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Chapter 1.42 The brutal community

 The final phase of the third phase of the conflict is extremely boring.

Because, the genetic communities going south have nothing to do.

If they gather together, without the support of modern logistics, the lack of food and water sources in the local area will make each genetic community move more slowly. If they spread out more widely, they will be destroyed one by one by Wei Keng more quickly.

Maintaining the status quo? These community groups are now collapsing in retreat.

It's so boring, just like the self-rescue of human city-states that travelers in the main world have seen in timelines in the past.

In those timelines, humans resisted after Pandora covered the world. Each time, it was one or two people, or a small group of people who used the remaining patterns of the past to reach the limit with great determination, and even exceeded the limits of the past, giving

Others had vague hopes, but in the end they fell into powerlessness in the face of a future that could never be hindered! Repeatedly this time, the taste of life became less and less, but the rancid smell became stronger and stronger.

What life wants is a breakthrough! The dying struggle is an all-out effort to try every possibility, not the helplessness of "trying your best" in the dark Japanese comics of the 21st century.

When Wei Keng's seventh interlude was over, he returned intact with all the weapons and equipment. When they "happened" to pass by Ji'an City, the Wei Keng soldiers looked at the fog spreading around the city walls. They were still lifeless and alive.

The bleak life radiation of the city-state people.

Wei Keng: "Death? It doesn't seem unacceptable. The key is to have hope. Some people's death is lighter than a feather, and some people's death is heavier than Mount Tai."

Three days after Wei Keng's army returned, a tractor team from the Pearl River Basin drove to the foot of Ji'an City and conducted a commercial trade.

At the end of the war, the number of humans on this plane who fought with Wei Keng and took on support tasks had reached 347. In order to resist possible genetic radiation contamination, they were basically injected with Wei Keng's blood. There were no side effects as expected, such as

Becomes like Wei Keng, or his mind is controlled by Wei Keng.

More and more locals are gathering in gathering places, and they are beginning to be affected by the group-following effect.

These brave young people who wanted to hold a gun and walk freely on this land chose to try to get a shot. But Wei Keng, because of his lack of self-production, began to ration quotas.

When Wei Keng tightened his blood output, it triggered a wave of pursuit, which made Wei Keng burst into laughter.

On December 11, 134th year of Pandora's era, the morning sunshine made the dewdrops on the city wall's deer village reflect a little crystal clear light.

The tractor convoy coming from the south only stopped outside the city wall, and the goods began to be hoisted into the city. However, not all the trade teams from the Pearl River were put inside the city wall.

Zeng Jiaqian, the head of trade who led the team this time, had returned to his homeland with enthusiasm and was looking forward to being welcomed as a hero.

However, a few hours after he entered the iron gate, he walked out of the black and gray city. When he returned, the excitement had disappeared and was replaced by disappointment.

In the city, he felt a bunch of "different" eyes.

This once passionate young man was very upset: he obviously took the risk of being melted by the genetic community to save this city, but what about this city, those who had given orders to him, and his colleagues who praised him for his courage when he left the city, now

Everyone whispered behind their backs: This man has become a slave controlled by the same-faced people in the south.

Zeng Jiaqian wanted to shout at them: "Have you forgotten the sense of death and coercion caused by the pressure of the genetic community?"

The people in Ji'an City did not hear his inner cry.

But Wei Keng heard it! Well, this was the first abnormality Wei Keng could identify after injecting blood.

The Wei Keng cluster attaches great importance to this: this proves that other individuals and themselves (Wei Keng) in the same life field still have special effects.

Zeng Jiajian may not be the first, because before that, he could always inadvertently hear the voices of some people caused by intense psychological activities. But at that time, Wei Keng was not sure whether he was hearing hallucinations. But now he is sure.

Of course, Wei Keng could not hear everything.

Wei Keng had never heard of some instinctive meaningless psychological activities, such as whether to eat fish or eggs today, and other low-level desires.

Even this is not an active skill. Wei Keng can only hear some individuals when their emotions are particularly complex and difficult to control themselves. This current phenomenon may be the convergence effect of biological community nodes.

What Wei Keng didn't know was that in the high-dimensional space bubble, Bai Linglu's current records had already recorded this situation as "The Formation of Human Gene Community", and related Wei Keng and the world's traditional node creatures.

An analogy was made between these elements.

After this incident occurred, Wei Keng was also very concerned about it while on a plane mission.

Wei Keng, who was afraid of "social death", began to pay attention to whether his inner dialogue could be heard by others.

Of course this is not possible. Bai Linglu gave such an answer in the report. The information processing capabilities of node organisms are stronger than other individuals. Although the information relationship within the Wei Keng group is a regional block, compared with the newly included outsiders,

The individual is the center.

Peripheral individuals such as Zeng Jiajian do not have the central information processing capabilities of the Wei Keng cluster, so they cannot receive the complex psychological activities of the Wei Keng cluster.

As for Wei Keng, he acted as if nothing had happened to the outside world. In fact, he secretly tested it on people in his own plane and confirmed the same result. The "group information" between each of his individuals would not be leaked. So he also quietly

He hides the fact that "he can read other people's minds" from the outside.

