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Chapter 1236 Slap Warning

 Ise Sadaki said hesitantly.

"Mother, the general has begun to neglect you. Will she approve your proposal and convene the council again?"

Ise Sadakyu sneered.

"The general wants to cut off contact with me, but she needs more money from the government treasury!

Takada Yukino and Mibu Lang carried out some kind of Tenshu in Kyoto, causing people to panic. The business in the castle town was withered, and commercial taxes were greatly reduced.

If the shogun wants money and food to restore the operation of the shogunate and stabilize the Ashikama community, he must convene a council to prevent the panic from continuing to spread."

Ise Sadakyo looked back at his daughter and said solemnly.

"This is the only chance for the Ise family, and I will use this opportunity to completely break up the two sides in Ashikaga.

Only in this way can we have a chance of survival! The Ise family has no way out, and I have no other choice!"

Ise Sadaki looked at his haggard mother and nodded silently.

Ise Sakyo asked.

"Are Odate Ueno and the others dead?"

Ise Sadako's face was solemn and he was silent. Ise Sadako looked at his daughter coldly and repeated.

"Answer me, are they dead?"

Ise Sadaki sighed.

"Taikou is so cunning. She probably guessed that I would silence them. After the ambush, she threw away my spy and disappeared.

I'm trying to find a way to contact the hidden ones among them and find their new hiding place."

Ise Sadaoka slapped his daughter hard on the face and cursed.

"If you fail to succeed, you will fail! Do you think everyone else is a fool? Just stay where you are and wait for you to kill!"

Go find them immediately! We must deal with them as soon as possible! We must not let them confess the Ise family! Do you hear me? Go quickly!"

Ise Sadaki bowed and left in embarrassment. Ise Sadakyo looked at his daughter's back and felt like he couldn't breathe.

But for the sake of the Ise family, she must hold on!


Sibo Mansion, in the courtyard.

Yoshigan sat on the tatami, watching Haruno go about his business. The room where the three of them had fun yesterday became the place where Yukino lay sick.

Seeing Yang Nao working hard as if to atone for his sins, Yi Gin finally couldn't stand it anymore. He stepped forward and held Yang Nao's wrist and said.

"That's enough! You need to rest! If you continue like this, you will die of exhaustion!"

For the first time, Yangno ignored Yoshigan's order and tried to break free from his wrist. But she was not a warrior. Although Yoshigan was not very strong, he was still more than enough to suppress her.

Unable to break away, Yangno looked at the unconscious Yukino next to her and cried.

"Let me go! Please let me do something more for her! She has been unconscious and can't even drink rice soup. If this continues, she will starve to death!

Please let me do something more for her, please, please let me do something more for her!

I didn’t dare to rest, sleep, or even close my eyes. I was so afraid that when I opened my eyes, she would be gone!”

Yang Nai collapsed on the tatami, sobbing. Yiyin's face was ashen and speechless.

At this moment, footsteps were heard from outside, and Kamao Clan appeared outside the sliding door, bowing in salute.

Yiyin looked back at her with a sullen look on his face.

"I told you not to disturb me unless you have nothing to do. Let me be quiet for a while."

Pu Sheng's hometown bowed his head respectfully and said in a low voice.

"The Grand Imperial Palace and Nijo Imperial Palace have held an emergency review. Please be sure to participate."

Yiyin sneered and asked.

"Review what?"

Kamaojigo hesitated for a moment, subconsciously looked at Yukino who was in a coma, and answered cautiously.

"Concerning the issue of assassinations becoming common in castle towns, the townspeople are frightened, and the shogunate's collection of commercial taxes is damaged."

Yiyin burst into laughter, and the hatred in his laughter was so strong that it made Hamo clan's heart tremble.

She kowtowed deeply and sweat broke out on her forehead.

Yiyin let go of Yangno and didn't say anything. He just touched her hair with pity and walked out.


Nijo Imperial Palace, meeting hall.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki was so anxious that he sat on the main seat and knocked on the desk.

"What did the people sent to Shiba's mansion say? Did the Odaisho come or not?"

Wada Weimasa bowed and said.

"It is said that the Grand Imperial Council will attend the review."

Ashikaga Yoshiaki was dissatisfied and pointed at the high-ranking samurai in the meeting hall and said.

"Since it's coming, why can't it take so long? Everyone is waiting. How long have they been waiting?"

Just as Wada Weimasa was about to say something, the sliding door of the conference hall was opened, and Shiba Yiyin appeared outside the door.

All the Hime warriors except Ashikaga Yoshiaki kowtowed to the ground and saluted.

"The Grand Imperial Tower is safe."

