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Chapter 1241 The key lies in Oda

 Akechi Mitsuhide looked at Yoshigan, who nodded. This trip to Tofukuji Temple will probably be humiliated by Oda Nobunaga. How cruel he was when he rejected her, how embarrassing it will be this time.

In this case, it is better to take this opportunity to get more benefits and not let yourself go to waste.

Yoshigan glanced at Mitsuhide Akechi. She thought she would be reserved. Even if she was humiliated, it would be limited. After all, Yoshigan's status was not what it was back then, and Oda Nobunaga did not dare to go too far.

But in fact, Yoshigan doesn't care what happens with Oda Nobunaga, and is even willing to give him straw, as long as Oda Nobunaga can allow the Mibu Wolf to retaliate in Kyoto and avenge Yukino.

Yoshigan and Akechi Mitsuhide seem to have the same goal, but in fact they have huge differences in their minds.

The holy Lord in Akechi Mitsuhide's eyes has actually long been accustomed to using his body as a weapon to conquer people's hearts.

Yiyin couldn't let go before because his identity was different from what it used to be.

People at different levels care about different things. The bottom level cares about morality, the middle level cares about interests, and the upper level cares about ideas.

The people at the bottom have nothing but morality to restrain their conscience. The middle people work hard to break through and want to climb up. The people at the top have no worries about food and clothing, and only their ideals can move them.

Yiyin climbed up from the bottom with a broken family, from worrying about his own safety to being able to take care of the people around him. Until now, he has begun to take on an identity and worry about the general trend of the world.

This is human nature. As his identity changes, his mentality keeps changing.

If it was Yoshigan when he first went to Luo, he would never have been disgraced by these people in the shogunate.

Because at that time Yoshigami had nothing and was shameless. He would take off his clothes when he was asked to take off his clothes during the review, even Ashikaga Yoshiteru was ashamed of him.

But now, as the Grand Odaisho, he will be manipulated to death due to various scruples. This is where Yiyin needs Akechi Mitsuhide.

When you put on shoes and become a noble person, you must maintain your own glorious personality. You cannot act as recklessly as you did when you were barefoot.

He needs a pair of white gloves to help him deal with things that are inconvenient for him and should not even be known to him. Even if the white gloves have his own ideas and are not completely obedient, Yiyin is reluctant to throw them away.

Because Akechi Mitsuhide, a poisonous man, is not only extremely resourceful, but he also truly loves Yoshigan and is willing to sacrifice everything for him.

Although the way she loves is a bit scary, Yiyin can't find a second pair of such easy-to-use white gloves.

He had been reluctant to use Akechi Mitsuhide because of the death of Ashikaga Yoshiteru because he had a bad conscience.

But as long as he puts aside his conscience and faces reality, Yoshihiro has long subconsciously discovered that he needs Mitsuhide Akechi.

Yoshigan, who had been struggling, finally lost all scruples when faced with the seriously injured Yukino, and released Mitsuhide Akechi. This was what he had always wanted to do deep in his heart.

Light and darkness are two sides of the same coin. In a sense, Yiyin and Guangxiu are a match made in heaven.

Yoshigan glanced at Akechi Mitsuhide, the counselor who regarded him as a holy man, but he didn't know that his master already had the idea of ​​​​going to Tofukuji Temple to send grass.

That's fine, Yoshigan didn't want to tell Akechi Mitsuhide about this, so he chose to remain silent.

Akechi Mitsuhide said solemnly.

"The relationship between the shogunate and the Oda family will deteriorate because of your departure. Your presence actually suppresses the conflicts between them.

Since you are already disheartened, why do you want to be a bad person here? Why don't you retreat to your home and solidify your own foundation.

Sibo Zhong Fund, chaos in Guandong, doves occupying the magpie's nest, there is nothing that does not require your careful consideration and careful combing.

Please leave the matters in Kyoto to me, I will not let you down."

Looking at Mitsuhide Akechi, who looked confident, Yoshigan finally nodded.

Unconsciously, the two chatted all night long. Yiyin opened the door wide and looked at the rising sun. A new day began.


Nijo Imperial Palace, meeting hall.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki looked at Ise Sakyo with a gloomy expression and asked.

"What did Tofukuji Temple say?"

Ise Sakyo bowed and said.

"His Majesty Oda is also very dissatisfied with the current chaos in Kyoto.

But she had doubts about sending troops to suppress the so-called Tenchu ​​of Shiba's retainers. After all, the Oda army stationed in Kyoto had always been unfair.

Therefore, Her Majesty Oda hopes that the shogunate can pass the Luozhong legal system she proposed in order to perfect the laws and make it easier for her to act in Kyoto."

Ashikaga Yoshiaki looked at Ise Sadakyu with suspicion. The shogunate's procedural approach to pervert Oda Nobunaga was the idea of ​​Ise Sadakō.

Now, Ise Sakyo is acting as a lobbyist for Oda Nobunaga, hoping that the shogunate will relax and give the Oda family the legal basis to stay in Kyoto for a long time.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki couldn't help but think about what the old fox Ise Sadakyo was thinking in his heart? Is she still on his side?

