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Chapter 1.41 Mountains and Rivers in Hand

 On October 3rd, at eight o'clock in the morning, the battle of annihilation of the pseudo-human gene community began.

Although the opponent has not opened the metal gunpowder technology tree, because the opponent has the ability to use flying birds to throw explosive incendiary objects, Wei Keng defaults to its long-range projection capability, so machine gun shooting bunkers still need to be arranged. Once encountering the enemy's fire threat, they can

Quickly move with firearms. Of course, subsequent battles proved that this was a margin consideration.

On the entire battle map, the area where Wei Keng could see the enemy was a total of six highlands. The flat low-lying areas between these highlands allowed large troops to pass quickly. There were two exits from the north and south respectively. Three of the highlands were extremely defensive.

Weak, so when attacking, we first used squad platoon tactics to feign attack on two high ground.

The feint attack required artillery cover. With the joint induction of the guard cluster, the team at the front of the battle line observed the enemy position two hundred meters ahead and once again perceived the distance and shooting angle of the artillery team through mind language, so they issued

The artillerymen not only had the enemy's coordinate data, but also the ballistics calculated based on their own position. The artillery team also performed ballistic calculations based on their own observation angles. The two sides quickly verified each other and determined the cause of the weak error. According to the third

The observation at the point is completely corrected, fire!

The three artillery pieces exploded with precision guidance in the second round of fire. Almost all the prostrate beasts on the mountaintop were mixed with stone fragments and rolled down.

After the artillery fire struck, Wei Keng lowered his assessment of this group of pseudo-human beings - they had been entrenched here for three hours without building any tunnels. The commander on the opposite side, no, it was the conscious node being,

My brain was indeed filled with mush.

After all, a feint attack was a feint attack. They could only shell artillery and seemed to launch a charge at the foot of the mountain, but in the end they didn't rush up to capture the top of the mountain. It wasn't that they couldn't, but that after they rushed up, they lacked the reserves for other tactical targets.

Wei Keng: Climbing mountains is tiring. All you need to do is occupy one or two highlands and form fire suppression. The large troops should maintain sufficient physical strength and be ready to intersect along the roads at any time to guard important traffic routes.

Twenty minutes after launching the feint attack, the Wei Keng cluster began its real main attack on the two highlands.

There are not many genetic communities on these two highlands. Under the cover of machine gun fire, Wei Keng rushed up the gentle slope with his waist raised. There were no obstacles in the whole process! Yes, there were no obstacles. He charged on the hillside.

Wei Keng, almost wherever he looked, the machine gun swept away the place into a bloody mist.

On these two hills, the garrison community of less than 600 ape-like people was basically in chaos after the trees were set ablaze by artillery fire.

An hour later, Wei Keng occupied these two highlands. Three hours later, the cannon disassembled into three parts was transported to the top of the mountain and assembled. From this good perspective, the entire community in the entire area gathered in the valley.

Panoramic view of the area.

At this stage of the battle, you have absolute control!

The two mountain roads leading in and out of the north and south were blocked by the team sent by the Wei Keng cluster with machine guns, and the artillery was condescending to all areas. The humanoid gene community was all compressed in this area of ​​ten square kilometers.

They failed to break through three hours ago, and failed to defend the high ground just an hour ago. Now they are locked here by Wei Keng condescendingly, and their situation is like Shiji entering the Nine Dragon Barrier!

Wei Keng's artillery fired again and again at the top of the mountain. Within this area of ​​dozens of square kilometers, there was nowhere to hide. A large number of beasts in the valley were harvested by shrapnel, while the genetic colonies in the highlands were due to being on the top of the mountain.

It can't move and doesn't have much of a defense system. It's like a clump of ants. A cannonball dropped is equivalent to pouring a cup of boiling water on it.

At this time, this mountainous area has become a purgatory of genetic communities.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Wei Keng's artillery on the top of the mountain wiped out four large groups of beasts. Two hours later, more than 2,000 corpses were left in various valleys. This was truly corpses strewn across the field, and there was no so-called restoration of life.

, in this kind of large-scale killing, the group is dying.

The current highest-level snake girl priest of this community may have realized the desperate situation at this time. At the last moment of destruction, he ordered the remaining communities to charge towards the hill where the artillery was located, trying to destroy part of the Wei Keng cluster together. However,

This hillside became its final cemetery.

When the sun had set and only half of its circle was on the horizon, the hillside was filled with brown blood spots and scattered corpses, like mosquitoes swatted to death on the walls of a university dormitory. This community had completely disappeared, at least for the public.

The existence of these things can no longer be found in Keng's perception.

This military mission is completed, and the next step is to transfer.

That night, Wei Keng and Zeng Jiaqian discussed again on the map, pushing the chess pieces of their own corps back through the many groups.