Yoshigami walked towards the throne with a gloomy face. Ashikaga Yoshiaki looked a little frightened by his appearance, but he still managed to put on the majestic posture of a general and said.

"Odaisho, you are finally here."

Yiyin ignored her at all, stepped up to the throne, and slapped her firmly on the face.

There was a crisp snap, which stunned Ashikaga Yoshiaki and made the entire meeting hall commotion.

Wada Weimasa looked in disbelief and shouted.

"Odaisho! What are you doing!"

Yiyin turned back and pointed at her and shouted.

"Shut up! Everyone, please be quiet!"

Wada Weimasa was shocked by his momentum and was stunned on the spot. The entire meeting hall became suffocatingly quiet, and you could hear a needle drop.

Yoshigage looked back at Ashikaga Yoshiaki who looked disbelieving, and said slowly.

"It was I who gave you the golden sword seal. It was I who raised you to the position of general.

I never expected you to be grateful in return, but I really didn't expect you to be so ungrateful.

This slap is to remind you that my tolerance for you has reached its limit."

Yiyin raised his right hand and pinched a gap between his thumb and index finger.

"I still have a little bit of sanity left, and with just a little more stimulation, I will make you regret it for the rest of your life.

Don't take any chances. In my eyes, you are just a waste with no moral integrity.

I, Shiba Yiyin, came to Luo when I was fifteen years old. From the destruction of my family to the great prosperity of my family, what kind of scene have I not seen? Defeated Rokkaku, fought against Sanhao, entered Guandong, and gone through countless bloody battles before I can reach where I am today!

Next time, if there is another provocation, remember to bring a knife and a gun. I will not tolerate it anymore, and the problems between you and me will be completely resolved with iron and blood!"

Ashikaga Yoshiaki's face turned pale and his body was trembling. Under Yoshigami's fierce gaze, she felt unprecedented fear.

Looking at Ashikaga Yoshiaki's horrified expression with disdain, Yoshigan sighed at this face that looked exactly like Ashikaga Yoshiteru.

"They are obviously twin sisters and have the same face. How could you be so stupid? Why is there such a big gap between people?"

After Yiyin vented his anger, he felt empty and boring. He turned around and scanned the whole place, and his eyes came into view with expressions of different expressions.

Hosokawa Motonsune, Hosokawa Fujitaka, Ninagawa Makoyo, Hatakeyama Takamasa, Wada Weimasa, Hitoshi Yoshimasa, Ise Sadakyo... all the people were waiting with bated breath, not daring to say anything to provoke the furious Yoshigoshi.

Yiyin suddenly burst into laughter and burst into tears. He wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and said disdainfully.

"Ashikaga world, the elite of the shogunate, ha."

Yoshigan stepped down from the throne and walked out step by step. When he passed by Ise Sadakyu, he stepped hard on her left shoulder and knocked her over.

Ise Sadakyo was old and frail. He was kicked so hard that he couldn't breathe back. He looked at Yoshigan with malicious eyes.

Yiyin pointed at her and said calmly.

"It's best that the attack on Yukino has nothing to do with you.

If I find out that you are causing trouble, you will kill your whole family. I will not let go of any of the dogs that are used to guard your house."

After saying that, he held his head high and walked out. He didn't want to stay here any longer. It was so disgusting.

The whole place was silent, everyone was frightened by Yiyin's sudden outburst.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki sat on the main seat, her face turning green and red. Her majesty as an Ashikaga general was completely shattered by this slap.

What made her even more resentful was that she couldn't muster the courage to resist just now, so she just watched Sibo Yiyin float away.

How could she continue to be the Ashikaga General after being so embarrassed!


While Shiba Yoshigan was furious at the Nijo Imperial Palace, the Mibuwolves gained their legitimate base in Kyoto.

In the courtyard, the Mibu wolves were laughing and singing loudly. Suddenly, the sliding door of the room opened wide, and Isamu Kondo rushed out.

She was so angry that she used her scabbard to knock the swordsmen in the courtyard to the ground one by one, and roared angrily.

"BaGeYaLu! You bastards!

Takada Yukino-sama's life and death are uncertain, and the murderer who murdered him is still at large! You can actually laugh!

Our leader suffered, don’t you have any sense of sorrow, anger or shame? Give me an extra practice of swinging your sword 500 times! You won’t be allowed to eat until you finish practicing!”

Seeing Isamu Kondo's anger, the swordsmen didn't dare to act arrogantly anymore. They cheered and got up one after another to practice their swordsmanship.

They, a group of ronin, were able to change their identity, blend into the Shiba family's establishment, and become official samurai warriors with the rank of vassal and salary. It was all because of Kondo's bravery that he took them to Luo Kyoto to fight against all odds.

