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Chapter 1177 The plan is all in vain

 Hatakeyama Takamasa burst into tears and spoke with great affection, expressing his memory and loyalty to the general.

This made it inconvenient for Yiyin to forcefully kick her away, so he had to endure a cold sweat and patiently comforted her.

"Hatakeyama-hime, don't get too excited. Get up first and say what you have to say."

Seeing that Yoshigan was so moved (?) by his acting skills, Hatakeyama Takamasa was proud of himself, and then retreated sadly while wiping tears.

She kowtowed to the ground and choked with sobs.

"I wish I could kill the traitor with my own hands and avenge the Lord Gongfang."

Yiyin shook his head, holding back the tears and snot on the hem of his clothes, which were all wet. He didn't understand where this woman got so much water.

he sighed.

"Hatakeyama-hime, that is to say, you still have a conscience, unlike some people... Oh, I am really disappointed."

Hatakeyama Takamasa said solemnly.

"I don't dare to take the imperial court's approval, this is what I should do.

As a samurai of the shogunate, I should be loyal to the general. As a member of the local powerful faction of the shogunate, I should share your worries."

Yiyin nodded.

Regardless of whether it is sincere or not, Hatakeyama Takamasa is really generous. Her words are no longer a sign of loyalty, they are simply playing the role of a loyal dog.

Not mentioning one's own merits and hard work in a single sentence, but speaking of loyalty and heartache, only talking about the kindness of Ashikaga Yoshiteru and Shiba Yoshigan, not mentioning one's own losses, this is the level of speaking.

Combined with what Nizi Katsuhisa said, Yoshigan already understood that Hatakeyama Takamasa was leaning towards the Shiba family in all aspects, and her position was very firm.

Compared to Hosokawa Mibuchi and his family, who still had some capital to bargain, Hatakeyama Takamasa was empty-handed and had no money, only his loyalty could be sold.

He looked at Hatakeyama Takamasa with a sad face.

It must be admitted that the prodigal girl in front of me has finally matured after experiencing the ups and downs of her family's downfall. She has superb acting skills and is willing to do things. She is indeed a good dog that Yiyin needs.

Takamasa Hatakeyama performed perfectly, kowtowed to the ground, closed his eyes and waited for the final verdict.

She had tried her best to achieve everything she could do. Her dignity was gone, her family fortune was lost, and she was just waiting for Sibo Yiyin's answer.

After a while, Yiyin sighed and said.

"Hatakeyama-hime, I am touched by your loyalty.

The shogunate needs courtiers like you, and local powerful factions also need understanding people like you.

Yu Zuo Xinjiao initially blamed you for his mother's murder, but because of insufficient evidence, the shogunate was unable to clear your name. The general and I both feel guilty for you.

These past two years have been hard on you.

Fortunately, the clouds have cleared and the moon is bright, and now the ugly true face of You Zuoxin's religion has been completely exposed in front of the world. It can no longer be concealed, and it is time to clear up the source."

Hatakeyama Takamasa was shocked and couldn't help but shed tears, real tears this time. She endured the humiliation, gave up everything, and finally won the bet.

The fact that the general understands her difficulties and that the emperor feels sorry for her are all just words. Hatakeyama Takamasa knows in his heart that Yoshihiro Shiba's change of attitude towards him is entirely due to political needs.

If it weren't for the estrangement between the Hosokawa and Mibuchi families, Shiba Yoshigan would not have looked down upon the declining Hatakeyama clan.

Hatakeyama was so wise that he kowtowed to the ground and cried.

"Hatakeyama Gaozheng is grateful for the kindness given by Odai, and is willing to work hard for Odai."

After she finished speaking, Yiyin looked pleased and nodded.

"You Zuo is a religious believer with no king or mother, and his crimes are heinous. He has occupied the land of Nanhei for two years. Good and evil will eventually be rewarded, and she is in doom this time.