Wei Keng pointed to a community on the map and said: "This one is relatively weak, let's fight back."

On October 5, the Corps returned from the west side of the area where the enemy communities were entrenched in northern Guangdong. This route avoided the most powerful radiation areas among these genetic communities.

Bai Linglu's comment: Oh, actually those groups are not very strong. They are purely conservative in their tactics and do not want to get too entangled in the evacuation process. After all, he (Wei Keng) still has 18 wounded (not killed).

The weak genetic community selected by Wei Keng is actually not weak in terms of quantity. It probably has a size of more than 4,000, but it is currently undergoing a metamorphosis.

The "metamorphosis" here is a biological concept, such as metamorphosis. After growing up, tadpoles and caterpillars completely transform into states with different life structures, such as frogs and moths.

This genetic community has just emerged from the humid reservoir area, and most of its forms are still amphibians, that is, giant salamanders.

These ferocious giant salamanders are five meters long. Their mouths have the canines of saber-toothed tigers and the crushing serrations of sharks. They are wet and pure black. Their ferocious appearance is simply a crawling version of an alien.

Of course, this thing is most suitable in water areas and moves very fast on tidal flats, but in mountains, this original form is not suitable. Now they are in the process of transforming their life forms. In order to adapt to the new environment, at least

The legs need to be longer and the skin needs to retain water like a snake.

Precisely because of this special gene switching state, a large number of individuals were in a dormant state of development, and the life radiation seemed a bit weak. Therefore, Wei Keng came to the door.

Starting on the morning of the 6th, the Wei Keng Group passed through the area of ​​​​this community.

The original words of the Wei Keng Cluster in the combat records are only passed through! The word "battle" does not appear.

When both sides form a cluster and charge each other, it can be called a battle. There is no cluster organization. Wei Keng is really embarrassed to call this a battle fought by himself.

Of course, this does not mean that Wei Keng did not fire when he passed through.

The mortars were set up directly, and a round of fire coverage was directed at several areas with strong life radiation. This was the same as turning on the lights at night, and spraying insecticide against a bunch of mosquitoes outside the window.

Wei Keng's grenade fired incendiary bombs. Within five minutes of the flames falling in the jungle, an open flame appeared. The fire caused the species in the area to flee. Of course, when the node creatures evacuated, there was still a large cluster. Wei Keng

A second bombardment was carried out.

In Wei Keng's perception, the life radiation source where the node creature was located stopped moving and began to enter the jungle. Then what came into view were the burned trees with only bare poles left.

When Wei Keng entered the jungle, from the perception of this world community, Wei Keng's life radiation was close to the node creatures, so the remaining creatures in the community jumped up from the ashes in three or two and tried to attack Wei Keng. However,

, the death charge of these three or two had no effect except raising clouds of vegetation ashes. The jungle was burned bare without any cover. Just like the puffed bear biscuits trying to block the wheels, they were crushed to pieces one by one.

The word "fighting like a grate" is used today to describe Wei Keng walking through the burned jungle and poking through all the scattered individuals in this community.

But even in the end, when Wei Keng passed through the jungle, he never came close to that point.

Mr. Wei Keng is not going to hunt for novelties. His priority is to return. As long as the creature at the node does not move, he will walk around for 500 meters.

After going around, Wei Keng's artillerymen assessed the situation and decided to reduce their load and launch dozens of explosive packets at the node creature.

As the rumbling flames erupted, Wei Keng bid a warm farewell to this genetic community that was blocking his way.

After the 8th, Wei Keng returned to the supply point, replaced the wounded, and replaced weapons and equipment parts. A complete interspersed attack, and then interspersed and returned, was completed.

This is a once! There is a first time, there can be a second time, and there can be a third time. With our 600-man corps facing an area occupied by more than 25 groups and at least 30,000 large individuals, Wei Keng has never

Hoping to solve them all in one battle,

Wei Keng: "There are many enemies and the winter is very long. I am not in a hurry."

After returning to the city, the health bar is filled (the wounded heal themselves) and the blue bar is filled (ammunition, fuel, food, medicine), and you can start another wave.

On October 15th, Wei Keng attacked again. At this time, he chose a stronger group.

The 18th crossed to the rear, and the 19th launched an attack within a day. Under the artillery bombardment, Wei Keng's infantry regiment directly arrived at the place where the node creature was hiding. An old factory was covered with a large amount of silk.

Twenty kilograms of explosive packets were simultaneously projected into it. This eighteen-meter-long stick insect-shaped node creature broke into dozens of segments under the shock wave, and then struggled in the flames for dozens of seconds. The community lost the ability to think in a unified manner.

With the command ability, they swarmed towards the preset death place outside the encirclement along the escape passage given by Wei Keng.