Therefore, Kondo Isamu's prestige is higher at this time, and everyone is willing to obey her orders.

Kondo Isamu stared at them for a while, and saw that they were indeed obedient and practicing their swordsmanship, and then returned to the room with a cold face.

In the room, General Okita smiled and said nothing, Hijikata Toshizo shook his head and said.

"Kondo-hime, don't argue with them. They are all rough people. They managed to get into the samurai family and become members of the noble Shiba family.

This is a blessing that cannot be achieved in a few lifetimes. They are all crazy with joy. It is inevitable that they will be ecstatic and lose their manners, and it is understandable."

Kondo Isamu sighed and said.

"Of course I understand how they feel, and I am overjoyed.

Odaisuo was so generous, but he gave so much that it made me feel bad.

There is no free meal in the world. We seem to have successfully landed ashore, but in fact now is the most dangerous time.

We must not slack off at this time. If we can't do things beautifully and the Odaisho is furious and withdraws the reward, what should we do?

If you haven't got it, that's it. If you get it and then lose it, how many of them can bear this loss? By then, I'm afraid they will really go crazy."

Hijikata Tosei nodded and said.

"I admire Kondo-hime's foresight and foresight."

Kondo Isamu listened to his military advisor's seemingly serious but actually mocking words and sneered.

"Stop joking.

I know everyone is in a good mood, but at this time, we must maintain the correct attitude of grief and indignation to show to outsiders.

I just humiliated Yagyu Munenomi and Momochi Santafu. Even if they can't do anything to me on the surface, they may not be looking for trouble with us privately.

If they see us singing and dancing, and bring the matter to the attention of the Grand Odai, invoking Your Majesty's wrath, we will really die unjustly."

Chief Okita frowned.

"No way? After all, we are colleagues, and they are all Spo's retainers."

Hijikata Toshizo laughed and said.

"Okita-hime, you just know how to practice swordsmanship.

The Odaisho gave the three of us a total of 500 koku Zhixing, and also gave Miburou the establishment of thirty Shiba retainers, and enjoyed the benefits of the Shiba Chu Fund.

Do you know how heavy this reward is? How many people can’t help but be jealous?"

Okita Souji shook his head, looking confused, and Kondo Isamu explained to her.

"As far as I know, the Shiba Zhong Fund is a welfare for retainers just established by the Shiba family. In addition to thirty years of salary, they also enjoy two annuities a year, and can receive four to six koku of brown rice."

Okita Souji widened his eyes and asked in disbelief.

"Everyone has? Four to six stones?"

Kondo Isamu nodded and said.

"Yes, in addition to the annuity from the Spozhong Fund, we also received additional accommodation, funds, and information.

Our treatment is much higher than those of the Yagyu group and the ninjas of the confidentiality group.

You say, how could they not be jealous? Why do we enjoy these benefits? How can we keep these benefits from being lost in the future?"

Souji Okita frowned and said nothing, Hijikata Toshizo smiled.

"Takada Yukino-sama really has an extraordinary status in the heart of Odaisho.

I also didn't expect that Odaisho would give us so many benefits because of Takada Yukino-sama's serious injury. This may be because he was so angry that he didn't think too much.

But since we have gained benefits, we must hold on tightly and not lose them."

Kondo Isamu nodded.

"Although the Renshenglang has an organization, who are we?

We are not good at fighting in battle. We don't know how to spy on intelligence. We don't know what to do when watching the internal defense.

The only thing we can rely on is the influence of Takada Yukino-sama.

We were brought by her to serve Odai, and the only thing we can betray is our loyalty like Takada Yukino-sama!

Therefore, Lord Yukino Takada must be our spiritual leader. We must be sad and angry, and we must avenge her at all costs!

Only in this way can we have a place in the heart of the Grand Otai Institute, and can we firmly grasp the current treatment.

We are the most loyal and trustworthy eagle dogs of the Odai Institute. The Yagyu group and the confidentiality group may have selfish motives, but we absolutely do not!

Your Majesty, the one who seeks adultery is our Rensheng wolf!"

General Okita understood somewhat and nodded.

"That's why Kondo-hime went to negotiate with Momochi Santaifu and Yagyu Muneki as soon as possible, facing them with the toughest attitude, and showing our obedient attitude towards Odaisho?"

Kondo Isamu and Hijikata Toizo looked at each other and smiled.

"This was Hijikata-hime's idea.

We are new here, and we are most afraid of others stumbling behind our backs. We have no way out, we must complete the tasks assigned by the Great Otai. If we make a wrong step, we will be in the abyss."

This chapter has been completed!
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