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Chapter 9.46 The joke of history

 Destiny played a joke on Europa and also played a joke on Jason.

In this plane, with the arrival of Jason 33 years later.

The Edenia CIA launched an operation to interfere with the European Union's intellectual circles, successfully causing the European Union to launch an anti-Eastern wave, and worsening the relationship between China and the European Union.

But this "butterfly effect" also caused China's business and private circles to directly support Shengyang. (The original logic of the time and space tamperers was that the forces they secretly suppressed would fail.)

Therefore, for Edenia, this medicine was too strong. It not only poisoned himself, but also caused a deviation between the symptoms of Euroleague and the desired result of Jason.

At this moment, the capital on the British Isles has not been completely exhausted in the war, and British power has become particularly important to the European League dominated by Gaul.

This means that the British are no longer squeezed out by the Gauls. In turn, the British have become particularly important in the current European League and have become the saviors of Europe.


On the plateau, members of Western China Industry were not disturbed by the outside world and devoted most of their attention to the major discoveries in space-time science.

In terms of geographical hegemony, the only worry is that the envoys from the Dashi area keep running away.

China's diplomats had no choice but to receive it, and at the same time put forward "suggestions" to the Western China Plateau region. The attitude of the Plateau Industrial Committee towards this matter was: "You damn son, I want to spread my influence, but I am reluctant to do so, so I stepped forward to ballast the situation." !Does the person who came to find us think we are Duke Xiao of Qin?"

Qin Xiaogong, also known as "the good man of Qin and Jin", in the contemporary interpretation of China, he was a famous wage earner on the road to Jin's hegemony. He sent troops with Jin many times, but in the end he did not occupy the dependent land. Although he gained stable relations with the east , but it spent a lot of firepower to expand Jin's influence.

The alliance created by the warlords in the Cathay region has now become a big uprising in the lower reaches of the Nino River. Tensions are rising on the western shore of the Mediterranean, and the European Union's battleships are pointing directly at the Cathay region.

According to the intelligence information in the plateau area, behind the tough talk in the Dashi area, there is no preparation for large-scale combat, and the foundation is false. And the Silk Party who was in charge of the fire had nothing to do, and in the end they became ants in the hot pot. .Start asking for help that can really calm the situation.


Back then, Mr. Wei designed a complete maintenance and manufacturing industry chain for Dashi Military Industry, and even planned an upgrade path. This path is still highly dependent on China.

It can be said that the electromagnetic gun module for the next generation of the Mammoth tank, as well as the anti-air missile seeker and battleship boiler engine, are all on the Plateau Industrial Commission's foreign trade technology transfer list. This product procurement information is more accurate than China's foreign intelligence. Much. (Similar to the modern times of the main world, Yiwu’s wind direction is more accurate than international intelligence)

Regarding the chaos in Dashi, Gao Yuan decided: "As long as the country is not destroyed, we will not go into the water for the time being."

Because, the reason for saving Dashi back then was to let him take the lead when the world situation was unstable. Now it is them who play a role, not Western China being led by them.


April. Western China conducts scientific experiments with peace of mind.

Kunlun's Ruomu arrived at the southern shore of the Tianzhu Ocean. The "liaison officer" selected by China lay in a metal cabin that looked like a spaceship.

At the same time, a phenomenon of optical condensation appeared in the airspace below the Wakagi, and a luminous halo appeared.

This is the space-time vortex.

If this natural space-time vortex is not discovered by anyone and appears in such an inaccessible place, it will often dissipate naturally. Occasionally, it will be discovered by fishing boats at sea or explorers in deep mountains and forests, and it will also be regarded as a weird phenomenon such as UFO. .

In fact, time travel on other timelines has also caused time and space vortices that echo in other parts of the earth, which means that there is no one in the no-man's land.

On the Ruomu, Tang Tianyou looked at the projection of the space-time vortex. Below, dozens of monitoring ships were sending back data to verify the current data of the space-time vortex.

After the space vortex became more and more solidified, Tang Tianyou said to the fifty-four liaison officers on the interface: "Everyone, please report that you are safe after passing by."

