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The first thousand and ninety-nine chapters of Hideyoshi

 Akechi Mitsuhide is a person with ideals.

But her ideal is to achieve order in the world of the Wu family. Not that the Wu family is not considered a person, but respecting the concubines and their family origin is an important criterion for maintaining order in the Wu family.

Therefore, Akechi Mitsuhide can criticize Hosokawa Fujitaka and other conservatives for being stubborn and decadent.

On the other hand, she herself regards the middle and lower class warriors as tools, and the common people are not in her eyes, they are treated like pigs and dogs.

Order is not equality. Even if there is equality, it is only common among a few people.

In the final analysis, she is just a stubborn defender of the interests of the Wu family. The change she wants, her ideal new world, is just to establish a more effective Wu family system.

And in the Nongwei Plain to the east of Jingu, a new force that breaks through all old traditions is rising.

A brave warrior Ji who can do anything is about to step onto the world stage. With her will to conquer the world, she will destroy all the old customs that hinder her progress.

Akechi Mitsuhide didn't know that the uproar coming from the Oda family would not only destroy the decadent Ashikaga Shogunate, but would also overturn the entire samurai world.


Although the Nobi Plain is cold in winter, it is still much better than the bitter cold in Kanto.

After receiving the visiting Wada Yamasa, Oda Nobunaga ordered a council meeting to be held in Gifu Castle, and Oda's retainers came one after another.

Hashiba Hideyoshi, who was far away in Owari Province, received the order and quickly crossed the Kiso River northward and rushed to Gifu Castle to attend the meeting.

Although she was only a thousand-stone person, she was a civilian representative established by Oda Nobunaga through his internal military reforms.

The Oda family's new ashigaru laws gradually made the ashigaru a rising military force within the Oda family. The emergence of the Zu clan greatly increased the ashigaru's willingness to fight.

In the original military system of the samurai family, the Ji samurai in the family were the backbone of the grassroots. Wild samurai and villains were hired as supplementary combat forces. During wartime, peasant women were mobilized to transport baggage as peasant soldiers.

Ashigaru, on the other hand, were landless civilians who appeared in the countryside where there were many children. They were recruited by the samurai family as permanent or semi-regular people. They were given a mouthful of food in peacetime and used as cannon fodder in wartime.

Oda Nobunaga promoted the separation of peasants and soldiers, raising the status of the ashigaru to an unprecedented level, and also registered him as a vassal clan. He was given a path for promotion, and he could serve as the head of the ashigaru with military merit.

The lowest rank among the lower-level Hime samurai in the military is to serve as an ashigaru head. This is a samurai position that allows you to receive rewards and receive salary.

The proposal of the Ashigaru Law caused an uproar among the Oda retainers. The Hime samurai and the Ashigaru were listed as colleagues, which was a blatant challenge to the privileges of the samurai family.

Although it only poked a small hole in the ceiling, it did open a channel for ascending in class, allowing the Ashigaru to stand on the same level as the lowest-level Hime Samurai.

The Oda retainers group dare not speak out, but they have no way to deal with Oda Nobunaga. After several years of management, Oda Nobunaga's strength has completely overwhelmed the Oda retainers group.

Hashiba Hideyoshi was the representative of the common people who was supported by Oda Nobunaga. Although she was married into the Kinoshita family and obtained the samurai status, she was not a true commoner.

But this did not prevent Oda Nobunaga from publicizing it, raising the expectations of the ashigaru people, and allowing the concept of the zodiac clan in the Oda family to take shape.

Hashiba Hideyoshi also took this opportunity to participate in the changes in the military. Her influence was far greater than that of ordinary people from Senshi.

There are pros and cons.

With the emergence of the Zong clan, the Owari Mino samurai's attitude towards Hashiba Hideyoshi became more and more repulsive, making her very passive.

Pointing to Sumamata Castle in the distance, Hideyoshi Hashiba said to Masakatsu Hoshiga Suga next to him.

"Haisuzuka-hime, look at the city we built overnight, and now it's so strong and strong."

Sumamata Castle was not built overnight, but this did not prevent Hideyoshi from boasting a few words.

Hachisuga Masakatsu was also happy to hear this. This incident was her proud work and helped her get the reward from Oda Nobunaga and inherit the position of Hachisuka family governor.

"You're welcome, Mr. Yushiba. It's all because of your planning and leading the way that the feat of Sumama One Night Castle was possible. I just did some things within my duty."

Hideyoshi Hashiba said sincerely.

"No, no, Hajime Hazusu is too modest. Without your help, I would never have been able to succeed, and I wouldn't have achieved what I have today."

Haizuka Zhengsheng is humble on the outside, but he is happy in his heart.

Although Hashiba Hideyoshi came from a humble background, he had a very high emotional intelligence and it was quite a pleasure to get along with her.

That is to say, she is spirited enough, flexible and flexible, and can do whatever she wants. This is why she was still alive and kicking without being tortured to death even though the two samurai families of Owari and Mino were generally hostile to her.

