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Chapter 1103 Miracles Shine in Guandong

 Oda Nobunaga accepted this suggestion and needed Takenaka Shigeharu to realize this plan, so he gave the order to bring her back for consultation.

Who would have known that Takenaka Shigeharu was unwilling to go back and wanted to stay with Hashiba Hideyoshi to work. This was posing a problem for Oda Nobunaga.

Either give up Takenaka Shigeharu's suggestion. Or, give Hideyoshi Hashiba a chance and use her to complete Takenaka Shigeharu's idea.

Hashiba Hideyoshi secretly glanced at Oda Nobunaga, and his heart trembled when he saw her staring at him without joy or anger. For this moody lord, Hashiba Hideyoshi was afraid to the core.

Looking back at Takenaka Shigeharu, he saw her smiling at him. Hashiba Hideyoshi suddenly felt a surge of courage in his heart, bowed deeply and said.

"Hime Takenaka is extremely talented, and I have benefited a lot from getting along with her for more than a year. I also hope that she can stay by my side and continue to help me!"

Oda Nobunaga twitched the corner of his mouth and made a slight cut. This little monkey usually sees himself like a mouse seeing a cat, but he didn't expect that he would also follow Takenaka Shige's treatment of gallbladder today.

Niwa Nagahide on the side saw that Oda Nobunaga had no intention of getting angry, so he took advantage of every opportunity and offered some help.

"Hideyoshi has indeed made a lot of progress over the past year, which is impressive.

Moreover, she is very motivated, works harder and is more reliable than ordinary martial artists."

Oda Nobunaga turned around and glared at Niwa Nagahide and said.

"How much benefit has this monkey given you? Why do you protect her every time?"

He cursed a lot, but Niwa Nagahide's words moved Oda Nobunaga.

She glanced at Hashiba Hideyoshi, who looked scared but had the courage to face her, and finally couldn't help but laugh.

"Finally you are a little braver, which surprised me a little. I'm tired, you can go down first!"

Hashiba Hideyoshi was a little confused, but after saluting, he withdrew together with Takenaka Shigeharu and Hachisuga Masakatsu.

Oda Nobunaga looked at their leaving figures and asked.

"Mi Wu Niang, do you think Hideyoshi can use it?"

Niwa Nagahide said solemnly.

"Hideyoshi is a person who listens to advice, is willing to make progress, and is cautious. If the Oda family needs someone to stay in Kyoto in the future, I think she is very good.

You know, she once went to Konge to buy iron cannons, compared the price differences between Kyoto and Sakai Port, and had a very in-depth understanding of the local area. She may be the person in the Oda family who is most familiar with Kyoto.

The situation is complicated these days, and you must leave a person of your own who is pure and reliable to keep an eye on it.

I think Hideyoshi is very suitable."

Niwa Nagahide's words made Oda Nobunaga nod his head.

There is no shortage of capable people under her command, but each family has its own small calculations, but it is not as good as Hideyoshi Hashiba, who is from a lower background, has less involvement, is simple and easy to use.

Oda Nobunaga glanced at Niwa Nagahide and snorted.

"I knew I couldn't hear anything bad about her from your mouth. I know, I will consider it."

Niwa smiled wryly.

If you wanted to hear bad things about her, you wouldn't ask me about it, would you? It's obvious that you already had a plan in mind and just used me as a ladder to step down.


Walking out of the castle tower, Hashiba Hideyoshi bowed deeply to Takenaka Shigeharu.

“Thank you very much! Takenakahime!

I am the one who has caused you trouble. Because of me, your good ideas were abandoned by the main hall."

Hachisuka Masakatsu patted his chest beside him and said with lingering fear.

"You two are so brave.

In the past two years, the majesty of the main hall has increased day by day. It has been a long time since I saw anyone dare to talk to her like this.

Especially Takenaka-hime, you dare to refuse the invitation of the main hall in person. My heart almost jumped out of my chest just now, it really scared me to death."

Hideyoshi Hashiba sighed deeply and regretted.

"It's all because of me, making Takenakahime angry with the main hall."

Takenaka Shigeharu smiled and shook his head and said.

"No, on the contrary, the main hall is very happy and she has listened to my suggestion.

Congratulations, Mr. Yu Chai. I helped you get the new opportunity you wanted."

Hashiba Hideyoshi was stunned and asked.

"Really? But the main hall sent us away without saying anything."

Takenaka Shigeharu shook his head and said.

"The authorities are confused.

You have been with the main hall for so long, so you should know her temper best. If she feels offended, can the three of us come out of it unscathed?"

Hashiba Hideyoshi thought about it, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and finally he bowed deeply to Takenaka Shigeharu with gratitude.

"Thank you very much, Takenaka Hime. I will never forget your help to me."

Takenaka Shigeharu also bowed deeply in return.

"Please don't do this, Yushiba-sama.

A scholar dies for his confidant, and I, Takenaka Shigeharu, am truly lucky to have your wholehearted trust."