The land of Minamihanoi is the hereditary territory of the Hatakeyama clan. After the Yusa Shinji religion was wiped out, the local area still needs Hatakeyama Princess to work hard to protect the peace."

Hatakeyama Takamasa bowed and said.

"I will not let you down."

The two of them had a tacit agreement to avoid the North Hanoi area and did not talk about it.

Although the Hosokawa Mibuchi family were disobedient, they were part of the powerful local faction in the shogunate after all. They also tried their best to attack Yusa Nobuchi this time and made up for their mistakes.

Although the land of North Kawachi is also the traditional territory of the Hatakeyama clan, Hatakeyama Takamasa did not dare to expect to take it back.

She knew in her heart that Shiba Yoshigan wanted to balance the local powerful factions and use herself to check and balance the Hosokawa Mibuchi family.

But it is unrealistic to expect Yoshigan to completely abandon the Hosokawa Mibuchi family. He is just barking like a vicious dog in front of the stage, doing evil words and deeds that are inconvenient for Yoshigan to come forward.

To be a dog, you need to have the consciousness to be a dog. The best thing for Takamasa Hatakeyama to do now is to follow Yoshigan Shiba's will and be a good dog.

As for other thoughts, put them aside for now. The days are long and there will always be opportunities.

Yoshigan felt even more satisfied when he saw that she knew what she was interested in and did not go overboard in the slightest. Hatakeyama Takamasa could use him.

While the two were pretending to be in love and scheming with the Hosokawa Mibuchi family, there was a rapid knock on the door outside.

Yiyin was stunned and called someone to come in.

Kamo's hometown looked serious and opened the door, and Yi Gin asked.

"What happened?"

Kamao clan glanced at Hatakeyama Takamasa, Yoshigan shook his head and said it was okay.

"At the Imperial Office, Master Toshiie Maeda sent an urgent military message from Minami Omi. The Oda family has arrived in Luo."


Yiyin stood up suddenly. He was even a little dizzy because he stood up too fast. He asked loudly.

"Why did Oda Nobunaga suddenly go to Luo? Didn't he agree that after the spring plowing, all parties would join forces to take over the Miyoshi family in one fell swoop?

Miyoshi's military strength is not weak. If the Oda family goes to Luo with all their strength, the losses will inevitably increase, and the wise will not take it.

Why did Oda Nobunaga suddenly change his mind? What happened to Minami Omi?"

Hatakeyama Takamasa looked at Shiba Yoshigan, whose expression changed drastically, and lowered his head silently, complaining secretly. He seemed to have arrived at the wrong time, so he happened to encounter such an accident.

Yiyin couldn't care about her at this time, his eyes were fixed on the Hamo clan, waiting for her answer.

Pu Sheng's hometown presented a letter with both hands and said.

"The messengers rushed all night long and fainted from exhaustion as soon as the message was delivered. The specific situation is in the letter, and I dare not touch it without permission."

Yiyin snatched the letter and read it at a glance.

It can be seen that Maeda Toshiie was also caught off guard. She wrote the letter in a hurry and her handwriting was sloppy. But she had a clear mind and wrote down the whole story clearly.

After reading it, Yiyin narrowed his eyes and said nothing.

Maeda Yoshida is a big boss of the military in recent weeks, and the matter of going to Luo is related to her vital interests, so she couldn't help but ask.

"Otaisuo, what does Li Jiaji's letter say?"

Yiyin sighed.

"Matsuhisa Nagahide betrayed the Miyoshi family. Oda Nobunaga used the opportunity as an excuse to forcefully launch an army to attack Luo. The troops of Maeda Toshiie and Todo Toraka were asked to stay in the southern Omi area.

Maeda Toshiie couldn't find any reason to object, so he could only notify me in a hurry so that I could be prepared.

In the past few days since the messenger was on the road, Oda's army should have crossed Seta, entered Otsu, and joined forces with Ashikaga Yoshiaki's troops in Sakamoto Castle.

Oda Nobunaga... Ashikaga Yoshiaki... I'm just one move away, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up."