On the interface, the liaison officers raised their thumbs up one by one.

Then the space capsule protection device was turned on, and the time and space teleportation began.

Ten seconds later, when the space vortex on the sea reached its peak, all 54 metal cabins of the Ruomu disappeared in the hyperspace field and were thrown into the space vortex.

On the sea surface, the forty-meter-wide halo of light suddenly shrank to a range of five meters like a shrinking chrysanthemum bud at the moment it was transmitted through space.

The energy storm generated by the contraction triggered an explosion with an equivalent of fifty to one hundred tons.

Half an hour later,

Three large suspended machines are hoisted with steel frame-like magnetic binding equipment to contain this space-time node floating on the sea.

This scene is similar to the scene where the Deadly Plane closed the Pandora Time and Space Gate. Both the Deadly Plane and the Shenzhou Plane belong to "time-shocked space-time".

Five hours after the space-time gate was successfully closed, the liaison officers there reported as if they were on a roll.

Judging from the exploration of the liaison officers, they also contacted the satellites of China in that time and space. Judging from the downloaded data, China's mountains and rivers 33 years later are intact.


You must know that the time and space department of China on this timeline has the worst plan for China on another timeline: that is, the mountains and rivers will be broken, the country will be destroyed and the family will be destroyed. Therefore, before the time travel, they will give the travelers "It is better for Yi and Di to have a king than for Zhu Xia to have none." This order means: "No matter how the state of China collapses over there, rebellion is not allowed. The most promising forces must be found to promote revival."


At the same time, in the Strait of Gibraltar in North Africa, British merchant ships sailed in under the escort of frigates. This represented the arrival of British capital in Europe. It arrived as a savior.

Jason (this timeline) got off the ship. At this time, he was wearing the uniform of a general, and behind him, the battleship Queen Elizabeth slowly sailed into the harbor. That battleship was carrying the Queen of England,

and the Prime Minister.

The next day, the British Prime Minister delivered a speech at the Europa League: "We will fight on land, in the sea, and in the sky."

The fat Prime Minister roared like a lion at the conference, temporarily drowning out the voices of the barking rats in the Europa League.

But the situation in the Europa League will not get better just because of a speech. Just when the British power arrived in North Africa,

The rebellion in the Nile River region of Egypt is getting more and more fierce, but anyone with a discerning eye knows that organizational power only ends here, and the upper limit has been reached. (That is, in Eastern history, some counselors saw that some forces were unlikely to become big things)

Thousands of rebels, wearing full-body power armor, rode in chariots and captured the capital of Cairo. The angry local people hung the colonial government guards on the building with iron hooks, poured oil on them, and lit them up for barbecue.

.It is about to trigger a massacre of all European Union people.

The British "Struggle Regiment" combat unit arrived within three hours. This is a combat organization that insists on the supremacy of white people.

The large transport plane hovered in the sky, looking at the burning city below. The mercenaries who had fought hundreds of battles on the European battlefield opened their hang gliders and landed from the plane. In the strong wind, these warriors, who were covered in black armor and looked like the god of death, quickly

The airport was seized.

Ten minutes later, under the cover of drone aerial cannons, a transport plane landed at the airport. Armored vehicles quickly unloaded their cargo and then joined in the suppression of urban rebels.


When it comes to suppressing rebellion, the British side is professional. When it ran the colony, it squeezed the most severely, and rebellion was a common occurrence.

In the city square, Jason (this timeline) lit the cigarette in his hand, looked at the burnt black man on the iron chain of the building, and took a deep breath of smoke.

European veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles are accustomed to such scenes, and there were scenes of even more tragic deaths on the Alpine front.

But this scene made the people of the European Union collectively turn to the right. The future of Europe's diversity has been bleak since then. At this time, whoever can cater to this angry public opinion will be able to rise to power.

Jason finished his cigarette,

Then he asked his soldiers to press up the arrested rebels, tie them up one by one, and let them sit on the muzzle of the tank.

