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Chapter 1113 Kanto Restoration Plan

Steel plate armor was not suitable for Japan's combat environment, and it could not be used or maintained. In the Battle of Sano, Hojo Ujimasa had his head turned upside down and fought a war of annihilation in the most suitable place.

But after this battle, Yiyin was not prepared to waste the money and food expenditures on repairing and maintaining the plate armor, so it might as well just melt it away.

The plate armor that cost 50,000 to 60,000 guan to build may only be worth 15,000 guan when melted into steel ingots.

Yi Gin's heart was bleeding, but he had no better way. He could only curse Takada Haruno secretly that he didn't know how expensive firewood and rice were, and he would definitely settle the accounts with her when he returned to the nearest city.

Japan has many volcanoes and rich mineral deposits on the surface. Pig iron is not uncommon, and a bucket of it costs three hundred coins.

But this batch of steel is much more valuable than pig iron. Adding a strip of steel to the cut on farm tools and knives and guns makes them very durable.

In the poor Guandong, many farmers still use wooden plows to cultivate their land. They have no money to buy iron tools, let alone steel-clad ones.

With steel and food, the new understanding of Kanhachishu was quickly stabilized, and it was also possible to win over local samurai who were close to Echigo.

Yoshigan thought his idea was very good, but Teru Uesugi couldn't understand it even more and asked.

"Is it worth giving these huge benefits to the new leaders of Guan Bazhou and those outsiders?"

Yiyin said solemnly.

"Of course it's worth it.

Not only do we need to use steel and grain to win them over, we also need to sell Naoejin products here and give them some discounts and sweeteners.

If they are willing to form their own caravan, they can be given preferential tariff policies at the Naojiangjin market.

We must do everything possible to bring the new territories of Guanbazhou to our samurai family and integrate them into the economic circle of Hokurikudo and Naoetsu.

The reason why the Hokuriku Road trade route can prosper this year is because the three Tokaido Imagawa Takeda and Tokugawa families went to war, completely interrupting the Tokaido trade route.

But now, the Imagawa family has lost its territory, and the Takeda family and the Tokugawa family share the Tokaido. What if they join forces to reopen the trade route?

At the beginning, Sunfu Castle in Suruga Province was the hub of the Tokaido trade route. Hojo Ujiyasu conquered Kanto, and a large amount of military supplies were purchased from there.

I was in a hurry to go back this time because I was worried that the Hokuriku Road trade route would be interrupted due to the recent chaos.

No matter what, we must maintain the advantages of the Hokuriku Road trade route and ensure the special status of Naoetsu market and connecting Kanto and Kansai.

Guaranteeing the new collars of the Eight Prefectures and the integration of the Eight Prefectures Wu family into the Zhijiangjin economic circle is something we must manage carefully."

After Yoshigan finished speaking, the followers of the two families nodded in agreement, and even Uesugi Teruhora, who was somewhat opposed to it, agreed with Yoshigan's idea.

Because the benefits of the Hokuriku Road trade route are too great. In just two years, this trade route has already brought in millions of Kansai goods.

From customs duties, market resale, and trade caravans, the Echigo samurai family entered various parts of the Kanto region through the commercial line of Naoetsu. Profits increased several times, benefiting everyone from top to bottom.

The number of goods going from Kanto to Kansai is also gradually increasing. Caravans from various countries in Kanto have begun to recognize Naoetsu's market position, and more and more merchants are choosing to go to Konka via the Hokuriku Road.

The entire Echigo samurai group has taken too much from the cornucopia of Naoetsu, and their mouths are full of oil. Who is willing to give up? Uesugi Terutora himself is one of the biggest beneficiaries.

Hokuriku Expressway Naoetsu, Tokaido Sunpu Castle, this is a battle for logistics hubs in Kanto and Kansai. Once the dominance of Naoetsu is established, the good days of Echigo are still to come.