Maeda said anxiously.

"Otaisuo, then I will mobilize the army immediately and we will go north quickly."

Yiyin shook his head and said.

"It was too late. Matsunagahide cut off the connection with Yodo Castle, and the Miyoshi army stationed at Fushimi Castle was left alone.

With the army alone, lacking supplies, and surrounded by the territory of the Yamashiro country's shogunate who hated them, Fushimi Castle could not be defended.

It's too late for us to mobilize now, it's too late."

Yiyin was in a state of confusion, this was completely different from the battle of Shangluo he had imagined.

The Miyoshi family, which originally had the strength to fight, completely lost the ability to fight back due to Matsunagahide's betrayal.

Oda Nobunaga single-handedly reaped the success of Shanluo, and led Ashikaga Yoshiaki to regain Kyoto.

On the Yiyin side, the Kawachi Crusade Army first attacked Minami Kawauchi Yusa Shinji, causing the Hosokawa Mibuchi family to miss out on the military exploits of Shangluo.

Even if Yoshigan speeded up his mobilization and was able to catch the last sip of soup, Hosokawa Mibuchi and his family couldn't catch up.

When the shogunate was re-established, the local powerful factions missed the opportunity to fight. They would inevitably lose a lot of points in the ranking of the shogunate's power after the war.

The Hosokawa Mibuchi family will definitely resent Yoshigan Shiba, and conflicts will intensify within the powerful local factions in the shogunate.

Yiyin couldn't help but sigh, one wave after another, there were so many threads, he really didn't know which one to take care of first.

Seeing that he was in trouble, Hatakeyama Takamasa said cautiously.

"Otaisuo, why don't you postpone the crusade against Yuzuo Xinjiao?"

Yiyin glanced at her and saw that her face was sincere and did not seem to be hypocritical. She did know how to behave, but it was a pity that Yiyin could not do this.

The Hanoi Expeditionary Army was formed at the request of Yin Yin, and now he has changed his tactics, which damages his prestige.

Moreover, the Hosokawa Mibuchi family had made mistakes, and they had to make amends by attacking Yusa Nobuchi before they could participate in the battle of Kamiro.

This is a rule set by Yiyin himself. He cannot slap himself. Otherwise, who will take his words seriously in the future?

Therefore, knowing that the Hosokawa Mibuchi family would be resentful, Yoshigan could only grit his teeth and not let go, letting them miss the battle of Shangluo.

Yiyin said.

"Hatakeyama-hime, the crusade against Yusa's religious beliefs is not about your personal gain or loss. It is about the majesty of the shogunate and cannot be changed."

Hatakeyama Takamasa nodded respectfully, feeling extremely happy in his heart.

She was considering Yiyin from the perspective of a loyal dog before making the suggestion. In fact, she was the one who hated Yuzuo for being religious the most in the entire recent Wu family, and wished that all of Yuzuo's family would die soon.

Yoshihiro looked at Maeda Benefit again and said.

"Mobilize, no matter whether we can catch up or not, we will try our best.

Complete mobilization as soon as possible and go to Luo to join the battle. Let's see if the defenders of Fushimi Castle can hold on until we arrive.

In addition, envoys were sent to inform all parties that the battle of Shangluo has begun, so let them join the battle as soon as possible."

Yiyin said that he would inform all parties, but in his heart he had no hope.

I knew the news several days late. Others waited for me to send envoys to contact them, and if they mobilized in a hurry, they would definitely not be able to catch up.

This time the Battle of Kamiro will be the result of Oda Nobunaga alone. But because she was a solitary eater, she offended all the neighboring samurai who might have a share of the Battle of Kamiro.

Whether this is a blessing or a curse is yet to be determined.

Yoshigan squinted his eyes and looked in the direction of Kyoto. With the defeat of the Miyoshi family, all parties in the Shangluo coalition had lost their common goals and interests.

After the shogunate was established again, he had no idea how to unite vertical and horizontal lines.


