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Chapter 1013: Righteousness in the Western Army

 Yamanaka Yukimori pointed in the direction of the Chinese army.

"After breaking through the northern front of Hojo's army, don't worry about other things and lead the cavalry to attack the Hojo Ushimasa main camp!

I am responsible for everything on the northern front. You have to defeat the enemy general and be quick! Only in this way will the Hojo Central Army be defeated quickly and the imperial station be safe."

Shimakatsu nodded fiercely and walked towards the gathering place of the cavalry. Yamanaka Yukimori looked at her back and shouted.

"The island wins fiercely!"

Dao Sheng turned around to look at her and saw her bowing deeply to him.

"Please! Please, you must defeat the Hojo Ujimasa Honbu Formation and rescue the Odaisho!"

Shima Sheng said fiercely.

"Yamaka Yukimori! You are such a nasty guy, you are never sensible! With my feelings towards Odaisho, do I need you to ask me for help in this matter?"

Take care of yourself! Don't let the Ashikaga Yoshiji defeat the northern front, causing the joint campaign to fall short!"

The two of them spat at the same time and turned around to organize their armies to fight.

The peasants and soldiers shouted after the battle between Yamanaka Yukimori.

"Come up and arm us!"

The people from Shimogotsu Otai gathered one after another and put on their armor to prepare for battle. Yamanaka Yukimori gave orders to the two waiting reserve generals beside him.

"Onoki Shigetsugi, Igasaki Michiojun.

I will lead the plate-armored warrior warriors to break through from the center of the northern line. Your reserve team of warrior warriors is insufficient. The entire army must form a formation to follow up. Be careful not to break up the formation.

Go get ready."



Dao Shengmeng walked quickly back to the cavalry station. The sound of people and horses neighing in the distance gradually became clearer in his ears.

She took a deep breath, calmed her mind, slowed down her pace and seemed confident, walked into the army and shouted.

"Ready your horse, put on your armor, and prepare to attack!"


The Ji warriors began to feed the war horses beans, comb their hair, and do the final soothing work before going into battle.

Fifty heavy cavalry were surrounded by peasants and soldiers and looked after. Some were feeding the horses and others were wearing armor. Everything was progressing in an orderly manner.

After a while, Shima Sheng fiercely wore plate armor, patted the southern horse wrapped in the same iron armor next to him, and shouted.



A group of cavalry led their horses on foot, accumulating horse power in preparation for the critical moment of charging into battle.


On the northern front, the frontal battlefield has been stabilized.

Although the six reserve units of the Kanto Palace were at a disadvantage, the northern side of the Hojo front was broken through by Sanada Nobushige, causing chaos. As a result, the front-line Hojo troops did not dare to advance, and the offensive slowed down a lot.

Hojo Ryuzan led Huang Bei into battle and raised the flag to signal that he would take over the front line. The morale of Hojo's army was greatly boosted.

Compared with Ashikaga Yoshiji, the Hojo army believed in the ability of the veteran general Ryuzan of Hojo, and the morale of the army suddenly became much more stable.

Hojo Ryuzan first sent an envoy to order the forward reserve troops to form a slow attack and stabilize the position, and then led the reserve troops to turn northwest.

She ordered coldly.

"The two reserve armies formed a formation heading north. Anyone who dared to attack the army formation, regardless of their identity, would be treated as enemies and assassinated by spear formations.

Send a few loud voices up to shout, asking the defeated troops to avoid the military formation from the left and right, and assemble and repair behind the formation.

The supervising team is waiting behind the formation. If anyone is restless and disobeys the military orders, no matter if she is an Ashigaru or a Hime Samurai, they will all be beheaded on the spot and stripped of all honors!"


As Hojo Ryuzan issued military orders one by one, the chaos gradually improved. She looked at the Sanada Ironclad Army in the distance and kept moving forward in formation, with a hint of admiration in her eyes.

After charging into the military formation for a long time, these armored troops remained undisturbed. They remained in tight formation and behaved in the same manner. It was simply terrifying. I don’t know how this perfect killing machine was trained.