Hachisuka Masakatsu said while covering his heart and rolling his eyes.

"You two, please stop being polite. Next time you do something like this, could you please inform me in advance so that I won't follow you.

Just as Takenaka-hime said, if the main hall really gets angry, the three of us don't know what will happen.

Help me quickly, I suddenly feel my legs are a little weak."

Hashiba Hideyoshi touched his head in embarrassment and said.

"Actually, I thought it was over just now. Let's go and have a nice drink at Maeda-sama's place tonight to calm Hachisuka-hime's shock."

After greeting Hideyoshi Hashiba and others waiting in the outer courtyard, Hideyoshi excitedly asked the guards and went to find the residence of the Maeda Toshi family.

Behind him, Takenaka Shigeharu looked at her full of fighting spirit and smiled slightly.

This time, I probably didn't choose the wrong person.


There has been a turmoil in recent years, with all parties fighting overtly and covertly. They all regard the Kyoto occupied by the Miyoshi family as a piece of fat and want to take the biggest bite.

Far away in Kanto, with the appearance of the ancestors of Hachimangu Shrine, the entire political situation began to undergo drastic changes.

In the cold winter with heavy snowfall, the scene of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine bathing in the sun could be seen clearly from the area around Kamakura.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, this miracle was like a nuclear bomb exploding, the sound waves swept outward and the aftermath rippled throughout Guanbazhou.

At that time, in addition to the opposing sides of Echigo and Hojo, there were also high-ranking samurai from the Kanto parties who were fishing in troubled waters.

They witnessed with their own eyes the whole process of Hachiman Tai Ni Minamoto Yoshie appearing and awarding Shiba Yoshiyoshi the White Flag. They were deeply shocked.

There are many active volcanoes in the Japanese archipelago, and mountain eruptions, earthquakes, and tsunamis have occurred continuously since ancient times. This geographical norm has developed a unique local national character, which values ​​​​names over real things.

There are no real ancient buildings in this disaster-prone land. What ancient relics can be completely preserved in the face of disasters one after another?

The house can be rebuilt if it collapses, and the three artifacts can be rebuilt if they are lost. Can the royal white flag of Hachiman Tainiang really be preserved for five hundred years without decay? Of course it is impossible.

But this does not hinder the spirit behind this flag, the spirit of the martial arts family that thrives, fights for its own destiny, and seeks rewards from the public.

Hachiman Tai Ni Minamoto no Yoshie fought against the indigenous Mao people in Kanto for twelve years. The emperor's court was unwilling to acknowledge the samurai's bloodshed and sacrifices, and was unwilling to reward the samurai. She came to give it!

From then on, the Bando Hime samurai will always remember the Hachiman Taimu Minamoto no Yoshie family and the direct lineage of the Kawachi Genji family.

It was the bond formed by this reward that made the Bando Hachihei family choose Minamoto Yoritomo when they could not bear to be squeezed by the court headed by Taira Kiyomori, and worked hard to conquer the samurai family's own world.

Nowadays, the eight states of Guan are withered, and the concubines no longer have the ambitions of their ancestors, and are just obsessed with grabbing one-third of an acre of their own land.

But there is no desire in the hearts of Bando Hime warriors. The glory and pride flowing in their blood always remind them of who they are.

The Kanto samurai family were cunning, cunning, and treacherous. But in the face of the miracles of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine and the imperial white flag of the Hachiman Tai Ni Minamoto no Yoshi family, they still retained a sense of sincerity.

After five hundred years of ups and downs in Kanto, I still am still a young girl when I occasionally think about the past.

Hojo Uyasu received an urgent letter from Hojo Genan from Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine and could not believe that it was true.

When the information from the Fuma Ninja arrived and the two reflected each other, she sighed deeply. The sky would never stop the Hojo family, but Yoshigami Shiba had the blessing of his ancestors, so he couldn't defeat him.

The Hojo family came from Japan and have cultivated the Kanto region for three generations. They sincerely hope to be accepted by the Kanto samurai family and integrate into the land of the eight states of Kanto.

No one knows better than Hojo Ujiyasu what these proud and sensitive Kanto warriors are thinking.

After confirming that the miracle of the Gohaku Flag was not a forgery, Hojo Ujiyasu knew that she had lost. She no longer hesitated and rushed to Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine day and night.

A few days later, outside the dance hall.

Hojo Ujiyasu and his daughter Hojo Umasa, together with many important ministers from Hojo Genan and below, bowed their heads in obeisance, offered Uesugi Terutora a sword in congratulations, and expressed their submission to the new Kanto governor.

Since then, Ashikaga Yoshiji and Hojo Ujiyasu formed the new Kanto system under the shogunate, which collapsed. The two Kanto disputes came to an end.


After Uesugi Terutora and Hojo Ujiyasu greeted each other politely, Echigo finally achieved his political goal and reduced the Hojo family to a political disadvantage as a local power.

Having accomplished their goal, the Echigo army no longer hesitated and marched northward, returning to Ueno Country.