Maeda Toshiie hurriedly went to mobilize the Konkishiba leaders, but Hatakeyama Takamasa did not dare to stay. He hurriedly left and returned to Hanoi Kingdom, saying that he was going to do his part for the Hanoi Crusade Army.

Yiyin looked depressed and went back to the inner room to rest. He lay half-ly on the pillow and closed his eyes to rest, but his mind was buzzing.

His plans for the Battle of Sangluo and the arrangements for the shogunate after the war were all in vain because of Matsunagahide's decisiveness.

While Yoshigan was depressed, the elegant fake smile of Mitsuhide Akechi appeared in his mind. He couldn't help but wonder, if Mitsuhide Akechi was here, would he have considered Matsunagahide's rebellion against the Miyoshi family?

Yoshigan shook his head violently to drive away Akechi Mitsuhide from his mind. That scheming fox must not be used, otherwise there will be endless trouble!

Suddenly, a pair of plain hands touched Yi Gin's temples, his fingers as delicate as catkins. He opened his eyes and saw Takada Yukino's worried expression.

"Yukino, I'm fine."

Yukino didn't say anything, just silently put Yoshigami's head on his lap and pressed his head.

Yiyin's nervous mood gradually eased with the movements of Yukino's fingers.

He could feel that although Yukino's fingers were slender, there were rough calluses between the palms of the tiger's mouth. Thinking of Yukino's several births and deaths, and being on the bed for a long time, he felt sorry for her.

"You have worked hard in the past two years. In the future, you must protect yourself and stop doing risky things.

The doctor said that your body is riddled with holes, and your sword skills that exceed the limits of the human body can no longer be used.

If you use it again, you may really die next time."

Yukino was silent for a while and said.

"I promised General that I would protect you."

Yiyin smiled.

"I am an imperial minister, and my status is extremely noble. Is there anyone in the world who can hurt me?"

Yukino looked at his sword, Mikazuki Munechika, and said.

"The general also said that she is the most noble person in the world."

Yi Gin's smile froze for a moment, looking at Yukino's worried eyes, he sighed.

"I'm not her, I'm not that frivolous."

Thinking of the tragic death of Ashikaga Yoshiki, and thinking of his own predicament at this time, Yoshigami began to feel tight in his chest again.

With the completion of Shangluo, his position as the Imperial Palace will be handed over sooner or later.

Without the tiger skin of Ashikaga Yoshiki, after the shogunate was re-established, Yoshigan could only fight for his orthodox status on his own, and no one could help him.

Oda Nobunaga pulled Ashikaga Yoshiaki up to Luo, which made Yoshigan feel uneasy.

Previously, in order to show his sincerity, he handed over the Ashikaga Horsemen to Ashikaga Yoshiaki. He also supported Ashikaga Yoshiaki on various occasions and wanted to help her ascend to the position of Ashikaga Shogun.

But the prerequisite for all this effort is that Yoshigan is sure that he can successfully go to Luo and become the leader of the re-establishment of the shogunate.

Now that the credit for the Battle of Kamiro was taken away by Oda Nobunaga, she was the one who made the first contribution to Ashikaga Yoshiaki's Kamikachi.

Thinking of the face of Ashikaga Yoshiaki that resembles Ashikaga Yoshiteru, this Ashikaga twin girl who was supported by Ashikaga Yoshiteru's former ministers, will her thoughts change due to the changes in the Battle of Kamiro?

Even if she doesn't want to change, will Wada Weimasa, Hitoshi Yoshimasa, and Yagyu Muneyan change?

They supported Ashikaga Yoshiaki without telling Yoshigan, knowing that they had offended Yoshigan. Now that the situation has changed, will they follow the trend and pull Ashikaga Yoshiaki to the opposite side of Yoshigan?

Yoshigan sighed, and Oda Nobunaga went to Luo, making the future chaotic and unclear, completely deviating from the route set by Yoshigan.

Big trouble.

This chapter has been completed!
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