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Chapter 1219 Oda's Invitation

 In the past few days when Yukino Takada went to Sakai Port to seek reinforcements, Kyoto was not at peace either.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki of Nijo Imperial Palace, faced with Yoshigan Shiba's tough attitude, was happy instead of angry.

Yukino Takada ran away from the Shiba family and could have put aside her relationship with the Shiba family. However, Yoshihiro Shiba even strongly claimed that Yukino Takada was not guilty. It turns out that he is a man who is too affectionate and not suitable for politics.

After the death of their heir, the Matsuda family rushed to the front line and acted out in grief and indignation in front of the new general Ashikaga Yoshiaki.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki threw away several good positions in the shogunate for this drama, the Matsuda family received the benefits and were filled with satisfaction and sorrow. Ise Sadakyu took the opportunity to provoke the shogunate to feel sad.

The security team of the shogunate who had killed their colleague shared the same hatred. Not only did they ignore the rumors in the castle town, but many Hime samurai even joined in and added fuel to the flames.

Shiba Yiyin looked at each other coldly in the mansion, waiting for the shogunate's further actions, just to see if these women dared to fight with him. Who knows, after waiting for a few days, he only waited for more condemnation.

In the face of the rhetoric from the samurai of the shogunate and the increasingly fierce rumors in the castle town, Yoshigan always remained calm.

He was also curious about what new tricks Ashikaga Yoshiaki and Ise Sadakyu, two cowards who didn't dare to fight head-on and only pretended to be men, could come up with.

The Shiba mansion is always on guard. If something goes wrong, the people of the same mind will protect Yoshiyin and rush out of Kyoto and return to the nearby Shiba territory.

But now it seems that the worst possibility of a quarrel between the two sides no longer exists, and these weaklings in the shogunate have no courage to start a war with Yoshihiro Shiba.

No one can be killed by spitting, and the shogunate does not dare to use swords. Yoshihiro is even more confident. The trick of dying without a cure as pointed out by thousands of women is of no use to me.

Just as the two sides were in a stalemate, a letter from Oda Nobunaga inviting Yoshigan Shiba to meet at Tofukuji Temple was sent to Shiba's residence, causing panic in Ashikaga Yoshiaki.

Why did Oda Nobunaga, who kept a low profile at Tofukuji Temple, come forward at this time? What on earth is she going to do?

If Shiba Oda joins forces, the consequences will be disastrous.


Around Tofukuji Temple, Yoshigan revisited his old place. Back then, he also lived here for a period of time.

He didn't know why Oda Nobunaga invited him to Tofuku Temple on the cusp of such a storm.

At this moment, countless pairs of eyes from the shogunate were staring at his meeting with Oda Nobunaga.

Yiyin chuckled, feeling chilled.

In the past few days, he had become more and more frustrated. His enthusiasm was completely dampened by the selfishness of the shogunate.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki is a wolf with white eyes, and she can fall out of favor faster than turning the pages of a book. I really don’t know what she has been reading at Kofukuji Temple over the years, and she doesn’t care about etiquette, justice, and integrity.

Thinking of her face that resembled Ashikaga Yoshiteru, Yoshigage inevitably felt depressed. Ashikaga Yoshiteru had a deep love for her, but her sister was a bastard who didn't know what to do.

Now that the confrontation between Shiba Ashikaga is a foregone conclusion, Oda Nobunaga will probably die laughing.

The more Yoshigan thought about it, the angrier he became. He whipped his horse hard and raised its speed. The people protecting him on the left and right hurriedly followed up and arrived at the Tofuku Temple Jingshe area.

The nuns at Tofukuji Temple had long been driven away by the domineering Oda Hime samurai, and what greeted them outside the door was a tall woman covered in black.

Yoshigan dismounted and walked a few steps, and the Kamo clan behind him quickly followed. Ii Naomasa even stepped forward and blocked Yoshigan's side, looking at the black woman in front of him in fear.

Glancing at this black woman wearing Ji Samurai costume, Yiyin was also a little surprised.

This island country in Northeast Asia is thousands of miles apart from Africa, so when did foreign visitors come to them?

After taking a closer look, she was quite beautiful. Although her complexion was dark, her facial features were three-dimensional and delicate, she was tall, her limbs were slender, and her height was only a hair shorter than Yiyin.

At this time, Yiyin's height has been getting closer and closer to the 183 cm in his previous life, exceeding 175 cm. Among the Ji warriors who are generally 160 cm tall, he is becoming more and more majestic.

Not to mention that men in this world rarely exceed 150 centimeters in height, making him look like an ordinary person.

The black warrior princess in front of him was tall and heroic. No wonder Ii Naomasa felt nervous and subconsciously stepped forward to protect him.

Yiyin held her shoulders and said.


Naomasa Ii stared at the black warrior Hime and frowned.

"Odaisho, Oda-dono, what does this mean?

Where did she find this tall weirdo, and he came to greet you with his skin blackened, which is really rude."

Yiyin laughed dumbly and said.