Hiding is hiding, but Wei Keng still thinks about it when he encounters those words he heard.

At this time, when Zeng Jiaqian asked about Ji'an City's resentment, Wei Keng responded sympathetically.

Wei Keng: Those people in the city who are aloof and use literature to express the feelings of the city do not have too deep feelings about this war, because in the war with the community, they who are in the leadership can do it again and again.

Pushing unimportant people out as a sacrificial shell, and you, Zeng Jiajian, took the initiative to face the storm. They felt that they could not repay your kindness, and they did not want to feel guilty as a despicable person, so they deliberately regarded you as having no one.

Pain, emotionless tool, social shell.

However, Wei Keng had thought about what he could say in his mind, but he did not say a word to Zeng Jiaqian.

Wei Keng is not used to preaching, which is equivalent to making a promise. So this answer is actually a reminder to himself, reminding him how to use some practical performance to deal with the questions of people like Zeng Jiaqian.

No, some people in Ji'an City were picked up by negotiators from the Zhujiang Gathering Area and a group of injured people were picked up. These numb and confused people who left the city were expendables in this battle to defend the city.

Because their body tissues were damaged by a large amount of genetic radiation, part of their skin was covered with animal hair, and their hands even lost some human nerve functions and turned into sharp claws. Therefore, they were disgusted and disgusted by everyone in the city. The abnormal life phenomena on their bodies will interfere with themselves.

In short, to be honest, they are very ugly! If Wei Keng encounters them without any preconditions, he will definitely walk around like a smelly beggar on the street.

However, now he answered quietly in his heart: Wei Keng pinched his nose and decided that they should be alive and he should help these people.

When I stood on the high tower on the upper floor of Ji'an City, I made sure that the fog in the surrounding jungle had dissipated, that the traces of the beasts had disappeared, and that the safety crisis was resolved. I hurriedly went to the ancestral hall in the city to thank my ancestors for their blessings.

When the Pearl River Delta trade group proposed labor transfer to offset the cost of the rescue, and the specific plan did not mind including some injured people radiated by the genetic community, the ruling council of Ji'an City hurriedly transferred more than 4,000 people to the rescue. The mutants were driven out of the city.

After these people with severe mutated diseases were driven out of the city and heard that they were going to be given to monsters like Wei Keng, they were extremely panicked. Even in despair, some of the symbiotic microbial communities in their bodies broke away from their cell nuclei and became The virus caused widespread coughing, vomiting and diarrhea.

Regarding this matter, Wei Keng sighed. Whenever such hysteria occurs in human society, religion is often needed as a dependence agent to fill the vacancy in the heart. What is now in front of Wei Keng is an opportunity to become a god! But Wei Keng Keng refused in his heart.

The Wei Keng cluster separated a working group to provide guidance and started chatting with these people.

Tell stories to ten-year-old children, tell idiom stories, and talk about human life before the Great Destruction.

Chat with the women and ask them how to mend clothes and whether they need some sewing machines.

Talk to the men about farming. Food can grow in the soil, houses can be built with bricks, and diseases can be cured.

Before returning to the temporary resettlement base in Zhujiang, these four thousand people were almost emotionally stable. They had no objections to the injection of Wei Keng's blood for life radiation treatment. In the past, Ji'an City had publicized the wariness about Wei Keng being a heterogeneous species. Now it is slowly being put down.

Injecting blood is very normal in the city-state! It is the norm to resist the radiation of outside life. In Ji'an City, if a person encounters the erosion of the demonic aura (genetic pollution), he can actually be treated. In this regard, these people who have been excluded People also yearn for that kind of treatment in their hearts.

After so many days of chatting, Wei Keng gradually overcame their rejection and began to guide them to accept his own treatment. When Wei Keng proposed the treatment plan, he could see a trace of hesitation on their faces. But in the end? It seemed that they still had it.

One after another, they reluctantly filled in the list.

How to treat the mild effects of species-confused genetic radiation in Ji'an City? Just inject the blood of a hundred normal people! But in the market price, the blood of each normal person is one hundred coins! Yes, it is the nickel iron in the civilized era

One dollar of steel. When capital assists feudal management, there is no possibility that the survival rights of the middle and lower classes will be taken care of by public services.

We are poor and want to survive, so in the end we are forced to accept a plan that we would not have chosen before. This is just like eating kaolin clay during a famine.

On December 31, 134th year of the Pandora era, one week after these people who migrated south from Ji'an City were resettled,

Wei Keng extracted blood tube by tube and injected it into these four thousand people, causing Wei Keng's life radiation to drop by 1% in a short period of time. However, the recovery was completed within a few days.

After drawing a tube of blood, it was about five days of discomfort for Wei Keng. But for the four thousand people, it was equivalent to rebirth. These mutants found that the effect of being injected with Wei Keng's blood was almost visible to the naked eye, and the skin

The animals' hair fell off, and some people's tail vertebrae also shrank back, causing their appearance to be severely disfigured. After the sharp teeth protruding from their lips were pulled out, normal teeth began to grow again within a few days.