How much profit the Imagawa family made from using Sunpu Castle in the past will be followed by the Echigo Group in the future, only a lot more.

Utilizing steel and grain to help the new collars of Kanhachishu recover their vitality, and attracting samurai families from the Kanbaju region to the economic circle of the Naejiangjin market, this is the Kanbaju revitalization plan of Shiba Yiyin.

A hundred years of war in Kanto destroyed everything, and everything here is in ruins. As long as the Echigo Group has the patience to repair water conservancy, cultivate fields, open up trade routes, and win over people, the Kanto strategy will definitely succeed.

Uesugi Teruhora's eyes flickered, and she had a strategy of her own in her heart. After Yoshigan returned to the near future, she would rely on her own strength to attack Sekihachishu and prove her ability.

Before returning home, the Bank of Japan put forward a series of internal political management plans to promote tax rebates for the public and private sectors, water conservancy construction, aid to the eight states, and the development of commercial lines.

These practices are contrary to her ideas. Fighting a war requires a lot of money, and it also costs money to engage in domestic affairs like this.

The money and food were used by Yiyin. Where did Uesugi Teruhu get the money and food from and started the war again.

But she couldn't object at this time.

First, Naoetsu's benefits were too great. Even if he was as tyrannical as Terutora Uesugi, it would be difficult to suppress the will of the entire Echigo samurai family to seek wealth.

Secondly, Uesugi Teruhora wanted to hide it from Yoshihiro Shiba. If Yoshihiro Shiba found out the clues, there would be a hundred ways to force her to give up her strategy of going alone.

After much deliberation, Terutora Uesugi chose to remain silent.

With Teruhora Uesugi's acquiescence, Yi Bank's plan was recognized by the two investors.

The Guanbazhou territory acquired in the first stage of the Kanto strategy and the Guanbazhou warrior family that surrendered need time to be digested.

During the period when Yoshigan is away, he uses his plan to revive the eight states of Kanchi to compete with the Hojo family's benevolent government system of four citizens and six citizens. The two sides will enter a period of cold confrontation beyond the battlefield.


Yoshihiro Shiba and Teruhora Uesugi, together with the two executors, discussed it for a day and almost sorted out the clues. Next, the specific work will be carried out by the executors.

At the end of the song, everyone dispersed, and the devotees bowed and retreated. Yiyin rubbed the corners of his eyes in exhaustion on the main seat.

There were only two masters left in the room. Teruhora Uesugi looked at Yoshigan Shiba with pity, but did not get up and leave.

Yiyin asked when he saw that she was deliberately creating time for the two of them to be alone.

"Your Highness Uesugi is dissatisfied with my policy measures just now."

Teru Uesugi shook his head.

Of course she has her own plans, but she won't tell Yoshigan. When Yoshigan leaves Kanto, she will naturally take action. Who else can stop her?

I stayed here because I had something to discuss with Yiyin.

Terutora Uesugi said.

"Mr. Kenshin, when going south this time, the Echigo army maintained strict military discipline and did not commit any harm to the local area.

Both Maori Jingguang and Ozo Changan have meritorious service. I wonder if we should consider giving generous rewards."

Yoshigan looked at Terutora Uesugi in surprise. She actually wanted to give Mouri Kehiro a heavy reward. The sun was really rising in the west.

When Mori Kagehiro's mother, Hojo Takahiro, participated in the rebellion, she was hacked to death in front of the other girls by Yoshigan Shiba, who was in charge of countering the rebellion.

Mouri Kehiro hated Shiba Yoshigan so much that he secretly acted in the battle of Kawanakajima and almost killed Yoshigan.

Uesugi Terutora knew all about this and wanted to kill Mouri Kagehiro. However, because she was the leader of the Kashiwazaki clan, she temporarily suppressed her murderous intention in order to unite the Echigo samurai family.

This time when Echigo went south, Shiba Yiyin bought grain to supply military supplies. He also issued strict orders not to allow the Echigo army to harass and plunder the place.