Of course, Ise Sakyo stood with Oda Nobunaga. Facts have proved that Ashikaga Yoshiaki is not only unreliable in character, but also hesitant in doing things, which is disappointing.

Ise Sakyo, who originally intended to jump ship and join Oda Nobunaga, took advantage of the opportunity of being sent as an envoy to Ashikaga Yoshiaki and began to flatter Oda Nobunaga.

This matter did not have to be done so hastily and obviously, but Ise Sadakyo was also desperate.

Yoshigan Ishiba made a fuss in the shogunate council and slapped Ashikaga Yoshiaki on the face, fulfilling Ise Sadakyu's wish, and both Ashikaga and Ashikaga were completely torn apart.

But something bad happened, the Ise family got into trouble. Yoshigan Shiba suspected that the attack on Yukino Takada was related to the Ise family.

Ise Sadaki failed to get rid of the shogunate warriors in Odate Ueno at the first time, so Ise Sadaki's heart was always hanging.

If the Shiba family were to find those Hime warriors first and find out the Ise family's role in the ambush, the Ise family would really be doomed.

Shiba Yiyin was so famous that he said that if he wanted to kill the Ise family, the entire Ise family would definitely die.

The original intention was to intensify the conflict between the two sides in Ashiro, so that the Ise family could take advantage of the chaos and find a way out of the cracks, but something went wrong in the matter of silencing them.

Ise Sakyo did not dare to bet that her daughter would find someone before the Shiba family and silence her. She could only start to get closer to the Oda family in advance. Even if Ashikaga Yoshiaki was suspicious of her, she could not care.

She said solemnly.

"My lord Gongfang, you have no scruples about the misconduct of the emperor during the review of the shogunate where the imperial palace is located.

So far, no one from the various shogunate families has come forward to condemn the misconduct of the Odaisho, which deserves our vigilance.

The various families in the shogunate are unwilling to stand on the opposite side of the Odaisho. Without the support of His Highness Oda, how can the Tenshu that is getting worse in Kyoto be solved?"

Ashikaga Yoshiaki said angrily.

"It was you who said you could circumvent the Oda family's Luozhong legal system, and it was you who proposed the remarriage strategy! It was you who launched a forced-conquest campaign against the Odaisho on the grounds that His Majesty Oda was on our side!

This is all your fault! It was you who pushed me step by step to the opposite side of Odaisho!"

Yoshiaki Shiba's slap made Ashikaga Yoshiaki hate her to the core, but it also made her feel extremely frightened.

Seeing that Ashikaga Yoshiaki didn't take any responsibility at all, and even put all the responsibility on Ise Sakyo, Wada Weimasa couldn't stand it.

Ise Sakyo had no good intentions, but how could Ashikaga Yoshiaki be considered innocent? If she hadn't been power-hungry and ungrateful, how could Ishiba Yoshigoshi be so kind as to embarrass the general in public?

Gu Fei

Ashikaga Yoshiaki's harsh criticism of Ise Sakyo also chilled the Ashikaga ministers who were watching.

In contrast, Ise Sakyo was more tolerant. She took advantage of Ashikaga Yoshiaki's greed for power and deliberately created conflicts to help the Ise family get through. The scolding was not unjust.

She had bad intentions in the first place and didn't care about Ashikaga Yoshiaki's current fear and anger.

What she needs to do is to get Ashikaga Yoshiaki to agree to Oda Nobunaga's Rakuchu legal system and make a contribution to the Oda family so that the Ise family can change their family in the future so that they can join the new master.

Ise Sakyo said with sincerity.

"Lord Gongfang, I misjudged the situation, and all my mistakes are my fault. But now is not the time to care about this.

The various families in the shogunate were intimidated by the power of the Odaisho and did not dare to obstruct it. If we cannot win the support of His Highness Oda, we will not be able to suppress the Shiba family's Tenshu rebellion in Kyoto.

Da Oitaisuo has gone crazy. He will embarrass you in public without caring about your majesty. If you can't stop him from continuing to act recklessly, your future will be..."

Ise Sakyo stopped talking and looked at Ashikaga Yoshiaki.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki kept a cold face and said nothing. She had lost all face in the council meeting.

If the situation continues to deteriorate and every family in the shogunate follows Oitai's lead, what else does she, the general, have to do?

Seeing that she could listen, Ise Sadakyo struck a chord while the iron was hot.

"The Hosokawa Mibuchi family is waiting and watching, and most of the shogunate families are thinking the same way. But there are some people who cannot escape, those who are the targets of heaven's punishment.

If they are all killed one by one to scare the monkeys, and the concubines are afraid, the shogunate in the future will really become the world of the Odaisho, who will take you seriously?

You must take action and join forces with His Highness Oda to suppress the Odaisho, stop Tenchu, maintain the order of the shogunate, and maintain your authority."

Ashikaga Yoshiaki narrowed his eyes and said nothing.

Wada Weimasa glanced at Ise Sadakyo and said coldly.

