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Chapter 1111 The big crisis emerges

Minister Se really thought that she was going to be trapped in an isolated city and just waste her time and grow old. In despair, her resentment towards Shiba Yiyin became deeper and deeper.

This time Sano leads the battle, Irobe Katsunaga has no other requests, he just implores Yoshigan Shiba to release Izuka Minoru.

Shiba Yiyin gave her this face, and it was finally possible for Sebuzuma to escape from the place called the city, which was actually a prison.

She was full of gratitude, looked back at the coloring department Katsunaga, and said.

"My mother has also lost a lot of weight."

Irobe Katsunaga patted her on the shoulder and without saying anything else, a group of people walked into the city until they entered the residence hall.

In the inner room, mother and daughter were sitting separately.

After a long silence, Irobe Katsunaga said.

"You can come back this time because of the favor of His Highness Uesugi and the Imperial Palace.

Although you can no longer go to the Guandong Palace to serve in public service, at least you have retained your status as an imperial official so that you can go home with dignity."

Speaking of Shiba Yiyin, Minister Se showed resentment, she kowtowed to the ground and said.

"I was able to come back only because my mother fought bravely and opened a way for me to survive."

Seeing that his daughter's tone was wrong, Irobe Katsunaga looked at her sternly and warned.

"You were fooling around with Honjo Shige and Shinbada Shigejia and committed a heinous crime. I think you are young and have suffered again this time, so I don't want to be punished further.

But you have to remember this lesson and be more cautious in doing things in the future. Especially to the imperial office, you must know how to be grateful, you know?"

Irobe Katsunaga worked very hard, but Irobe Minoru's daughter was hard to understand.

She was trapped in Haijin City for more than a year, and it was difficult to find even a few people to talk to. This painful torture and the bleak future made her heart full of resentment, and her eyes were covered with resentment.

She sneered.

"Knowing how to be grateful? The grace of the emperor?

The mistake made by Shinbada Shigeke's battlefield orders, and Honjo Shigenaga adding more mistakes to cover up his own mistakes, what does that have to do with me?

It wasn’t me who commanded the Yutai people to leave the battlefield, and it wasn’t me who made excuses and delayed the fight afterwards. Why should I be punished in Haijin City?

The Shinbada Shige family was killed before being sentenced, and died in an unknown manner. Shima Shengmu killed someone during a military meeting, why was he not punished?

As the leader of the Yutai people, Honjo Shigenaga made such a big mistake and was able to escape disaster, and now he is prospering.

Is this fair? What about the impartiality and strictness of the imperial court?

I have been in Hokushin for more than a year, and I have heard many rumors. On that day, the Odaisho was captured by the Takeda family, and Takeda Harunobu and a group of warriors gave him to him... hahaha...

I heard that Takeda Harunobu adopted a daughter, and counting the days, maybe..."

Irobe Katsunaga never expected that his daughter's resentment towards Shiba Yoshigan would be so deep, and the offense in his words made people shudder.

she said angrily.

"Shut up! Shut up, you rebellious girl!"

Irobe Katsunaga turned pale with shock and trembled all over.

What about Yoshigina Shiba being fucked, Harunobu Takeda borrowing his seed to give birth to a daughter, and Minoru Irobe’s mouth trying to kill Irobe’s whole family?

After the Xinfatian Rebellion, the entire Yangbei clan was disintegrated. Those from the Kaosugi family and those from the Kanto shrine went their separate ways, and their cohesion completely disappeared.

In the past two years, Shiba Yoshigan's prestige has been rising as he has been conquering the east and west. He also encountered a miracle at Kamakura Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine. The Hachiman Tai Ni Minamoto Yoshiie personally gave the imperial white flag, and he was revered as a deity by the Guan Hachishu samurai family.

Irobu Minoru just came back, and she knows nothing about the current situation in Kanto. Just these words she said are enough for her to die a hundred times, and she will be buried with the entire Irobu family.

Irobe Katsunaga glanced at Irobe Minoru who was in a daze after being scolded by her, gritted his teeth, made a decision, and shouted.

"Someone is coming!"

The sliding door opened, and several Irobe clan warriors walked in and bowed to the family governor.

Sebu Shengchang's face turned livid, and he pointed at Sebu Shengshou.

"Send the young master back to learn more about Vietnam. We will set off immediately and travel day and night without stopping."

Minister Se was really confused. As soon as she entered the city, she was driven back to Pinglin City, her home city in the north of Hawai'i, by her mother without even having a sip of water.

It's freezing cold and it's not an easy task to cross the Echigo Mountains, not to mention the hard work of traveling day and night.


Irobe Katsunaga was so angry that he pointed at her and cursed.

"Don't talk! When you go back, you will shut yourself up and think about your mistakes. No one will let you out without my order!"

Minister Shiro Minoru had just been released from the cage in Hokushin Kaijin Castle, and was about to be thrown into the Hirabayashi Castle in Haetsu by his mother's own hands for further confinement. His face turned red.

Irobe Katsuki sighed, and finally said to his daughter seriously.