"This man looks like this and has the same skin color. He is a black man from the distant African continent."

Ii Naomasa couldn't believe it and glanced at the black warrior Hime several times, and finally nodded reluctantly, accepting what his master said.

Seeing her cautious and dubious look, Yiyin couldn't help but want to laugh again.

He stepped forward and walked up to the black warrior Ji. The black warrior Ji bowed respectfully and said.

"Hello, I'm Yasuke, please follow me."

Yoshigami nodded slightly, followed Yasuke inside, and asked.

"Why didn't His Highness Oda come out to greet me?"

With his current status, when he was invited to Tofukuji Temple, Oda Nobunaga should come to greet him in person. The current scene is a bit rude.

Yasuke looked back at Yoshigan who was speaking, and repeated.

"Hello, I'm Yasuke, please follow me."

Seeing the confusion in her eyes, Yiyin understood a little bit and smiled without saying a word.

As he walked in, his fellow soldiers blocked part of the passage along the way. The Oda Hime samurai did not dare to stop him, but bowed respectfully and stood aside.

Walking to a quiet room, behind Yoshigan there were only a few people with the same intention, such as Kamou Clango, Ii Naomasa and others.

He saw Oda Nobunaga kneeling in the quiet room and said to the ladies behind him.

"You guys are waiting here."


After saying that, he followed Yasuke into the quiet room.

The indoor wall did not have the common Buddhist sayings and calligraphy in Buddhist temples. Instead, there was a map hanging on it. Yiyin glanced at it and saw that it turned out to be a map of the world.

Although the production is rough and lacks geographical geography, Yiyin can be sure that this is indeed a world map.

Oda Nobunaga smiled and saluted Yoshibank, and then said hurriedly.

"Mr. Qianxin, my warrior Ji looks a little weird, does it not scare you?"

Yiyin resisted the urge to roll his eyes and complained secretly. Didn't you just want to scare me when you sent her out to greet me?

Facing Oda Nobunaga, who was happy that he had succeeded, Yoshigine had a prank thought in his heart.

He pretended to be nonchalant and said.

"He's just a black man. What's so surprising? Doesn't His Highness Oda know about black people?"


Oda Nobunaga looked surprised, but she immediately coughed to cover it up, wondering in her mind, could it be that I am really ignorant?

Seeing her embarrassment, Yiyin snickered inwardly and said with a serious face.

"In the Kingdom of Heaven, there were Kunlun slaves during the Tang Dynasty. The Ming Dynasty made seven voyages to the West, and the furthest they sailed was Africa, the hometown of black people.

Oh, Your Majesty Oda may not have read these historical materials."

Yoshigan's expression said, "You don't study, you are uneducated, I can understand it," which made Oda Nobunaga instantly itchy with hatred.

She wanted to scare Yiyin with a black man who had never appeared in the island country, but she was silenced by his few words.

The samurai education focuses on studying the art of war, mathematics, writing, etc., and focuses on practicality. There are indeed few etiquette and historical materials. Oda Nobunaga was immediately intimidated by Yoshigami.

It was rare for Yiyin to see her in embarrassment, so he felt relieved and stabbed her again.

"If I'm not wrong, His Majesty Oda, a black samurai warrior, can't speak Japanese, right?

It would be unseemly for His Highness Oda to welcome guests from such uncivilized foreign lands."

Oda Nobunaga's face turned red when Yoshigan said it, and he shouted at Yasuke.

"Get out! Get out!"

Yasuke looked at Oda Nobunaga with a confused face and said.

"Hello, I'm Yasuke, please follow me."

Oda Nobunaga's face instantly turned as red as a pig's liver. She originally wanted to show off the black man she had just acquired to see Yoshigan's reaction. She didn't want to backfire and lose face and lose her fortune.

Seeing the strange smile on Yoshiyoshi's face, Oda Nobunaga finally couldn't help but curse.

"Get out!"

While she was speaking, she was anxious to point her finger outside to prevent Yasuke, who didn't understand, from saying that sentence again, which was the only Japanese she could speak.

Yasuke finally came to his senses and bowed to the two His Highnesses before retreating.

Seeing Oda Nobunaga's embarrassment and anger, Yoshigan couldn't help but laugh.

Oda Nobunaga was so unhappy that he looked at him and burst into laughter. In the end, he couldn't help but laugh too. The two of them laughed for a while and gradually became silent.

After a long silence, Shiba Yiyin asked.

"His Majesty Oda invited me here today. Why?"

There was no one else in the quiet room, so Oda Nobunaga personally filled a cup of tea for Shiba Yoshigan and presented it to him.

She was also confused in her heart.

According to her original idea, she should sit on the mountain and watch the fight between the tigers and wait for Yoshigan Shiba and Yoshiaki Ashikaga to completely break up before making arrangements.

But the rumors outside were getting louder and louder day by day, and Oda Nobunaga didn't know how Yoshigan Shiba could bear it.

The only thing she could do was to strictly prohibit the Oda family's Hime Samurai from participating in it, and then watch helplessly as Yoshigan Shiba was humiliated in obscene remarks.

