the surface to a superfluid state. This made the outer shell equivalent to a layer of oil. It was separated from the seawater as if it had passed through a layer of air. .

Through the combined effect of buoyancy and anti-gravity, the battleship reached the water surface.

Then in the blue light, the hundreds of tons of metal towers on the top of the giant ship rose from above the ship. The water layer that originally covered the metal tower lost the protection of the force field, and splashed down from the surface water film.

Such a floating island ship began to emit powerful beams and launched a surprise attack on Europa's fleet!


Sunrise's super battleship is codenamed Godzilla II. It was built with the Shenzhou Xuanwu heavy submarine as its idol, and it looks quite intimidating.

But in this sea battle, the results of the Godzilla II battle submarine were mediocre.

The particle plasma warhead launched by this giant ship looks like the thunder of the Doomsday Judgment, but in fact it hits the Europa fleet's protective shield and disperses into a plasma bombing on the scale of dozens of land artillery, which cannot break the defense. .

But such a terrifying-looking bombing brought panic to the morale of the entire European Union fleet, and the originally untidy fleet command sequence became chaotic.

The European Union's electromagnetic gun firepower did not form a salvo.

On the other side of the naval battle, the wave energy cannon launched by Rising Sun's shogunate-class battleship broke through the atmosphere, and then began to bend along the curvature of the earth (approximately 1% of the energy is lost every 100 kilometers, which is converted into a bending wave The electromagnetic field of the energy beam) finally shoots down into the atmosphere from high altitude.

The firepower of these shogunate battleships is the real threat to the European Union fleet. These blue lights of judgment penetrated the protective cover of the European Union battleships from the top at angles of 60 degrees and 70 degrees, and destroyed the European Union fleet. The surface of the ship's hull burned into a paste of molten metal.


This naval battle lasted for forty minutes. After the European Union Fleet lost three capital ships, the European Union Fleet commander lost the ability to command each squadron.

Moreover, because the European Union is a multinational fleet, the Italian fleet was the first to withdraw from the battlefield after seeing the naval battle. Then the Gallic fleet was in chaos, and finally it evacuated in all directions back to the Mediterranean to save the fleet, leaving only The fleet of the Unsa and German commanders suffered the worst defeat.

In this sea battle, the European Union lost its control of the Atlantic Ocean and even lost its confidence in Europa's maritime alliance.

Although it is impossible for the rising sea power to go further north to attack the Europa mainland, Britain has become a strategic island.


Shengyang then made full use of its sea power in the South Atlantic. Its container ships departed from South America without fear of being intercepted by enemy surface fleets at sea. Under the leadership of frigates, they drove at high speed to Africa for supplies.

For Commander Shengyang, such an enjoyable battle is much better than the Lizhou battle. "Omi ghosts are indeed barbarians."

Cross-ocean operations require logistical supply capabilities. Logistics is not only local production capabilities, but its most important aspect is the shipping capabilities of ships.

At this time, Shenzhou quietly leased dozens of old container ships to Shengyang and signed a large order to transform the automated container terminals on the west coast of Africa, which was considered a statement of its stance on this battle.

After hearing this, the ambassadors of the European Union made an emergency operation, but were rejected one after another. This is because the shopkeepers in China remember very clearly the burning of their own goods in the European Union.


In the southern hemisphere, at the Torii Shrine, some business personnel of the Fenggo Group have been received by the people of the rising sun as distinguished guests.

Every time Shengyang makes big gains with small things, it seems crazy to the mainland powers. With the industrial gap several times or ten times, why would Shengyang dare to bet on the fate of the country?

But from the perspective of sea power thinking, this is easy to understand. As long as we gain control of the sea, no amount of industrial production capacity can be transported across the ocean. Can we use small to gain greater benefits?

What's more, some of Shengyang's scheming diplomats have keenly taken advantage of the conflicts between other powers to speculate for their own country.