"His Majesty Oda came to Nijo Imperial Palace to see the shogun before, and he clearly expressed his support for the shogun. But there were so many things going on in the shogunate, Tenchu ​​caused chaos in the castle town, and Oda's army didn't respond at all!

Mr. Ise, how can you guarantee that His Highness Oda will cooperate this time? If she chooses to wait and see again and pays lip service but does not follow through, wouldn't the general's situation be even more difficult?"

Ashikaga Yoshiaki hesitated and nodded.

Wada Weimasa continued.

"In my opinion, the foreign vassals are not trustworthy. Lord Gongfang, it is better to have a good talk with the Odaisho.

If the shogunate continues to be in chaos, it will only make outsiders laugh and let villains get an advantage, which will not be good for both Lisboa and Lisboa."

Wada Weimasa was so rude that he stabbed Ise Sadaoka, and was very angry with this old fox who was sowing discord.

Originally, the transfer of power was going smoothly, and the shogunate was about to get on the right track. It was the Ise Sadato who caused trouble in the middle, causing enough trouble for Lisbo to turn against him.

Now that things have happened, not only has she not stopped, but she has intensified her efforts, and she really wants to kill the shogunate.

People like Wada Weimasa were engaged in activities that had nothing to do with themselves, and they were forced to get into trouble. Now they are in a cold sweat.

Who is Shiba Yiyin? A unique genius who conquered the entire Kanto region in just three years, a rare man from the Wu family who has not been born for a thousand years.

People like Wada Weimasa just want to rise to the top of the shogunate by supporting Ashikaga Yoshiaki. They don't want to fall out with a peerless man like Yoshihiro Shiba and end up in a commotion.

Ise Sakyo himself betrayed his ancestors and messed around in order to preserve the family business. Now he wants to drag everyone into trouble. How can Wada Weimasa endure it?

Ise Sakyo didn't care about her sarcasm and said with a smile.

"Then I would like to ask Wada-sama, if Ootaisho is willing to reconcile, why would there be such a slap?"

Wada Weimasa was speechless, and Ashikaga Yoshiaki's eyes twitched. The slap Yoshigan Shiba slapped on Ashikaga Yoshiaki's face was a hurdle that neither party could get around.

With such a ruthless move to break up, even if Wada Weimasa wanted to restore harmony, the two sides had no basis for trust. If they really shook hands and made peace at this time, Ashikaga Yoshiaki would have no shame in being a human being in the future.

Is a general who can be slapped casually and still choose to swallow his anger still a majestic Ashikaga general? Who would respect such a ridiculous general?

Ashikaga Yoshiaki gritted his teeth and asked Ise Sadaka.

"Are you sure that this is the condition for Your Highness Oda? As long as the shogunate passes the Luozhong legal system, she will step in to suppress the chaos in Kyoto?"

Wada Weimasa opened her mouth to persuade, but she didn't know how to persuade. The slap in the face was too hurtful. Unless Yoshigan Shiba made a clear concession, Ashikaga Yoshiaki would never compromise and end.

Ise Sadaoka nodded.

"Through Luozhong's legal system, the Kyoto garrison was appointed by the Oda retainer."

The second half of the sentence surprised Wada Weimasa and interrupted.

"No! Even if the system is reorganized, the candidates for Kyoto's garrison should be appointed by the shogunate. How can they be left to the private appointment of foreign vassals!"

Ise Sakyo glanced at Wada Weimasa and said coldly.

"Master Wada, if Oda's retainers cannot serve as guards and pass the Luozhong legal system, what will it mean to His Highness Oda?"

Wada Weimasa insisted.

“That should be nominated by His Highness Oda and approved by the shogunate before the appointment process can be completed.

The right to appoint the Kyoto garrison must belong to the shogunate, and cannot be allowed to be replaced by a foreign vassal!

Mr. Gongkata! If the Oda family has evil intentions, wouldn’t the shogunate be willing to let mermaids do their bidding in the future?”

Ashikaga Yoshiaki hesitated and said.

"The defense of Kyoto can be shared by two people, and I allow one of the places to be decided by the Oda family."

Ise Sadakyo glanced at Ashikaga Yoshiaki, but he didn't expect that this mediocre man could be wise in his haste. Are there two Kyoto guards?

It not only gave Oda Nobunaga face, but also kept the center of the shogunate to control part of Kyoto's military power, which was a compromise.

Wada Weimasa nodded.

"General, you are wise! If His Majesty Oda refuses to agree, he has evil intentions!"

Ise Sadakyo knew that Wada Weimasa's words were directed at herself, so she nodded.

"I will go to Tofukuji Temple again and try my best to convince His Highness Oda."

When Ashikaga Yoshiaki saw her volunteering, he felt even more twisted in his heart. Ise Sakyo treated this matter so diligently, was he loyal to himself, or did he have other expectations for Oda Nobunaga?

After being slapped by Yoshigan, Ashikaga Yoshiaki's head, which was burning because he became a general, finally calmed down a little.

She glanced at Ise Sadakyo who volunteered, suppressed her dissatisfaction, and nodded.

"Go and come back quickly."

This chapter has been completed!
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