The supervisor of the Uesugi family is Mouri Kagehiro, and the supervisor of the Kanto Palace is Ozo Choan. This is the reason why Uesugi Teruhora said that he would reward both of them heavily.

Yoshihiro originally thought that Terutora Uesugi asked Mouri Kehiro to supervise military discipline to exclude her from the field force and not give her the opportunity to make great contributions.

Unexpectedly, Terutora Uesugi would use strict military discipline to reward her for her merits, which is puzzling.

Yoshigami glanced at Terutora Uesugi suspiciously and said.

"Dazang Changan is easy to say, I am determined to reuse her and strengthen the system construction of the Kanto Palace.

Where is Maori Jinghiro? How are you going to reward her?"

Terutora Uesugi grinned, his white teeth reflecting like a ferocious beast.

"I'm going to give her the seat of Umbashi Castle, what do you think?"

Yoshigan was even more surprised, what is Teruo Uesugi doing?

The location of Ubashi Castle is so important. It is the water transportation hub of the Tone River in Ueno, and it is also the central boundary between the east, west, north and south of Ueno.

After the Sano leaders joined forces to control Amabashi Castle, Echigo's army went south and directly forced the Nagano family governor of Amabashi Castle, Nagano Kentada, who was close to the Hojo family, to commit hara-kiri.

Although the Umabashi people bowed their heads, their strength was not damaged too much. If the Echigo side wants to defend this place, they need a loyal general who is both wise and brave.

Mouri Kagehiro is not bad at all, but Uesugi Terutora has always wanted to kill her, but there is no suitable excuse. What does it mean to send her to Amabashi Castle to be the castle representative?

Uesugi Teruhu saw Yoshigina's strange expression, smiled, and said.

"Although Amabashi Castle is important, the hidden danger of Mouri Kagehiro worries me even more. She dared to frame you in the battle of Kawanakajima, which is a recipe for death.

It's just that because of the Kashiwazaki people, it's not convenient for me to take action directly. First, transfer her out of Echigo and put her in a more important position, so that the Kashiwazaki people can talk more easily.

After that, it will be easier to deal with her."

Yoshigan understood what Terutora Uesugi was thinking.

The terrain of Echigo Province is composed of the Takata Plain of Upper Etsu and the Echigo Plain of Middle Lower Etsu, with the Kashiwazaki Plain stuck between these two great plains.

Yoshigan Shiba suppressed the rebellion and hacked Hojo Takahiro to death, forcing the famous family of Kashiwazaki Plains, the Echigo Hojo family to change the name of Miao to Mori.

Because the Uesugi family opposed her pursuit of Shiba Yoshigan, Uesugi Teruhora violently killed Usami Sadamitsu and Nagao Masakei.

The Usami family was also a famous family in the Kashiwazaki Plain. They were exiled from the country by Uesugi Teruhora's family and ended up miserable.

In two years, two leaders of the Kashiwazaki clan have died. If Terutora Uesugi randomly finds a reason to kill Mouri Kehiro, a new generation leader, what will the Kashiwazaki clan think?

Although the Kashiwazaki Plain is small, it cannot be bullied to death. Killing all the representatives of the interests of the local samurai family will force them to rebel.

That's why Terutora Uesugi came up with this method of rising up and falling secretly. First, transfer Kagehiro Mouri out of the Kashiwazaki Plain circle, and then find an excuse to kill her.

Of course, Yiyin doesn't like having a poisonous snake around him. Who knows if it bites him again one day, it would be best to kill him.

He won't always be as lucky as in the Kawanakajima battle, where he will be able to come back safely after suffering a round of grass in vain.

However, Uesugi Teruhiro placed Mouri Kagehiro in the crucial town of Amabashi Castle, and Yoshibank was still a little worried.

he said.

"I understand that His Highness Uesugi wants to bring out Mouri Kagehiro's mood.

Is it a bit risky just to put her in Mangqiao City?"