When Sun's army on the African continent received supplies from the West African coastline, it began a new round of expansion facing the European Union colonial army, which could only rely on the African railway network built to facilitate colonization.

February 25th.

The 16th Mech Infantry Division of the Frontier acted without permission and directly planned the operation in northern Congo. Fifty Ghost King mechas formed a "drill cluster" to interface with water source security, crossed the border, and began to walk alone.

Within three hours, all the lightly armored colonial troops of the European Union encountered along the way were defeated at the first touch.

For hundreds of kilometers, the fleeing troops of the European Union put the migrating wildebeests in the African savanna to shame.

When the base camp was still discussing how to punish the commander of the mechanized infantry regiment for not obeying the instructions, the victory record was slapped on his face.

This warrior, who had just gained the reputation of the "Tiger of Central Africa", enjoyed a grand victory ceremony. Who would have thought that a few months ago, this army was completely defeated in Lizhou.

Africa is really a good place for powerful countries to take risks.

The huge victory on land and sea seemed to be like an oversized pie, which stunned the islanders who had long been oppressed by the world's top powers.



A little more!!!

The top leaders of Shengyang and the warriors on the front line, unsurprisingly, began to lose their way.


However, at this time, for Shengyang's internal business forces, it was enough now and they could just continue to expand.

The industries and resources Sun Sun has obtained from Africa and North America have reached the limit of its digestion. With further expansion, Sun Sun Enterprises will not be able to receive more orders. They can only transfer them to external traders for processing.

According to the calculations of Sun Sun economists, the warriors will further expand the front without restraint, and the materials consumed will also increase proportionally. If this continues, there will not be any problems in the short term, but in the long term it will sooner or later become a problem. Like a balloon.


At this time, the economists within Sunshine, oh, the so-called doves, have such an illusion. They imagine that the European Union and North America can stop Sunshine's warriors just right.

This idea is because there is no power within Shengyang to stop the warriors from leaving alone.

On the front line, those who want to gain military glory even if they are sealed in the cockpit of the Iron Ronin machine have a thousand reasons to continue the battle.

In Africa, the original white upper class in those cities packed up their urban wealth and tried to leave.

The Madung people in Shengyang felt that it was absolutely impossible for the ducks they had knocked down on their territory to escape and must be captured.

The horse dung people are just like the Tatars who entered the civilized world when they entered the civilized world, encircling their interests everywhere without taking into account the overall situation. The top level has completely lost control of the bottom. Since then, the desire to conquer has dominated, without reason and strategy.

In March 2290 of the Qin Dynasty, the Chinese Suzhou and Shanghai merchant groups went to Africa in the Shengyang occupied area for inspection.

China's commercial department is now sanctioning Europa, but the consumer market needs to be found. If Europa wants to die, it will directly loan out "freeze-dried food, textile industry, battery machinery parts", which can be called strategic materials. Rising sun.

When the Shenzhou Business Group arrived in Shengyang's occupied area, they received a warm welcome. Both parties could directly communicate using the same words.

After the merchants from China visited each of their new hometowns under the control of the Legion of the Rising Sun.

Chinese observers soon discovered that Shengyang's expansion seemed to be a kind of schism.


Congo River area. With the arrival of Shengyang's 4th Reclamation Group, the so-called "near modern civilization" was brought here.

Large agricultural machinery is operating in the fields. At the beginning of this year, the various reclamation and development groups could only get very few of these agricultural machinery. Because all the production capacity of the Shengyang Machinery Production Department was placed on tanks, this war would take 20 to 30 years every year. Only 10,000 tanks can keep up with consumption.

The production line was second. Shengyang had to fight and stabilize the occupied area, and its original He clan workers were far from enough. So agricultural machinery and solar thermal-melt generator sets were imported from China to stabilize production.

Working in the fields are batches of young and middle-aged people with physical disabilities. Most of them have mechanical limbs, which are caused by the war.

In today's war technology, the chest and head can be well protected under key individual protection. The limbs are most likely to be disabled.