Along the way, various samurai families who broke away from the Kwantung Allied Forces and returned without permission sent people to come to the Shiba Yi Ginza to kowtow to the imperial white flag and apologize.

Even the Satomi family in the Boso Peninsula and the Satake family in the Hitachi Kingdom sent cavalry to protect the Gohaku Banner and the Godaisho's return to the north.

Narita Choyasu, the culprit who led to the disbandment of the Kwantung Allied Forces, personally came to the Echigo army formation to plead guilty. With Yoshigan Shiba's appeasement, Uesugi Teruhora forgave her fault.

For a time, all eyes in Kanto were focused on Shiba Yiyin and the royal white flag behind him. The atmosphere was as warm as a celebration.

After entering Ueno Country, all the military forces left one after another and went back to rest. Yoshigan Shiba and Terutora Uesugi returned to Numata Castle, the dispatch point of the Echigo army.


Sibo Yiyin looked at the waning moon in the sky and let out a long breath. Under the low temperature of winter, the steam was steaming like an illusion and like mist.

At this time, he was at Mitsumine Mountain not far to the north of Numata Castle, meeting with Uesugi Teruhora to soak in the wild hot springs here.

Japan has many volcanoes and hot springs everywhere.

In this barren island country, the upper class has no room for luxury. It is just an extra piece of radish and dried fish in the rice bowl, or drinking tea powder soup and water to look like a cultural person.

And in the boring winter, the only thing left to enjoy is soaking in hot springs.

Yiyin sighed again. Rather than soaking in hot springs, he missed the hot pot in his previous life more. It was the magic weapon to survive the winter.

It's a pity that in this island country where supplies are scarce, where can the mutton and beef slices be prepared? Not to mention all the condiments and side dishes. Just thinking about it makes your mouth water and makes you feel uncomfortable. It's better not to think about it.

Ever since she promised Terutora Uesugi last year to go to the hot springs with her when she had free time. From then on, she became particularly interested in taking Yoshigan to the hot springs whenever she had free time.

This time the Echigo army moved south, and the Kanto strategy finally came to an end. Although the result was not perfect, it was acceptable.

The two of them returned to Numata Castle, and as soon as they could put their minds down, Uesugi Teruhora dragged Yoshigan to a nearby hot spring.

Yiyin was actually not happy.

The Echigo army moved south to occupy the Numata Territory, almost openly swallowing up the Numata family's territory. Although it was already Echigo's territory, it was not as safe as Echigo's homeland.

Who knows if there will be some extreme retainers in Numata's family?

The Japanese samurai family is mentally ill. Sometimes they are too timid to save their family property, but sometimes they are brave enough to sacrifice themselves, commit suicide, commit seppuku, whatever happens.

Yiyin really didn't dare to bet that these nervous Wu family members were sober. Even if they went out of the city to take a bath, they would have countless flags and banners, and they would not be clean.

But he had no choice but to be stalked by Uesugi Teruhu, and it was inconvenient for him to refuse too bluntly. In the end, he followed him to the wild hot springs in Sanfeng Mountain and fulfilled Uesugi Teruhu's wish.

The area around the hot springs had been carefully searched more than a dozen times by Hatamoto, and the inside and outside were wrapped with white cloth to protect them from the wind. The mountain hut was tidied up and he was invited to stay temporarily.

He walked slowly from the hut to the hot spring. Along the way, the hatamas looked at him with strange eyes, solemn and longing.

Yiyin sighed secretly, the power of this royal white flag was far more powerful than he thought, and even made him a little scared.

Although he knew that the Kanto warrior family values ​​tradition, what happened to him after he got the Imperial White Flag still made him a little confused.

Hojo Ujiyasu immediately knelt down and refused to resist, looking like an honest and courteous person waiting to be dealt with.

Narita Choyasu offended Uesugi Teruhora to such an extent that he dared to come to the army, bear a thorn on his back to plead guilty, and cried bitterly in front of Yoshigan, begging for forgiveness.

The Satomi family and Satake family, who were unable to reach the other side, dared to send people to protect him and protect the imperial white flag as it returned north. They were afraid that if they were a step too late for others, they would be embarrassed for themselves.

But the more they do this, the greater the pressure on Yiyin.

The huge reversal of the situation in Kanto is beyond Yoshigan's imagination. The admiration of these Kanto warriors comes from the heart.

Yiyin accepted their respect and was put on a high pedestal. This time, he really couldn't get off the stage. Either he would stay high forever, or he would fall to pieces.

He regretted a little as to why he wanted to covet that meaningful white flag.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight. Behind this royal white flag is the melancholy and falling status of the Kanto warrior family that has been lost for two hundred years.

Since the decline of the Kamakura shogunate and the re-establishment of the Ashikaga shogunate, the center of the samurai world has moved from Kamakura to Kyoto.

The Kanto samurai family, which had once dominated the emperor, suddenly became country folk, and Kamakura fell into a small fishing village.

How could the proud Samurai Bando Hime bear this huge gap?

This chapter has been completed!
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