But no matter how much I like it in my heart, the enemy is the enemy, and they must be annihilated here.

Hojo Ryuyama shouted.

"The two reserve troops moved sideways to the left and right, and Chi Bei stepped forward. The reserve troops detoured from both wings to flank the armored army. Chi Bei prepared to engage the enemy and defend to the death!"


Hojo Ryuzan has already planned a countermeasure. The armored army is a perfect killing machine, but their number is too small.

No matter how strong they are, they are still human beings. They carry heavy loads and cannot last long due to their physical strength. As long as Chibei is not afraid of sacrifice and stops their charge, the Iron Armored Army will no longer be able to shake the Hojo Front.

Two reserve teams on the left and right, equipped with 500 spears, attacked the armored army from the side and behind. They could only fight like trapped beasts, wasting all their strength.

After all, there are only a hundred opponents.


Just as Hojo Ryuzan was concentrating, there were new changes in the front line of the northern front against Sanada Nobushige's armored army coming from the north.

Following Hojo Ryuzan's order to temporarily slow down the offensive and stabilize their position, Hojo's army found that the opponent was slowly retreating and disengaging.

Just as General Hojo's reserve force on the front line was hesitating whether to continue advancing, the six reserve forces of the Kanto Palace on the opposite side shrank to the left and right sides to open up the central passage.

A cavalry army covered in iron armor appeared directly in front of Hojo's army, leaving only a distance for the horses to accelerate their charge.

Shima Katsu fiercely placed fifty armored cavalry in the front row, followed by a hundred horseback samurai warriors. The enemy could not see the rear row and thought that all the cavalry were heavy cavalry. They were even more frightened and the front line was in turmoil.

Shima Shengmeng galloped left and right in front of the cavalry formation, hitting the barrels of their lances with his sheathed sword, making a snapping sound, drawing everyone's attention to himself.

"The Hime Warriors from Kansai!

Do you still remember the feat I led you across the Hokurikudo to rescue your lord? Do you still remember our original oath?

By the way, some of you are not here, and some of you have died on the battlefield. Then let me tell you again why we are here!

Three hundred and fifty years ago, the Bando Hachihei family followed General Yoritomo Minamoto and raised an army. The Kanto samurai family swept the world and established the samurai shogunate!

Two hundred years ago, their descendants, the Kansai imperial family, united under the command of General Ashikaga Takauji, went to Kyoto, and conquered the world again!

Today's Kanto is full of wolves, and there is no loyalty or righteousness! The land of Kanto has forgotten the kindness of the direct descendants of the Genji family in Kawachi, disrespects the pillars of the Wu family, disrespects the shogunate of the Wu family, and ignores the principles of the Wu family!

Our lord, Lord Shiba Kenshin, returns to Kanto with the Ashikaga Shogun's sword! We follow in Odaisho's footsteps and bring order to the chaos.

This is great justice!

Look at this sky, look at this land, this is the Guandong Plain! The ancestors of the Wu family are above, and they are also looking at us!

Three hundred and fifty years ago, the Bando Hachihei clan followed General Minamoto Yoritomo. Two hundred years ago, the Kansai imperial family followed General Ashikaga Takauji. Today, we attach ourselves to Jiwei, hoping to achieve unparalleled achievements!

Tell me, are you willing to follow the direct descendants of the Hanoi Genji, the elders of the Genji, the pillars of the Wu family, expand the territory, and benefit the descendants!"

"I'm willing!"

Dao Shengmeng once again spurred her horse and whip, and ran in front of the formation, shouting loudly for everyone to hear her voice.

"Today, let us declare war on the rebellion of the Wu family! Today, let us move the heavens to comfort the spirits of our ancestors! Today, let us ring the steel armor and sharp blades to spread the loyalty of the Wu family!

Today, we want these rebels to remember that justice lies with the Western Army! We have nothing to fear!"

"Great justice lies in the Western Army! Great justice lies in the Western Army!"

This chapter has been completed!
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