A few words made Haesuga Masakatsu smile, and Hashiba Hideyoshi looked at Sumamata Castle in the distance, feeling uneasy in his heart.

She was born as a servant of Oda Nobunaga. She thought of using her breasts to warm her master's shoes and attracted the attention of Oda Nobunaga. It was extremely difficult for her to reach this point today.

She can be regarded as a close confidant of Oda Nobunaga, but unlike Niwa Nagahide and other members of the wild child group, she is too low-level and is despised.

After great difficulty, he joined the Zushimo Kinoshita family and became the village's land attendant, thus gaining the status of a Hime Samurai. He also caught up with Oda Nobunaga's military reforms and was pulled out as a model, passively offending the entire samurai group.

Although she listened to Takenaka Shigeharu's suggestion, she changed her name to Hashiba. One word was taken from Niwa Nagahide, and the other was taken from Shibata Katsuie, expressing her gratitude to these two Oda ministers for their support, which she would never forget.

But in reality, she is still struggling and her life is difficult.

Hachisuka Masakatsu was a force sent to her by Oda Nobunaga. He was born in Haishuka Township, Kaitō County. The Hachisuka family was a wealthy family born and raised in Owari.

As his boss, Hideyoshi Hashiba had to make efforts to make her happy. The difficulties and obstacles behind this are evident.

Takenaka Shigeharu on the side looked at the two people in high spirits, pointed at Sumama Castle to recall the days when they fought side by side, and a glimmer of approval for Hashiba Hideyoshi flashed in his eyes.

The Takenaka family is a wealthy family in Fuwa County, Mino Province. Takenaka Shigeharu was once the lord of Bodhi Mountain Castle and a serious Manseki daimyo.

She and Ando Mamoru conspired to seize Inabayama Castle, but they failed to resist Isshiki Yoshiryu and were abandoned by the Nishimino people.

As a last resort, she defected to Oda Nobunaga, but was sent to work under Hideyoshi Hashiba.

She was still a little aggrieved at first, but she was moved by Hideyoshi Hashiba's sincerity. She gradually got used to her situation and sincerely gave her advice.

Perhaps because of his poor background, Mr. Yushiba's ability to observe people's emotions and be considerate of others is almost instinctive. In the cold interest-based communication between the Wu family, he is simply a warm and refreshing flow.

No matter when and where she is, she can understand other people's difficulties and praise their strengths. Even Shibata Katsuie, who dislikes her, rarely makes things difficult for her. After all, he won't hit the smiling person.

As long as Oda Nobunaga still has use for Hideyoshi Hashiba, even if others want to kill her, they will tolerate it for the time being and will not embarrass her too much in terms of face because of her calm approach to life.

But after all, face is face, and conflict of interest is the root cause. These days of making excuses will not buy future security.

The group of people continued to set off towards Gifu Castle. On the way, Hashiba Hideyoshi finally couldn't help feeling uneasy and respectfully asked Takenaka Shigeharu.

"Hime Takenaka, do you think the palace is planning to take any big measures when it convenes us for deliberation this time?"

Hideyoshi Hashiba has always treated Takenaka Shigeharu with courtesy.

She knew very well in her heart that Masakatsu Hosuga and Shigeharu Takenaka were the double insurance sent to her by Oda Nobunaga to prevent her, a servant from a humble background, from not understanding the rules of the samurai family and being played to death.

But compared to Masakatsu Haesuga, Takenaka Shigeharu held more weight in Hashiba Hideyoshi's heart.

This is not only because Takenaka Shigeharu was of a higher origin and had served as a daimyo. It was also because she was extremely talented and pointed out the future path for Hashiba Hideyoshi.

For more than a year, under the advice of Takenaka Shigeharu, Hideyoshi changed his name to Miao to please the two big bosses Niwa Nagahide and Shibata Katsuie, and he was doing well for the time being.

Especially Niwa Nagahide and Hashiba Hideyoshi were originally from her subordinates. They were considered a branch of her faction and were very tolerant.

Hashiba Hideyoshi followed Takenaka Shigeharu's advice and received her samurai education together with several of his little girls.

Although more than a year was not long, they lived a very fulfilling life. Takenaka Shigeharu taught each other all these martial arts knowledge, including martial arts, military strategy, clerical arithmetic, and arithmetic. The relationship between the two parties became both teachers and friends.

But at this time, Hashiba Hideyoshi, who had been lying dormant for a long time, finally couldn't bear it anymore.

She always felt that with the stability of Owari and Mino and the smooth progress of military reform, Oda Nobunaga gradually no longer needed her.

In other words, Hashiba Hideyoshi was almost useless to Oda Nobunaga.

This realization frightened her, because she knew very well what kind of person her master, Oda Nobunaga, was.

Utility, reality.

To useful people, Oda Nobunaga can be generous and generous beyond common sense. But to useless people, Oda Nobunaga can also be cruel to the point of not caring about the world.

Hashiba Hideyoshi was very afraid that when he lost his use value, he would be abandoned by Oda Nobunaga.