With everything tied up,

He connected to the live broadcast on the Internet, and amid the cry of fighting violence with violence on the Internet, the resisters were tied to the muzzle of the cannon, and the blood mist exploded.

Bombardment was a characteristic of the British Empire in dealing with rebels.

The British ruled their huge colonies not by gentlemanly demeanor, but by shameless and gang-violent methods.


After the shelling incident, Jason was quickly suspended. This was the last resistance of the European leftists.

However, a coup occurred within the European Union the next day. Its conservative faction contacted the army and took control of the parliament building. Then the entire European Union was electrified to form a new war cabinet.

This coup is completely different from the situation of coups in small countries.

Subsequently, various legions and organizations throughout the European Union declared their allegiance to the new government.

No matter how unpopular the old presidential team is, without strong organization, the opposition cannot be so unified and organized. Obviously, there is a huge behind-the-scenes force behind the EuroLeague.


Immediately afterwards, an individual from the old ruling team also stood up and announced his resignation.

The Capitol reopened and reporters entered the room. Under the spotlight, the old leaders frankly admitted their lack of leadership, expressed their willingness to resign, and looked forward to the new generation being able to better lead the EU people through the crisis.


The flashing of camera lights made everything legal. The original "left" voice disappeared at this time.

The so-called left-wing MPs in the European Union are just trying to win the votes of the "left-leaning" people. Once public opinion disappears, they have no need to persist.

This is like doing business, gathering for profit and breaking up for profit. It is impossible to expect them to have integrity and be loyal to their own political views.

Now that they are announced to be out of office, they can still enjoy the retirement rights and personal safety protection recognized by the newly elected team. If they refuse to cooperate, what they are waiting for is a suicide ending of being shot in the back.


Chariots draped in flower garlands and armed with axes marched through the streets of Rome.

The new European Union government quickly came to power, and traditional liberalism was completely thrown into the trash heap, as if no one in the entire European Union had ever supported it.

In cities all around the Mediterranean,

The people of the European Union "spontaneously", led by a team of young people with black armbands, threw those books that were once "incredibly correct" but now "incomparably wrong" into the center of the square.

Under the blazing fire, a big fire was lit, and people in the square held up torches and shouted long live. Their faces, illuminated by the orange flames, shone with the light of being inspired by justice.

The former "Z prisoners" were also released, including the lunatic who claimed to carry out a comprehensive sterilization plan for black-skinned people.

These lunatics walked out of the iron fence and spoke freely in the free air.

In this strong wind blowing to the right, Jason, who was originally punished for the "gunshot incident", was also released from the solitary room, reinstated, and continued to hold his original position.


In the dark confinement room, Jason, who had shaved his head, touched the scars on his eye sockets.

This scar was created by torture a month before the fall of the old European Union government when they wanted to force Jason to confess in order to calm public opinion and confirm that they were right.

Jason didn't look back, put on his power armor, and came to his legion escorted by loyal soldiers.

He still had more things to do at this time.


After April, the voice of Western unity within the European Union has disappeared. Those public scholars who once shouted the loudest are now vigorously advocating the Europe First theory.

If we say that in the era of newspaper media, European scholars still had some pursuit of belief in justice, but after the information age, moneyism has completely pulled out the bones of the European intellectual community.

If you follow the money of the oligarchs, you will be the scholar who can speak out in the electronic media. If you have trouble with the bosses of capital, you will be a small and unpopular person in the minority.

No scholar would risk having his or her online account blocked to oppose this force. Therefore, they all became the mouthpieces of the oligarchs.


While the public opinion in Europe is gradually losing its mind, the business forces in Europe are still keeping their heads clear to deal with the current chaos.

Near the Gulf of Aden, the European Union's Gallic envoys arrived at the Persian Kingdom's fleet.

After two years of construction, Dashi's fleet is quite large. They are all 10,000-ton warships, uniform and uniform, just like models.

Even though the Gaul envoy knew from the intelligence, the warships provided by China for Dashi were all general-purpose versions with reduced targets.