[What, you mean the neck? If your neck is injured, the probability of becoming disabled is very small.]


After returning, these young people from Shengyang who had stopped taking drugs and had their bodies mechanized became an important labor force for each legion to open up the rear.

Every day as the sun sets, they beat their strained lumbar spine, look at the crops growing on the fertile soil, and wait for the troops from the front line of their battlefield to arrive.

Of course, he will then enter his own house and indulge in the (white, big-breasted) women from this land.


Tao Heng, a businessman from the Suhu Group, couldn't help but have a question after walking through the villages belonging to the Legion of the Sun along the Congo River.

After the war, how should Shengyang manage such a huge land?

The dozens of legions of Shengyang are already so divided now. What will happen after decades of separation?


Of course, no matter what the future holds, the rising sun is the most glorious moment right now. In most of Africa, they have left their shrines to worship.

And in terms of the agricultural output value of the occupied areas, Shengyang's management is superior to that of Western colonists.

Western colonists only maintained an economy based on industrial and mining industries and high-value crops such as oil fruits and soybeans. It was a standard colonial economy! Its characteristic is an economy centered around large cities. There are vast non-urban areas without independent light industry. , the grain processing industry cycle can only operate closely around big cities.

Oh, let’s take an example from the modern main world: when the British colonized Tianzhu, they ignored the local food needs of the Tianzhu people and planted cotton on a large scale to reduce the cost of the textile industry to defeat the homespun cloth of the Qing Dynasty next door. This led to the great famine in Tianzhu. That’s it. A kind of Roman governance.

Shengyang learned from Europeans in terms of external expansion and monopoly of industrial capital.

However, the basic culture belongs to the evolution of farming, and the understanding of land wealth is still oriental.


Small farmers ensure that Shengyang's in-depth local development is superior to North America, which is also the reason why Shengyang's internal dispersion force is strong.

In various places separated by the South American plateau and mountains, agriculture is self-sufficient. The local Shengyang people will exploit non-Shengyang people, but people in their own area can eat rice to prevent people from other places from restricting themselves.

Late March.

The China Silk Road Commerce Department returned with a large amount of bonds from the East African region. Agricultural machinery, electric power and fuel machinery, electronic communication networks, medical-grade mechanical limbs, mineral mining equipment, and the native fertilizer industry in the plateau areas of China that has been basically eliminated. A large number of orders have been sold.

The local industrial group in Shengyang was sold to the Agricultural Committee, which is a horse-dung gang of the military.

In the modern times of the main world, the Neon Navy and Army purchased the same set of engine technology trees from Desan, which pales in comparison to the rising sun in this plane.

There are dozens of legions in Shengyang. In addition to regularly purchasing some products from Shengyang Chaebol Industrial Group, all other purchases are from Shenzhou.

In order to obtain precious Chinese currency and foreign exchange, each rising sun legion is mining privately, purchasing small Chinese factory equipment for primary processing, and then transporting it directly to port ships in the name of military material transportation.


For the merchants and private individuals in China, the Shengyang area is better integrated into China's trade routes than other regions.

Merchants in China can even raise concubines here, settle into a home with their children, and then their children receive the same education as those in China. This is unmatched by the Dashi area.

Moreover, the military power of Shengyang is easier to mobilize, and its combat effectiveness is far greater than that of Dashi.

The local merchants and merchants such as the Silk Sect realized after 2285 in the Qin Dynasty that there was a fundamental contradiction between the economic development direction of the plateau region and maximizing their interests.

Although it has not yet reached the situation in the classical era where merchants, farmers, industry and merchants were at the last place. In recent years, all the governance changes led by Western China have restricted commercialism.

The merchants of the Silk Faction feel that they cannot stop Western China from transforming into a society at present, so they must take advantage of this world war to make a last-ditch effort.

Just like back then, the restoration of the Shenzhou Guan clan also relied on strong overseas accumulation.

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