Of course, after a month, no one's appearance will be the same as Wei Keng's.

It's just this gene injection that makes Wei Keng very serious about certain changes now.

Wei Keng: If it develops into a situation similar to a genetic community, then it will be divided into an inner circle and an outer circle. The inner circle is the own group, and the outer circle is the human group that has begun to communicate with its own genes.

This kind of assimilation may have a lot of benefits, but Wei Keng is wary of the possible drawbacks! Human beings as a species should have a certain degree of diversity. Now Wei Keng himself is not willing to let everyone become the same as himself.

Wei Keng: "System, is this situation possible?"

System: "Your genetic community effect is already in the radiation stage. A large number of other species around you have been cleared by you. As the top species of the highest food chain, ecological resources begin to be under the control of one species. Then, they will be under the control of that species."

Resonance is formed under the activity of genes, and you should be the core, and your blood injection only accelerates this process."

Wei Keng: "Really? What are the disadvantages?"

System: "There are no drawbacks. As long as the population spreads large enough, there will always be mutations. You don't have to worry about human genetic diversity. Because except for you, human cohesion will never allow genes to reach a cluster similar to clones."

degree of convergence.”

But Wei Keng asked a more heart-wrenching question: "Then will my life radiation field evolve to a higher level and then affect the human groups around me?"

Wei Keng has a very repulsive question in his heart: Today, I can already hear the voices of some people, so one day in the future, will I send one-way messages to others? Even in the future, I will directly control their thoughts and wills.


After the system ran for a few seconds, the response given was "lack of data".

The data is indeed lacking, but there are references in this world, but Bai Linglu will not point this vicious reference to Wei Keng.

In Yucheng in the north, the rolling Yangtze River is still rushing against the vines blocking the river.

In the three-dimensional mountain city, a large head hanging from the eye-catching skyscraper turned once again.

Now this giant connects all the sacrifices on the top of the bright tower.

On the top of this skyscraper, there are still tile floors, but the tiles are covered with green veins like blood vessels. Every inch has been wiped clean, which makes people think that the owner of this place has a mysophobia.

Every sacrifice here has a seat built with vines, but no one dares to sit down now because the mood of the chief spirits is not good enough to allow them to sit down.

Shuling: "The battle in the south is over, Qi Shengxun is dead!"

From a human perspective, Qi Shengxun died after his brain and thinking were shuffled after being swallowed. However, in the community, there is no such thing as an emotional and thinking self. Everything belongs to the mistress. Only genes

Only then can you represent yourself.

Qi Shengxun's genetic influence has disappeared, and his death means that a branch of Shuling has been completely wiped out.

A priest at the bottom crossed his arms and reported in awe of Shouling: "Dragon Blood of Dongting Lake suffered heavy losses during this march south. Lord Shouling, with your will, do you want to unite this incompetent scum?"


There has always been a struggle between the genetic community and the genetic community. For example, the community that Wei Keng drove away from Guangdong in the second stage went north to Hunan, and was completely swallowed up by the Dongting community. Now the Dongting community is almost completely wiped out by Wei Keng going south.

, only one-fifth of the total number of lives returned, but in fact the node organisms were repeatedly destroyed, and the scale of life radiation was not one in ten, which was a real heavy damage. Therefore, this is indeed a good annexation opportunity for the Chongqing community


However, Shouling did not prioritize discussing this topic now, but continued to have unfinished doubts.

Shu Ling: "What is that place in the south, by the sea!" She continued to ask her nearest priests. At this time, these nearest priests shared a little of the super boss's anxiety.

The conversation continued, but several vines appeared in the hall and dragged several priests into the caves in the big tree. The thoughts and consciousness of these priests were swallowed by the chief spirits.

But nothing seemed to happen to the Soul Spirit, as if it had just swallowed a few pieces of bread, just like a bored human being talking to his own pieces of bread and eating while talking.

As for the "little bread" priests, none of them had any fear and were very calm. They felt that it was normal for them to be swallowed "if they had no other function as bread".

[Such a scene, so plain! Such an understanding is enough to scare people in the civilized era! Therefore, they are not human, and they have never regarded the humans in the city-state as the same kind.]

Long Ximin: "Mother, I still want to go there."

Shuling: "You? Do you think you can still communicate with him? Oh, he is very cruel!"

Long Ximin: "He inherited the most brutal male gene among humans and has a tendency to destroy, but he may have some desires."

Shouling thought for a while, and then a five-meter-diameter flower bone extended from the giant tree and wrapped around Dragon Min. During the process of biting the petals, the inner petals of the petals popped out fleshy thorns, piercing into Dragon Min's body inch by inch.

There was no blood flowing out, but the flesh was fused, and as the flower bones shrank completely, the first spirit placed the flower back on the treetop fifty meters away from itself, and wrapped it around the giant branch.

Shu Ling: "She will come out in fifty days. Next, let's talk about the Dongting community. I don't want to drink the same river water with this group of hairy horns now."

This chapter has been completed!
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