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Chapter one thousand and seven die with me

 Umino Riichi's eyes trembled.

"Everyone is going to battle, how can I not go?"

Sanada Nobushige grinned.

"Sorry, the plate armor is not enough for you."

The cold expression could not conceal Umino Riichi's angry aura.

"Do you look down on me?"

Sanada Nobushige shook his head and said.

"Anyone in the Sanada family can die, but if you die, I will be miserable.

You are my brain, my most important think tank. Listen to me, stay here, and wait for me to bring you victory.

You strategize and I win the battle, we are the best partners!"

Sanada Nobunshige smiled and talked nonsense, Umino Riichi's face turned pale, and finally turned into a fierce hug. She hugged Sanada Nobunshige and strangled the other person's neck, her voice was trembling.

"Come back alive."

Sanada Nobushige was startled. He was strangled by her shoulders and was a little out of breath. However, with a gentle smile on his face, he answered decisively.


Umino Li jumped two steps away, patted his clothes and hands, with a look of disgust on his face.

"Anyway, my military merits are indispensable. That's what I deserve for my strategic planning."

Sanada Nobushige gave a thumbs up and grinned.

"Well, that's a great achievement! Wait until I get your credit back!"

After saying that, Sanada Nobushige stopped talking nonsense and quickly put on his armor with the help of peasant soldiers.

The cotton armor on the inside is close to the body, and the plate armor is on the outside. The armor is like a Western European plate armor dismounted knight appearing on the battlefield of the Wu family.

She looked at her subordinates who were gradually turning into tin cans behind her, and spoke to them who were putting on their armor.

"Hey! Look over here! Listen to me!

You are the elite of the Shiye Tribe, the sisters who grew up with me in the mountains! Do you still remember our childhood? Is it fun to have fun in the mountains? I am very happy, but a little hungry!

You are all highly skilled in martial arts, hardworking and hardworking, and are the best Ji warriors.

But what were you doing before I came to see you? What were you doing before you entered the Kanto Palace and became a royal servant?

You are suffering from poverty! You are suffering! A year's maintenance of the barren land in the mountains is only enough for you to feed you for five months! You face the loess every day and your back to the scorching sun, and you plant a small amount of land that is not enough for half a year!

We have no choice but to go out and rob. You were sisters when you were young, but when you grow up, you have to fight with each other and snatch your sisters' food rations!

We are more ferocious than the Wu family outside the mountains, and we are not afraid of death. Why are they enjoying so much food outside the mountains, while we are half hungry in the mountains?

Tell me, is this fair?"

Sanada Nobushige stopped talking and looked at the Sanada Odai people who were about to put on a complete set of plate armor. The whole place was silent, except for the faint sounds of fighting in the distant battlefield.

After a while, at the moment when Sanada Nobushige suspected that he had said something wrong and was silent, a Hime Samurai shouted out.


Just like the first cry in grief and anger, a group of people began to scream heart-breakingly.

"It's not fair! It's not fair!"

Sanada Nobushige laughed loudly and cursed.

"What's unfair! This is reality! You should all thank me! Be grateful to me!

It was I who took you out of the mountains to eat white rice. It was I who took your people out of the mountains and gave them more fertile land.

You have status and dignity, they have food and hope, and we even have our own subjects, so we no longer have to work hard in the fields!

Tell me you love me and are willing to die for me!"


Everyone in the audience looked at each other in confusion, wondering if Sanada Nobushige was cheating again? On the side, Umino Riichi held his forehead and sighed loudly, wanting to hit someone.

Sanada Nobushige shrugged and found that the plate armor was too heavy to be able to shrug, so she continued.

"Okay, I don't need your love, I have someone I like! But you must follow me to death today!

Have you heard the sound of fighting in front of us? That’s our enemies coming. They want to defeat us, take away our land, steal our food, and strangle our future.

Think about your husbands, children, parents, and tribesmen. If we lose here, they will lose everything they have now!

They will be driven back to the mountains and continue to live a life of half-starvation! By the way, there is also nostalgia, missing the happiness they once had, and living in pain!

Now, tell me if you are willing to die with me! Fight for a better future for the people around you who care about you!"

As she finished speaking, the peasant soldier tremblingly handed over her face armor, which was the last piece of equipment.

Sanada Nobushige reached out to take the visor, put it on his helmet, and covered his face. Then he turned back silently, picked up the spear and walked towards the front.

Behind her, the Sanada Hime samurai took off their face armors and buckled them one by one, and followed her footsteps.

I don't know who shouted the slogan, and a group of people gradually walked out of the marching queue. It was a subconscious repetition after thousands of trainings.

"One two one! One two one!"

Umino Riichi silently watched them move forward. It seemed that the only sounds in the world were their almost unanimous footsteps and the sound of one, two, one that echoed through the sky.


Nezu Sadamori shouted and cut off the spear that was being stabbed with a knife. She used too much force and felt weak all over, so she knelt down on one knee.

The surroundings were in chaos, and the formation was on the verge of collapse. Samurai Fang Ji dropped his broken gun, drew his sword and slashed at her neck.

At the moment of life and death, a spear came out of the hole like a poisonous snake and pierced the opponent's throat. The enemy warrior Ji was shocked and wanted to block it.

The figure behind the spear rushed directly towards her, knocking her to the ground with the gun in hand. He took off the gun with both hands, pulled out the ribs and stabbed her in the arms.


As she was lowering her head to stab, she didn't notice several spears coming towards her. A sickle passed behind her and she pushed the spears away.

"Yuari Kamanosuke!"

Yuri Kamanosuke, who had been driven crazy by the blood-soaked scene on the battlefield, was awakened by the loud shout and rolled over backwards.

Miyoshi Isan protected her and retreated, while Nezu Sadamori gritted his teeth and stood up, holding a sword to protect their flanks.

Yuri Kamanosuke got up and cursed with tears in his mouth.

"Asshole! How long, how long are we going to hold on!"

Nezu Sadamori took a deep breath and shouted.

"Soon! Hold on!"

Yuri Kamanosuke wiped away his tears, stood up crying, and protected Miyoshi Izo's other side, and the three of them formed a small formation.

In front of them, the enemy's reserve teams that had just entered the battlefield were full of physical strength, beating the two Sanada reserve teams to pieces.


Ashikaga Yoshiji laughed loudly. She sat on the horse and looked at the battlefield from a distance. She swept her army fan in her hand and felt high-spirited.

"Forward! Forward! Don't be afraid of sacrifice, crush them!"

At this moment, a long sound of conch sound came from the northwest. She was stunned and subconsciously stood up from the horse.

To the northwest is an extension of large and small mountains. The terrain is slightly higher than the plains and cannot be seen too far. At this time, a formation appeared on the horizon, less than a mile away from the front.

The Hojo troops who were deep in the northern front were slightly disturbed when they looked at the enemy army appearing on the flank. Because they saw the reflection, which was the silver-white brilliance of fine steel reflected in the sun.

This chapter has been completed!
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