It doesn't take Oda Nobunaga to knock her into the dust, just stop paying attention to her, which is enough for those samurai who are full of malice towards her to find an opportunity to kill her.

Hashiba Hideyoshi's tentative question made Takenaka Shigeharu feel warm in his heart.

For more than a year, because of Takenaka Shigeharu's advice, Hashiba Hideyoshi gave up almost all development opportunities to avoid conflicts with the two samurai families of Owari and Mino.

Whether it was annexing the Saito family's base in Higashi Mino or sending troops to occupy Northern Ise territory, Hideyoshi Hashiba never caught up with a hot meal.

All this was because she implemented Takenaka Shigeharu's strategy of keeping a low profile and biding time, which moved Takenaka Shigeharu very much.

Takenaka Shigeharu sometimes couldn't help but think that if Mamoru Ando could have believed in him so much back then, his mother-in-law and daughter-in-law would not have collapsed without a fight.

It was because of Hashiba Hideyoshi's trust in obeying his words that the displaced Takenaka Shigeharu made up his mind and was willing to accompany this humble Sengoku man to fight for his future.

Takenaka Shigeharu looked at Hideyoshi Hashiba who was a little embarrassed and said with a smile.

“Nature is a great good thing.

The news of the Kyoto Incident and Miyoshi's rebellion and regicide has spread widely.

I think that when the main hall mobilizes troops to convene a major review, it must be that they are confident and want to take action against the recent ones."

Hideyoshi Hashiba said doubtfully.

"How can I see it?"

Takenaka Shigeharu said.

"Think about it, with the temper of the main hall, if it weren't for the God-given opportunities that have appeared recently, how could she easily let go of the samurai families in Kitaise and just surrender and rely on them, and perfunctoryly do so."

Hashiba Hideyoshi thought for a moment and nodded.

"Takenaka-hime is right.

We had every advantage in the Battle of Kitaise. With the character of the main hall, we must eat up the samurai families in those places alive.

This time, he was willing to let them go easily and quickly return to the army to rest, probably because he wanted to stay in the near future.

I just don’t know if you can use me.”

Hashiba Hideyoshi secretly glanced at Takenaka Shigeharu, who wanted to laugh a little when he saw her expectant look.

"Master Yushiba, don't worry, our chance has come."

Hashiba Hideyoshi's eyes lit up and he stared at Takenaka Shigeharu with great joy.

"Hime Takenaka, is it true?"

Takenaka Shigeharu nodded.

"It's true, your opportunity has come."

Seeing her being so sure, Hashiba Hideyoshi felt a little unsure.

"Takenaka-hime, you told me to concentrate on my studies before and not to compete with the powerful martial arts family in my family for benefits. Why has it changed now?"

Takenaka Shigeharu smiled and explained.

"This time, that time.

If the main hall is only called the female in the vicinity of Owari and Mino, we must of course reflect on ourselves and be cautious to prevent being framed by traitors.

But if it was just to use force in the surrounding areas, why did the main hall reform the Ashigaru laws and register the Ashigaru as a clan?

With the size of the two samurai families of Owari and Mino, it is enough to dominate one side, why bother creating another clan to make the retainers feel uncomfortable."

Hideyoshi Hashiba thoughtfully nodded in approval, and Takenaka Shigeharu continued.

"The Oda family's separation of peasants and soldiers and the Ashigaru Laws were not prepared for the surrounding countries. This major military reform is the confidence for the main house to prepare for the spread of military power over the world.

Countries have standing ashigaru, and most of them use two and a half spears. Only the Oda family requires the use of three and a half spears.

Everyone understands the principle that every inch is long and every inch is strong.

But a spear that is too long is difficult to use, requires a lot of effort, and requires a lot of training. Can the Ashigaru have the patience to practice? They just make a living.

Only the ashigaru of the Oda family can be promoted to the ashigaru head by killing enemies, with positions and rewards, similar to the low-level Hime samurai. Only the ashigaru of the Oda family are willing to train hard and kill enemies bravely.

Coupled with the iron cannon workshops built by Nichiren sect believers, cheap iron cannons were mass-produced, equipped with ashigaru, and mixed bow and arrow iron cannons.

The long spear coupled with the bow and iron cannon, the Oda family's standing ashigaru, is enough to cause a lot of trouble for the traditional samurai's tactics."

Hideyoshi Hashiba shook his head and said.

"But an ashigaru is an ashigaru after all, and it still can't beat the Hime Samurai who has been trained since childhood."

Takenaka Shigeharu solemnly said.

"Master Yushiba, you are wrong.

First, with the separation of farmers and soldiers, the combat value of farmers and soldiers was completely discarded, leaving only the auxiliary function of transporting baggage. In this way, the Oda family could get rid of the restrictions of busy farming and slack seasons.

Think about it, if the Oda family repeatedly sends troops to harass the enemy when they are busy farming and doing business. Winter plowing, spring plowing, summer harvest, autumn harvest, and off-season operations, how long can the territory of the ordinary samurai family last?"

This chapter has been completed!
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