"Changshi, you are full of resentment now and have completely lost your mind. After you go back, think about it carefully, read more about the information at home, and learn more about the current situation.

There are some people you can't afford to offend, and there are some things you should keep your mouth shut about. Don't let your whole family die just because of you."

After saying that, Irobe Katsunaga gave up the last trace of his passion for licking the calf, looked serious, and ordered to Samurai Hime.

"Why are you still standing there? Take the young master back quickly!"

The Ji warriors cheered and bowed in front of the color minister. The color minister was so ashamed and angry that he finally looked at his mother, lowered his head and walked out.

Irobe Katsunaga looked at his daughter's retreating figure, feeling exhausted both physically and mentally.

She fought hard with Sano Leader and finally cleared her daughter of her sins, but she was unable to clear her daughter's resentment.

My daughter heard some terrible news from some unknown source in Beishin. If even a few words spread to Terutora Uesugi's ears, who knows how much trouble it would cause.

She secretly made up her mind that if her daughter still couldn't figure it out, she would have to find another heir. The Irobe family could not be destroyed at the hands of Irobu Minoru.


To the north of Sano Castle, Karazawayama Castle dominates the sky.

Sano Masatsuna looked down at the Sano Castle that was faintly visible at the foot of the mountain, and his retainer Onodera Keizuna stood by him respectfully.

Reluctantly looking at him again, Sano Masatsuna turned around and asked about Onodera Keetsuna.

"Hojo Yasunobu, what did you say?"

Onodera Keizuna bowed.

"His Majesty Hojo expressed his sincere apologies for the Hojo army's entry into the Sano Territory, which caused the loss of life in the Sano Territory.

She is also concerned about your current situation. When it comes to your ability to leave the Kwantung Allied Forces and return, will you be criticized by His Highness Uesugi? Do you need her to come forward and give you a fair word? "

Sano Masatsuna continued to sneer, Hojo Yasushi is really not a thing.

Her daughter Hojo Ushimasa's army marched into the Sano territory and almost forced the Sano family to death. Unfortunately, she was a loser with no ability. She was beaten to pieces by Uesugi Teruhora and Shiba Yoshigan, and her elite was completely wiped out.

Sano Masatsuna's territory is now in a mess, and Sano Castle was taken away by Terutora Uesugi. He really lost his husband and lost his army.

She had resentment in her heart, but when the Kwantung Allied Forces collapsed, she was encouraged by Hojo Genan, and she regained her abilities in a flash.

I originally thought that Uesugi Terutora was going to be unlucky because Echigo's army was lying across Sagami Country, and he was in a dilemma.

Who would have known that thanks to the miracle of Tsuruoka Hachimangu Shrine, Shiba Yoshigan was given a royal white flag by the Hachiman Queen. Hojo Ujiyasu, the grandson of Hojo Ujiyasu, actually kowtowed with a look on his face, and passed the test so well!

The chief culprit who led to the disbandment of the Kwantung Allied Forces, Narita Chotasu, was so frightened that he went to Shiba Yoshigan to plead guilty. Sano Masatsuna was also so troubled that he was not a human being inside and outside, and he was in panic at home all day long.

Sano Castle is at the foot of Mount Karazawa, and Teru Uesugi can't take care of her now. What if Uesugi Teruo gets a firm foothold in Kanpachi and settles the score with him later?

Even if Terutora Uesugi didn't look for her, Sano Masatsuna's heart would bleed when he thought that Sano Castle had fallen into the hands of outsiders and his family's annual income would be reduced.

At this moment, a letter from Hojo Ujiyasu came, pretending to be concerned about Sano Masatsuna's current situation?

How? How about your dad!

Sano Masatsuna looked back at Onodera Keizuna and asked.

"What do you think?"

Onodera Keizuna whispered.

"Everything must leave a way out. Who knows which of the eight states will be ruled by His Highness in the future?

Your Highness Hojo greets you warmly, and we cannot ignore her kindness. If Your Highness Uesugi turns against you in the future, we will also need His Highness Hojo's help."

Sano Masatsuna nodded silently.

This statement is not unusual. She is not the only one who thinks so. Who among the Kanhachishu samurai family sandwiched between Uesugi and Hojo has this idea?

Whichever Uesugi-Hojo family goes too far, everyone will lean towards the other family. If they want to fight, they can fight, and they can't let other families lose their interests.

Sano Masatsuna said.

"What about the imperial office?"

"The imperial office is about to go to Luo. Who knows when it will be next time? It's a tough year right now, so how can we care about such long-term matters?"

Sano Masatsuna touched his chin and looked in the direction of Sano Castle.

"I'm a little reluctant. After all, it's my Sano Castle."

Onodera Keizuna glanced around, took a step closer, and said.

"Your Highness, who can say clearly about the future? The days ahead are long."

Sano Masatsuna took a deep look at her and nodded.

"You're right, I'm too impatient, and there's only so much time to come. Irobe Katsunaga, huh...