Uesugi Teruhu shook his head and said.

"Moori Kehiro has a problem with you and me. This is something that the entire Echigo Group is very aware of. If there is no suitable place to place it, this dispatch order will not be able to convince the public.

I considered placing her in Mangqiao City, and I thought carefully about it.

To the north of the Amabashi area are the headquarter Shirai and Nagao, and to the west are the Minawa clan of Nagano Yamasa, all of whom are close allies.

The Dahu Territory to the east and the Wave Territory to the south are the new territories we obtained this time, so naturally they are guarded by confidants.

Maori Jinghiro is surrounded, and the people at Mangqiao are not soft persimmons, and will not let her control them. Even if she wants to struggle, she has no ability to cause trouble."

Yiyin thought about it carefully and nodded.

The situation in Kanto will become more stable in the future. As long as there is no war, Maori Jing is like a frog boiled in warm water in Mangqiao City, and she will not be able to survive.

Yoshigan didn't know that Terutora Uesugi was planning to start another war after he left, and he didn't know what the desperate Mouri Kagehiro would dare to do.

At this time, he just nodded and approved Uesugi Teruhu's arrangement that he thought was a good idea.


The next day, Shiba Yoshigan will hold another review at the castle tower. This time the participants are all the samurai families of the Kanto Palace.

As for the other residence in Numata Castle, Terutora Uesugi also had to hold a review and give the information to the Uesugi retainers group first.

The military merit review will be held soon. Before the formal review, everyone's military merit awards must be arranged properly.

Both Shiba Uesugi and Shiba Uesugi held internal reviews respectively. In fact, the purpose was to let everyone know what problems they had and solve them in advance.

If you drag it to the big review and make a fuss, no one will look good. The big review just goes through the motions, bows, salutes, and applauds, showing that both parties are sincerely cooperating and united as one.

Before this internal review at the Kanto Imperial Palace, Sanada Nobushige brought Obata Nobusada to an audience with the Imperial Palace in the side room.

Yiyin looked at the pretty young woman Ji Samurai in front of him, saluted him in awe, and said politely.

"Obata-hime, what is in the past is in the past. But you have to learn a lesson and you cannot repeat the same mistakes in life."

Xiaoban Xinzhen bowed his head respectfully and said.

"I sincerely follow the teachings of the emperor."

Yoshigan Shiba's words set the tone for the banishment of Obata Nobusada, who was punished for being close to the Hojo family before.

From now on, no one can embarrass her about this matter, otherwise it will slap Yiyin Sibo in the face.

Sanada Nobushige said jokingly from the side.

"Odai is kind and Lord Kobata is reborn.

It is truly a blessing for the martial arts family to be able to have the kindness of the Imperial Palace in Kantō and to be able to uphold justice by the attendants of Guantō."

When Obata Nobusada saw Sanada Nobushige starting to flatter him, he was not willing to be the second one, and he also kept spouting nice words from his mouth.

Yoshigan felt upset after hearing this. Sanada Nobunaga grew up too fast.

A year ago, he was a wild monkey wandering in the mountains. Watching Shiba Yoshigami being frightened by what Takeda Harunobu did, the little girl cowered in fear in the corner of the mourning hall.

Now, the five poisons are all present.

Yoshigan frowned and glanced at Sanada Nobunshige. He had just received the news that Sanada Nobunshige had killed Yukiyo Yukiyo's family.

The eldest daughter of Yukiyo Yuki is the eighth daughter-in-law of Nagano Yasumasa. This wild monkey had just vowed not to provoke, and he would hack his wife to death as soon as he turned around.

Yiyin glared at her and cursed.

"You're such a troublesome thing, why did you promise me a few days ago? I said you weren't allowed to flirt with Nagano Yamasa, why did you kill Yukitsu Yuki?

You act recklessly! Believe it or not, I took away your reward and sent you back to the mountains to be a monkey!"

This chapter has been completed!
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