In the end, when the flames burned, only one-twentieth of the species that escaped from the community may be. In this chaotic nature, a small number of individuals will soon be swallowed up by other genetic communities.

The No. 20 Weikeng Combat Battalion was evacuating. While marching 60 kilometers south, a small cluster was submerged.

On the 21st, we completely got rid of the genetic community in the north and successfully returned to the base.

The third wave is interspersed, starting on October 25th and returning on November 2nd.

The fourth wave is interspersed, starting on November 8th and ending on November 15th.

Then, the fifth wave, the sixth wave.

On average, there are two waves a month. They jump into the circle of the genetic community and beat it up, messing it up, then jump out again, then jump in again, and jump out again. It takes a week to go back and forth!

After mid-November, the southward genetic community lost its motivation to roll southward. Instead, it was like a piece of meat that had been "shocked into a conditioned reflex" by Wei Keng's constant and rapid stimulation, with limited adaptability.

My abilities have been exhausted, I am beginning to feel tired, and even fearful!

Because, the Wei Keng community had no substantial damage from beginning to end and maintained a constant state, giving the northern community a vague feeling of encountering a natural enemy.

On December 4, when the sixth interlude ended, the roar of the tractor caused all the small animals near the queue to huddle in their own tunnels.

After the Wei Keng group passed through the mountain forest, they felt something and looked more and more at the surrounding flowers, plants and trees.

Zeng Jiaqian followed Wei Keng's line of sight and didn't notice anything at first, but then he carefully looked at the surrounding vegetation and forests. It seemed as if the leaves of these trees were turning, as if they were avoiding something.

Zeng Jiaqian caught Wei Keng standing aside and asked: "Is there any danger here?"

Wei Keng shook his head: "There is no danger, it's just that war is too cruel."

Some of Wei Keng's current perception of life has begun to gradually extend to the vegetation and forests. The most basic producers in these ecosystems have now entered Wei Keng's attention.

In the third stage of the conflict, Wei Keng's attacks were very fast and violent every time he entered the battle. After the artillery strikes, large areas of the battlefield were turned into scorched earth. When fighting against the genetic groups, Wei Keng casually destroyed lives.

More vegetation!

In battles, Wei Keng has always focused on destroying the opponent's maneuverable forces and has never taken plants into consideration. However, in fact, every animal genetic community that occupies the area will interact with the plants in the area. The community maintains a symbiotic relationship! Now this symbiotic relationship has been interrupted time and again by Wei Keng. The plant gene community in the entire region has sent docking information towards Wei Keng.

This kind of docking means that the plant receives the genetic radiation from Wei Keng.

There is a one in 10,000 chance that the chlorophyll of some organisms contains proteins similar to those in Weikeng's visual photoreceptor cells. In the electrolyte control of plants, there is also a biological current frequency corresponding to those in Weikeng's nerve cells.

At present, this weak change has not had any significant impact, but according to systematic speculation, when all the hostile gene communities leave and Wei Keng becomes the only community here, the development trend is that weak genes can be obtained through the jungle. Perception.

Weak! Extremely weak! The upper limit of perception that any single plant can provide to Wei Keng is so insignificant that it can be ignored.

It is absolutely impossible for this kind of perception to rise to the level of pain! Plants cannot support complex sensory organs to transmit signals to gene node species. Plants only use this synchronization mode to allow the top level of the genetic community to understand the total energy of the regional ecology, and then Regulate the number of herbivorous and carnivorous populations, sustainable utilization and development.

Originally, these plants had always been optimistic about species with strong life radiation, and Wei Keng was not among their first choices. But now after the war, the life radiation of these powerful species has been constantly shaken by Wei Keng, and Wei Keng's life radiation has always been stable.

If we use anthropomorphism to describe: "The forest trees here have begun to surrender to Wei Keng", then the thinking and understanding will be led astray.

Anthropomorphic thinking is an incidental function of the human cerebral cortex trying to understand the same kind. Plants have no emotional organs. They are just the stress instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages like paramecium!

While the life radiation of other animal communities in this area continues to mutate and become unstable due to being beaten, Wei Keng's genes have basically remained unchanged. In this way, in the process of plants receiving life radiation information from the top of the ecological chain, the information of the Wei Keng cluster accumulates Became the most.

This is a very objective phenomenon.

Standing on the tractor, Wei Keng stretched out his palm towards the vast mountains and rivers in a rather unconventional way. This action seemed to control the vast jungle, but in the eyes of Zeng Jiaqian trying to record something, nothing happened! Oh, maybe It happened, but it doesn't matter.

Wei Keng just let the roots of the trees spread out a little bit, that's all, that's all he could do.

This chapter has been completed!
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