Oda Nobunaga has never felt this way before. What is this? Is it reluctance?

Yes, reluctant to give up.

She couldn't bear to see Yoshigan Shiba being humiliated by those bastards, so she irrationally issued this invitation that shocked Yoshiaki Ashikaga and walked on stage early.

Oda Nobunaga offered tea, and Shiba Yoshigami nodded slightly in thanks.

Pointing to the world map on the wall, Oda Nobunaga said.

"Mr. Qianxin, do you know where this map is?"

Yoshigan Shiba didn't know the tangled emotions in Oda Nobunaga's heart. He just thought that this world map was just like the black Hime Samurai, and it was another show off by Oda Nobunaga.

He took a sip of tea and said slowly.

"Appreciate further details."

Oda Nobunaga said.

"A few days ago, several Nanman people asked to see me.

Their leader gave me a black man and a knight from Spain, well, they call them knights there."

Yoshigan already knew from Suzuki Shigehide that Oda Nobunaga was involved with the Nanman Cult, but unfortunately he was stabbed in the back by Ashikaga Yoshiaki before he could take advantage of this.

At this time, hearing Oda Nobunaga take the initiative to mention the matter of the Nanman people, Yoshigan's heart skipped a beat.


The world trendsetters in the sixteenth century were not Britain and the United States in the future, but Portugal and Spain on the Liberian Peninsula.

In particular, the Spanish created modern tactical formations, improved gun and artillery tactics, and were at the forefront of military level in this era.

Yiyin didn't care about the black man just now, but he was very interested in this Spanish knight.

he asked pretending to be casual.

"I saw the black man, where is the Spanish knight? Aren't you going to show it off?"

Oda Nobunaga chuckled, Shiba Yoshigan really understood his character.

She didn't know that Yiyin knew much more about the world than she did, so she said without thinking too much.

"She has already served me as an official, and she has also taken a Japanese name, Shanke Shengcheng.

She is not here now, but she is helping me train the iron cannon ashigaru in the army. In her hometown, she has great experience in the use of spears and iron cannons in teams."

Yoshihiro's heart sank when he heard this, what the hell Spanish phalanx soldiers! It's outrageous that there are black people in the island country. Oda Nobunaga still wants to train the Spanish phalanx that has transcended the era of hot and cold weapons?

Seeing Yoshigan's face, Oda Nobunaga thought she was mentioning her relationship with the army. She smiled, pointed to the world map on the wall, and said.

"I was just talking about this map.

Did you know? This is a map of the world, which is everything on the ground beneath our feet. The world is round, and our island country is here.

You haven't thought about it, haven't you? In the whole world, island countries are so small."

Oda Nobunaga's emotions became excited, and Yoshiyin looked at her coldly and continued.

"For thousands of years, we have lived on this small island with frequent volcanoes and barren land. To this day, warriors are still fighting over this useless island.

What a waste! What a pity! With our population and our martial spirit, we can definitely conquer North Korea and land on the mainland!

The vast world is outside, why do we fight with each other? Why don’t we join hands and speak to the outside world in unison?”

Oda Nobunaga's eyes ignited with blazing wildfire and he said to Yoshigan.

"As long as you and I join forces, we will soon be able to unify the sixty-six countries.

Help me, Lord Qianxin. I will be your most reliable ally, and we can conquer the world. If you are with me, the world will be ours."

Oda Nobunaga stretched out his hand, palm upward, and placed it in front of Yi Gin, making an inviting gesture. Her eyes were full of sincerity and desire.

Only she is worthy of the handsome young man in front of her. For the first time, she honestly faces her inner love and is willing to fall in love with this man and share everything.

Yoshigan looked at Oda Nobunaga's hand, which was slender, fair, and moist. In his previous life, this was a beautiful hand that could have been used as a hand model and shot in advertisements.

But at this time, Yiyin could smell the strong smell of blood from his hands, which lingered.

He couldn't help but laugh, leaning forward and backward with laughter, completely ignoring Oda Nobunaga's increasingly ugly expression.

Oda Nobunaga didn't expect that the first time he ignored his reason, left the show early, and issued a sincere invitation of love, he would actually make Yoshigami smile like this disrespectful person without regard for dignity.

She has not been cared for by her parents since she was a child, has a surly temperament, has a strong self-esteem, and loves face. At this time, she was laughed at by the people she admired, and she couldn't stand it.

Oda Nobunaga said with a cold face.

"Is there anything funny? Mr. Qianxin."

Shiba Yoshigan looked at Oda Nobunaga seriously and said.

"Your Majesty Oda, do you know the story about sitting in a well and looking at the sky?"

The corners of Oda Nobunaga's eyes twitched, and he grinned with white teeth, showing his fierce look.

"Mr. Qianxin, do you want to say that I am a frog in the well?"

Yiyin stared at her angry eyes and said.


Following Yiyin's loud reply, the atmosphere between the two suddenly froze.

This chapter has been completed!
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