But such a number is enough to be regarded as the number one maritime military force in Tianzhu Ocean. The European Union was deeply involved in the war and had difficulty in developing a new fleet. Unknowingly, it was surpassed by Dashi, which it had ignored.


The Gauls understand that the Dashi Alliance is an alliance promoted by China Capital Group. This alliance has contradictions. Now they can take advantage of this contradiction and sign a "non-aggression" treaty


From April 7th to 18th.

Envoys from the European Union secretly visited many countries in the Food Federation and negotiated plans for technology transfer and fuel line purchase.

And offered conditions that the Great Eater could not refuse, including supersonic bombers, 10,000-ton underwater submarines, and heavy electromagnetic gun manufacturing technology.

The military giants who are eating are quite satisfied with this. For them, these baits should be eaten first. These deep blue navy and long-range air force technologies have always been deliberately controlled by China.

This is the plan to "be happy to be a wallflower and fall on both sides".

It's just that the big cannibals overestimated their ability to digest technology.

The reason why China can support them to quickly digest the Soviet industrial base and carry out transformation in modernization is because China engineers are helping design the Dashi area.

Supersonic bombers, 10,000-ton underwater submarines, and ship-borne electromagnetic guns that can launch small rockets. In the end, all of these require the help of Chinese engineers on key technical components.


After the upper echelons of the Western Region Protectorate and Western China learned about the contract reached between the Great Food Countries and the European Union,

I couldn't help but feel a bit dumbfounded.

At a multimedia conference, Zhao Xingchen, the leader of the Silk Faction, said: "If we are allies with the Dashi region, then we will not be able to do anything about it."

Such words show that both Chinese businessmen and private individuals feel that the strategic vision of the Dashi region is short-sighted.

Dashi temporarily suspended the strategy of marching westward for the sake of small profits.

Previously, for the sake of this strategy, they broke the agreement to advance and retreat simultaneously with the Shenzhou Tianzhu Yang strategy. After paying such a heavy price, they just stood up like that?

In addition, they also supported the resistance of the North African people. Now that they have stopped suddenly, it is equivalent to abandoning these supporting forces.

Let's put it this way, these big-money political strongmen are accustomed to speculation and have no awareness of establishing "long-term credibility."

Just like a naive little girl, after treating some suitors coldly, she thinks that after a few months, others will still treat her like her first love.


Of course, it is precisely because of this speculative mentality that it is easy to be exploited by external forces. The top personnel of the Western Region Protectorate couldn't help but compare the strategic specificity of the plateau region.

The ranks are different.


In the year 2290 of the Qin Dynasty, the European Union stabilized the internal situation and at the same time maintained the stability of the Red Sea in the east.

In the Europa region, on the premise of preserving Spain and establishing a solid connection between the Europa League and England, a strategy of first south and then north was decided.

The Europeans began to call on all of Africa and launched an attack on the rising sun.

The European Union soldiers and refugees who fled from southern Africa stood up and cheered and applauded the resolution of the new European Union leadership team amid the sacred counterattack music on TV.

In the words of the Euroleague militants: "The despicable and shameless yellow-skinned monkeys must be punished."


China in this plane is not the East in modern times. After encountering "squinting raps to insult high-level aesthetic bullying" and so on, it can be fooled by various explanations.

China's business and private sector overseas are very "equal rights" and anti-"ethnicism".

Public opinion in China is now very sensitive to the ideological trends of the European Union. After determining who the new member of the European Union is, they commented: "Well, ha, this refers to the level of evil and eccentricity."


At Guangzhu Port, a batch of industrial facilities that Shengyang urgently needed quickly passed customs clearance approval.

In China's Ministry of Commerce, European peace activists have been preventing China from officially exporting war-related equipment.

When these Europeans working in the Oriental Chamber of Commerce learned the news, they were like a bolt from the blue.

In China's latest foreign trade exports, the bid list not only includes advanced chemical equipment for the synthesis of all-nitrogen particle salts, but also steel materials for large military ships.

A European peace activist recorded in his diary: "Oh God, China is completely contrary to peace."

This chapter has been completed!
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