Write a reply to Hojo Ujiyasu and say that I appreciate her concern. I don't care about the misunderstanding between the two families, and I ask her not to take it to heart anymore."


Takeda Harunobu raped Shiba Yoshigan, and Takeda Harunobu had an adopted daughter. Although this news was deeply concealed by the Takeda family, there is no airtight wall in the world.

As time goes by and people's minds become uncertain, the biggest crisis of Echigo's duopoly is slowly approaching Yoshibank.

Irobe Katsunaga's decisiveness temporarily blocked the danger. But in this precarious and troubled world, how long can she guarantee that she can survive?

Hate is a deeper and more lasting existence than love. With resentment towards Shiba Yiyin, Irocho shrank back and licked his scars.

Yoshigan Shiba in Numata Castle didn't know this. He didn't even know that he already had a lovely daughter.

At this time, he had just returned from the Sanfeng Mountain Hot Spring. He was reviewing military merits after the war and coordinating various internal and external forces.


In the early morning, Yiyin woke up from his dream, and the first ray of sunlight reflected outside the door.

He was in a good mood. Naomasa Ii, who was serving at his side, noticed his gaze and opened the door to reveal the warm winter sun.

With the careful attention of everyone, Yiyin finished washing up, put on new clothes, and sat on the porch to enjoy the sunshine.

Naomasa Ii personally brought a wooden case with a bowl of multigrain porridge and two pickled radish slices on it.

Yiyin glanced at it and suddenly felt a little bad.

Although he has been in this world for eighteen years, he still misses his past life every time he eats.

After gathering his mood, Yoshiyin picked up the bowls and chopsticks to drink porridge. The villager of the Hamo clan approached from a distance and saw his master having a meal. He quietly stopped and waited aside.

Yiyin glanced at her from the corner of his eyes, smiled and waved to her.

"Come here, have you had breakfast?"

The Japanese samurai family were obviously not used to Yi Gin's Celestial-style greetings. Kamao clan was stunned for a moment, then he went forward and kowtowed to the ground.

"The Imperial Palace is well, thank you for your concern."

Seeing her seriousness, Yiyin felt a little bored. The longing for his past life had just been aroused, and he was drowned in the complicated etiquette of the kings and ministers of the Wu family.

He sighed, cheered up and asked.

"Is there a problem?"

Pusheng clan replied respectfully.

"Naoe Keizuna-sama, Okuma Tohide-sama, as well as the Uesugi monks and the concubines from the Kanto service office have all arrived. They are waiting for the two masters in the council hall."

Yiyin nodded.

War means burning money and food. At the end of the war, the most important thing is to figure out how much food was spent and how much capital is left.

The military supplies of Echigo's duopoly were more complicated, involving Uesugi Hoshigyou of Uesugi Teruhora, Yoshihiro Saba's Hoshizou, and Naoejin Sekisho, which cooperated with both parties.

The Echigo Mountains are closed by heavy snow in winter, and only a few valley trails are passable.

The Echigo army stopped at Numata Territory to rest for the winter, and only the leaders of the two families in charge of logistics and supplies from Naoetsu came to report.

Yiyin swallowed the dates wholeheartedly, took a few mouthfuls of the tasteless porridge, and threw two pieces of pickled radish into his mouth to soak in the taste.

Then he stretched out an arm and said to Kamaojigo.

"Hel me up."


Hamo Shigo knelt down and helped Yoshiyin to stand up. Yoshiyin leaned on her side, sniffed her neck, and kissed her on the cheek.

"Today is also a fragrant hometown."

Kamojigo's expression froze, his neck turned a lovely pink color, and he squeaked, not daring to speak.

Yiyin laughed, very shamelessly.

Ever since the good show at the hot spring cabin, Yoshigami didn't bother to act like a chaste saint in front of the Kamao clan, and was addicted to teasing him every day.

Kamo Shigo accepted everything, neither retorted nor accepted it. She loved and feared Yoshiyin's affectionate display in front of her.

Love, the master's intimate attitude. Fear, always feel that because of this, I will have fantasies that I shouldn't have.

The Lord is a man in heaven, how can an ordinary woman like me blaspheme him?

In the midst of the tangle in Kamao clan, Yoshiyin had already stood up and patted the wrinkled corners of his clothes.

In the distance, Ii Naomasa saw Yoshiyin finishing his meal, and ordered the sisters around him to pack up the sundries and protect the lord on his trip.

Seeing Ii Naomasa approaching with several concubines, Yoshihiro's face once again returned to his unblinking and majestic demeanor.

He still has principles, he is slutty when he should be slutty, and he is more serious than anyone else when he shouldn't be slutty.

Seeing him transform back into the daily and holy Odaisho, the villagers of Kamao clan felt as if they were in a dream. In their minds, they suddenly remembered a rumor they heard in Kyoto.

The Lord is the reincarnation of Tamamo Mae, a vixen with a charming smile and a thousand faces that move people's hearts.

She shook her head violently, cursing how could she treat her master like this. When she looked up again, she found that Yiyin had already walked away, and hurriedly followed her.

This chapter has been completed!
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